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Posted | Views: 814
                                                                                                                                                                        Fashion Diva
The workers at Monde Apparels say that if they could earn just 36 cents an hour, they could climb out of misery and into poverty, where they could live with a little bit of decency. In the month of September, the children had just one day off, and before big shipments had to leave for the U.S. the workers were often kept at the factory 95 to 110 hours a week ( The child workers were beaten for falling behind in their production goal, making mistakes or taking too long in the bathroom. The factory guide lines state that the age to start work is eighteen years of age. Some looked much younger. A woman and her daughter who both work at Monde Apparels, earn around $50 a month each. The daughter was just 12 years old -- and one of many children working at the factory. The child gave the factory a fake birth certificate showing her age as 18, breaking the rules on child labor because her family needs the money ( The factory does not care to investigate enough because they need the workers there.