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Flying AirJelly

Posted by Humby Views: 19,354

Via @Biz



Glides through the air by peristaltic motion

Can the jellyfish’s motion through water serve as a propulsion principle for an airborne object? Is it possible to glide through the air as a jellyfish swims through water?…

Loriel Andre'a

Posted by SexyRiot Views: 22,408


Welcome yet again, everyone that comes to our webzine; can't just see one issue. Everyone takes a look and reads every issue. The models are exceptional and well, something very close to what we represent, overall punk rock modeling with 100% Value. That's our new saying! Okay, we are so happy that we got Loriel Andre'a to answer some questions in-depth. She is very beautiful, professional and has a clear vision of what she wants to show us. We won't complain seeing whatever she offers. ;-)  Enjoy the read ! - Sexy Riot

What are some things you have just worked on?

I've been working on a lot of different shoots lately not only with my modeling but as a stylist & makeup artist for other models. Some of my favorite shoots lately have been at abandoned buildings also the haunted Preston castle. I've also been working a lot on my music lately & I’m planning on recording soon. I have lots of cool things coming up just kind of keeping them hush hush at the moment.

How did you get involved in modeling?

I was introduced to modeling & fashion at a very young age. I started out with beauty pageants & eventually made my way into modeling. When I was 13 I took modeling & acting classes & that led me to doing photo shoots & runway.

What made you get into alternative modeling? How was it introduced to you?

I've always had a great love for crazy hair, bizarre fashion, piercings & tattoos. I definitely never have conformed to the norm & when I discovered alternative modeling I knew it was exactly the type of modeling that I was meant to do.
Alternative modeling was introduced to me a few years back. I remember looking through tattoo magazines thinking how beautiful the women we're. I just loved how they did things their way & they seemed very confident in themselves. It was very inspirational to me.


You do fashion design too? Tell us a little bit about that

I Sure do.I do work as a fashion designer & stylist. I went to college for fashion design & merchandising & I have put on 3 different fashion shows showcasing my collections. I had been working on my 4th collection but I had to put a hold on it since I am in the process of moving to LA. I am very inspired by Alternative London fashion. Everything from goth, punk, burlesque, fetish, pinup/rockabilly,Lolita, DIY styles. I am known for my use of bright colors and elaborate designs and each collection that I create has many of these design elements incorporated into the entire look. Once I am settled into my new place I plan on finishing my 4th collection as well as designing a lot more eco friendly clothing. I’m also working on a new name for my clothing line.

Where is your favorite place on earth?

My favorite place on earth so far in my life is Patrick's point. Patrick’s Point is in Trinidad, ca. It is such a pretty place with the ocean, trees, mountains & fresh air. I love being outdoors & exploring so that’s pretty much why I love this place. I have gone camping there quite a few times & I feel so relaxed when I visit.

Favorite Halloween moment?

A few years ago I decided to go trick or treating with my friends even though we were definitely not at the age where we should still be going door to door asking for candy… but we wanted free candy so we dressed up to disguise how old we really we’re & people didn’t have a clue. It was a fun Halloween.

What print work have you done thus far?

I have been featured in Gothic Beauty Magazine Front cover Issue 29, Sac Bee Sunday newspaper, American River Current Newspaper, anomie1 graffiti magazine, CRY. HAVOK Magazine, ARR art magazine.

Who would you like to work with?

I would love to work with designers such as Betsey Johnson, Marc Jacobs, Jeremy Scott & Patricia Field, It would be amazing to model for any of them. It would be the most incredible opportunity to work with Tim Burton someday on a film, his work is brilliant & very inspirational to me. I would also love to work with the band Brand New as a model in one of their music videos.

Doing her Nails every day for 365 Days!

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,534


Whoa, get this...the girl that started this blog is nuts. She decided to do 365 different nail designs in 365 days and she started on October 13, 2010. She will continue to do designs and she takes requests if they are any good. Seems like she's for real doing it. From her blog she posts so many. I had a hard time picking which ones to put here. Check it out, it's nuts! Do what you love!

View more: The Daily Nail

The 9 Muses - Kiki Valdes

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 18,360



I've been working off and on for the past 6 months on a series of black and white portraits.  The canvas's  are of 9 women from Miami that have been in my life in a direct or indirect way. I based it on the Nine Greek Muses. I am going into each portrait on the varied inspirations of the mythology of the goddesses/daughters of Zeus and exploring  how each person relates to one of the nine and I'm applying it to my own existence.


The works themselves have been figurative abstractions and I am concerned with line, form and embedded space and memory. The goddesses in the mythology had to use their memory to recite poetry because books according to the myths didn’t exist. In historical terms "portrait paintings" for the most part have been done from life. Remembrance was something I wanted to do by gestural association.  I moved away from Miami 5 months ago and I nearly started the portraits when I left. I am painting each personality based from memory and composing the canvas in visual verses of how each goddess/female made me feel whether intellectually, in social terms, friendship or sexually. The muses are memory intensified. I feel that I have been able to commune this more then ever, the sheer deficiency and applying some road map of gloominess to light by emotion and memory. - Kiki Valdes


Calliope was the muse of epic poetry.

Clio was the muse of history.

Erato was the muse of love poetry.

Euterpe was the muse of music.

Melpomene was the muse of tragedy.

Polyhymnia was the muse of sacred poetry.

Terpsichore was the muse of dance.

Thalia was the muse of comedy.

Urania was the muse of astronomy.

"Valerie De Leon - Urania"

"Cat Alisa Dove - Euterpe"



Zander Blom and his Scene

Posted by WPD Views: 14,464

zander blom: scene

Outrageous interior installations of metal, punk culture with a slice of demonic expressionism.

Zander Blom is a Johannesburg-based artist who utilizes painting, drawing, assemblage sculpture, and, crucially, photography, to interrogate received ideas about creative endeavour and Modernism in Africa.

View more works: Rooke Gallery

Classical Coil article from Street Hearts

Posted by Wildcats Views: 16,290

Must-ard Contrasts

Creating contrasts in outfits makes overcast colours come to life. Referencing the Halton classic dresses of the 1970’s, Vanja layers with a comfortable jersey fabric t-shirt under a stylish dress. Thus she creates a monochrome effect with exciting textures while exuding a dressed down and comfortable style. However when adding purple cotton stockings, the mustard coloured dress take on a life of its own.

Tantalizing Textures

Textures can supply a garment with the excitement that so often seem lost come the last of winter. This coat, rich in both structure and texture, not only eludes dullness; it captures comfort and nostalgia – reminding us of long lost Hollywood darlings and snug fires in places not yet visited. Worn her, as an object of the gaze in its own right, new textures also brings back life to dark and dull winter outfits.


For more on this visit: The Street Hearts

Words by Kristina Ketola Bore

Models: Gabriella & Vanja Maria @ Heartbreak Oslo
Make-up: Hilde Rekve
Photo assistant: Therese Stigen

(T-shirt: Whyred, Dress: By Malene Birger)

(Coat: Veronica B. Vallenes)

Me in my Place.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 26,435


Really cool website that features regular American girls in their apartments. Not too crazy, but a little naughty. I dig this. Check it out. Me In My Place

Friday by Rebecca Black, Worst Song Ever Made

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,738

If you’re one of the two million-plus people who watched the instant YouTube classic "Friday" by Rebecca Black this weekend, you may be as confused as we were as to who this girl is and why anyone allowed her to make a music video so unbelievably terrible (other than to ease widespread confusion about which day comes after Thursday). It turns out Rebecca Black is merely one of many products from the brilliant entrepreneurs Patrice Wilson and Clarence Jey, who run Ark Music Factory, an LA based production company designed to take advantage of super-rich kids with pop-star dreams, and their parents’ cash. The results are music videos with surplus production value and a deficit of talent and individuality; aka more YouTube gold.




To view and vomitt to more crap please visit this article: Flavorwire


Where's Don Quixote?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 12,789

I was looking at this and saw Don Quixote. Can you find him?

Project Thirty Three

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 13,565

The seemingly infinite number of vintage record jackets that convey their message with only simple shapes and typography never cease to amaze me.

The artwork featured here was collected, scanned, and archived by the owner of  Jive Time Records, a Seattle-based store specializing in used vinyl. Visit my other record related galleries.



Wee Planets, planet cities by Alexandre Duret-Lutz

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 14,550


What am I looking at?

All these pictures are 360°x180° panoramas projected to look like small planets using a projection called stereographic projection.

What is a 360°x180° panorama?

Turn around and look all around you. You can see 360° horizontally.
We should also consider the vertical dimension: if looking straight ahead (horizontally) is 0°, you can look upward up to 90° (the sky) and downward to -90° (the ground). That covers 180° vertically from the zenith (the point in the sky right above you) to the nadir (the point on the ground right below you).

Now imagine that you are at the center of sphere, and the image of the world you see around you is in fact just a picture on that sphere. Everywhere you look (the whole 360° horizontally and the whole 180° vertically), the sphere shows you a picture if what you should normally see in that direction.

A 360°x180° panorama is exactly this sphere. Making a 360°x180° panorama means that you have to shoot pictures for all direction, including sky and ground, in order to be able to reconstruct that sphere.

What is a projection?

Because we look at picture on a flat screen, or on paper, we need a way to project this 3-dimensional sphere to something flat, in 2 dimensions.

Imagine for a moment that the spherical picture works like a slide for image
projecting. There is a light at the center of the spheres, the light passes through the sphere and finally hit a nearby screen. What happens is that a part (the portion visible on the screen) of the sphere has been projected on the screen. This projection is called qnomonic projection or rectilinear projection, it is the projection used when viewing interactive panomas. It is also the projection used by any regular camera when taking a picture (indeed: cameras take a picture of a part of the viewable sphere and project it flat). The obvious problem with the gnomonic projection is that you cannot project the entire sphere. Even if you had an infinitely large screen, you could only project one half of the sphere: the area that is between the screen and the center of the sphere.

Other projection exists, each with pros and cons. There is however one thing that is common to all the projections: you cannot project the sphere on a flat surface without distorting the image in some way. Think of trying to flatten an orange peel without tearing it...


These are amazing, Photographer from France talking about his processs of these photos of world cities.


Illustrations by Paul Thurlby

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,571

Originally from Nottingham, London based
Paul has been a full-time illustrator since
September 2006 after graduating from
University in Buckinghamshire.

Paul holds his pen in a funny way, but it
works just fine for him. He has built up
an impressive list of commissions including
regular contributions to The Guardian since
May 2007.


To view more images by Paul Thurlby, check out his personal site at Paul Thurlby

A little quote from Cornel West

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 12,720

Got Milk? Nice Pic

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,623


Photos by D. Yee

Topper kicks.

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 14,042

These are pretty cool, these little guys remind me of the ghosts from Pacman. What you think? Check them out:Topper


Big rats take over a Taco Bell, KFC. No Joke

Posted by NYStank Views: 12,803

Big Rats in Taco Bell/KFC in NYC

Crazy footage of rats invested inside a New York Taco Bell/KFC. At least you know they use real meat….this location has since been closed down. I wonder why?

Dayna Delux

Posted by SexyRiot Views: 29,476

Hey all, we have a quick chat with Dayna Delux. She has a new family and while we caught up with her she was in the middle of a move. We are glad she had some moments to answer some questions. - Sexy Riot

How's Vegas?

Vegas is great most of the time. The weather has been odd though.

Do you gamble at all?

Not a big gambler. I might throw a dollar or two in a machine or play $20 on a black jack table. I can't stand losing money!

How did you meet your husband? What does he like most about you?

I actually met him at my old bar in Cali. I think he likes me because Im not like all the rest of the girls.



  You grew up in Texas, what was that like for you?

I suppose it was like any other childhood in any other city. Well, except living with my grandmothers in the country. Shooting guns, playing in the lake, and having tons of animals around. That was the best times!

  What were you like in high school, would anyone be shocked at what you are doing now?

I was a nerd. I'm not really sure if they would be shocked. I was into acting then so they'd probably not be surprised.

Who was the first photographer you worked with? How was that experience?

Wow I can't think of the first which would've been when I was really young. When I started modeling again my first was Danni from Cat Fight studios. She is awesome.

Where could new fans find you?

Everywhere! Facebook, myspace, my website, Twitter, and so on.

What was the last concert you attended?

Skinny Puppy

Do you hit the road at all?

Not since I had the baby. Life has mellowed out a lot.

Any current projects you would like to share with us?

Im not at liberty to talk about them right now. Fingers crossed you'll see them in the future.

Favorite BBQ joint and why?

Not a big fan of meat especially on the bone. I know, its crazy! I'm really not into BBQ

What's the sexiest part of a man's personality?

His humor.

What got you into modeling?

Ha, my mom back when I was 12.

Favorite Burger joint, and why?

In-N-Out burger because its great and cheap!

What are you attracted to most about a man?

Personality.. he's got to make me laugh and keep me interested.

You studied acting, do you think it reflects what you do today? Where else would you like to take it?
For sure, It gave me the ability to show emotion not only through words. I would love to be able to act again. Ill go where ever the road takes me.

What do you do when your not in front of the camera?

Take care of my husband and baby.

"I was a nerd. I'm not really sure if they would be shocked. I was into acting then so they'd probably not be surprised."


Charlie Sheen on Romance

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,108




Now, we all know Charlie Sheen is a hopeless romanic, but we couldn't help to notice one of his latest quotes. He really knows how to get to the heart of the matter. Here's some romance advice and wisdom Charlie has for the young guys out there that can't get a date...

Sexy Sax Man Prank

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,374

Wow, this is totally awesome. Sergio Flores has out done himself and George Michael. He is above the law...of mall security!


Valerie De Leon Photo Shoot.

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,748




Valerie De Leon is a young stylist and fashion go-to girl from Miami. She has a great blog that feature her flamboyant designs and expression. Here's some of her work, and in her own words.

(Left) Vintage Annie Reva for Bugatchi blazer (originally a solid orange color), vintage gold gloves, 50s cateyes

Vintage Gottex 50s style bikini, 60s checkered sunglasses from C. Madeleine's, antenna embedded into beehive from radioshack

vintage 80s top, vintage bangles, vintage striped hat, vintage stripe earrings

"Shot these back in February for little miss Tokoy Diiva. I had been meaning to shoot the first picture for over year. I dreamt this shoot concept up last March while staring out into space and wondering about how people derive their interests/personalities from what's shown in the media, especially the TV. I thought it was kind of pathetic how, obviously i'm generalizing here, masses of men and women have resorted to using logos and brand names to enhance their image and boost their status in society. " - V.D.L

Photography: Alfred J. Barerra

Styling/Creative Direction: Valerie De Leon

Makeup: Jet Hair: Sah 'fari