Make your own magazine.

Make your own magazine

Government is always the problem

Posted by Humby Views: 16,642

The debt ceiling crisis is proof that the government is inept and should be smaller and less in control.

More government is always the problem.

Family Time with Toys R Us and Hooters

Posted by Wildcats Views: 18,754

Family Time.

Kids: Go to Toys R Us.


Dad: Goes to Hooters.


Mom: Waits in the car.

Good Guys Don't Wear White.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,586




Dj Valissa. by: Kareem Black

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,419



By: Kareem Black

Kareem Black is a New York based photographer and director that was born in Philadelphia. In 1996 Kareem went to SVA on scholarship. Dark rooms and film processing, became his backdrop where he spent endless nights. It was well worth it... In 2000, Kareem starts a career in music photography and celebrity portraiture that has taken him all over the world and allowed him to meet and work with some of this planet's most talented people.

Presently Kareem calls Manhattan home and straddles worlds by shooting for a diverse array of clients including Flaunt, Fader, GQ, Vibe, Verizon, Burger King, Vitamin Water and Kool Aid among others.


















































































































Toblerone's hidden secret

Posted by Alikipedia Views: 13,040

Toblerone's hidden secert

Toblerone has been around since 1868 and still running a wealthy company, but have you ever noticed there logo? If you look very closley there is a hidden picture. Can you find it?














Lowest-grossing film of all time

Posted by Alikipedia Views: 12,405

Lowest-grossing film of all time

Zyzzyx Road was shown once a day at noon for seven days (February 25 through March 2, 2006) at Highland Park Village Theater in Dallas, Texas.It took 18 days for filming.The budgets was less than $2.5 million, but unfortunately only six people saw the film.The movie made about 30$ total.The film was released on DVD in twenty-three countries, and by the end of 2006 had earned about $368,000.

























































































Artur Olecki in Fiasco # 12

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 14,910

In Artur Olecki's second editorial for Fiasco's 12th issue, he wears a hodgepodge of patterns, prints, colors and textures and encapsulates the issue's theme: Colors of Summer. The expert styling was done by Max Souffraiu while the shots were taken by Iakovos Kalaistzakis.

Artur Olecki

in Fiasco Magazine

Mark Zuckerberg Mask!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 175,704

Now you can be a Billionaire for free!

For the first time in your life you can feel smart and rich at the same time for Halloween. All of your friends will love it and you will get more friend requests! Beautiful women you never seen before will stop to talk to you. All you need is a printer! A costume party or Halloween couldn't come sooner!

Mick Jagger on Money

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,792



"I came into music just because I wanted the bread. It's true. I looked around and this seemed like the only way I was going to get the kind of bread I wanted"

"I don't really count myself as a very sophisticated businessperson. I'm a creative artist. All I know from business I've picked up along the way."

Mick Jagger on the money side of Rock and Roll.


Cat wants to Kill her Enemies

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,253

Murder Murder Murder

Kill Kill Kill.

Hit List:




Gold Fish











Cecilia Dean's Look of the Week for V Magazine

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,709




This is Cecilia Dean's look of the week for V Magazine. Dress: Balenciaga Edition. Shoes: Nicholas Kirtwood for Rodarte

How planking started...

Posted by AlikiZine Views: 14,277

Do you know where planking started? When they were bringing in slaves on boats from Africa, there wasn't enough room, so they made the slaves plank.

Pika pika Sandwich!!

Posted by AlikiZine Views: 13,743

pika pika sandwich!

New this gives cutting the cheese new meaning. 














































Fish Assholes

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,983

Sounds Delicious


This is exactly what I was in the mood for. Please, just crack that fuckin' can right open. My mouth just waters for it. Wow, and it's Manhattan style? Doesn't get any better then this. Ah, I can't wait to tell my wife I ate Fish Assholes for lunch.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Posted by AlikiZine Views: 18,940

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

-Albert Einstein

9 Lives Sleeping Beauty

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,212

Looks like the sleeping beauty has 9 lives.

Night of the Living Dead FAIL

Posted by AlikiZine Views: 12,949

Night of the Living Dead entered the public domain. In 1968, United States copyright law required a proper notice for a work to maintain a copyright. Image Ten displayed such a notice on the title frames of the film beneath the original title, Night of the Flesh Eaters. The distributor removed the statement when it changed the title.Because of the public domain status, the film is sold on home video by many distributors. The original film is available to view or download free on Internet sites such as Youtube.As of October 31, 2010, it is the Internet Archive's second most downloaded film, with 708,608 downloads.So other words George A. Romero made no money off the movie.

Night of the Living Dead FAIL


Ed Hardy: What the Fuck Happened?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,643


One problem with mass producing your work. It can get infiltrated by douchbags.

Bobcat on Top of Tall Cactus

Posted by Wildcats Views: 16,497

Bobcat likes the high life.

GOLD CANYON, Ariz. - The images are incredible. A bobcat that has scampered to the top of a saguaro cactus -- and it was quite a climb!


 The photos were captured in Gold Canyon, on the foot of the Superstition Mountains.


The bobcat was trying to get away from a mountain lion that was stalking it, explains the photographer Curt Fonger. He darted up a 40-foot saguaro, and there he stayed for the remainder of the day.

Curt Fonger and his wife Marta are living out their golden years on wilderness' edge in Gold Canyon. With over 40 years of photography experience, Curt recently had a career-defining moment.

"I've never had the luxury of seeing a bobcat on top of a saguaro," he says. "Just a beautiful creature, he was displaying himself proudly, kind of looking around, probably trying to see if mister mountain lion was still around... it was almost if he was posing!"


Curt says the golden cat with amber eyes stared back at him, perched on top of the cactus for hours.


"He was pretty relaxed, he kind of laid on top of the saguaro, shut his eyes, almost as if he was sleeping."


The bobcat eventually came down, but Curt and Marta are still riding high.


"It was that Kodak moment I think every photographer lives for."


 Amazing Bobcat Perches Atop Saguaro Cactus

Star Wars, Stop Wars

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,953