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Time to Reflect.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,858

time to reflect.

Flowing Ocean

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,537

Love this, reminds me of the ocean.

Melting Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 19,892

You make me melt more then a Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

Stella McCartney, Resort 2012

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,802




Stella McCartney, Resort 2012


Vanessa Lake's Favorite Candy

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 836,997

"I love jujubes. They get stuck in my back teeth and I have to suck them out after they get soft enough. I don't know why I like that but I do, haha. I also love lemonheads. I have a big sweet tooth and these are just my top 2."


Superman and Friends Graffiti over Soviet Statue

Posted by WPD Views: 16,370

superman and friends:

over soviet statue









Twenty years ago you would have been shot for stepping too close to this monument in Sofia in Bulgaria.

But after the smashing of the Berlin Wall, statues celebrating communist rule appear to be fair game to the graffiti artists of the former Soviet block in Eastern Europe.

An anonymous artist transformed Russian Red Army soldiers from a monument in the city of Sofia, in Bulgaria, into popular superheroes and cartoon characters


Taking centre stage is Superman with his distinctive red cape and blue suit. To the left is Santa Claus and to the right Ronald McDonald, the mascot of the fast-food giant McDonalds, and the Joker also makes an appearance.

Below the graffiti artist has sprayed "Moving with the times" in Bulgarian black paint. The "artistic vandalism" appeared this morning - but it is still not clear who is behind the colourful display.

The giant monument was built to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Russian 'liberation' of Bulgaria in 1944.

It is regarded as the prime example of the forceful socialist-realism of the period.

The place of honour goes to a Red Army soldier atop a column, surrounded by animated cast-iron sculptural groups depicting determined, gun-waving soldiers and members of the proletariat.

Figures of Soviet soldiers at the base of the Soviet Army monument, and below a member of the Bulgarian Socialist Party cleaning the statue in Feb 2010

Ruslan Smirnov

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 24,821


Via: 500PX

Time Square - 1945

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 21,513



German pear and chocolate pastry

Posted by Humby Views: 17,636

Pear & Chocolate

This pear and chocolate pastry from the Old German Bakery in Hoboken, NJ is freaking amazing!

Its was expensive but worth every penny... more

Look Out Weekend

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,665




Holy Shit! It's a Triangle!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 20,202































































I'm a simple man - Ron Swanson

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,222

Rememories of Pitfall from Activision

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,476



Wow, I use to love this game. I think I was a little too young to truely get into it. But, I would watch my brothers and the graphics were so simple...but your imagination did most of the work. Nowadays, the games are really epic, yet seems like back then you had to use your mind a little more to create more then what you would simply see on the TV screen.





Here's the Bar

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,123

Johnny wants some Jack...on the rocks.

Big Rat Bites Cop in Police Car!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,172

Big Rat Bites Cop in Poice Cruiser

BALTIMOREA police officer was attacked by a rat while riding to a crime scene in a patrol car earlier this week.

Baltimore police confirmed that the officer was riding in the passenger seat of an unmarked patrol car Wednesday while cruising down Hanover Street when he felt something on the back of his neck.

The officer swiped at his neck and discovered the big rodent crawling up his back, police said. The rat bit his palm and thumb before the officer was able to throw it out of the car window.


Police said the officer's partner rushed him to Harbor Hospital, where they were told they had to retrieve the rat to test it for diseases.The officer said he and his partner went back to where they threw the rat out, found it limping along the road and, after a small struggle, one of the officers beat the rat to death with an umbrella and bagged it.The officer who was bitten is on leave waiting to see if the rat is diseased.


Police said it's believed that the rat crawled up through the car's underbelly and bit apart some wires before it crawled into the back seat.

Police Officer feels something on his neck, discovers a rodent and when he tries to get it off it bites him! Gross!


Born This Way Jacket

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 17,969



for this jacket.

Where is my Lipstick?

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 24,303

Old School: He-Man vs Skeletor Illustration

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,201

Bring it on Skeletor
















































Sexy Weird Science

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 20,346

Nature's Energy: Fruits and Veggies

Posted by Wildcats Views: 22,575

Plant-based foods such as fruit and vegetables are great sources of energy because they absorbed sunlight directly and stored the energy as starches. Starch is one of the body’s primary source of complex carbohydrates. The foods we eat are basically stored energy from the sun that has been transformed from one form to another. In order to obtain the most amount of energy from plant-based food, you need to eat the ones that are organically grown. Also, eat them fresh and choose the ones that are bright in color.

Fruit and vegetables are full of minerals, proteins, fiber, complex carbs and many other important nutrients for increasing your energy and health. When shopping for fruits and vegetables, buy the ones that are organic because they are not treated with pesticides. Otherwise, make sure you wash the fruits before eating them.

Fruits and vegetables health benefits

  • Most are rich in polyunsaturates and essential amino acids, low in cholesterol and contain no harmful saturated fats
  • High in fiber which may lower cholesterol, prevent colon cancer and increase absorption of nutrients
  • May help protect the body against certain cancers
  • Full of health-enhancing phytochemicals, which play an important role for boosting the immune system and metabolism
  • Full of enzymes which help the stomach to digest food
  • Low in calories, great for weight management

You should try to eat at least 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings of vegetables per day, more is even better. Doing this will increase your energy and health because your body will be nourished with the necessary nutrients. At least 50 percent or more of your calories should come from plant-based food. Whenever possible, eat them raw because cooking them will destroy a good portion of their nutrients.

Nature's Energy


