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This is Dr. Holmes. Teacher of music, recorder, orff, and chorus. 
Dr. Holmes has been a music teacher for 33 years, 8 years in Mississippi and the rest in Florida. Her inspiration to become a music teacher was from one of her college professors. 
Recorder began meeting again last Wednesday, January 20th.  The following day chorus met Thursday the 21st, and orff met this past Monday the 25th . The next performance will be May 22nd and the theme is musical montage. Grades 4 and 5 can participate in chorus, 3rd graders are able to join recorder, and orff is exclusively for 5th graders. Dr. Holmes has sent letters home about these important dates.
These are the orff instruments.
This is the coach of Physical Education and Cross Country: Coach Hartman.
Cross Country is a club for students to practice running and go to other schools to race against other Seminole County students.  Practice is in the morning from 8:05-8:30. To attend these practices you must bring back a permission slip to Coach Hartman. All grades, Kindergarten through Fifth Grade, can participate. 
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Owl News Network brings Forest City students the news each morning.  There are many jobs to get the news on-air.  The jobs are: Anchor 1, Anchor 2, Special Corespondent, Sound Engineer, Video Engineer, Director, Media, Teleprompter, and Two Multi-Experts/Floaters. If you are in 5th grade you can apply at the end of each trimester.  Fourth graders can apply at the end of the school year. 
School Clubs
This is Mr. Schimmel.  He runs the Owl News Network. 
Math club is a very important problem solving class. The questions are very challenging for many of the 4th and 5th graders that attend math club.

Math Club meets at 7:30 A.M. on Tuesdays. The students who attend Math Club meet in Mrs. Walton's classroom to start the morning with challenging math equations.

Students reveal their answers to the teachers and discuss if the answers are correct or incorrect. If the answers are incorrect then both teachers explain how to get the right answers. 
Mrs. Walton, 4th grade teacher and Mrs. Baptist, math coach, run the Math Club and help students when they are stuck on problems. 
Credits:  Jessica, Aliyah, Karla, and Adrian