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 Wordle Fever!
By Jade Perry 

     Wordle is the new word puzzle game taking the world by storm.
     What’s a Wordle? 
     The basic premise of the game is you have to find the five letter word of the day by typing in words of the same length. When you type a word that shares a character with the word of the day, it will be yellow or green. 
     Yellow means you have found a letter but it is in the wrong spot, and green means that the letter is in the right spot. You have six chances to get the word right. The game is simple, yet addictive.
     “Wordle stimulates the brain and is a fantastic way to start the day," said Nick K., local Wordle enthusiast.
      “Wordle is a daily competition between me and my husband; my current streak is 27.” Mrs. Kloc. said. 
     Wordle has completely enthralled the public with its simplistic game style. 
     According to the New York Times, Wordle has over 300,000 daily users, and the numbers only continue to grow!
     What’s the best part of all this? Wordle is completely free to play! 
     You can play on the main site once a day, but if you want to play more than once a day you can check out the Wordle archive site which hosts over 200 previous Wordles, just don’t catch the Wordle fever!