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STONEFIELD ARE ONE OF THE BIGGEST UP AND COMING PERFORMERS IN AUSTRALIA! They are four sisters from melbourne and they are... amy findlay (Lead vocals and drums), hannah findlay (guitar), sarah findlay (keyboards and vocals), Holly findlay (bass).  and I was lucky enough to get a interview with amy findlay!!!


We have heard you are doing the winter road trip with Brooke Addamo (Owl Eyes), how is that going?

Were currently doing 20 shows with Brooke we are doing it all around new zealand and australia. Its been a lot of fun and its for a good cause, which is with the line which is a government initiative and its all about promoting respect and

how to deal with relationships and all that kind of thing. It a really

good thing to be doing.




What made you want to take part and promote the line?
Yeah, well you get approached by a lot by different organizations wanting you to use your music to help get the messgae across by a specific cause. As much as we want to help everyone its really important to pick a few organizations that mean a lot to us.We also try and not to spread our selves too thin and try and do alot for the organizations that we do. So the line is something we can relate to and i think everyone can relate to someway or another. Especially being younger and going through school, friends, bullying, cyber bullying and relationships between students and teachers and families. It's just something that were a bit more
familiar with rather than world poverty where as passionate as we feel about it we don’t know much about it.
You guys have recently put out an EP bad reality do you feel have you guys developed since your last EP through the clover?
 I think its quite a different EP from Through the Clover I guess mostly it was a lot more production that went in it and it wasn’t as raw as our first EP. Which made it very different because we're older and are exposed to different bands, and your songwriting just naturally develops. I’m actually looking forward to having more of an organic sound for our next recording. We're currently working on our debut album which will come out early next year which we write by ourselves.