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Exhale -Season 3

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8 - season's - Exhale 3

At this point in your 8 seasons, you've decided to step closer to happiness and away from disapointment. The epiphany of your life's goal is clear. Next you have chosen to eliminate the mad insanity cycle that you once call your life. Guess what time it is now?

It is now time to really get focused. Now you have to choose to be dedicated to this journey. Commit yourself to the goal you've set and then EXHALE.


This week I decided to schedule meditation times for clearing my thoughts. Most importantly to talk to God and expressing my love not only HIM but for me. The love you have for your self is the only way to get centered. Everything starts with you.


by Nina

please enjoy the video while reading this blog.

By pressin PLAY.

We only do the things that we truly WANT to do. Think about it. You never have to twist someone's arm or make a deal to get people to do anything that they are already comfortable doing. This is why YOU have to make that choice to start a new lifestlye. A change in life style is just being aware of the changes that you want to make, and knowing that the results will be different because it was not executed in the same mannor that you have always done things in the past.

thanks for reading... your support is apprieciated

Please check out my FACEBOOK fanpage and click the link and take a peak at  the motivational  t-shirts that I have designed  for the 8 SEASONS of Life.