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Conspiracy Sheep

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,416


to think about

Chinese Takeout Sculpture

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,693

This is one of several of Key’s installations made using Chinese Takeout containers as material. Others have included recreations of Chinese restaurants entirely out of takeout foil. His works often play with ideas of what’s “normal” in mainstream British culture in comparison to that of a Chinese or Chinese British perspective and the stereotypes therein.

Chinese Takeout


Work by

Anthony Key, “Foo Dog” (1999)

Anthony Key







Think like Steve Jobs

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,845

Think Different...or think more like Steve Jobs. 

New Edi­to­r­ial image by Chris Thor­ney. A little take on the Apple/Steve Jobs phenomena. Pretty cool. 

Iceland Volcano Erupts, looking like an Atomic Bomb!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,909

A cloud of smoke and ash is seen over the Grimsvoetn volcano in Iceland on May 21. The cloud rising up from Grimsvoetn as a result of the eruption reached an altitude of 11 kilometres (6.8 miles) in less than an hour, according to the Icellandic meterological institute.

Iceland Volcano Eruption looks like an Atomic Bomb!


Makani Terror is Terrifying!

Posted by SexyRiot Views: 24,566

Makani Terror


totally Terrifying beauty. 


Makani Terror is a ALT model based out of Oberhausen, Germany. She's been on our radar for some time and we hope to have an interview with her in the near future. Meanwhile, check out her Facebook fanpage and join! 

Earth Quake in Jersey. Messes up front of house.

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,868


Okay guys, I'm freaking out. I went to my aunts house in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Right after lunch the house was shaking. It was a really weird shake! We went outside and the steps were completely fucked up. It was nuts. The Rapture is coming!


Quakes Reported in NYC and NJ.

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,783




NEW YORK, NY – Conflicting accounts of scattered earth quakes are reported in New York City and northern and southern New Jersey. The Port Authority Police bureau of emergency called to trimmers that have caused the Manhattan Bridge to fracture. New York fire department personal are on the scene and have put out 3 big fires. No injuries or deaths have been confirmed. Traffic is backed up for several miles and there are detours all over Manhattan, Brooklyn and Long Island.

Fractured aerial view of Manhattan bridge. Traffic is heard to be backed up for miles.

Scattered parts of New Jersey have also felt strong trimmers that have caused houses to sink, miles of streets to crackle. Reports just in that the Hudson river is overflowing and flooding streets in Hoboken.

Police are reporting several hundred people missing from cars on the bridge. John Podderi, a person driving across the bridge said he noticed many drivers missing from their cars when he got out of his delivery truck. Police are reporting that people reading this story are idiots if they believe this is actually the Rapture. It's just some bloggers bored on a beautiful May 21st Saturday afternoon.

Digital Styled Abstraction Mural

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 14,510


Shadow Art made from Trash

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 38,686



Interesting photo set from of works from Tim Noble and Sue Webster, piles of trash that form amazing shadow art… Pictured here: Dirty White Trash [With Gulls], 1998 | six months’ worth of the artists’ rubbish




More Susan Coffey, on rocks!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 24,513

susan coffey

Susan is one of my favorite models, hands down. She's like the girl that lives next door.



End of times?

Posted by Humby Views: 19,582

Its the end of the world

on May 21, 2011 around 6pm ;)

No words.

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,814


Fcuk Anime

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,404

Needless to say, I was never a fan - LOL

Eddie Munster gets Gangsta

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,622

Yeah, Fool. I still play with my toys. You got a got damn problem with it? I'll beat yo motherfuckin' ass.


Eddie Munster gets gangsta

T.G.I.F. Coffee

Posted by Wildcats Views: 24,609

I'm just glad it's Friday. Even the damn drawings need a little bit more coffee then usual.


The X-Muppets

Posted by Wildcats Views: 25,788


Funniest thing I've seen all week.

Source: Rahzzah

Marilyn Monroe's Glasses are Cool

Posted by Wildcats Views: 23,249

                                  Marilyn's glasses are cool.

Imagine this was your house!!!

Posted by Humby Views: 19,227

Mississippi Floodwaters!

This is crazy! This guy isnt going anywhere!

 via the Atlantic

Nazi Director freaks out Kirsten Dunst at Cannes

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,848

Lars von Trier, director of the upcoming film Melancholia called himself a Nazi today causing outrage from the Anti-Defamation League and the Cannes Film Festival. Kirsten Dunst the film’s star was sitting next to him during his off color statements, much to her dismay.


Actress Kirsten Dunst, who is the star of his film, became visibly uncomfortable while the director spoke of being a Nazi sympathizer.


“Oh my God, this is terrible,” she said at one point to co-star Charlotte Gainsbourg. And after the press conference ended, the actress remarked to von Trier, “Oh, oh Lars. That was intense.”


The controversial director has since apologized for his comments, saying, “If I have hurt someone this morning by the words I said at the press conference, I sincerely apologize.”


And despite declaring, “Ok, I’m a Nazi,” he added in his statement, “I am not anti-Semitic or racially prejudiced in any way, nor am I a Nazi.”


Ridiculous! Lars von Trier likes to say shocking things to get attention, but this is just too much. This just seems like a very poor and desperate attempt to get attention for the upcoming film’s release. I was interested in this movie before, but this is pretty off-putting. I’ll probably just skip it, he doesn’t seem like a good person to support. What do you think?

Nazi Director Freaks Out Kirsten Dunst

Just another year at Cannes Film Festival...

Say Yes to the Dress

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,554

Say yes to the dress

The NY Times T Magazine