Isabeli Fontana
Isabeli Fontana photographed by Marcin Tyszka for Vogue Mexico September 2011
Via: Zac-Fashion
To an extent we all suffer from this problem. Make sure you try. Always try.
I'm so modern that everything is pointless.
Shake Shake Your Rumpa this picture. Word!
David Marin is a Media Artist and Producer who creates specialized content for music, art and commercials. Contributing to ongoing projects and creating from scratch has led him to various roles both in music as well as film production. With his unparalleled determination, stamina and artistic taste, he has excelled in directing, music composition, video editing and performing.
While formally in school for music and film from 2004-2009, he worked as an artist assistant in Miami’s Wynwood district, performed in various sound-art performances, was a session musician and worked as a production assistant for E! Television.
As a graduate from University of Miami’s Film and Music program, he moved to Phx, AZ, where he helped launch and open the Musical Instrument Museum from 2009-2011. As their video editor, he processed more than 6 hours of video content from around the world for over 250 exhibits in preparation for April 2010's opening. Since then, he has forged his video production skills while shooting abroad on sponsored projects as well as micro-docs, shorts and web-spots for the Museum. David continues to produce and edit media for the MIM, as well as independently from his home in Miami, Fl.
About Pelicruise
"Bitter Hearts"
Pretty rad video shot and directed by David Marin from Pelicruise
Pretty rad video shot and directed by David Marin from Pelicruise
Im starting to notice my name (minus the H) in alot of places...
5 star Restaurant
For Babies
Yes, it's that time of year's fall! Now, all the funny, cute, silly kids wear starts poping up like this awesome Lobster hat and mittens.
This set will fit babies size newborn to 9 months. The bonnet has tie fastening around chin to make it adjustable as baby grows.
Handmade using 100% Lambswool, making it super soft on babies skin. Handwash in warm water and air dry.
Via: Culture Label
Sitting all alone on a beach, this little seal is an outcast from the colony.
Its crime? Having reddish-brown fur and the palest of blue eyes. The rest of its sleek black family took an instant dislike to the ginger pup, leaving it to fend for itself.
The pictures were taken by Anatoly Strakhov, who spotted the seal on Tyuleniy Island, Russia.
The photographer, 61, said: ‘He was hiding and waiting for his mother to come and feed him.
‘He had a very strange colour fur and looked different from his two black brothers.
I was pleased to be able to capture such an unusual animal, but the poor seal is almost blind and so was unlikely to survive in the wild.’
Luckily, Mr Strakhov was with staff from a dolphinarium who took it into their care.
The pup – whose colour is the result of an accumulation of iron in its fur – might have had more luck in the U.S. One of the biggest concentrations of red-haired seals is in San Francisco.
The Loneliest Seal in the World:
This rare brown furred pup was spotted on the beach at Tyuleniy Island, Russia
Hiding hole: The seal, which is almost blind, had been hiding under a pile of logs when he was first spotted
Via: Daily Mail
This cheesebuger is thoroughly enjoying himself. His time on the trampoline is so sensational that his seeds are falling off. Wait…um…Sesame-tional.
Via: BuzzFeed
'I love you more than my own skin."
- Frida Kahlo
Taco Bell's doritos taco
Wow, just like at home. A Taco Bell taco shell not with a real taco shell, but with a Doritos flavored taco shell. Yay! Let's buy that, stop by Walmart, get ourselves a TV and go home and install that sucker and watch Jersey Shore!
Road Skirt
Careful now, that skirt could make someone crash. ;-)
Explanation: In the shadow of Saturn, unexpected wonders appear. The robotic Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn drifted in giant planet's shadow for about 12 hours in 2006 and looked back toward the eclipsed Sun. Cassini saw a view unlike any other. First, the night side of Saturn is seen to be partly lit by light reflected from its own majestic ring system. Next, the rings themselves appear dark when silhouetted against Saturn, but quite bright when viewed away from Saturn, slightly scattering sunlight, in this exaggerated color image. Saturn's rings light up so much that new rings were discovered, although they are hard to see in the image. Seen in spectacular detail, however, is Saturn's E ring, the ring created by the newly discovered ice-fountains of the moon Enceladus and the outermost ring visible above. Far in the distance, at the left, just above the bright main rings, is the almost ignorable pale blue dot of Earth.
Via: Nasa
It's a Pirate Ship Kite!
Wow, this is just mind blowing. I didn't know you could make kites like that. I want one and I want some treasure and rum. Arrrrr!!
Via: Tash's Flickr
Bubbles of glass
Using highly innovative materials such as NASA ’s dichroic glass, Bubbling Up examines the fragility of the Earth’s atmosphere and ecosystems that appear like a bubble, on the constant verge of collapse. Sometimes fickle and ever elusive, Bubbling Up highlights the ongoing need to quantify ecological concerns. Every day there are thousands of toxic gases bubbling up in the atmosphere. In the age of heightened ecological awareness Bubbling Up poses the question, is it possible to view a beautiful sunset and not wonder if the sky is set ablaze with such unique colours because of the toxic pollutants in the air reacting with the atmosphere? In the space that surrounds us, what is bubbling up?
Jasmine Targett is bubbling it up.
Source: Jasmine Targett
Photos of the Artists As Young Men
From the very beginning of his mad, ecstatic, always-experimenting career, Robert Rauschenberg was looking at photographs. His hungry eye absorbed them; then they reappeared in his paintings, sculptures, and prints, and especially in his combines—the new form he invented, neither painting nor sculpture but a visual-material manifestation of abstract poetry. Rauschenberg appropriated photos from books, newspapers, magazines, advertisements, other artists, art-history books, anyplace. He cut them up, used them whole, pieced them back together, whatever. Given his fecundity—and a spate of pesky copyright cases brought against him—it’s no surprise to learn he also took pictures himself. Lots of them.
Yet there are surprises to be found in Robert Rauschenberg: Photographs: 1949–1962, an exhibition and book of 167 images from the years in which the artist invented his point-and-shoot style. Rauschenberg turns out to have been a natural, breezily brilliant with the camera, never more so than when shooting his circle of artist friends. We see Cy Twombly in Rome, dwarfed by an enormous Roman sculpture; a handsome Jasper Johns in his studio in 1955 next to his masterpiece Flag; an otherworldly Merce Cunningham crouched tigerlike in a motion until then unseen. These are closely observed windows into the nascent postwar art world. (The self-portraits of Rauschenberg—he was dashingly handsome, a young rake—with his work are no less revelatory.) There are images of grazing horses, landscapes, furniture, you name it.
by: Jerry Saltz
So, don't do it.
Whoa, Back To The Future
Here are couple clearer photos of the 2011 Nike Mag sneakers and after the first full day of auctions, the first 150 sneakers that went up on eBay rounded up an average $5,000 a pair with various pairs fetching like $7,000 and the highest getting up to $9,959.00. One pair went up to $75,000 but for whatever reason was either deleted or quickly brought back down to the four-figure range. Then you had one last pair that sold for $37,000 (+) at a private auction in California. There are 9 more days of 150 pairs a day on eBay, so let’s see how high they end up going. Click here to see all the closed listings.
Usually really crappy artist's all hang out together, meanwhile the pretty great one's hate each other.
Fairy Tale Cottage
I have no idea where this is, but would anyone really want to live here?
Now, don't get me wrong this place is amazing...for pictures. But, reallly...could you imagine actually living here with someone you care about? It's like one 200 square foot room in the middle of nowhere with a small bed as the upstairs.
Most importantly, where's the fucking bathroom?
I can take a wild guess where you go to the john. Not only that, I do like to eat. I don't see a kitchen and I don't wanna knit pick but that front door looks weak as hell, I don't want a visit from a skunk or a racoon. Call me a city slicker but can you really sleep like sleeping beauty in the middle of the forest with no AC and no security system? Maybe Gacy or Bundy's clones hang out at that forest, fuck that!