Did You Know?
Bela Lugosi, the most famous actor ever to portray Count Dracula was actually born in Transylvania. He lived a few miles from where Bram Stoker got inspired to base his timeless book.
Comic books have finally gone fully digital with DC’s release of Same Day Digital. The program will release digital versions of new comic books the same day that they are available in print. The comics will cost $2.99 and drop down to $1.99 after four weeks.
Other companies and publishing houses have experimented with digital comics, but Same Day Digital marks the first all-in bet that digital is the future of comic books.
The Same Day Digital program will be available on a range of platforms including the iOS family of devices, Android and personal computers. DC Comics pushed its digital launch to coincide with the New 52, a massive overhaul and reimagining of 52 of their most iconic characters.
Marquee names like Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and more received costume redesigns, as well as updated origin stories. All 52 characters had their comic series reset to issue #1.
“I think part of this whole initiative was breaking down those doors and one was by changing the continuity and streamlining the shorelines and the second part of that… was doing digital delivery, right?” says Jim Lee, DC’s co-publisher and the man behind the New 52 character redesigns.
Mashable had a chance to mess around with the app on an iPad. The app is presently bare bones with simple scroll and zoom options. One tap brings up navigation tools, including a bottom bar with all the pages, and a settings option where you can automate page turns or set preferences on speech bubbles. The final panel is a pop-up box asking users to rate the comic and directing them to purchase additional comics in the series or browse through other titles.
Good Digital Comic Books Here?
Via: Mashable
my page bro, or I will fuckin' kill you!
Best. Bum. Sign. Ever.
Brit police
I guess they ain't down with the darkside.
Darth Vader got his ass kicked today when British police came to his home where he was accused of not paying child support for his 2 children, Luke and Leia Skywalker. Mr. Vader claimed he hasn't paid any of the childrens child support for the past 18 years because he has suffered serious burns from a battle many years earlier. His health insurance with the Darkside doesn't cover his body armor. His bail is $60,000.
love for Vader.
got no
Yes, here's another exclusive issue of Sexy Riot. Welcome folks! We are so glad you are here with us right now. Oh man, are we glad we got to sit down with Anne Lindfjeld! First off this is our first international issue. What we mean by that is Anne is actually Danish. If you don't know her face you would if you were a hand-banger living in Europe. She now lives in the states and is totally kicking some ass. I'm not gonna get into details. Find out more about Anne with our cool interview. Cheers - Sexy Riot
What plans do you have this summer?
Well right now I'm in California for a month, hanging out with friends, doing some different shoots with some of my good friends and favorite photographers out here. There's gonna be a lot of pictures, magazine covers and catalog shots and stuff coming up very soon.
What are some unexpected opportunities that have come your way from modeling?
I think it's very hard to say if thing's happen because of my modeling or, because I'm actually a reliable and decent person that's easy to work with, shows up on time and always grabs the chances and opportunities that comes my way. I feel I've worked very hard to get where I am right now, and that's not really all that far, compared to many. I still have a regular job which I love and need to keep sane. Ultimately Happiness is on the top of my list, way above money or fame or any of that.
How did you get involved with MTV?
They hit me up on Myspace, and had a show they wanted me to try out for. Headbangersball. That ended up being my show for 4 years, and during that time I hosted MTV NEWS and Let There Be Rock, a show I created, too.
Anything you learned from TV that can be applied to modeling?
It's pretty much the other way around. I have though learned a lot from doing TV that I can now use when I do commercials and film.
How did it feel being on the cover of national and international magazines?
Well the first couple of times I was extremely proud. I still am but as I've gotten better, and learned my worth as a professional model, I've also gotten picky about the magazines I choose to appear in and the photographers I wanna work with. I'm not gonna do a cover just to do it.
Who are some of your favorite photographers?
Ultimately I'd love to shoot with Terry Richardson, or David Lachapelle. But the people that makes me look the best, that I love working with the most, that are the most amazing people to be around and makes the coolest pictures i think is Andy Hartmark, Ama Lea and Michelle Star.
What metal bands are you listening to these days?
Currently I listen to DOWN and Faith No More a lot
What other music are you really into that readers may not know of?
For sleeping a good friend turned me into, EXPLOTIONS IN THE SKY, for BBQ or just chillin it's always SUBLIME I love PUSCIFER and STOLEN BABIES some super cute chicks to also check out is KERLI and SARAH BLACKWOOD
What was it like working with Suicide Girls?
It was cool, I just kinda got over it when it got too big. Plus I felt I was better off doing my own thing. But they were always super cool too, they still are. I still talk to Missy every now and then.
You don’t do nudes anymore, any reason?...or do you?
No not really, I'm kinda over it, I've done a couple topless shots for PLAYBOY, since SG, but thats about it. I'd do nudes for PB again, or for David Lachapelle.... or if a shoot really called for it and it was for artistic reasons. But just to do it. No. I just don't see the point. I guess I find it too easy.
Any learning lessons you can give to the younger women starting out in the field?
Start posing in front of the mirror. Find your good sides and bad sides. Learn how to work the lights. KNOW that modeling is not easy. A pretty face and a good body is not gonna cut it. If you're not extremely blessed by nature you must always eat right, work out, take good care of your skin, hair, nails etc. Find a good photographer. Have some pictures taken, and send them out to some of the companies or agents that you'd like to work with. I'd suggest getting an agent...... always.
Is it true your good friends with Jesse James?
we are friends yes.
How do you feel about all of the scandals with him?
I think people need to mind their own fucking business.
Do you think it gives people a bad imagine of tattooed women and modeling at all?
There’s a lot more curiosity now. If people think differently about tattooed woman, or tattooed models, because of some guys sleeping around. Then people are sadder than and more pathetic than I would have ever thought.
"There’s a lot more curiosity now. If people think differently about tattooed woman, or tattooed models, because of some guys sleeping around. Then people are sadder than and more pathetic than I would have ever thought."
Came across these funny designs, I'm guessing for t-shirts. I find them cool, but I'm not sure I would wear them as a t-shirt. Gotta love the Freddy, Jason and Michael concept. Dope!
Via: Blood Sweat Vector
is like a jail. You sit around, waste time, have a profile picture, write on walls and get poked by guys you don't really know.
High Wheel by Maider Lopez from maider lopez on Vimeo.
High Wheel is a fun video project by Maider Lopez where he effectively removes the main structure of a ferris wheel by using chroma key (the same concept as using green screen, except in this instance kind of in reverse). Made for the OK Center for Contemporary Art. (via lustik, i heart my art)
High Wheel - Maider Lopez
Via: This is Colossal
Tattooed Women are sort of crazy. Either they like sleeping with a gun under their pillow or they have mental issues.
I can see people agreeing and even laughing to this.
Great Business Card Design
To help a local yoga practitioner reposition herself, ahem, in a crowded market, graphic designer Kapil Bhimekar created this clever Twist Card that functions as a sort of interactive business card. Neat. (via sweet station)
It's time for people to step their game up...in the business card world. I think business cards overall are sort of lame...but this is great! Even though the pics remind me of a pregancy test guide. lol
Fuck you. Bunnies fly yo.
People ask me all the time what's the difference between Ownzee (which I co-created) and other blogging platform sites out there. So, to not mix up the bullshit I decided to give a pretty clear example.
This is you using Ownzee.
This is you using the other blog sites.
- Kiki Valdes
Kiki Valdes/Palo! at S.O.B.'s Recap:
It was a great time getting to paint to the sounds of the band PALO!. When I got word that my friends were gonna be in NYC from Miami playing at the legenary S.O.B.'s I couldn't resist and get involved somehow. I've done about 4 or 5 shows with PALO! since 2002. So, when we get together it is a great treat and a rare and special event.
PALO! overall has matured so much as a unit. I was blown away by everyone in the band and how they come together and make true music come alive. I am thankful that the painting I did that night sold within the first 20 minutes that I started painting.
Check out the video, it was actually shot with iphone footage. Not bad. Thank you to all my good friends that came out. You know who you are. I love you.
Star Wars Cupcakes
Whoa, these are pretty cool. I'm not sure if I'm such a geek that I would actually want these...but for my son, hell yeah. Although, we don't need a Jabba the Hut cupcake...my mother in law can fill that void.
Via: 9gag.com
created by spanish designer maximo riera, the 'rhino chair' is a continuation of his work which marries furniture with an animal as its main formal component. like its predecessor the 'octopus chair', the 'rhino chair' is composed of an inner frame along its main body in order to support its weight and reinforce its stability and balance.
Animal Chairs
this time around, riera has selected the rhino as his muse to reflect nature's capacity and mightiness. at the beginning stages of the project, when the chair was just an idea, riera was aware that a main hurdle of designing the piece would be maintaining the proper proportions for the seating object. this sculptural 'throne' is built in a superior scale to generate an authoritative force respecting qualities present
in the animal itself.
Maximo Riera
but wait...check out the Octopus Chair! Sick!
Via: Design Boom