
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

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Shawn Harris. 'Fashionist'

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” -Milton Berle

1. What inspires your style?

I like to think that my style is and extension of me and how I express myself. I don't go out of my way to try to be different from others, uniqueness come from being you. You can find style from white collar business people, to homeless people, or even your parents. I wear things that I actually like instead of it just being a brand name everyone has.


2. favorite Accessory:

If I had to choose one then it would be a belt. Belts can be very fashionable and you see alot of people in the media wearing the nicest belts on the market.

3. Who were you in your past life?

In my past life, I feel that I was Jimi Hendrix. He had a love for music, life,
and just trying to live it to the fullest. He was such a unique individual and I feel that he became successful by just being himself. He had humbleness and wisdom, which are traits I feel that I have. He always accomplished something by believing in himself and not having someone else tell him how he should do it. I can relate.


6Shooter cont.

4. Who will you be in your next life?
I do know or hope is that I hope I’m a person that can change society to the
bettering of the people. I want to impact [people] to a point where people
could look back and say “this was a noble man who changed society by…”, and
hope that people could live vicariously through good examples I have set for


5. Most Prized possessions: (3)
Hmmm, this is a tough one. In sequential order that matter to me most, the
first being my family, especially my mother because I don’t know what I would
do without this woman. My family has guided me through struggles and has

taught me life lessons that I would love to teach my children if I may be so

blessed to have some. Secondly, even though not tangible, it’s my education

[since] I do feel it’s a necessity in life. Lastly, my third most prized possession

would be my sneaker collection. I like to consider myself an advent sneaker

collector. I know I’m not the greatest collector, but I’ve had probably over

300 pairs of sneakers since I started collecting and it will keep on growing

because my sneaker are a part of me." 

6.                                  Life Motto

"The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop other people" - Randy Pausch