
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

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Herds of The Fathers is a lifestyle brand that is eager to provide every accessory needed to keep up with the ever-changing gentleman.

Name: Jason Akoi
Age: 23
Hometown: Newark, New Jersey
Nationality: Liberian

Style: My style is very laid back. Bury me in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt when's it's my time to go. Don't get me wrong, I can definitely switch it up whenever I have to, but effortless appeal is always the goal. Confidence speaks volumes. I think nowadays people are forgetting that style should always be about  comfort and function, first and foremost. I will never sacrifice those things just to obtain a certain "look". If I don't feel right in it, I'm not wearing it. The products that our company provides are a perfect compliment to what I do as far as style goes. Accessories play a big part in bringing my simple outfits to another level. I just live my life and have as much fun as possible....the goal is to package that and present it to the world in the form of a brand.

Name: Tobi Babajide


Hometown: Pennsauknen NJ

Nationality: Nigerian

Style: Defining my style is a difficult task because its hard to pin point and give it one label. Personal style is not something that needs to be confined and shaped in a box. My style changes and evolves on a day to day basis. The most I could say about my style is that I dress how I feel. I buy what I know makes me feel like myself. Somedays I could go for the professional look, the workman, the carefree, or the minimalist look. I use the  clothes I wear as props, props that project lifestyle, feelings, and values. Style should be specific to the individual. Each day, I make sure I am not a duplicate of another individual or brand. Imitation when it comes to style is not flattering, its quite the opposite. Some individuals have the ability to make anything stylish because they have confidence, aura, and presense. Style without these things is a waste. "Fashions is eternal" YSL.