Whoa, lets hope this isn't true?
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“This photo was taken in 1950 while our family was on a summer vacation at the Jersey Shore. I am the lovely creature on the left with a horrendous case of poison sumac and look like a creature from outer space. My two brothers seem only intent on shooting the photographer, and my mother, grandmother and grandfather seem unfazed by this weird person in the photo with them. How did I ever allow anyone to take my photo looking like this? I was just 6 years old and probably didn’t think twice about it at the time.”
Haha, this website is so freaking funny. I got these pics from AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com. They have some really funny pictures of family moments. I've posted a few so you guys can see what I'm talking about. Check it out!
The holiday season is a time to come together despite our differences.
Even the dog had to look away.
Excuse me, and you are??
If you would like to see more really funny family photos check out: Awkward Family Photos.
Tel-Aviv based photographer Shai Yehezkel is quite an interesting character I must admit. Not only has he been featured in various magazines, billboards and catalogues; he also served as a military photographer covering the earthquake in Turkey (in ’99) and the world aid mission to Kosovo amongst others.
His acclaimed pictures have not only been featured in the international media, they were even published on the cover for the NY Times magazine.
” -During my military service I have been exposed to a world which blocked my inner feelings and which was the reason why I was hiding behind the lens. Whether it was witnessing and documenting the horror at Kosovo, or the devastating earth quake in Turkey which has placed me in a unfamiliar environment of dead people, I feel it has lead me to sense my obligation to document and share my emotions above any personal difficulty. Although times were hard I tried to showcase the small exciting and happy little spontaneous moments in these tremendous tragedies which were unfolding in front of my own eyes.”
We were eager to hear how Shai’s military experience helped him in becoming an astonishing fashion photographer: ”
-Throughout my 7 years of military experience has lead me to exercise my ability in telling a story, even if it was painful or dramatic. I feel related to any photographer that really makes an effort of telling a story through his pictures and is able to excite us as a viewer.”
Source:Bentrovato Blog
Classic! Vintage Pabst Blue Ribbon advertisement. As the slogan goes "What'll you have?" Yes yes. I want some fish with my Pabst thank you very much.
"Isn't life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?" – Andy Warhol
“Before I was shot, I always thought that I was more half-there than all-there -- I always suspected that I was watching TV instead of living life. Right when I was being shot and ever since, I knew that I was watching television.” – Andy Warhol
“Since people are going to be living longer and getting older, they'll just have to learn how to be babies longer.” – Andy Warhol
In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.” – Andy Warhol
I've decided something: Commercial things really do stink. As soon as it becomes commercial for a mass market it really stinks. – Andy Warhol
“A lady friend of mine asked me,"Well, what do you love most?" That's how I started painting money.” – Andy Warhol
“Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” – Andy Warhol
How did you get involved in modeling?
Doing hair and makeup for photo shoots. I thought "I could do that too"
How has the reception been so far from your shoots?
Awesome! I've learned so much! Not only more expierences but meeting new people and traveling. Its great!
When did you get your first tattoo and what was it of?
I got my first tattoo when I was 18. A girl skull on my left shoulder blade and a boy skull on my right.
What's your favorite place to eat in Chicago?
Peace Pizza! So good! And they brew their own beer!
Best night spots?
Right now is the new Beauty Bar
What color panties are your favorite?
Pink! Who would of thought? But I wear black most of the time
What do you look for in a man?
Confidence! A sense of humor. Has his goals, morals, and career together. Being tall doesn't hurt ;)
Hey everyone, welcome to another edition of the world famous Sexy Riot! We reached number 5. In all honesty the number 5 has always been my lucky number. Our luck has been good lately because the hottie level of alterative female models we have presented thus far is simply astounding. We now want to introduce you to the Chicago girl Lynn Pops. She’s totally hot. She reminds me of some of the girls I see at all the cool clubs or art galleries. Totally a girl I would hang out with. Check out the interview and make sure to check out Brianna’s site too. Show some love!
How did you meet your boyfriend?
Cutting his hair, LOL! I started cutting his hair about 4 years ago, every 5 weeks. We didn't start dating till over a year ago.We both had huge crushes on each other, but we're both shy (believe or not) And I didn't want to overstep my professional boundaries. So it was a slow dating process. Which is great because we had that foundation of friendship first.
Tell us a little bit about your hair styling
What are you working on now?
My own solo site. Its called LynnPops.com. (Lynn is my middle name) All my focus in the last 6 months have gone to making this site. It will be updated weekly with photo sets, videos, blog entries, member chats, etc.
What do you like better, doing hair or being in front of the camera?
Do you style your own hair ever for shoots?
Always. I'm good with my own hair and makeup. Any time I've had some one else do my make up or hair, I've been disappointed.
Whats your biggest guilty pleasure and why?
Chocolate! I always crave it at night. I know, I'm So BAD, ha ha
What are you interested in doing next in modeling?
Getting LynnPops.com to launch. I'm super stoked on having my very own solo site!!! So we'll see how that goes. Also putting more effort in getting published in magazines.
Where can we see pictures of you?
You can see ALL updated photos at LynnPops.com
How did you get into the nude photo shoots, was it easy for you?
I started with black and white artistic nudes. It wasn't easy at first. I would always keep my panties on. I felt insecure and wasn't comfortable in front of the camera yet. 3 years later, here I am. : D
"I know I'll always have hairdressing to fall back onto. One day I'll be old and wrinkly and no will want to see me naked.."
Stormy explaining how he did this crazy, amazing type. Check it out.
"I got some inquires from people asking how this post was done. It’s a relatively easy process. 1. Pick a typeface 2. Print it out 3. Cut it up (for mine each letterform was cut into 5 pieces) 4. Reconfigure the letterforms, glue it down 5. Scan it, done."
Via: Friends of Type
Ah, my dream summer home...
These architects are solid. Check out more of their work.RawlinsCalderone.com
Helmo, c'est Thomas Couderc et Clément Vauchez. Nous sommes graphistes. Nous concevons des affiches, des livres,
des signalétiques, des images, un peu de typographie... Nous pensons aussi par moments des interventions a l'échelle du corps
ou de bâtiments... Le champ du graphisme est large. Nous avons créé en 2002 La bonne merveille, avec Thomas Dimetto.
Nous avons travaillé sous cette signature a 3 mains pendant 5 ans. Début 2007, dans le souci de préserver la liberté de création de chacun,
notre groupe se recompose : Thomas Couderc et Clément Vauchez créent Helmo, tandis que Thomas Dimetto développe Tburo.
La bonne merveille reste néanmoins ce qu'elle a toujours été depuis le début : le nom de l'atelier dans lequel nous travaillons tous les trois
à Montreuil, et qui accueille au gré des affinités d'autres créateurs.
This is so rad. I don't know who did this. I would totally check out their site. This is really clever I wonder how it was done? If anyone has any idea who did these, let me know. Enjoy, I sure did. Total dreamy eye dessert.