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Fear no more...

So for what ever reason, people are afraid of being afraid. Now when you get to the nitty gritty of it all FEAR is trapping you from the happiness that you deserve. At some point you have to realize that you are pretty much just afraid of your self and the potential with in yourself. "How is that possible?" and "What the Hell is she talking about?" may be just a few questions running through your head (or mumbled to the screen) It is possible to let fear consume you and keep you from achieving your ultimate goals in life.


So this week's challenge is to do something every day that is outside of your comfort zone. "Like what?" you may ask. Well let see... write down a list of 5 things that you wish you had the courage to do. For example... Fear often keeps me from striking up a conversation with random people. This week I am going to be more out going. Or maybe if you are afraid of being alone perhaps you go to dinner by yourself. Even take this challenge to your workplace. If you need to have more courage and make your opinion know then NOW is the time.


 Stop waisting time repeating yesterday and make a change for tomorrow.


Please enjoy this song by Mary J Blige. The movie "THE HELP" was about fighting the fear inside and standing up for who you are. Fear during those times had a very different meaning. But in today's world we have to keep pushing and never settle for less that what you deserve in life. You only get one life so live it. Be free of fear and be the living proof that changing your thought process and letting go of the CANT'S and strive for what you can DO!

by Nina
