Reeve 003143 Chart: Sanitation. Influenza pandemic. Mortality in America and Europe 1918 and 1919. 08/20/1919. [Diseases.] World War 1
Melissa Clarke. Nuff said.
Gay Pride Parade in New York City, 1972.
Behind Bardot…
Beijing-based image-maker / photographer (and Photoshop ninja) Chen Man is truly one of our all time favorites. Her work never ceases to inspire us. She’s recently put out a book with 3030 Press publishing house titled “CHEN MAN: WORKS 2003 – 2010.”
CHEN MAN: WORKS 2003 – 2010 is published as a limited edition of 2,000 individually numbered copies. 3030 Press is an independent publishing house based in Hong Kong that was set up in 2006 with the aim of showcasing leading-edge art and design from China.
The book chronicles her work since the early years of her professional career, which all begin with a series of provocative, avant garde covers she did for VISION magazine – one of China’s leading visual art and culture publication – that rocked the local art scene.
Freaky Faces
Just discovered these. They are very simple but the faces look weird. It makes you second guess if the model actually looks this way or it's some photoshop trick.
Via: Ass Monkey
Although some people say all bats look like flying mice, their heads sometimes look like tiny dogs, bears or foxes!
Via: Essortment
Sometimes, I wish I had a rocket pack and blast away...other times I want to explore in the ocean deep inside.
The guys from m ss ng p eces are it again, this time working with Panda Bear on his latest music video for his song Surfer Hymn. The video is dedicated to surfers taken by the sea, which I think is a beautiful way to frame the video. It’s part Día de los Muertos part Tim Burton, which obviously means it’s rad. I’m thinking they used black lights or something to get the skeletons and boards to glow and then upped the contrast a ton. Definitely watch the whole thing!
Via:The Fox is Black
There's no denying the cultural impact of Facebook. It has united almost 700 million people, including most of you reading this, becoming the greatest social introduction platform the world has ever seen.
But there are also some recent signs of "Facebook fatigue." There is only so much you can do to socialize online, especially after you've exhausted your friend list. Some people also complain they're spending so much time on Facebook that they're short-changing the rest of their lives.
Evidence suggests a small but increasing number of users -- at least in North America, where Facebook use is especially saturated -- may be shunning the site. The site lost more than 7 million active users in the United States and Canada last month, according to data from the blog Inside Facebook, although Facebook disputes those figures.
Others are consciously reducing the time they spend on the site.
"I figured out that I wouldn't look back as an old man and wish I had spent more time on Facebook," says David Cole, an IT manager from Boston. Cole said he believes the popular social-networking site is a useful tool, but not a replacement for what he calls "realbook" experiences.
"Instead of working on an essay, I would waste time browsing people's walls," says Kip Krieger, a college student from Virginia, who like Cole has consciously reduced how much time he spends on Facebook.
On top of that, Facebook has become predictable, Krieger says.
"It's really gotten to a point where I know pretty much what my friends are going to post. They usually just write the same thing over and over again, and I am getting sick of that."
Joshua DeRosa, a Salt Lake City graphic artist and former Facebook user, agrees.
"I don't need to see pics or hear updates about people's babies," he says. "I know what babies look like, and while you might think what Junior did was the cutest thing ever, I couldn't care less."
Is Facebook Losing Users?
"Go ahead, leave. I still own your soul!"
Via: CNN
When the earth farted.
How did this happen?
Sometimes, this type of miss match is how a whole species can go instinct.
could perhaps be the most unique and fun cartoon I’ve seen since I first saw Adventure Time. The animation is so unusual and incredibly aesthetically pleasing, and the dialogue was sharp and fun. I absolutely loved every character.
Watch it on Cartoon Network on Monday’s at 7:30/6:30C
The Amazing
World of Gumball
Via: Deep Rivers
Check out these cool pictures along with the interview she did recently with To check out the interview check out the source link! Hot Hot Hot!
Shed a mustache for
Ryan Dunn.
Rest in Peace.
The world lost an epic beard today.
Hayden Rorke in The Night Walker
Few things inflame the passions of New Yorkers on a hot day quite like the subject of their favorite ice cream. Just ask the Platt girls. Daughter No. 1 (Jane, age 11) enjoys elegantly creamy European-style gelati served in long tapering cones. Daughter No. 2 (Penelope, age 8) eats vanilla soft-serve only, preferably encrusted in a thick layer of rainbow sprinkles, gummy bears, or both. Recently, we spent a contentious couple of weeks haggling over our favorite frozen treats. We slurped sundaes in old-fashioned ice-cream temples in Forest Hills, argued the merits of trendy artisanal toppings in the wilds of Brooklyn, and tasted countless varieties of fancy Manhattan gelati on hundreds of tiny plastic spoons. Here, the results of our labor, ranked in order of preference from one to sixteen. In the cases where the girls agreed to disagree, their weary, sugar-addled dad broke the tie.
Dessert Club, ChikaLicious (240 E. 10th St., nr. First Ave.; 212-475-0929)
Daughter No. 1 praised the structure of this inventive soft-serve creation. Daughter No. 2 enjoyed the vanilla soft-serve and “sugary bottom part.” Either way, it’s the epitome of big-city, summertime-ice-cream chic.
L’Arte del Gelato (75 Seventh Ave., nr. 15th St.; 212-924-0803)
The buttery cone is made in front of you, and the smooth, chocolate-laced gelato was the best we tasted. “I like it, Dad,” said Daughter No. 1. “It’s very delicate on the tongue.”
Brooklyn Farmacy & Soda Fountain (513 Henry St., nr. Sackett St., Carroll Gardens; 718-522-6260)
The girls prefer the root-beer floats at this retro soda fountain. They’re wrong. This crunchy, pretzel-laced vanilla-and-caramel sundae is better.
Il Laboratorio del Gelato (188 Ludlow St., at Houston St.; 212-343-9922)
Whatever gelato you choose (Dad voted for espresso, the girls for caramel and honey lavender), it’s hard to go wrong at this famed factory.
Via: New York