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Skittle Burgers

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,361

Skittle Burger

Follow the "how to" steps and you'll be eating these little sliders in no time. Why make them? Because you like sugary cocaine more then bloody cow meat.

How To Make A

step 1

step 2

published: The Idiots Manual

Yarn Bombing

Posted by chie Views: 10,149

AKA: guerrilla knitting, or graffiti knitting

examples have been recorded as early as May 2004 in Den Helder,  Netherlands. In the U.S.,  But the movement was created in Texas knitters in 2005 used their leftover and unfinished knitting projects,  but it has since spread worldwide. -  wikipedia

Knitters turn to graffiti artists 



thanks to  'Generation WTF' in fb for the resourcesharing of all sorts.

 I love my town look like this!!!!

Yarn Bombing may last for years, they are considered non-permanent, and, unlike graffiti, can be easily removed if necessary. Nonetheless, the practice is still technically illegal, though it is not often prosecuted vigorously. 

I'd love my town to look
like this! Yarn Bombing
may last a little longer than the usual bombing materials, but they are considered
non-permanent, and unlike graffiti, it can be easily removed. Nonetheless, the practice is still technically vandalism, but its not often prosecuted vigorously.
I know a few people who've seen it in Brooklyn and Long Beach CA. 
images via google.

BBC news you tube about London Bombing

Yarn Bombing Facebook Page

Bleached Out Barbie Doll

Posted by chie Views: 10,161

Bleached-Out Barbie DOLL (s)?

Barbie Doll images via:

I love my funky little 



work it!!


it's like,





I like when the bass goes boom.

Posted by AlFredEx Views: 14,197

You Suck Cookies

Posted by Wildcats Views: 21,399

Keep It Real 

and really fuckin' 

sweet bitches. 

Only Style Remains

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,178

Fashion fades, 

only style 

remains the 


- Coco Chanel 

Free Ownzee Stickers!!!

Posted by Humby Views: 18,259

Get your FREE Ownzee Stickers!!!

Fill out the form and we'll send you Ownzee stickers for FREE!

Christmas in America

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,460

  An overview of Christmas in America


1600's: The Puritans made it illegal to mention St. Nicolas' name. People were not allowed to exchange gifts, light a candle, or sing Christmas carols.

17th century: Dutch immigrants brought with them the legend of Sinter Klaas.

1773: Santa first appeared in the media as St. A Claus.

1804: The New York Historical Society was founded with St. Nicolas as its patron saint. Its members engaged in the Dutch practice of gift-giving at Christmas. 

1809: Washington Irving, writing under the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker, included Saint Nicolas in his book "A History of New York." Nicolas is described as riding into town on a horse.

1812: Irving, revised his book to include Nicolas riding over the trees in a wagon.

1821: William Gilley printed a poem about "Santeclaus" who was dressed in fur and drove a sleigh drawn by a single reindeer.


1822: Dentist Clement Clarke Moore is believed by many to have written a poem "An Account of a Visit from Saint Nicolas," which became better known as "The Night before Christmas." Santa is portrayed as an elf with a miniature sleigh equipped with eight reindeer which are named in the poem as Blitzem, Comet, Cupid, Dancer, Dasher, Donder, Prancer, and Vixen. Others attribute the poem to a contemporary, Henry Livingston, Jr. Two have since been renamed Donner and Blitzen.

1841: J.W. Parkinson, a Philadelphia merchant, hired a man to dress up in a "Criscringle" outfit and climb the chimney of his store.

1863: Illustrator Thomas Nast created images of Santa for the Christmas editions of Harper's Magazine. These continued through the 1890's.

1860s: President Abraham Lincoln asked Nast to create a drawing of Santa with some Union soldiers. This image of Santa supporting the enemy had a demoralizing influence on the Confederate army -- an early example of psychological warfare.

1897: Francis P Church, Editor of the New York Sun, wrote an editorial in response to a letter from an eight year-old girl, Virginia O'Hanlon. She had written the paper asking whether there really was a Santa Claus. It has become known as the "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" 

1920's: The image of Santa had been standardized to portray a bearded, over-weight, jolly man dressed in a red suit with white trim. 

1931: Haddon Sundblom, illustrator for The Coca-Cola ™ company drew a series of Santa images in their Christmas advertisements until 1964. The company holds the trademark for the Coca-Cola Santa design. Christmas ads including Santa continue to the present day.

1939 Copywriter Robert L. May of the Montgomery Ward Company created a poem about Rudolph, the ninth reindeer. May had been "often taunted as a child for being shy, small and slight." He created an ostracized reindeer with a shiny red nose who became a hero one foggy Christmas eve. Santa was part-way through deliveries when the visibility started to degenerate. Santa added Rudolph to his team of reindeer to help illuminate the path. A copy of the poem was given free to Montgomery Ward customers. 

1949: Johnny Marks wrote the song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Rudolph was relocated to the North Pole where he was initially rejected by the other reindeer who wouldn't let him play in their reindeer games because of his strange looking nose. The song was recorded by Gene Autry and became his all-time best seller. Next to "White Christmas" it is the most popular song of all time.

1993: An urban folk tale began to circulate about a Japanese department store displaying a life-sized Santa Claus being crucified on a cross. It never happened.

1997: Artist Robert Cenedella drew a painting of a crucified Santa Claus. It was displayed in the window of the New York's Art Students League and received intense criticism from some religious groups. His drawing was a protest. He attempted to show how Santa Claus had replaced Jesus Christ as the most important personality at Christmas time. 

A little background Americana on  

the most wonderful time of the year.

The Story of The Scream?

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 20,252

Why Did The Screamer Scream? 

It's been frustrating art historians for generations. Here's a little background, and might now help you understand "The Scream" by Edvard Munch a little better. 

DIY - Do It Yourself!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,286

Jose Parla Converse Shoe

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,736



World AIDS Day – Which was on December 1st – saw the launch of the limited edition (CONVERSE)RED Chuck Taylor All Star shoe by José Parlá. A painter widely acclaimed in the art world, Parlá’s collaboration with (CONVERSE)RED raises awareness for the fight against AIDS and encourages consumers to turn art into power. 10% of the wholesale price of each shoe will go directly to Global Fund programs that fight AIDS.

“Wearing Chuck Taylor All Star shoes as a kid , I never imagined that one day there would be such an awful disease like AIDS and that, as an artist, I could help by collaborating with Converse,” says Parlá. “I invite people to join in the effort… and become an agent of change.”



Life is when you don't sleep

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,102

when you can't 

Life is something to do 

get to sleep.

- Fran Lebowitz 


Salsa Dancing Chihuahua

Posted by Wildcats Views: 22,604

A Dancing Chihuahua


This is the best thing I've seen all week. This little dog dances better then my mom. At first I couldn't tell if it was some skillful motion graphics or something. This is the real deal. Viva La Salsa! 

Batman Wannabe's Are Awesome

Posted by Wildcats Views: 16,367

Is that who I think it is...

no, it can't be. >:-)

Dragons Exist, Wings and All

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,754

Reddit user biophilia curiosis of Operation Wallacea spotted this specimen in Buton, Indonesia.


While participating in a herpetology study we stumbled across this female laying eggs in a nest. She was found in the Lambsuango Forest reserve and was immediately released after this photograph was taken.


Here’s what they look like when they’re not guarding vast amounts of treasure, or raining fire down on castles.  The species may be related to Draco volans.


Warning: For all you Dungeons and Dragons fans out there, this article may result in you changing pants and underwear. 

Sue Lyon (1962)

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 22,744

Sue Lyon at the 1962 premiere of Stanley Kubrick’s Lolita

Graffiti Addicted Teens Getting Help?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,519

Graffiti Addicted Teens In Self Expression Rehab? 

A city program is now weaning graffiti artists off their addiction by training them to use acrylic paints and paintbrushes instead of paint cans.


Whenever a teenager is arrested for tagging in the streets, they are sent to the ten-week ‘Paint Straight’ course, which takes place at Brooklyn Family Court. Established by graffiti legend Rafael Perez (Tatu Xmen), the teens are able to relate to their teachers and understand that the lessons only work for their benefit.


“When I look at you I look at myself 20 years ago,” Perez said. “And one day you’re going to need a job.”

According to his estimate, Perez caused millions of dollars of damage in his time. He was never arrested, because at the time New York put all its efforts towards reducing homicide rates.


Graffiti book author David Villorente said “There was no real risk of getting caught until Giuliani got into office. I was still painting trains when it was a slap on the wrist.”


Perez told his students “I love graffiti, but now I love it legally. If somebody writes on my house I’m pissed.”

Probation Commissioner Vincent Schiraldi explained “I’m not the commissioner of cultural affairs. At the end of the day my job is to make sure these kids don’t get arrested. And this is about as good as it gets.”


Since the program’s inception, only one in 33 teens has been rearrested.


“We’re not critics,” said Sergeant Herb Mai of the NYPD’s Vandals Squad told the kids. “Some of it, if it’s on the canvas, it’s gorgeous. You have a talent. It’s an amazing talent. Use it the right way.”

Don't Say Sorry (Too Soon!!)

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,203

Don't Say Sorry Too Soon 

Let's keep it simple, when it comes to beautiful women men are fuckin' stupid. We do almost everything wrong that we aren't supposed to on a date or whatever. One of the most common mistakes is saying sorry for things you shouldn't be sorry for, yet you still say sorry because you think her beauty is like...the holy grail or something. She isn't...and she takes a shit just like you and if she doesn't shower in 1 day she will smell like you too...or worse. Treat her like a person, if she's awesome...great...if she sucks, let her know and keep moving along. Do you spend your life telling an old friend how much of an asshole they are? NO! You don't. Don't give your attention to a woman that doesn't deserve it either, and never, ever say sorry when you did nothing wrong. Be a fuckin' man. 

In my scientific study, I find that you are a fucking pu$$y if you say sorry too much. 

The Amazing Spider-Man Movie Poster!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,880

It's been a very busy day for fans of superhero films and it's only getting more exciting as we've managed to get our hands on the brand-new poster for Columbia Pictures' The Amazing Spider-Man!


You can check out the stylish design below, which features Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker scaling a wall and casting a distinctly eight-legged shadow. What's more, the tagline cryptically teases that the 3D release will tell "The Untold Story". If this doesn't get you excited for the July 3, 2012 release, nothing will!


The Marc Webb-directed action adventure also stars Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen and Sally Field.

First Look at The Amazing Spider-Man Poster! this looks pretty damn amazing to me. 

Escape the City

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,382

something to consider...