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Posted 2014-11-26 18:31:32 | Views: 758

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Posted 2014-11-26 18:31:04 | Views: 755

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Posted 2014-11-24 10:23:03 | Views: 827
                                                                                                                                                                          Fashion Diva
The ways that the workers are treated is just terrible, and they companies knowing what they are doing to the workers are even worse. The workers go to work scared every day, but have no choice because they have a family that they have to support. No matter how bad the pay or work conditions are. Do you still want clothes that bad anymore?

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Posted 2014-11-24 10:22:55 | Views: 856
                                                                                                                                                                       Fashion Diva
Gap and American Eagle, which had orders with That’s It Sportswear (another clothing factory) declined official comment for the story accusing them of knowing about how That’s It Sportswear runs it company, but both have a “vendor code of conduct” that requires producers to meet the standards of local labor laws. American Eagle is aware that some factories are overworking employees and addressed the issue head-on with factory management at That’s It Sportswear within the past year and told them they would not be penalized for overworking employees, even if it was in violation of labor laws that prohibit work weeks longer than 60 hours ( The company has made it a priority that employees get paid for their hours, which is difficult to do when the factory is hiding time sheets.

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Posted 2014-11-23 18:13:38 | Views: 868
Their pay stubs did not show the extra overtime, but the workers said they were paid more than the stubs reflected. When brand managers from the Western retailers who contract with the factory arrive at the factory, supervisors instruct the workers to lie about their hours and their treatment if brand representatives interviewed them ( It’s just plain wrong to put the workers in that position to have to lie. Corporate monitoring has again proved a miserable failure. Another factory called Harvest Rich was certified by the U.S. apparel industries Worldwide Responsibly Apparel Production (WRAP) monitoring group. Not only did the U.S. companies fail to notice the beatings, the child workers, the mandatory overtime, but also that not one single worker in Harvest Rich was paid the correct overtime pay legally. Any worker daring to ask for the right wages, or that their most basic legal rights to be respected, would immediately be attacked, beaten and fired ( Let’s remember Harvest Rich is not the only company treating their workers in that way

                                                                                                                                                                          Fashion Diva

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Posted 2014-11-23 18:13:31 | Views: 830
                                                                                                                                                                    Fashion Diva
Their hours are tracked with a finger-punch machine that scans a fingertip to clock them in and out of the building, but little do people know the factory hid the extra overtime by having them clock out at the time they are suppose to, and then had them back working at their machines. The excess hours were tracked separately. If the real hours were showed to the buyer they would not have work. Other workers said they clocked in and out usually with the “finger-punch” but that they signed two sets of pay sheets. ( The one sheet indicated the hours they actually worked and a second that showed they worked only the legal amount of overtime.

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Posted 2014-11-21 21:27:28 | Views: 813
                                                                                                                                                                        Fashion Diva
The workers at Monde Apparels say that if they could earn just 36 cents an hour, they could climb out of misery and into poverty, where they could live with a little bit of decency. In the month of September, the children had just one day off, and before big shipments had to leave for the U.S. the workers were often kept at the factory 95 to 110 hours a week ( The child workers were beaten for falling behind in their production goal, making mistakes or taking too long in the bathroom. The factory guide lines state that the age to start work is eighteen years of age. Some looked much younger. A woman and her daughter who both work at Monde Apparels, earn around $50 a month each. The daughter was just 12 years old -- and one of many children working at the factory. The child gave the factory a fake birth certificate showing her age as 18, breaking the rules on child labor because her family needs the money ( The factory does not care to investigate enough because they need the workers there.

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Posted 2014-11-21 21:27:20 | Views: 798
                                                                                                                                                      Fashion Diva
Six months ago, 112 workers died when their factory burned down. Last month, another factory collapsed, killing more than 1,100 workers in one of the worst industrial accidents ever. There are several hundred workers on one floor of the factory, with the factory being 100,000 square feet, there were only two fire extinguishers. And if there were a fire, the workers would find an emergency exit door blocked by many boxes (
 The children report being slapped and beaten, sometimes falling down from exhaustion, forced to work 12 to 14 hours a day, even some all-night, 19-to-20-hour shifts, seven days a week, for wages as low as 6 ½ cents an hour. The wages are so low that many of the child workers get up at 5:00 a.m. each morning to brush their teeth using just their finger and ashes from the fire, since they cannot afford a toothbrush or toothpaste (

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Posted 2014-11-20 18:41:52 | Views: 1,000
Would you still buy clothes if you knew the process of how they were made? Many of the clothes in American stores are made in Bangladesh, which has a history of workplace disasters. An estimated 200 children, some 11 years old or even younger, and some moms of the children are sewing clothing for Hanes, Wal-Mart, J.C. Penney, and Puma at the Harvest Rich factory in Bangladesh ( The workers work overtime, some over-nights, and have to sleep there. They may be beaten and they overall work in a bad working environment.
                                                        The Horror of Third World Labor
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Posted 2014-11-20 18:41:46 | Views: 723
Now we know the types of hairstyles that will get people’s attention, look adorable on you and what each hairstyle means to people. To make the hairstyle better, we also know the right products to use to make yourself look great. Fashion Diva magazine has all the information you need!
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Posted 2014-11-19 08:10:05 | Views: 863
Lastly, we will talk about the John Frieda Luxurious Volume Fine to Full Blow-Out Spray! This styling product does magic! This makes any blowout more impressive, it gives even really fine hair remarkable body and shape ( Now who wants something like that, for the price of $9.00! So girl’s theses cheap and healthy products are waiting for you at any of your local stores!
                                                                     Blow-Out Spray
                                                                                                                                                                                         Fashion Diva

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Posted 2014-11-19 08:09:58 | Views: 839
                                Hair Oil
                                                           Fashion Diva
Another product we recommended is hair oil by ORIBE. ORIBE is about $48.00, but it does wonders! “Infused with nourishing argan, "the oil melts right into hair, leaving it silky and frizz-free," says Cucinello” ( Also another product that goes along with the hair oil is volumizer! Volumizer is a cheap, and by cheap we mean $4.00, made by Vidal Sassoon. An article that popped out at us said “Gushes Cicinello, "It gives you as-seen-on-TV fullness and touchable hold at an unbeatable price” ( It will make you feel beautiful and look beautiful!
                                                       Fashion Diva
Besides the hair oil and volumizer, we will talk about hair touch up! Now you can go to a salon and get your hair touched up for about $50.00. Which we are not saying nobody shouldn’t but there is an alternative for people who can’t spend that or don’t want to. It’s called Clairol touch up! Newly improved, it makes DIY touch-ups easier than ever. The long, angled brush lets you apply color with fewer slipups ( And this product is only $8.00!

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Posted 2014-11-18 08:16:12 | Views: 819
How do you get your hair to look like this? What products do you buy? Every girls question when seeing a magazine with fashion topics in it! First off we will talk about the type of shampoo and conditioner that we recommend for people who are looking for something that will really help your hair and is cheap. Like $6.00 cheap! L’OREAL is the number one recommended shampoo and conditioner! “With a reparative combo of ceramides and amino acids, this cleanser "glosses up dry, overstyled hair," says New York City hair pro Paul Cucinello. "Over time, it does real damage control” ( And it don't stop there.
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Posted 2014-11-18 08:15:58 | Views: 825
                                                                    CRAZILY DYED
                                                                                                                                                                      Fashion Diva
The last hair style we will be talking about is the crazily dyed one. Not the cheapest but, pick any color you think that would look good in your hair, you’ll probably be feeling just wild and gorgeous! This could go one of two ways. A free spirit, nonconformist with eclectic taste or someone potentially crazy who wants attention. The free spirit doesn’t care what you think and just happens to like a certain wacky color; the attention-craver wants to be the free spirit but really is not and just wants everyone looking at her ( This hair style could get anyone’s attention and quick!

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Posted 2014-11-17 07:55:20 | Views: 774
                                                                                                                                                     Fashion Diva
Along with the low-key updo, another popular hair style would be pigtails! “I can’t look at pigtails without recalling Britney Spears from the “Hit Me Baby One More Time” music video. Other popular pigtail-wearers hail from the adult film industry. So that’s the kind of company pigtailed gals will keep — in the male mind at least. Take it or leave it” ( We would say that the pigtail look is also a little sassy and cowgirl type look.