It takes two to make up for a foul penis
When it rains onto it
Like a curse that never follows
The advent of a sexual history
Marked by the frustration that lives through
A complex system of veins and brains
And to be programmed different
When any pronoun I visited
Has nothing to offer
Except for shallow rewards
"Check out the ass on that bitch"
"Check out the dick on that jock"
"Check out these tits"
"What are you looking at, faggot?"
And it's so easy being myself
Around anyone else but
A family member or a member of the joint
Or whoever is telling you it isn't right
To be free among free spouses
And husbands
And boyfriends
And daughters
And doctors
My doctor
Don't come home tonight
Don't come home tonight
Please, don't come home tonight
-R.G Magellan