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 The Magdalena Chronicles!
       The news where you'll be running for Narnia!! 
              ADVICE COLUMN
Dear Brook,
  My best-friend has been acting very oddly since our evaluation. What has occurred is that she is listening to illegal music and also she's happens to be sneaking out after curfew and going to restricted parties, she has always been my best-friend and helped me with my problems and was like a sister to me. I just think that she is being very child-like and impractical! Wouldn't you say so too? 
          Sincerely, Loving friend

Dear Loving, First I would call your self loving or a good friend because you're not very loving, if your are not there for your friend. If she is listening to illegal music tell her to stop, if she doesn't listen mind your own business. Also about the sneaking out just leave her alone she will notice how to do the right thing at the right time, just don't be a snitch and tell all her business. IT'S HER LIFE LET HER LIVE IT NOT YOU!
            Warm regards, Brook

            Featured A+ Article
Hana is Lena's best friend in the book Delirium, Ever since Lena's evaluation went terribly wrong Hana started acting a lot different. Knowing Hana's beautiful,nice, and sweet personality Lena was worried about her...alot . Hana had started to listen to illegal music and was sneaking out past society curfew. One night Hana had invited Lean to a party after curfew and not a place where Lena or Hana would usually go. So Lena decided not to go, but then Lena heard there was going to be a raiding where Hana was going so Lena decided to try and stop her. As Lena came to the party she saw that they all were listening to illegal music to she tried to get Hana but she would not listen! So Lena tried to get out herself but it was t late,luckily Alex was there to save her from severe damage.
                                    Portland Criticizers 
The movie delirium is a wonderful amazing movie. it has excitement, love, and a thrilling suspense. The main character Lena will be played by the gorgeous Mia Mitchell and Alex will be played by the hottie of the teenage century Jake T. Austin. This movie is about a girl named Lena who lives in a society where love is a disease. Lena thinks that  love is a very reasonable disease, she thinks that love is something that can kill you. That's until she meets Alex, Lena and Alex start hanging out alot but there was something different about Alex. He was an invalid, an invalid is a person who has not had the cure and doesn't want it so they, the invalids live in the wilds. Lena starts t fall in love with Alex and starts to see that love isn't such a bad thing. or is it?This movie will will be coming to a theater near you this Friday.  
 January 6,2019
want to be a professional evaluator? Here the job for you... just fill out an application and you'll be an evaluating king or queen!
         Word of the Day:
OMBUDSMAN-a government official who investigates complaints made by individuals against public officials
Did you know that? There's a volcano in Portland's city limits. 
Did you know that? Instead of getting killed for disobeying our society's laws you will not die but go to a mentally insane asylum prison.
Did you know that?  Love is not a Physical disease, but actually a Mental disease.