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Pink Eyes

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,579

President Trump?

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,326

Your new President?

The real Facebook

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,977

Truth from Lincoln

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,248

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.


Young Hearts Be Free Tonight - It's Friday!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,798


Posted by DarlingPD Views: 19,313

Lindsay Lohan Criminal Record History

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 17,787

October 2010 The judge orders Lilo to spend 90 days at a rehab facility.


September 2010 - Just weeks after leaving rehab early, Lindsay failed a drug test mandated by the courts. She could face up to 30 days in jail.


August 2010 - With only 23 days of rehab under her belt, Lindsay Lohan was released from her treatment program over two months early.


August 2010 - Due to overcrowding at the women's Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, California, Lindsay was released after serving only two weeks behind bars. She was immediately sent to rehab for 90 days of treatment.


July 2010 - Judge Marsha Revel sentenced actress Lindsay Lohan to serve 90 days in jail  and also spend 90 days in rehab following her release. Lindsay sobbed as she heard the news and realized that she wouldn't be getting off scott free as she had hoped. Even though it was clearly too late, Lindsay pleaded with the judge to reconsider. Showing no mercy, Judge Revel said: "I couldn't have been more clear. There are no excuses."


June 2010 -  Lindsay Lohan's SCRAM device was apparently set off while attending a 2010 MTV Movie Awards after party. Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel found Lindsay to be in violation of the original agreement and issued a warrant for her arrest  and upped the bail to $200,000. The bond was quickly posted and the warrant was removed. The troubled starlet denied any wrongdoing and even posted a bunch of Tweets in her own defense. Lindsay is still expected in court on July 6.




May 2010 - Lindsay was issued a temporary passport and when she returned home at the end of May, a judge mandated that she wear a SCRAM device (court issued alcohol monitoring device) on her ankle. Lindsay was forbidden from consuming alcohol and scheduled to appear in court on July 6.


May 2010 - When she failed to appear at a court hearing, a bench warrant was issued for Lindsay's arrest. She was partying it up at the Cannes Film Festival in France, claiming to be stuck there with her passport stolen. As quickly as it was issued, the warrant was withdrawn after her people posted the $100,000 bond.



June 2009 - Rumors swirled that Lindsay allegedly stole $400.000 worth of Dior Jewlry. She posed for Elle U.K.on June 6 and it was discovered that jewels from the photo shoot were missing. Two days later, reps from the studio went to the police and reported a pair of diamond earrings and a necklace stolen. Coincidentally, it was the same set that Lindsay wore in the photos. No charges were ever filed in the case.


January 2008 - Rumor had it that Lindsay allegedly stole an $11,000 fur coat  from Masha Markova while attending a private party at 1 Oak in NYC. After several back and forth phone calls, the coat was mysteriously returned to the rightful owner without charges being filed.



November 2007 - Lindsay is convicted and sentenced to one day in jail, 10 days community service, three years probation, and an 18-month alcohol education program. She goes on to serve exactly 84 minutes  behind bars.


August 2007 - Lindsay checks into rehab and heads to Cirque Lodge in Utah.


July 2007 - Just 10 days after leaving rehab, Lindsay is arrested again for DUI and driving on a suspended license. She is found with cocaine in her pockets and tries to convince cops that the pants weren't hers.


July 2007 - Lindsay completes 45 days of residential rehab treatment at Promises. After checking out, she wears an alcohol monitoring bracelet.

May 2007 - Lindsay is arrested for DUI  and cops find cocaine in her possession.

The Bruce Lee Diet

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,748

Bruce Lee Diet Rule 1: Avoid Refined Flour


Generally Bruce Lee avoided refined flour. So, he did not eat many baked foods such as biscuits and cakes, which he described as being “empty calories“. It is worth mentioning that today many people attribute irritable bowel syndrome to the excess consumption of refined flours. His philosophy was not to consume calories that did not provide some benefit to the body.


Bruce Lee Diet Rule 2: Chinese Food


Bruce Lee enjoyed Chinese food, as he felt that western food was often too bland. Some of his favourite Chinese dishes were beef in oyster sauce and tofu. However, he loved to eat steak and liver too, but overall preferred the more balanced approach of Asian dishes. He felt that often Western food placed too much emphasis on protein and fat and not enough on carbohydrates from vegetables, rice, pasta etc.


Bruce Lee Diet Rule 3: Avoid Dairy Food


Bruce Lee did not like dairy food, and only ate dairy as part of protein drinks, usually using powdered milk instead of fresh milk.


Bruce Lee Diet Rule 4: Smaller Portions and More Meals


For Bruce Lee concentration on the type of foods eaten were not the only important consideration, the size of portions and number of meals were just as important. Bruce Lee would usually consume four or five smaller meals a day rather than a couple of large meals, plus some healthy snacks such as fruits. Today body builders often follow similar eating habits, eating high protein meals approximately every four hours to ensure the body has a good supply of proteins to help build and repair muscle tissue. Eating more often than every four hours can put too much pressure on the digestive system, leading to indigestion. This is another reason why constant snacking is not good for you.




Fang Grillz

Posted by Wildcats Views: 29,380

Source: Yimmyayo

Megan Renee

Posted by SexyRiot Views: 25,512

What are your top 5 things to do outside of modeling?

Spending time with MaryJane, going to events or shows, beach with my dogs and man, shopping and getting tattooed :)

Do you have friends that are models?

 If so tell us about some of them Yeah I have quite a few, including my best friend, Andrea Darling. All my model friends are hot bitches.. haha ;)

How did you get involved in modeling?

I was introduced to modeling through a good friend of mine. Thanks Jenna Bela Boo <3

Are you gonna explore more with nude modeling in the future?

Probably not, unless Mr. Hefner gives me a call

Where can we find you online?

 Hmm, everywhere! haha, some good sites you can find me on are:

and much more!

You have a pretty round ass for a white girl, ha...where is your family from? haha!

Well my dad is full German and my mom is German and a little bit of French, so.. yeah I guess Germans get back too cause I got it from my mama!

Whats your favorite part in being in front of the camera?

I love everything about being in front of a camera, I feel thats when I shine, I feel most comfortable and myself :-)

What is your biggest turn on?

Yummilious tattoos <3


We made it to issue 10!! Wow! It seemed like just yesterday we came up with the concept for this webzine. The overall response and professionalism from all models has been the driving force behind Sexy Riot. I think I'll celebrate tonight, maybe enjoy a few drinks at the nearest dive. I would love to invite Megan Renee with us to have some drinks. Megan is the latest model we interview! She's hot, young and has an amazing apple bottom. Sorry, just stating facts. We can't really invite Megan out with us folks, for one shes not even 21 yet!! She has a bright career in front of her. Okay, so enjoy our 10th issue as we introduce you to Megan Renee. Take it away!
Cheers - Sexy Riot



Do you work out?

Yeah I try to go to the gym at least three times a week

Has anyone ever recognized you in the street?

YES! It was awesome, and kind of weird haha

What are you playing on your ipod these days?

 I listen to a lot of Biggie, Too $hort, 2pac, and then I have a ton of 80s hair metal bands :)

Could you ever date someone that didn't have tattoos?

Hell no, damn pussy

What do your parents think about what you do?

They are very supportive and proud!

Do you have a website?

Yes but it is still in the making :)

Do you take any private modeling pictures, that we will never see ?

No I do not haha

What do you think about Obama?

No comment

Any last words to models starting out?

Don't be a catty bitch, keep your boundaries and limits and make that money!!

Tim Navis - Cars

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,627

Tim Navis is a Los Angeles based photographer who accidentally fell into photography. Originally a painter, he purchased a camera to photograph his paintings. After a few months of photographing paintings and other random things, he began shooting friends. Long story short, Tim has carved a niche for himself and continues to grow and learn as an artist and professional photographer.



Vaugh Fender for Hype Machine Zeitgeist 2010

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,406

Photographer Jody Rogac

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,906

Born in England and raised in Canada, Jody currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. She has been shooting professionally since obtaining her BFA in photography from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design in 2006, and was selected as one of PDN's 30 Emerging Photographers to Watch in 2011. Focusing on portraiture, editorial and fashion photography with an unintrusive and unassuming approach, she explores the subtleties in human nature, representing people as they are.

Jody Rogac

Giant Gummy Bears, Epic!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,815

Why have a bunch of small little, tiny weenie gummy bears when you can enjoy just one big one. Haha, I'm gonna have to get one of these as a pillow!. Giant Bummy Bears!

The World's Largest Gummy Bear is not intended for one man to eat in one sitting. If eaten in appropriate amounts, the WLGB probably won't kill you :).




The Gagosian Effect...

Posted by LEV Views: 16,240


Arron Feaver

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,425

Aaron Feaver

Check out the work of Arron, pretty interesting. His landscapes are pretty. View his personal site here.

Only got time for the internets

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,870

More Susan Coffey

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,485


"Modeling at first was very awkward. In person I am shy and having all the attention on me was uncomfortable. But I ended up shooting with Mike a few times and by the end of it I felt more confident, especially after seeing how some of the photos came out and what I was capable of."


Rick Ross vs Biggie Smalls

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 33,707





Fleet over the Pyramids

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,270

Imagine if Hosni Mubarak didn't step down. Do you think we would of bombed the pyramids? That would actually look pretty cool. As long as it happened like a movie...I watch it, rewind the tape, take it out of the VCR so it never actually happened.