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Uighur China

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There is a very important human rights crisis going on in Xinjiang, China right now. The Chinese government is expanding their detention camps for Uighurs and enslaving them. Uighurs are a Turkish minority Muslims who are natives of Xinjiang. Between one and three million uighurs have been imprisoned since 2017 and over one million confirmed dead. The purpose of the detention centers are to suppress the Uighur Muslims. There are at least 85 identified camps. The Chinese government is targeting Uighurs because they say that they hold “extremist” views and values that are a threat. Eighty percent of Uighurs live in Xinjiang (China’s most west province), which is a politically-sensitive region the eight other countries border. Uighurs refuse to accept that Xijiang is a part of China. This is because Xijiang has been under China’s control since 1949. This caused a lot of controversy and conflict that lead to Muslim detainment.
In 2017, there were allegations concerning the camps. China denied those claims. But in November of 2019, pictures resurfaced of buildings with watchtowers, barbed wire, and fences. When this information was brought to the attention of China’s officials, they responded saying that the unidentified buildings are “re-educating centers”. Escaped Uighurs said that they were not “re-educated”. Inside the camps, women are forced to take birth control to decrease the Uighur population, children are going missing, Muslims are being illegally detained, interrogated, beaten, tortured, blindfolded and forced to eat pork. (against their religion ) Innocent Muslims are currently being enslaved not because of their actions, simply because of who they are.
What's Happening To Uighurs In China?
A protest of the Uighur detainment taken in China
By Cinae Purvis