Make your own magazine.

Make your own magazine

DADD (lol)

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,577

You have been warned. 

A Puppy Smile

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,995

Here is your young new friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.  You are his life, his love, his leader.  He will forever be yours, faithful and true. 






The Real Beavis and Butthead

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 22,203

Real Life Beavis and Butthead. Scary shit! 

Whoa, these fuckers were always ugly and stupid...but seeing them this way is freaky. I could see 2 kids like this hanging out at Walmart in some Texas small town any day. Weird! 

Warren Buffett Throws Up

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,728




Looks like Jay-Z has replaced Dame Dash with a billionaire. 81-year-old Warren Buffett -- one of the richest men on the planet -- got downright gangsta at the grand reopening of Jay Z's 40/40 nightclub in NYC last night ... throwin' up the Roc-a-Fella sign ... like a boss. 

Via: TMZ

Shopping with Metallica

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,229










Guinness Bailey's Float

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 21,507

Winter Cold 



  • 1 Part Guinness
  • 1 Shot of Bailey’s Irish Cream
  • 1 scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream
  • (Option) A Shot of Jameson Whiskey for that extra kick.

I had to test out the order in which to put in the different ingredients a few times.  The best way seemed to be adding the scoop of ice cream first, the shots of liquor second, and the Guinness last.  The Bailey’s and Ice Cream will probably start to coagulate in the Guinness, so use a spoon to stir things up and to scoop out the ice cream as you drink it. Not sure if it was a success….but it wasn’t bad!


A Grace Helbig inspired...Guiness Bailey’s Float





















Heart Sun Glasses

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,450




SOPA: Tyranny

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,849

Because Tyranny Hides and creeps      everywhere.

World History In Color

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 19,202

Photo Series of the Day: To promote her newly launched photo restoration business, Swedish artist Sanna Dullaway colorized a few of history’s more iconic photos.

Via: imgur

Hot Dogs Cause Cancer?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,694

The more you eat, the greater the risk. In the study, the risk increased by nearly 20 percent for every 50 grammes of processed meat eaten daily.

50 grams is roughly one hot dog, meaning that a person who eats five hot dogs every day has doubled his or her risk of falling ill.

Pancreatic cancer is unusual, however, so the risk remains relatively low.

The meat itself in products such as bacon, hot dogs and patés isn't what causes cancer. Instead, the processed meats' additives and preservatives, nitrites in particular, turned out to be the culprits.

Nitrites occur in most processed meats. Apart from increasing shelf life, nitrites protect against botulism, a deadly form of food poisoning. 

On the other hand, nitrites can also be converted to nitrosamines, a source of cancer.

"The risk depends on the dosage. The more you eat, the greater the risk," Susanna Larsson, associate epidemiology professor at Karolinska Institute, told news agency TT.

The study she presented in the British Journal of Cancer is a meta analysis, combining seven other studies.

"Since those studies were well-made, I consider our study to be highly reliable."

Larsson emphasized that pancreatic cancer is a relatively unusual disease. 900 Swedes are diagnosed annually, the majority of which are over 65 years old.

On the other hand, the cancer is very difficult to treat.

"It's among the worst kind you can get."

Larsson has shown in a previous study that processed meats also increase the risk of a far more common form of cancer, gastrointestinal cancer.

"Anyone who eats a lot of processed meat should probably reduce their consumption."

Per Ola Damerud, toxicologist at the National Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket), told TT that it's difficult to radically change the agency's recommendations from one single study. Further studies showing the same risks need to be undertaken and evaluated.

He does provide some advice on the matter, however.

"Today we advise to eat a varied diet, and not too much of salt or saturated fats. And all that means that you should avoid eating too much of these products. However, at the moment we don't have any specific advice on processed meats," said Damerud.

Do Hotdogs 


Cause Cancer?

Munching regularly on hot dogs and patés may put you at risk of cancer. Processed meats have been shown to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, in a Swedish study published in the British Journal of Cancer.


Lado Alexi for Vogue (Germany)

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 18,455

Lado Alexi for Vogue Germany Horoscope 2012

Hummus and Avocado Toasts with Roasted Tomatoes

Posted by AlFredEx Views: 14,122


Hummus and Avocado 

Toasts with Roasted Tomatoes






Makes 6 – 8 party bites


6-8 slices of bread [gluten-free, whole wheat, etc.]

1/2 cup hummus [store bought or homemade]

1 avocado – halved, pitted and peeled

4 plum tomatoes, halved lengthwise, cores and seeds removed

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

salt + pepper to taste



Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

Arrange the tomatoes on your baking sheet, cut sides up, in a single layer. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Season with salt and pepper.


Roast for 25-30 minutes, until the tomatoes are beginning to caramelize.

While the tomatoes roast, toast your bread. Using a cookie cutter or circular object, cut out 1-2 circles per toast, depending on how big the piece of bread is.


Spread ½-1 tablespoon of hummus on each circular toast.


In a bowl or plate, mash avocado with a fork, leaving large chunks.


Layer the mashed avocado over hummus, season with salt + pepper, and then top with a roasted [or fresh] tomato.


Serve immediately.

Optional: top with goat cheese or feta or serve on the side.

I want to be invited to a party now just so I can make this. Sometimes when you think you are creative, you realize you ain't got nothing on making good finger foods. Good thing I found this. Bring it on! 

The government solution to a problem

Posted by Humby Views: 16,120

The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.

Milton Friedman

Walk The Dog, Get the Pretty Chick?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,652

his is the first of the strategies to approach and pick up women during the day.The general and generic rules for success were posted on that old article. But just to remind you, remember that the most important things are for you to be natural and direct, as well as possitive and to inspire safety.As with everything, failure can and will happen. But you got to practice and develop these techniques until you get more and more successful.


As the title implies, this technique is all about dogs – and believe me, you got to love these guys. They are men’s best friend for one good reason! They are always happy to see you and are always full of energy and joy. If you have a dog as pet it would be impossible for you not to love them. But yet, even if you don’t appreciate them for all what they are already, there’s one more reason for you to start doing so. Dogs are one of the best help you’ll ever have when picking up girls during the day.

Dogs pose, for you and the girls, as a perfect excuse to open a conversation. If you were walking in the street and approached some girl, it may look a bit odd. But instead, if you approach her while she is walking out her dog, the approach becomes somehow more accepted. After all, phrases as “Oh, what a lovely dog. What’s his name?” look totally inoffensive. This applies not only for when you are the one approaching, but also when girls might want to approach you instead. It’s not so common for a girl to start talking to you randomly in the street – but if you are walking out your dog these things just happen.

Dogs are popular by themselves, but in many cases if a girl approaches you while you are walking out your dog is because she is interested in YOU and not only on him. If she finds you attractive and would like to speak with you, she might find your pet as a perfect excuse to do so. Of course, she’ll start speaking about him and not about you, but once the ice has broken, everything gets easier.


So dress up nicely, look your best and take your dog out for a walk. Or, instead, you can also go for a coffee in some nice bar with tables out, and while you are sitting down and doing something interesting girls might bite the hook. Of course, the dog will be the star of any chitchat conversation, and it’s your duty to make this become something more serious. The key, again, is to be direct. Pick up lines as “Hey, this is unbelievable. You know, this little guy never seems likes anyone… But he’s really into you” work for this goal. Keep reading this article...



Brad Elterman's Yesterday Photography

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,524

Photographer Brad Elterman’s roster of subjects is enough to make anyone jealous–Dylan, Bowie, Iggy, Debbie Harry, Lennon and Ringo to name a few. Elterman spent the 1970s photographing everyone who was anyone on the LA party scene and his work has appeared in magazines around the world. Vice has an early look at some of the pictures and stories from his book, Like It Was Yesterday,which comes out this summer. Via: Vice


Santorum "Trying" To Diss Ron Paul

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,322

“The bottom line is I am for defunding Planned Parenthood,. I am for a federal marriage amendment, which Ron Paul is not. I am for reinstating ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ – which Ron Paul is not. I’m just telling you there are clear differences on someone who is going to go out and speak about the Judeo-Christian values that this country holds, and Ron Paul will not.”



Memento Mori Watch by Fiona Kruger

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,635

The “Memento Mori” watch by Fiona Kruger is a skeleton watch with emphasis on the skull, it is a one off design created when she was studying at University of art and design Lausanne in Switzerland. The watch design is inspired by the 17th century skull watch of Mary Queen of Scotts, as well as the Mexican day of the dead, and the piece symbolizes mortality.


The watch design uses hand-engraved solid sterling silver, and the highly decorative dial is made up of gold and rhodium plated brass.

The teeth and temporal region have been fashioned out of perlage polished plates and there is subtle decoration suggesting eyebrows and cheekbones. This version uses a Swiss ETA 2824-2 automatic movement, here are the entire specifications:

Case: Solid silver, hand engraved
Crown: Silver
Movement: ETA 2824 Mechanical movement
Dial: Gold and rhodium plated brass, laser cut and engraved
Hands: Blued steel
Glass: mineral hand cut glass
Bracelet: Blued Calf leather Buckle: Silver

For more information about this design visit her website

Sick Skull Memento Mori Watch by Fiona Kruger

Some people say skulls are getting old, but since we live with them...not sure it will ever happen. :-)

Ed Gein Meat (Gross Story)

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,863

just something kind of cool. One of my sister's friends said her parents used to get their meat from Ed Gein. They said it was the best cow they ever had. My sister says it wasn't cow.

Us Florida Alligators Would Rather Bite Than Switch

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,370

Copyright 1965 D.P

Fewer Accidents on Friday The 13th

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,708

There are conflicting studies about the risk of accidents on Friday the 13th. The Dutch Centre for Insurance Statistis (CVS) on June 12, 2008, stated that "fewer accidents and reports of fire and theft occur when the 13th of the month falls on a Friday than on other Fridays, because people are preventatively more careful or just stay home. Statistically speaking, driving is slightly safer on Friday the 13th, at least in the Netherlands; in the last two years, Dutch insurers received reports of an average 7,800  traffic accidents each Friday; but the average figure when the 13th fell on a Friday was just 7,500.However, a 1993 study in the British Medical Journal that compared the ratio of traffic accidents between Friday the 6th and Friday the 13th stated that there is a significant increase in traffic-related accidents on Friday the 13th. There are indications that there are more accidents on Fridays than average weekdays (irrespective of the date) probably because of alcohol consumption. Therefore it is less relevant for this purpose to compare Friday the 13th with any other 13th day of another month.

Fewer Accidents on

Via: Wiki

Friday The 13th Paranoia should happen everyday on the road.