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O'to be a Blessing....

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How often do we take time to look past the surface and see the true blessings of our struggle.  Everyday God shows me YET another reason why I am who I am. This transition has brought people in my life that I would never have met had in NOT been for HIM. Believe it or not, I have 2 clients that I've NEVER laid eyes on,who I have been blessed to provide creative vibes for. Please believe you may never see GOD but he is real TRUST me. GOD directs me to give of my services to those that he is bringing into my life "on purpose". He is using ME to show them He is able. And in return I will be blessed from their success. One of my clients (J. WINDSOR) just told me yesterday that he booked 2 new engagements based on the promotion that I have been doing for him. BLESSINGS for his family. Its such an amazing feeling to know that you can give and support by the talents that God have blessed you with. My other client (Kenya B) and I did the happy dance via text & email to celebrate her hearing her poetry flow over the airwaves for the 1st time.






This walk with God has shown me more than I could fathom and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me. Life is filled with opportunity to grow. We have to choose to receive the struggles and gain wisdom and strength from every tear. I could be disappointed and complain at the fact that I only have 2 clients, but I know that they are MY clients. They have come into my life for a purpose. Even though I've never seen them I know they need and appreciate my work at this very moment. God works in ways we can't explain, but I know that they have been sent as a blessing to me. For that I am thankful.


So don't take for granted the things that may seem small or minimal. The bigger blessing is deep with in and will never be just as you think.  Just open your arms and smile and KNOW that it is the blessings of the Lord.

blinded by the light


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J. Windsor- solo Gospel artist

Kenya B - the poet