Monday, July 27, 2015
Technology Times
Technology is life
Dear: People out in the world
The personal problems we have today is we are to caught up on the internet that we don't even notice the things around our beautiful nature advices us because we are to busy on our phones,laptops,i pods,i pads, even television I wish we didn't have it because we don't get to explore the things we have out in the beautiful world we have I think with out this technology we obsesses over we could maybe spend more time with family instead just focused on the tiny screen that wont get you anywhere in life so I think those are our personal problems I think we should all fix this problem but all of is up to us if we do want to change but you will never know until you try to fix the internet obsession we have over these days.
This weekend i was just at home when i saw a movie commercial and it looked intersting the movie was called brain jack so i decide to watch because it looked intresting so i went whenthe movie started it was amazing it had so many characters so much details the way the boy felt he was going to get away with what ever he has done will someone tell on him and give him away or will h get caught what his doing or will he get away with it and move on.