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Oh So STANK...

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Stank face...


Ok so tell me this.. Are you approachable? You may be the most friendly person but if your body language and facial expression is looking like you just ran into Flava Flav

then.... YOU may need to check the mirror. I'm serious. Learn yourself and look in the mirror. You most likely don't even realize that your are doing it. (Or perhaps you do and just don't care, but that is a separate topic) I call this the "STANK FACE" may sound funny but, guess what? That face is what you say about yourself to others.


Do any of the FACES above look like someone you know?


(besides me lol I don't do the stank face daily... just for these pictures pretty funny)


Life brings up's and down's to everyone. And it's  easy to carry all that burden with you. But if you allow it to control you will end up with a permanent STANK FACE. That's why I choose to carry my positive energy every where I go. In line at the grocery store. pumping gas (except for creepers they get the stank face) and in the work place and most of all at HOME. People will assume that you're  attitude is STANK if you look STANK.  SO stop carrying it around...

 LET IT GO & pack light.


thanks for reading and sharing positive motivation! It is greatly appreciated. "LIKE" and "SHARE" 

find me on facebook. {{nina b viben}} xoxo