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As the title suggests, the decline of our civilization is imminent, but it goes beyond war, famine, racism, homophobia, sexism or any other Orwellian nightmare; to put yourself in Jordaan Mason’s shoes is to put yourself in the situation of every contemplation of suicide culminating in shame and self-hatred. Within the ridiculous amount of stimulation society offers nowadays, there’s a generation of kids dealing with a lack of stimuli and writing poetry on the back of their textbooks. Mason just so happens to express this collective emotion immensely well. That’s why this album merits itself in its brilliance: The decline of western civilization isn’t a societal one. It is the personal death of one’s desires starting from the libido and culminating with the necessity to be numbed by drugs, alcohol, sex, Facebook, parents, cigarettes, Twitter, memes, basement shows, and everything around us. Jordaan Mason’s personal civilization – whatever they thought they wanted, needed or feared and the things around them – is already fucking gone.
You Should Probably Listen To: Every song.
Rating: 9/10
R.G Magellan