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  Fun Facts to 
Help You Seem Interesting at
By Sam Ortiz

Fun Fact Many people mistakenly think plutoids and dwarf planets are the same thing. 
Plutoids are a subcategory of dwarf planets. Plutoids are dwarf planets that are farther than Neptune in the solar system. Ceres is in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, so Ceres fits the criteria for being a dwarf planet, but not the one for being a plutoid
Fun fact: Every part of a shoe has a name.
You’ve probably heard of a shoe’s soles and tongues or maybe even it’s eyelets. From a shoe’s collar to it’s eyestay, every part of a shoe’s anatomy has a nam
Fun fact: The only difference between perfume and cologne is its concentration.
There’s different categories for scents you apply to yourself based on its concentration. These categories are Eau Fraiche, Eau de Cologne, Eau de Toilette, Eau de Parfum, and Perfume (or parfum) with Eau Fraiche being the least concentrated and Perfume being the most concentrated. The amount of time the scent lasts is determined by its concentration.
Fun fact: There are different tiers of Barbies.
arbies are categorized into “Labels”. First, there are the dolls meant for play. These dolls do not have limited numbers and they are not labeled. Next, there’s the pink and black label Barbies. They also do not have limited numbers. Pink label barbies are keepsake barbies, like Holiday or Birthday Barbies. Black label Barbies are meant for older collectors. Next, there’s the Silver and Gold labels. Silver Label barbies are limited to only 50,000 dolls, and Gold Label Barbies are limited to just 25,000 Barbies made. Platinum Label Barbies are the rarest of them all. The Platinum Label limits each Barbie to less than 1000 dolls made. Platinum Label Barbies can go from anywhere between $200 to $2000. Official One-of-a-kind Barbies are included in the Platinum label like Barbie by Stefano Canturi, a doll with multiple real diamonds on it, which sold for $302,500.
Fun fact: Some dog breeds don’t exist anymore.
Lots of dog breeds like the Blue Paul Terrier and the Cumberland Sheepdog have stopped existing. They could’ve gone extinct for some factors that aren’t related to humans or simply because they weren’t very popular.
Fun fact: The reason why bubblegum is pink is because that’s the only colour the creator had.
The creator of bubble gum only had red food colouring on hand. When added to the gum, it became pink.
Fun fact: Cranberries grow on vines.
Cranberries grow on vines in places called cranberry bogs.
Fun fact: Professional crayons exist.
Lots of artists use crayons in their work. The crayons artists use are different from kid’s crayons because of their formula. Artist’s crayons are more expensive and they’re made to be able to blend colours evenly.
Fun fact: The world’s smallest flowering plant is the size of a sprinkle.
The Wolffia Globosa, also known as duckweed, is the world’s smallest flowering plant.
Fun fact: The Times New Roman font was designed for a newspaper.
The Times New Roman font was specifically designed for a newspaper. It was later adapted to suit longer texts like books.