
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

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1.Favorite Technology:
"My 15 gig iPod Touch. It’s the first generation
edition and my most important piece of technology easily…I refuse to upgrade iPods until this baby stops.."

2.Where do you get your style:
"My lyrics are right out of the 90's, It was the decade that raised me and my mind will never
leave that era."

3.Who were you in your past life:
In my past life I was a farmer who lived on a
fruit/vegetable farm in either Nigeria or in a small community somewhere in rural California.


4.Who do you want to be in the next life?
I wanna own an NFL or MLB team

Kids I grew up with wanted to play professional
sports, [I wanted to be an owner].

5.Who/What would you be if not your (career)? Why?
Sports Columnist/Writer/Reporter/Producer/Anchor (one of those for sure)
I [have a degree] in Sports Broadcast Journalism and can’t go a day without following my respective [sports teams]. Covering sports is something I plan on doing eventually but I'd do it full time if the music wasn't so DOPE


6.birth of the Mixtape.

My parents are the 2 hardest working people I know. They embody the phrase

'work ethic'. It wasn't until I graduated, moved out the house,
and worked full time that I understood what they had been doing for me for my whole life.

"The slogan #NoDaysOff drives me to succeed and be great at all I do."
