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Make your own magazine

Another cool reason I love Alaska Airlines!

Posted by Humby Views: 19,709

are the new flight manuals on

I first rode Alaska air (2005-ish) on my first of many trips to Seattle and they are awesome. The crew was awesome and they had these digeplayer things that you could rent for 10 bucks. It was basically a hard drive with a display that had a ton of movies and tv shows. This was back in the day and I was really impressed. 

Great people + awesome technology = an awesome airline!

Alaska Air


The FAA has approved the iPad for flight charts and maps and now Alaska Air is hopping on board!

Keep Trying and Don't Stop.

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,290

Remember, when you knock on the door will open. Keep Trying!

Kiki Valdes - Developments

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 20,377

Current developments:

I'm painting mostly black and white portraits still. I'm doing that and bouncing over to more cartoon inspired imagery...but making sure the paint is really heavy and thick. The painting below is a  portrait titled "Indra Vanslow." 

kiki valdes

American Woman Stay Away!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,283





































stay away

from me.



Yum Yum - Business People

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,805

Yum Yum

Business people.

Wired Magazine asked Yum Yum to design some characters for a feature on networking. Yum Yum made a set of miniature business people. The various characters were inspired by the film, Fantastic Mr. Fox.

The World Will Laugh With You...

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 23,325

Laugh and the world laughs with you; fart and they'll stop laughing.




Ian Curtis - Joy Division. Digital

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,918

I see you fade away.
Don't ever fade away.
I need you here today.
Don't ever fade away.
Don't ever fade away.
Don't ever fade away.

Joy Division

Puppy Turns Into Adult in 40 Seconds

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,364

Puppy To Adult In 40 Seconds

Puppies grow up so fast.  This is awesome. A photo a day of Dunder the German shepherd. 8 weeks old to 1 year in 40 seconds. It really does feel like he grew up this quickly. Happy Birthday!


Via: Remedie Studio

Puppy growing up really really fast for you all to enjoy!

Female Short Pants (from the 1950's?)

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 47,243

Call me naive, but I didn't know women from the 1950's had asses like that. Well, or at least show them off that way. There's something extremely contemporary about these photos. I guess some things never change. These gals look like they’re having a good time, hanging out in their female short pants – which is the only description life magazine could give me for this set of photos. date unknown… mid-fifties i’m guessing?


















































































































































































Lo Castro and Rocky Grimes: Mural Colabo

Posted by WPD Views: 14,564

 lo castro and rocky grimes:



 If any of you happen to be in the Wynwood area in Miami anytime soon make sure to check out this mural by Francesco Lo Castro and Rocky Grimes. It can be viewed at The Workshop, 171 NW 23 Street, Miami, FL





The Green Goblin!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,742

3 Reasons Why Harrison Ford Will Always be Cool.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,562

Too Cool Jones

3 Reasons Why Harrison Ford will always be cool.

1. Star Wars


2. American Graffiti


3. Indiana Jones






Glam Rock, Hipster Fairy Bullshit.

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,436

And this new look is called...

Glam Rock, Hipster Fairy Bullshit.

Now Available where non-original tools congregate.


Example: Gallery opening in dangerous, yet fashionable area, flea market, thrift store, contentious warehouse outting, gay bar where hot art school girls hang out.

Cloud Playhouse! - Dietrich Wegner

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 21,618

At first glance, this happy-go-lucky playhouse could look like any child's dream. But then, the shape reminds us of a mushroom cloud and we're left feeling a little uneasy...

"I make my statement from confusion with what I see around me. I want to make images that help me think around my world, so I can, in the end, know what I see a little better. I hope my work helps people think about our collective fears, our innocence and the decisions we make to be safe. My hope is that we climb above our terror enough to think about the reality and consequences of our actions."

When asked what kind of reaction Playhouse has received, here's what Wegner said. "Unfortunately, at least judging from blog reactions to Playhouse , people just seem to think it is cool fun and cozy and I am not sure internet viewers get farther than that."

"In Playhouse, I combine an atomic bomb’s mushroom cloud, with one of the safest places one can go, their childhood playhouse," artist Dietrich Wegner tells us. "The playhouse is a place of escape, imagination, and comfort. Often we have used bombs to preserve our playhouse, causing us to be stuck in limbo, between comfort and fear. I question how mindful we are of the consequences of our actions. I search for images that articulate the confusion between the intentions, outcomes and ideals of my nation, while focusing on the spaces between beauty, fantasy, and reality.















Dietrich Wegner



Kiki Valdes - "Winter Simbo" Drawing

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 21,228


"Winter Simbo" (ink and marker on paper) 2011

King Kong Loves NYC Too.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,636

Even King Kong Loves NYC.

Source: Yay Everyday

Swedish Designer: Ida Sjöstedt

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 13,035

Disco glam rock Fabergé butterfly. Here are some pretty looks from the Spring/Summer collection by Swedish designer, Ida Sjöstedt. I love Ida’s sense of humor and elegance. She pushes the envelop with a wink.

Seriously–if you have the confidence to pull off a glittering, swirling, skin-tight, glam rock catsuit–please just go for it! Amazing.

Ida Sjöstedt

















Swedish Designer:

Design Watch: Josh Goot

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 11,365

Design Watch:



Six New Guinea Mudmen

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,463

Irving Penn
Six New Guinea Mudmen, 1970



Takashi Murakami at the Versailles Palace

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,503

  Takashi Murakami at the Versailles Palace