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Because YOU have to....LOVE

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Be blessed and not stressed so cliche but completely true. If you are carrying all you burdens on your back you will feel it. If you let it go and ask God to hold that weight you will feel better not that it will go away but He will provide a bit s relief so you can focus on a resolution.  You just have to let go and put you emotions on the table. Face the fear and run into the situation head first (using your brain).

Woke up refreshed and smiling. God is definitely in my heart. Did you spend a little time this morning to give thanks and tell God your plans for executing & spreading his love today?

Love is a simple task, you just have to give it. Hold your hand out, open your eyes, extend your listening & you will feel it. It's all around you everyday.


Knowing and trusting that God will provide is easier said than done. Bills are due, heartbreak has you down, death and loss may surround you, nothing is going right, but you have to trust God. You have to Know that he lives in your heart even during the down time. Trust me I know that is not always an easy pill to swallow if you can't trust the unknown.  But you have to! Or  you will wake up and an hour of time will turn in to days and then days will turn into a lifetime  and then you've given into all the pain. Accept that all the answers will not be clear and you will have to work through the process. Then all the pieces will click and the picture will be clear. So CRY today then give it to GOD and let go. LIfe is too short to live unhappy.

Start living to day.  This is my message of LOVE.




Love is needed today share it give it and receive it

God is good...


turn this one UP!!! ---------->>>>>

Lisa Page Brooks "GOD IS GOOD"

thank you for reading! LIKE/SHARE/SMILE/LOVE