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Laughter feeds your soul....

Sometime you have to laugh to keep from crying. I tell you what.. this transition, for me from the crazy world of corporate America into attempting to start my own business can really make a girl KOO-KOO. Now, clearly I know that I made this choice to dive head first into all of this so I am not about to complain. In life it takes getting pushed to the point of watching your bank account dwindle down daily and being forced to face your fears of asking for help to build up your confidence. Then there is the sudden death of a your ideas and plans that yo once would have bet your left pinkie toe on. This will throw you into a whirlwind of laughter so get ready. PRESS PLAY! LET'S GO!



Truth is (Not to go super spiritual on you but...) GOD is in control and when you stop running in circles and stand still long enough to stop, LOOK UP and ASK him for help. Your worries will soon wash away. Just 1 month ago I was there. Blaming everything under the sun on why I could not get it together. "Oh.. it's PMS or OH.. I've got anxiety"  Listen, as soon as I shut everything down and told God I was done  with the madness, my brain was flooded with creative ways to build my business. But the reason I laugh is, just 2 months prior to this breakthrough I was haphazardly working on projects. Unbeknowced to me... I was already working God's plan. It's amazing how the pieces of the puzzle really do just fit together once that light bulb clicks on. Then more laughter.

I am sharing this with you because,

"You have to start somewhere,

if you want to get somewhere".

Nina B~


I am building my business based on passion and desire to assist and encourage others to step out on FAITH and begin to live their dreams. The 6 clients that I featured a few days ago all have this mentality and our paths have crossed through just that. Here is the kicker. 4 of the 6 I have never met face to face and I can only say it is a higher power that is beyond me handing out a business card or posting marketing for Creative Vibes on facebook.

So today I will LOL all day.

Laughter makes me smile and smiling keeps the negativity from intruding on your plans for excellence.

thanks for reading my Blog... LIKE/SHARE/SMILE/LOVE

@IBVIBEN on Twitter and find me on Facebook

Truth is (Not to go super spiritual on you but...) GOD is in control and when you stop running in circles and stand still long enough to stop, LOOK UP and ASK him for help. Your worries will soon wash away. Just 1 month ago I was there. Blaming everything under the sun on why I could not get it together. "Oh.. it's PMS or OH.. I've got anxiety"  Listen, as soon as I shut everything down and told God I was done  with the madness, my brain was flooded with creative ways to build my business. But the reason I laugh is, just 2 months prior to this breakthrough I was haphazardly working on projects. Unbeknowced to me... I was already working God's plan. It's amazing how the pieces of the puzzle really do just fit together once that light bulb clicks on. Then more laughter.