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Deering Heights Daily
Portland Oregon
Feature Article
Living in a Dream
Lena Halloway is a criminal. She is illegally in love with a boy named Alex, who is an invalid. In a recent raid night, Lena was spotted at a party. The lead Raider Josh Johnson, says, "I was chasing Lena and a boy through a dark room when she spilled something and I fell." Yesterday, Lena was captured but Alex escaped. She will be treated with the cure early.
Advice Column
Dear Carolyn,  
My best friend has been acting different for a long time now. She has been hanging around a boy for like, three weeks. He is all she ever talks about and she never wants to hang out. I've even heard he is an invalid. What should i do? 
Worried Friend
Dear Worried,
Your friend definitely has delirium. You should talk to her about it. If she does not change you need to tell the police and her parents. She needs the cure soon.

Thank You for Contacting Carolyn.

The Book by Lauren Oliver
Movie Casting
Peyton list...Lena
levin Rambin...Hana
Channing tatum...Alex
Elizabeth banks...Aunt Carol
Kendel and karson Skinner...Gracie
Debby Ryan...Rachel
Dylan Sprouse...Brian Scharff
Sam Clafin...Drew
Dwayne Johnson...Gaurd
Emile de Ravin...Lena's Mom
Skai JAckson...jenny
Adam Sandler...Uncle William
Dayo Okniyi...Regulator 1
Alexander Ludwig...Regulator 2
Josh hollaway...Regulator 3

The statue that Lena and Hana run by.
Obituary: Alex Sheathes
 Alex wants to be remembered as a caring invalid. He loved and cared for Lena. On December 31, 2999, Alex was shot from a helicopter hovering above and killed. He was good at crossing the fence and going unseen or unnoticed. He was trying to escape on a motorcycle with Lena so they could live in peace. Lena was last seen running into the Wilds.

The Cure: Delirium Vaccine
Died December 31, 2999
The Statue Lena and Hana run by.
Lena's House
Buy Deliriamade now! Do you think you have delirium? Are you miles from a hospital? than go to your local store and get: Deliriumade! Just 6.99 for a six-pack, or buy a single for 2.99!
Help Wanted!
The Deleriamart in Portland, Oregon needs you! Come keep your store up and start working now! Pays 9.99 an hour.
Movie Review: Delirium 5 STARS
Lauren Oliver wrote delirium. It was a great BOOK BUT AN EVEN BETTER movie! The movie was set in Portland, Oregon, During the future. There is a disease known as delirium. Most get the cure after they are teens, but some get it while they are teens. This is because they fell in love at an early age. Lena Hallaway is suddenly caught up in love with a boy named Alex a few months before the evaluation for her husband. Alex tries to get her to run away with him. Will Lena decide to stay or follow Alex? Will she tell anyone?