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Liv Tyler in Panties, Smoking

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 22,294


photographed by Bettina Rheims







How to be an Artist

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,066

Some thing's you can never teach.

Grandma's China Weapons

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 43,844


weapons are just like her China.

Photos by Olya Ivanova

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,729


olya ivanova

Checking out the work of Olya. Pretty standard pictures of people posing in day to day activities. Most of the pictures were taken in Russia.

Picture of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman for The Dark Knight Rises

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,645

Just one day after Warner Bros. revealed the very first picture of Henry Cavill as Superman in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, they've given us another treat with the first official photo of Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle from Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises.


Yesterday, a number of less official photos leaked from the set in Pittsburgh, so Warner Bros. proactively made sure that a better official picture of Hathaway's character turned up unannounced on the official site, and it looks like the spandex-clad thief has stolen Batman's Batpod! Mind you, the site clearly refers to her as "Selina Kyle" rather than directly as "Catwoman," which may be somewhat telling that like "Harvey Two-Face," Nolan is going for a more realistic approach to the character.



Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises


Opening Doors by Acting on Your Dreams

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,121

I would like to believe every direct action of a desired dream opens a new door that lights up another pathway for more things you want.

Frida Kahlo Paints Herself Best

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,979

“I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best. ” - Frida Kahlo

Spock Facts

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,166

A figure as high-profile as Spock is bound to raise some confusion and misconception. Here, then, are some solid facts about Our Savior:

• Spock was born to a human mother and a super-human father, and spent His life learning to reconcile His humanity with that part of Him that was greater than human.

• Followers of Spock have been persecuted for years by those who would forsake The Original Testament, but have managed to remain strong and increase their numbers. Today, they meet regularly in underground meetings known as "conventions."

• Spock resisted temptations of the flesh, including the seductive Nurse Chapel and His intended bride, T'Pring. Knowing that His purpose transcended the need for common physical pleasure, Spock faced death in combat rather than be attached to the latter.

• Many volumes have been published claiming to contain "further adventures" of Spock, but only the 79 books of The Original Testament and the 6 books of The Motion Pictures are considered official church canon.


The kinds of facts that help you live long and prosper!



Ryan Dunn in Dressing Room

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,412

Ryan Dunn.

Wearing a chicks top in a dressing room. lol.

Ways to Hide your Beer

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,116

Hide your beer in a soft drink cup...word?










































































Radeo Suicide on Dating

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 27,137

Radeo talking about being a Suicide Girl and Dating.

"To be honest dating is tough since Ive become an SG. I have friends that are SG's and there boyfriends fully support it. I cant find a partner to be remotely okay with it. Its ruined my previous relationships all on its own."




Apartment view on 911

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,329

Scary apartment view on 911.

Landslides and Flash Flooding in Seoul, Korea

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,096

After a month of heavy rain saturated mountainsides, a fresh deluge sent landslides sweeping into Seoul last week, killing 59 people. Ten were still reported missing. In a strange compounding of the misery, the landslides and flash flooding washed away landmines buried near an air defense unit in Seoul. Soldiers were searching for those landmines as well as North Korean landmines washed away near the border. A total of 76 landslides of different severity struck after the most intense rainstorm in Korea in the last century. Ten university students lost their lives while volunteering at a summer camp for kids when a landslide struck in Chuncheon. "If it keeps raining like this, no country in the world can endure this," South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said. -- Lane Turner


Flash Floods








Amazing and sad photos of the heavy flooding and damage in Seoul, Korea

A rescue worker checks a block of flats after a landslide hit the apartment building in Seoul on July 27, 2011. (Jang Seung-Yoon/AFP/Getty Images) 

Cars are submerged by floodwaters after heavy rains hit the Seoul region on July 27, 2011. (Yang Hoe-Seong/AFP/Getty Images)

Damaged cars pile up after a landslide and heavy rainfall in Seoul July 27, 2011. Wild weather has battered the peninsula, causing widespread flooding and transport delays, while the share price of insurers fell on fears that damage costs would run into millions of dollars. (Park Mun-ho/Newsis/Reuters)

Policemen try to move a trapped car on a flooded motorway during heavy rainfall in Seoul July 27, 2011. (Lee Jung-hoon/Yonhap/Reuters)

Via: Boston










Upside Down Statues, Hat of Crows

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,016

Some interesting pics I found today.


Spex Club, good even for a Princess

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,124

See, even Disney princesses know how to rock the geek-chic look! It’s remarkable how a simple pair of over-sized frames can quickly transform Belle, Ariel, Snow White, Alice and her other Disney pals into hip, in-the-know cool kids. So funny! Get Snow White, Ariel + Alice’s Look for $88 w/ RX:  The Jesse

Spex Club


I love these, check out all the frames. Something for everyone...even Disney cartoons.

Making a Princess look Cool

Kill Lies All - Tony Shafrazi

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 17,613


- Tony Shafrazi


Spooky Trivia

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,307


Can you guess who's shit this belonged to when authorties searched this serial killers car? Give up?

Ted Bundy



killed 35+ young women. Span of Killings: August 13, 1961, or February 1, 1974–February 9, 1978



















































































Splatter Shaped Coffee Cup

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,778

Splatter Shaped

Coffee Cup


Check out this pretty sweet coffee cup. I'm not sure if this is a computer trick or the real deal. At any rate, if it does exist I would pay money for it. Only question is, where do you put your lips without the coffee coming down shirt?

Ira Chernova from Moscow!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 24,614


Ira Chernova

is a cute photographer from Moscow. But, as you can see, she likes to be in front of the camera too.

Via: Ira

Hitler Nurse

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,286


When you think you've seen it all.