"I dream A LOT. I always remember them when I first wake up but I forget majority of them about 10 minutes later. The most recent dream I can remember was about a zombie apocalypse in an old western town. It was pretty intense. I think the dream meant…I love zombies and gore…and apparently westerns."
Dream Girl Lissa Lee on Dreams
German postcard by Ufa. Photo: Unifrance-Film. French sex kitten Agnes Laurent (1938) featured in a dozen European sex comedies in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s.
From: Film Star Postcards
CANNES, France -- Al Pacino is telling a new mob family story, joining John Travolta for the crime saga "Gotti: Three Generations."
Pacino will play Gambino crime family underboss Neil Dellacroce, an associate and mentor to John Gotti Sr. (Travolta), says the film's producer, Fiore Films.
"Gotti" reunites Pacino with Levinson, who directed the actor in his role as Dr. Jack Kevorkian in last year's TV movie "You Don't Know Jack," for which Pacino won an Emmy. Levinson also was a producer on Pacino's 1997 crime drama "Donnie Brasco" and co-wrote his 1979 court saga "... And Justice for All."
The cast also includes Lindsay Lohan, Joe Pesci and Travolta's wife, Kelly Preston.
Levinson, the Academy Award-winning director of 1988's "Rain Man," has brought his "Bugsy" collaborator James Toback on board to rework the script for "Gotti." The revisions will put more emphasis on Gotti's relationship with Dellacroce, who was something of a father figure to the crime boss, Levinson said.
Pacino Mobbed Up Yet Again!
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She doesn't have an iphone. But, yeah...cell phone photos rock.
A Not So Royal Message from Prince William
Truly a way to live.
These was so funny, I laughed pretty hard. They are very simple but so effective. Make sure to check out the source link to get a real laugh. These are awesome.
Lucky Keychain
Will Work For Food
Hip Hopper
Source: Tenso Graphics
Via: PicMeMag.com and YayEveryDay.com
Korean artist Kim Songhe creates these quirky Disney-inspired chandeliers using old dolls, toys and stuffed animals. Most of her work is hand crafted, using natural and recycled materials that some people may consider garbage or junk. Of her work she says, " I want to breathe new life into old discarded objects.
Wow, Disney-Inspired Chandeliers.
Become a child all over again, hand crafted wonders that will make your heart warm . Amazing works by Kim Songhe.
Via: Kim Songhe, Junk Culture and ToyBeast.com
This is an insane wall drawing that takes up the walls and even the floor. It's like a big monster was created and it will eat your soul. Amazing.
Via: Yosuka Goda + Booooooom
I've been following Ben's work for the past few years. Most of his paintings look like some force from nature is ripping apart housing. As if a strong tornado is pulling it up into the skies atmosphere. You can only imagine the destructive beauty of what that could look like. Grasso paints in a surreal reality that doesn’t seem so far fetched. At the same time it gives a sense of his architectural concerns and his bold yet precise brush strokes.
Via: Ben Grasso
I can't believe my wife is dating a douche bag like Sean Penn, what gives?
Dang, Erasing History?
A Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper removed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and another woman from the now-iconic photo of the Obama national security team watching the raid that killed Osama bin Laden from the White House Situation Room.
The original photo, taken as the raid was occurring, famously shows Clinton in the center of the room, with her hand over her mouth. But the newspaper Der Tzitung, described by the Jewish Week as "ultra-Orthodox," has a policy of never printing photos of women in its pages because it thinks they could be sexually suggestive. Thus, Clinton and counterterrorism director Audrey Tomason, who was seen standing at the back of the room, were removed from the picture.
The blogger Failed Messiah was the first to notice the Photoshopping.
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