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Lindsay Lohan Stupid Quote

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 29,678

Stupid Human Quotes # 7,500

"I'm not that girl from Freaky Friday any more! I'm a real adult. In fact, I hate children! I hate them all!"

Lindsay Lohan

Johnny Cash - Cross

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 20,481

Playboy Playmate 1955

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 27,311

Playboy, Miss April 1955.

Word! When I was a kid my brother's girlfriend bought me a bunch of vintage copies for my birthday. Even though I was a little pervert, there was something pretty interesting about it. It was like a print magazine artform that the world never saw at the time. 

Kitty, the 3rd Wheel

Posted by Wildcats Views: 20,105

Three is not a crowd for this kitty.



Baby Bjork

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 25,535

Guess Who?

It's baby Bjork!









She has not changed one bit!

Spider-Man Kung Fu

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 21,878

Illustration by Enea Riboldi from "Gli sport con l'Uomo Ragno", an italian handbook for kids about sports introduced by the Spidey character, 1979.



Ruben Ubiera: Bricks

Posted by WPD Views: 19,800

Ruben Ubiera: Hitting the bricks

Ubiera says The Community, his series of installations, has been approved by the city’s Arts and Culture Advisory Board but that he’s still awaiting word on locations. “It’s up to the city to decide,” the Miami artist says. “It is my first public project and I want to move it to the city of Miami, Boca, anyplace that wants it. After all, it’s regular red clay bricks, made to build. Legos for adults, I call it.”


Because the installations will be site-specific, sizes will vary. “All four sides have faces,” he notes. “But I try to keep a contrast: Old man on one side, kid on opposite, cop, young black American …”

Asked how he came up with the idea, Ubiera explained: “When I moved to New York City —The Bronx — I was touched by the brick buildings. As I looked to found objects to find my latest directions, I saw a red brick, held it in my hand and realized it looked like a miniature building. The concept grew from there.”


“I believe The Community touches part of my past and part of everyone’s future,” he concludes. “A building cannot be raised without a strong foundation, neither can a community. Brick by brick, everyone equally important. Stroke by stroke. Let me shape my surroundings instead of my surroundings shaping me. “ - Keep Reading






Online Dating Saftey Tips

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,433




  • Hold back - do not let out and give out too much personal information unless and until you are completely sure that a person is safe and that could be never. It's a scary world out there, where pornographic morphing of pictures and identity threat is just a small part of it. And lets not even start off with stalkers and murders who could do you serious harm if they got your phone numbers or home address. Be wary.


  • Indulge in email - yes email is our latest best friend, it lets us keep in touch with people. But with a dating website that asks for your email address why not give an alternative email address. And while you are at it, do not give this email address with your last name. It gives you a bit of anonymity and mystery. (Wink).


  • Free vs. Paid - if you are wondering what sort of online dating service to sign up with, most will tell you that a paid service is a safer bet. This is because free services have no strict screening process and allows anyone to sign up; this could be a bit of a problem. And for paid services, those who are serious about dating are going to be willing to pay the fee, which could be a little steep.


  • Public places please - always meet someone for the first time in a public place. No private locations like homes or out of the way or unheard of restaurants. If the person asks to meet in a private place, start wondering what is the harm in being seen in public. And try to go on double date if possible as there is safety in numbers.


Just remember to have fun and be safe at the end of it all, and most importantly trust that gut!

Online Dating Safety

Here are some online dating safety tips you can and should stick to:

















































Via: Buzzle


  • Trust that gut - all women have something called the 'sixth sense', which to put simply is a gut feeling of things right or wrong. Women who are in the online dating deal should always trust their gut. If someone is giving you a vibe that is not right, do not indulge in it. It's better to be safe than sorry right.

Nicki Minajism

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 19,214

Tenax Vitae Remake (19th Century)

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 19,906

Tenax Vitae remake, originally by Rinaldo Carnielo, 19th century

I love the expression on the guys face. It has a total realistic quality to it.  Also, the way the skeleton of death is holding the figure. Creepy!

The Real Peter Griffin?

Posted by Wildcats Views: 53,591







Tania Gaz

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,500




As usual friends, just sipping on some coffee at 3am...and came across some funny photos by Tania Gaz. Super Mario eating ramen noodles? That's funny. Anyway if you would like to see her musings check out some photos right here.

Originality is the Last Thing

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 18,636

Most people think an artist tries to be original, but originality is the last thing that develops in the artist. 

Quote by Lukas Foss

Monsters Are Good

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,597

Pictorial Palette – Marilyn Monroe

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 21,196

There is a moment in the 1956 film Bus Stop that is a striking testament to the worth of Marilyn Monroe as a serious actress. It doesn’t last long–a few seconds at most–but like all great screen moments, it seeds itself into your subconscious, rendering it impossible to forget.

Eye Candy Tricks or Treats

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 23,401

Ween Flicks

I don't really dress up each year but I love collecting photos of masks and just the cool things people come up with each year for Halloween. Enjoy the eye candy bitches.

Happy Birthday - Adrock of the Beastie Boys

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,250

"October 31st, that is my date of birth

I got to the party and I did the Smurf"

- Adrock (Song: The New Style)







Vintage Halloween Pin Up

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 24,828

Some creepy sexy pinup.

History of Bobbing for Apples

Posted by Wildcats Views: 21,379

Haunted History of

Bobbing for Apples

Samhain, a precursor to our All Hallows' Eve or Halloween celebration, occurred at a time that was a magical for the Celts of Britain. A time when the veil separating the worlds of the living and dead was its thinnest. A time when the distinction between past, present, and future would blur. Many of the earliest Halloween games took advantage of this belief and were based on divining the future.



When the Romans conquered Britain they brought with them the apple tree. The apple was representative of the goddess Pomona, the goddess of fruit trees. She was known for her great beauty and fertility. Romans, although conquerors, Romans were accepting of other cultures and soon accepted Celtic beliefs and the Samhain festival. The two were blended together and the apple became part of the harvest celebration that would become Halloween.


Because Pomona was a fertility goddess and because the Celts believed that the pentagram was a fertility symbol  and when an apple is sliced in half the seeds form a pentagram it is natural that they believed the apple could be used to determine marriages during this magical time of year. From this belief comes the game bobbing for apples. During the annual celebration young unmarried people try to bite into an apple floating in water or hanging from a string. The first person to bite into the apple would be the next one to marry.


While the apple may or may not have had any ability to predict the future it brought people together from distant farms and villages who may otherwise have never had contact with others outside their own families. This was very important as most people did not live through their childhoods. Marriage and fertility were extremely important. Without children there would be nobody to carry on your genes. If you didn't have a large supply of children there wouldn't be enough labor to survive. In this respect bobbing for apples wasn't just a game but a matter of life or death.












Perez Hilton look like Slimer?

Posted by Wildcats Views: 24,521
