Their pay stubs did not show the extra overtime, but the workers said they were paid more than the stubs reflected. When brand managers from the Western retailers who contract with the factory arrive at the factory, supervisors instruct the workers to lie about their hours and their treatment if brand representatives interviewed them ( It’s just plain wrong to put the workers in that position to have to lie.
Corporate monitoring has again proved a miserable failure. Another factory called Harvest Rich was certified by the U.S. apparel industries Worldwide Responsibly Apparel Production (WRAP) monitoring group. Not only did the U.S. companies fail to notice the beatings, the child workers, the mandatory overtime, but also that not one single worker in Harvest Rich was paid the correct overtime pay legally. Any worker daring to ask for the right wages, or that their most basic legal rights to be respected, would immediately be attacked, beaten and fired ( Let’s remember Harvest Rich is not the only company treating their workers in that way.