Hey friends, wow I'm so excited that we got Kayla-Jane Danger. She's extremely sexy folks. She really takes the modeling all over the place. In ways you don't always see ;-) . Wow, she's on so many sites and some of the things you'll find her do will make your mouth drop! Let's just say she loves showing off what her momma gave her! Enjoy the interview everyone, pretty in-depth. Thanks to Kayla-Jane for being so cool about it. When I asked her to do it, she said "Fuck yeah." That's what I like to hear. - Sexy Riot
Exclusive interview
Is your last name really Danger? Whats dangerous about you?
For the last 5 years my last name has been Danger ... I got the name The Danger Doll because I can morph myself into any look or style to fulfill fantasies.
What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done in modeling?
Hmm... In modeling I tend to do a lot of crazy flexibility or strength poses, and occasionally I will do these poses on top of very unstable or high objects, this can be dangerous!
Okay enough "Danger" for now, you dabble in a lot of different kind of shoots, what genre is your favorite?
Its really hard to say. As I said above, I got my name from changing my looks drastically, being able to adapt, take on new characters and all that. At the end of the day I really love the more natural shoots because I get to express MYSELF, while I still absolutely love when I get to be someone completely different - it is always nice being able to shoot as myself.
How did you get into fetish? Is it for business or does that sorta thing trickle down to the bed room for you.
I guess it depends what fetishes you are talking about. I have been into kink (mostly bondage, latex, corsets, high heels, nylons, feet, spanking, electroplay etc) for a long time ... some well before I was legally allowed to perform. Once I started performing for fetish websites, and shooting fetish themes for myself, more and more opportunities for me to explore new fetishes arose and I took them on. I love learning about new fetishes, the ins and outs and what makes those fetishists tick. At the end of the day I believe everyone (no matter what they are into) deserve to have a sexy and competent performer who knows how to truly fulfill their fantasies.
You have certain limitations on what you do in front of the camera, why?
Yes I do. I have been in this industry since I was 18, my mentor is a pornstar as are many of my friends. I leave the hardcore work to them. For me, the erotica I shoot is always a true sexual exploration. I want to test the limits of tease and erotica without throwing it in your face. Not to mention its nice to keep some secrets.
Is it hard finding and maintaining a boyfriend in the modeling business?
I have had boys/men in the past who couldn't handle what I do, or the idea that their friends can see my pussy on the internet... their loss. I feel very lucky I have been dating my current boyfriend for over 2 years, we live together and are madly in love. He supports my work and that is all I need.
I know you are pretty hyped about your new website coming out, give us a scoop on it
Okay, so as you know - my current website (www.mydollparts.com) is the official fetish site for my lower half - so it really focuses on my feet, legs, ass and all the accessories and what not that comes with. My new website www.TheDangerDoll.com has really been 5 years in the making. It is my "Official Erotic & Fetish site". It is launching with thousands of pictures and a handfull of video ranging from soft natural erotica to glamour to kink. There is literally something for everyone on this site. I have worked with some of the industries best photographers, videographers, and other hot female models to make this site everything you could ask for!
Of our past issues of Sexy Riot, which model catches your eye the most that you wouldn't mind shooting with?
I have actually worked with Dayna Delux before for Coffin Case, and I have talked to Vanessa and Jamie about shooting - but as you know Jamie doesn't take off her clothes :( bummer.
How did you get into tattoos? Has it gotten you more work or less, has it mattered?
I started getting tattooed at the age of 15 and as most do I fell in love. Honestly I can't say if I would have more or less work without them. I have certainly gotten turned down for them, but I have gotten plenty of work I am sure I wouldn't have gotten without them. Plenty of people still book me for "tattooless" work and they just cover them or photoshop them out. I really don't care either way.
Any print work coming up?
YES, I just graced the cover of LA Weekly (for the week of apr 29- may 6) and I have a multi page spread in the August issue of Hustler's Taboo with my good friend Melodie Gore.
Your featured on many sites for many different reasons, tell us about some of them
Oh goodness... well you can thank Joanna Angel from Burningangel.com for getting me naked in the first place. I have known Joanna long before I turned 18, so when it happened she had me jump in front of the camera and make magic happen. I have continued to shoot for them for the past 6 years and love every minute. In 2005 I started another website which I have since left and have no affiliation with so I will not mention their name. I have worked with a lot of different sites but will not be shooting for anyone but myself and handfull of contributing sites such as footfactory.com & hollyrandall.com.
Craziest place you ever had sex?
On a chairlift while on a snowboarding trip.
Where's your favorite place ever?
This is really hard, I have done a lot of traveling in my life to some really amazing places, but I think I would have to say that after my bed, Santo Vanuatu is my favorite place on earth. Amazing scaba diving, wonderful people, great weather, black and pink sand beaches ... the whole package. The first time I visited Vanuatu and Fiji I was supposed to be gone 3 weeks and I stayed 6 months.
Tell us more about your personal life, share something with us that many don't know on the internet!
Well, I am a total homebody. People think I am some kind of party animal, but I am not. Don't get me wrong, I worked in night clubs starting when I was 15 but I would much rather sit at home working and watching law & order and cooking for my man than being out watching people get shitty. I go to Las Vegas a lot for work (I have a studio there) and people always think Im going to show up at a club, when in reality I rarely leave my hotel room unless I am shooting.
What are you gonna do today after this interview?
Go to "my office" which is a cafe down the street that makes amazing lattes and get to work on the final touches of thedangerdoll.com
Dirty feet or stinky feet?
Dirty Feet (although personally I am a freak for clean feet and brand new fresh clean SOCKS!
Do you watch porn, if so who's your favorite pornstar?
My favorite pornstar has always been my business and life mentor Joanna Angel. I think she makes the best, most entertaining and engaging porn. Its not all bullshit and harsh lights, fake boobs, fake tans, and an overly roided cast of dudes. She makes epic porn, and I love the faces she makes when she fucks!
Did you go to school for art?
Yes ...I actually went to 2 schools for fashion design, fine arts and illustration ... Parsons in NYC and Otis in LA.
You look very Spanish, do people ever confuse you for being from any exotic places?
Hahah ... Most people say I look Italian, either way both wrong. I am FRENCH mostly, with some mutt mixed in. I love the genes my parents gave me.
When do you want to get married? ever?
For someone like me who grew up questioning if I would end up with a man or a woman, I am still very traditional when it comes to marriage, I always wanted to be married (to whomever it would be). My partents have been married nearly 30 years and are still on their first marriage. This is rare to find, but I hope my marriage is as happy and fulfilling as theirs. Im sure when the time comes everyone will know who that lucky person is.
I am a total homebody. People think I am some kind of party animal, but I am not. Don't get me wrong, I worked in night clubs starting when I was 15 but I would much rather sit at home working and watching law & order and cooking for my man than being out watching people get shitty.
Yummmm...said the fat Nintendo Warlock...
Saw this, thought it was funny and just thought I would share. What do you think?
russian artist protey temen has been exploring 'different ways of visual environment saturation' since 2004, working as an art-director at zunge design studio in moscow. more recently protey has been working on a side project called 'dobrotarizm', which roughly translates as 'happytalism'. the main objective of the project is a focus on positive reactions among human feelings and their further manipulation. protey views kiddy-styled graphics as the main source of inspiration for his work, which is certainly colorful, intense and often humorous.
Via: Design Boom
Freelance photographer and stylist, specialized in fashion and portrait photography.
Warsaw, Poland born.
Pop trash victim into fashion, involved in quasi-cinematic photographic series,
shadows, layers, sparkles, flashes and alarming glares of cold colours patches.
Admirer of fallen angels, cigarette smoke, decadent chic and androgynous look now and ever.
Never make him tea.
The PRRS disease is also known as blue ear disease occurring with pig for the first time in Myanmar recently. The 500 pigs were among the 2,000 bred in 200 poultry farms in five townships in Mandalay, the Weekly Eleven News said. So far, the disease, detected from the dead pigs, has not spread to other animals or human but infect other pigs, it said. Veterinary surgeons are exploring the cause of the disease, the report added. The Livestock Breeding and Veterinar Department (LBVD) has warned the public to take bio-security measures and report to the authorities on suspected death of livestocks.
Meanwhile, avian influenza (H5N1) struck Sittway, western Rakhine state and Tantsle township, northwestern Sagaing region in the first two months of this year respectively and thousands of chickens, suspected of carrying virulent avian influenza, were wiped out following the discovery of their unusual death.
Myanmar was first struck by bird flu H5N1 in 2006.
YANGON (Xinhua) – Over 500 heads of pig have died of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) disease in Myanmar's second largest city of Mandalay, a local weekly reported Monday.
Source: PhilStar
Three giant alien spaceships are heading for Earth! Scientists predict they will arrive in early 2011.
UFO encounters continue to increase – as documented on WWN. And today scientists at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an independent non-commercial organization, made a major announcement:
“Three giant spaceships are heading towards Earth. The largest one of them is 200 miles wide. Two others are slightly smaller. At present, the objects are just moving past Jupiter. Judging by their speed, they should be on Earth by early 2011,” said John Malley, the lead extraterrestrial expert at SETI.
The spaceships were detected by HAARP search system. The system, based in Alaska, was designed to study the phenomenon of northern lights. According to SETI researchers, the objects are extraterrestrial spaceships. They will be visible in optical telescopes as soon as they reach Mars’s orbit – sometime in March of 2011. The US government has been reportedly informed about the event.
Keep Reading, Via: Weekly World News
Martinez’s painting is a way of recording the chaotic nature of life into paint, to be analyzed and observed later. What Martinez offers is not a theoretical concept that can be proven or disproved. Something more mysterious and inexplicable is happening here, based not in hard facts but in the very nature of the soft mutability of paint. Martinez navigates an ocean of information with instinctive talent, and defies the ability to pin down and clarify.
Martinez’s paintings come out of a practice of drawing that almost never stops, a steady outpouring of imagery. Filtering through the background noise of contemporary life and aligning it with the past, the references for a Martinez painting pop in from everywhere. The longer one spends with his works, the more one absorbs that this is a renegade paint form, and the constant movement is why Martinez paintings feel so fresh yet simultaneously classic.
Organizing his thoughts physically on the canvas, Martinez isn’t afraid to attack the surface with bold brushwork and then scrape away at and carve into it, obsessively adding and canceling, layer upon layer. Constant learning, from both art history and contemporary art activities, is absorbed into his character to the point of habit. Daily life ephemera, conversations, thoughts, ideas are all recorded in the paint, and his spontaneity gives the carefully worked paintings their raw feeling.
Martinez has developed his own distinct style with a personal iconography of recurring motifs that he both repeats and transmutes. Like his wild-eyed blockheads, monolithic figures that are at times cracked open by a sword, or joined by other blockheads in a gazing stack. Avoiding all pretension, a continuous story spreads out across his work, developing from one series to the next, while all the while reveling in the sheer beauty of the paint.
View more from his 2008 Show at Loyal in Sweden.
"I left my house when I was seventeen because I wasn't getting along with my parents. I have lived on my own ever since. It was a really good experience for me. Taught me how to be ambitious and get things done because I knew no one else was gonna be there to help me if I messed up and couldn't afford rent, or food etc. It also taught me the value of a dollar which I think is missing in MANY MANY young people's lives. It's unfortunate."
"Well over the weekend we played with a lot of Polaroids, and that's always fun. Lately, I've been trying to work with more artists that inspire me so I don't feel burnt out. I'm trying to melt the worlds of fashion and fetish together to create erotic art that doesn't necessarily include nudity".
Loulou von Brochwitz started her modeling career at the age of 14 in Switzerland where she was born. Supervised by a established modeling agency, she worked as a part-time model for classic brands; later she decided to specialize in pin-up modeling: Over the years she started a passion for the American Atomic Age and in 2006 she decided to put her passion for the 1950's into her image.
Loulou’s uniquely visual brand as a sexy Pin-Up Girl and nerdy mathematician has her in demand all over the World. Recognized as the ATOMIC AGE HIGH FASHION PIN-UP, she has become both renowned and iconic. She has graced the covers of dozens of magazines, was featured in the September 2010 Edition of Playboy Magazine, and her upcoming role as the “Obedient but Alluring College Girl of the 50's” in: "College Girls Can Be Poison", will be released next year.
Michael Quinn is an affable and dedicated photographer. British born, Quinn has lived in the US and now lives in Paris, reflecting the dynamic and ambitious nature of his work. Never afraid of controversy, his images enhance the aesthetics of the subject by projecting the observer into a rich narrative of his making.
Having trained in London, at the University of the Arts, and Paris, under the rigorous tradition of Speos: Paris Photographic Institute, his range of technique and style is fitting for nearly all purposes. Experienced in and out of the studio, he embraces the possibilities of recreating the world through image.
Michael Quinn
View more: MICKOO
Via, the wonderful folks at 9Gag.com
I don't care what anyone says, Justin Bieber has talent. I just can't stand his haircut and his idiot 13 year old fans. LOL. Rebecca Black should avoid posting videos on YouTube at all costs if she plans to have a social life and a boyfriend in the years ahead. Jesus...
Should I ?
What If?
I think I should try
But what about the robots?
Can I do it today?
But, what about those robots?
Operation El Dorado Canyon
Georg Baselitz
Scarecrow (Eagle) , 2009
Bronze and black painted stainless steel.
250 x 100 x 100 cm (91 x 40 x 40 in)
Dan Colen
Untitled (Vete al Diablo)
Wood, wire, polyurethane, papier mâché, gesso, oil paint
182.9 x 121.9 cm base 30.5 cm
I saw that my friend Andrew put up this kickstarter project and it seems really cool. Check out the clip and help get this project finished :)