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Chef's Hat Atomic Bomb

Posted by Wildcats Views: 31,299

Detailed Homeless Photography

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 6,691,723

Lee Jeffries career began as a sports photographer, capturing the beautiful game of football in Manchester. Then a chance meeting with a homeless woman living in the streets of London changed his life forever. He has since dedicated himself to capturing gripping portraits of the disenfranchised.


Shooting exclusively in black and white, Lee Jeffries’ 135+ pictures can be viewed in his Flickr Photostream. The majority are closeup portraits with incredible detail. Each photograph exudes so much raw character and depth, you find yourself studying each shot with great intensity. Below is a sample of his large collection, the Sifter strongly recommends you check out his entire set on Flickr.

Lee Jeffries lives in Manchester in the United Kingdom. Close to the professional football circle, this artist starts to photograph sporting events. A chance meeting with a young homeless girl in the streets of London changes his artistic approach forever.

Lee Jeffries recalls that, initially, he had stolen a photo from this young homeless girl huddled in a sleeping bag. The photographer knew that the young girl had noticed him but his first reaction was to leave. He says that something made him stay and go and discuss with the homeless girl. His perception about the homeless completely changes. They become the subject of his art.

The models in his photographs are homeless people that he has met in Europe and in the United States: «Situations arose, and I made an effort to learn to get to know each of the subjects before asking their permission to do their portrait.» From then onwards, his photographs portray his convictions and his compassion to the world. [Source:]



I don't know how Jeffries does it. But, the detail indepth nature of his photos is unreal. I was blown away when I saw these. Just look at the hair quality in these photos alone. Everything is captured. I have not seen photos as deep as these in a long time. Kudos to the photographer. I'm blown away. I hope you are too...I'm sure you will agree.



































































Via: Thumbpress



Portrait Using 13,138 Dice!

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 12,865,277

Canadian artist and designer Tobias Wong died last year at the young age of 35, or more specifically, 13,138 days. In tribute, his friend Frederick McSwain created this immense portrait of Wong entitled Die using 13,138 dice as part of the BrokenOff BrokenOff exhibition at Gallery R’Pure in NYC in memoriam to the artist during NY Design Week. McSwain via Core77:


The idea of a die itself was appropriate—the randomness of life. It felt like [a medium] he would use. Because [Tobias] was a very street-level force, I thought it was appropriate [to install] the portrait on the floor. Its not something I wanted to suspend on the wall; I wanted it to be right there on the floor where you almost interact with it.

The idea of every decision you make and everything you’ve done in your life, defines who you are. All of those days symbolically makes up the image of Tobi.


The dice were first meticulously organized into individual sheets of 361 pieces and then laid to rest free on the floor without adhesive. The time lapse above shows the process in detail. A big thanks to Frederick for providing the photos of Miller Taylor for this post. (via core77)

A Portrait of Tobias Wong Using 13,138 Dice

Tobias Wong is crazy. Made this portrait with dice. WTF! Skills!

Big Fat Skull Ring

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 24,689

Whoa, Skull Ring!

Big fat ring with skulls, that's hot!


Imagine proposing to your girl with a ring like that. I love this. I want my bride to wear all to Black Sabbath and our honeymoon to be in Transilvania. We will name our kids Vampira and Lucifer.

Don't close your eyes

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 34,077

The great blessing of mankind are within us and within our reach; but we shut our eyes, and like people in the dark, we fall foul upon the very thing we search for, without finding it. 

- Seneca (7 B.C - 65 A.D.)

Son of a Beach!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 25,131




Dang, Son of a Beach!

love this, go ahead tweet this a million times. Go!

Velociraptor-Free Workplace

Posted by Wildcats Views: 408,903

These notices should be at every job you get hired for.




A lot of Doodles

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 29,985

The moleskine pages from Maykel Nunes are consumed with doodles from corner to corner. The ink literally bleeds to the end of each spread and the content completely differs on every page turn.

The presentation of the work is simply wonderful too, as the context of each photo; from coffee beans to playing cards, make for great backdrops. Well done Maykel.


Some might do it while they talk on the phone, others make it a total art form.

Angry Birds Coffee!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 31,632

Angry Coffee

I am always angry until I have this. I'm tired of killing pigs in weird structures. 

Never Gonna Give You Up!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 24,407

Cool Jack O' Lantern's

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 38,809

Hey Jack! 

I love Halloween. I also really like the art of Jack O' Lantern's. It could be because it takes me back to my childhood, who knows. But, one thing I like about them is how different and stylized people carve them. These are some of my favorites. 

Creepy Smile O' Lantern

Big Ass Smile O' Lantern

Huge Mama O' Lantern 

Murder O' Lantern 

Hell Raiser Fail O' Lantern 

Sinister Mofo O' Lantern

Big Ass Fuckin' Nose O' Lantern 

Predator O' Lantern 

Crazy Tongue O' Lantern 

Mac O' Lantern 































Brigitte Bardot doesn't like repeating things

Posted by Wildcats Views: 24,878

"I can't do the same thing every night, the same gestures... it's like putting on dirty panties every day."

--Brigitte Bardot

Dog Star Wars Costume

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 40,299

Best Dog Halloween Costume Ever 




I'm a Star Wars and a dog freak. This is the best dog costume I've seen in a long time. Damn, I can't wait for Halloween. Doggy looks like it's looking for the Rebels (the cats). 

Social Media Week - Bogota Recap

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 27,935

Oct 2001- I was invited earlier this month to the wonderful country of Colombia in the city of Bogota for Social Media Week. There were so many amazing speakers and I got to connect again with my good friend from (Brian Wong).  I have to thank the amazing folks at Zemoga for making it possible. Special thanks to Tatiana Gonzalez, Camila Pedraza,  Carlos PardoDJ Edgerton, Brianna Campbell and everyone else from Zemoga 





While I was there I got to talk to a bunch of young Colombians about using social media to bridge the gap between art and communication online. It was a lot of fun. I also had a chance to create an action painting at one of Bogota's amazing Juan Valdez Coffee locations. They were awesome and gave me so much love and so! It was really cool how they invited me as an artist to share my experience. I got to talk about our blogging platform too ( which made me excited because I have never spoken publicly about our new venture. See you soon Bogota!

Dream Bigger

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 235,055

Funny Tracy Morgan

Posted by Wildcats Views: 27,811 soon I beat Mel Gibson's ass on film, I'll be bigger then, I'll be bigger than Will Smith's son (Jaden Smith)

- Tracy Morgan

Manhattan Mini Storage Political Ads

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,269

Political Ads

To Sell Storage Units?







Haha, I usually don't like talking politics and I don't like it shoved down my throat when I'm on the subway. But, this did make me chuckle. I first saw this on a huge billboard in Soho.


The ads are usually plastered all over the subways. I have seen others that I think are in poor taste considering what they are selling, but whatever. I don't give a shit either way. I don't like Rick Perry so I did find it funny. I'm not sure I quite understand this ad in the subway, but I take it to be less than positive about the governor of Texas. A curious way to advertise storage units, don't you think?

Via: Patheos

The Perl Fishers

Posted by David MacGregor Views: 17,239

Knitted Graffiti

Devonpot Wharf, Auckland, New Zealand.

Devonport Wharf
Auckland, New Zealand.

Carved Skull Nickles

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 26,444

The term “Hobo Nickel” describes any small-denomination coin (though, normally soft nickels) that people carve to create miniature reliefs of…well, all sorts of things. It started sometime in the 18th century but continues to this day; There’s even an entire society dedicated to the art of nickel carving.

This all sounds stimulating, I know, but have a little faith. As with all types of art, something that seems simple in explanation is made beautiful and complicated in the hands of right artists. Check out a few of these “Skull Nickels“, a very surface view of just what carvers do with these “Hobo Nickels“.

Sick Skull Nickles! 


Better Shave

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,474