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35 Year Time Lapse

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,654

Time Travel backward thru the years with Sam as he grows younger with the passing decades, from a paunchy middle aged white bearded self deprecating schluby old fart, to a svelt, full haired, clean shaven, self-important, inspired but clueless 20 year old

We can all relate to the Bittersweet passage of Time, but thanks to the mystery of Self-Chronicling, we can now actually go Back In Time!

Put your seatbelts on and travel with Sam on the bumpy ride back into the precarious final years of the 20th Century in this Lifetime project .

35 Year Time Lapse

Sam Klemke has worked on a project of a lifetime, literally!  Klemke has chronicled his life for the past 35 years on video!

Vintage Pepsi Model

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,297

Pepsi Girl - 1962!

Penelope Cruz in June issue of Vogue

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,302

 Vogue Cruz

Penélope Cruz Photographed by Mario Testino for the June Issue of Vogue

Was that Lightning?

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,666

Michael J. DeMeo

Posted by Wildcats Views: 18,513
Michael J DeMeo is a photographer living and working in Portland, Oregon.  Preferring analog over digital DeMeo’s images
are low-fi and intimate; indeed many of his subjects maintain a personal relationship with him outside of photography.  In 2008
DeMeo showed a series of Polaroids at Bongout Gallery in Berlin alongside Richard Kern,  Harmony Korine, Asia Argento and
others, commemorating the end of Polaroid film production.   From 2007-2009 DeMeo worked as curator of photography at
Sugar Gallery in Portland Oregon.  He is currently working with Alyssa Noches on the contemporary photography magazine NO THOUGHTS, which has had 5 issues released to date. 



















Blvd Shopping.

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,410

Miles Davis 1969 Interview

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 20,444



You've always believed in playing exactly the way you wanted to at all times?

Course. I want to see if I can do it.


There was the period when you seemed to be using the mute quite a lot.

I use it if I want to play something, here and there. Not because some people said to me : "Miles, you sound good with a mute." I know it sounds good, else I wouldn't pick it up.


On a lot of the records that were very successful, tracks like "All Of You" and "Bye Bye Blackbird", when you played with the mute close to the mike, you had what came to be known as the Miles Davis sound.

I got it from Dizzy.


I don't remember hearing that sound from Dizzy.

Listen to `Ko Ko". But, you see, all my ideas of a tone come from listening to trumpet players who play round—with no tag on the end of the tone. I would never try and play like Harry James, because I don't like his tone—for me.


It's too sort of creamy, I suppose.

What you call creamy and what I call creamy may be two different things. It's just white. You know what I mean? He has what we black trumpet players call a white sound. But it's for white music.


Keep reading this interview at Jazz Professional

Fright Night: Screwing Up a Classic?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,697

I Can't believe they have produced a Re-Make of this early 80's classic. What a joke.

Can't they ruin something else before they ruin classics. You know, maybe their careers or relationships. LOL Here's the trailer for the new 2011 version with Collin Ferrell.

...And here's the trailer of the REAL one from 1980's which was the second highest grossing horror movie of 1985 behind A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Marlon Brando Quote on Women

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,406

“With women, I've got a long bamboo pole with a leather loop on the end. I slip the loop around their necks so they can't get away or come too close. Like catching snakes.”

How to use Ownzee

Posted by Humby Views: 19,214

Holy Cow Look at this thing... haha

Remembering Yesterday

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,379


"These slides were obtained from "estate sales" and vernacular photographic collector (another aggregator personality). He has been collecting found slides and photos for a longer time than I hence, the fabulous images. Again, I restored the slides after scanning just as I have with my other slides, due to extreme blueness or darkness or spots."

Wow, these old pictures were lost, but not forgotten thanks to the person that collected these and fixed them and put them up on the web for the world to see. Must see all of these. Check out the source link!

- Vieilles Annonces


Key West, Florida in 1958, HB and Jean by the Pool

The Gang's All Here Just More of Them in Portsmouth Ohio in 1956

Taken Between May 1949 & 1952 - New York City

May 1970 - During Telephone Company Advertisement Shoot

Have A Flower? (Getting Ready for the Hamilton Standard Ball) 1958

Afrobeat - "PLAY HOUSE"

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,051


Undground group from Miami releases this new innovative video "PLAY HOUSE" - Enjoy






Crazy Pet Lovers

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,193



...And the funny, stupid shit they do to their pets.


Sometimes I hear pet owners talk about their pets like they physically gave birth to them. I understand you love your little shitting on the rug animals but some of the things are borderline abuse. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little. I enjoy seeing your animals dressed up funny. The day you try to marry them, then I’ll object.  



Ice Cute


Via: DeadFix

When a belt isn't needed

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,615

When a belt isn't needed.

Poll: Youth exodus could drain NY talent

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,938

Youth exodus could drain NY talent

The rent is too damn high, artist's can't pay that shit!

Massachusetts isn't the only state beset by a talent drain from young people looking to move because of the high cost of living --- New York could face a similar challenge.

According to the latest NY1/YNN-Marist Poll of New York State, 36 percent of New Yorkers under 30 years old say they're likely to move to another state.

The survey looked at New York state residents of all ages. Of residents who expect to leave New York, 62 percent cited economic reasons such as jobs, the cost of living, or taxes, the poll found. (This telephone survey of 941 New York State adults was conducted on April 25 through April 29, Marist said.)

"Right now, many young people do not see their future in New York State,” Lee M. Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, said in a statement. “Unchecked, this threatens to drain the state of the next generation.”

Massachusetts officials have similar concerns. Last month, the Commonwealth Marketing Office, a state agency, disclosed plans to launch an intern initiative that aims to keep talented young people in Massachusetts.

"The Mass Stay Here Internship Site is a comprehensive statewide internship resource that will highlight and increase internship opportunities, and send a clear and consistent message to the Commonwealth's college students and recent graduates that Massachusetts wants you to stay here," the Commonwealth Marketing Office said in a press release.

Being Drunk

Posted by Wildcats Views: 23,095


circa (Since the Beginning of time)

Strip Mall Safari - 1960's Kansas City, Missouri

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,370


This intown shopping center was developed by the J.C. Nichols Company. Kansas City artist Jac Bowen made the animal figures from cement and fiberglass.

Happy Friday the 13th!!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,637




Make sure not to party too hard and avoid listening to that “Friday” song or a guy in a ski mask might take you out. That person may be me!  

Knock, Knock! "Who's there?"

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,378

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Voodoo who?
Voodoo you think you are?

Change Don't Love You

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,568

Change don't love you.