Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Feature 4

Posted 2014-12-01 09:59:06 | Views: 814
What Gluten Does to the Brain?

     Gluten can have harmful effects on the brain. Today, gluten has become a household discussion topic. It’s in almost everything and most of the time people don’t even worry or think about it. Gluten is, “a common protein found in wheat, barley and rye products,” (Fritter). It sounds harmless, it’s in most of our food, but gluten has been shown to act like a drug. It has also gotten a bad rap because it has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Luckily, eliminating gluten can help prevent these diseases.
 To begin, gluten acts like a drug. This may sound incorrect because gluten is supposed to be a natural substance in our food. However, gluten is actually addictive. Experts have realized that, “both gluten and casein are broken down into gluteomorphin and casomorphin peptides, short chains of proteins that, should they escape through the gut and make their way to the brain, mimic the effects of heroin and morphine,” (Fawcett). Therfore, gluten acts the same as heroin and morphine (two very harmful drugs) on the brain.
    Moreover, it takes the same amount of time to get over a gluten addiction as it does for a drug addiction. According to Dr. Kelly Brogan, “Those eating high gluten diets can expect to undergo 1-3 weeks of withdrawal symptoms upon cessation.” When children go off of gluten, they can even develop, “affective disorders such as anxiety and depression.” (Fawcett). These disorders can take months or even years to recover from. Also, the fact that gluten acts like a drug is dangerous since the majority of Americans have gluten every day. Basically, with gluten, the whole nation is under a secretive, mild drug. A fact that is even scarier is that, “the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has enacted a new standard for gluten-free labeling of foods, it doesn’t apply to other products like drugs and cosmetics,” (Fritter). This makes it harder to find foods that are truly gluten-free. Plus, if a person has celiac disease (basically an allergy to gluten) they could have life threatening reactions due to small traces of gluten in their gluten-free foods.
     In addition, the largest problem with gluten is that, “eating foods with high glycemic indexes, which happen to be some of the most gluten-rich foods, increases the chances of developing neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia,” (Ugolik). This is not just a theory that someone came up with. Scientific studies have been done to support the connection. For example, “One is a case series of 13 patients conducted by the Mayo Clinic in 2006 that showed a potential association between gluten and dementia,” (Ugolik). This is not a large sample number, but these diseases have limited data because they usually do not occur until later in life. Due to this lack of research, it is hard to prove that gluten increases the chances of getting Alzheimer’s and dementia. In fact, most researchers and doctors believe that, “not enough is known about the way gluten impacts the brain—or even whether restricting gluten may negatively impact people without celiac disease—to support a gluten-free diet as a preventative measure for any disease, let alone dementia,” (Ugolik). However, since there is reasonable doubt, people are urged to be their own doctor. They should take some time to consider whether they want to take their chances and hope that gluten is not related to these neurological diseases, or if they want to start a gluten-free diet.
     There is hope through starting a gluten-free diet. By eliminating gluten, certain neurological diseases can sometimes be prevented. Cutting out gluten does not guarantee the prevention of Alzheimer’s and dementia, “but lifestyle choices are hugely impactful in terms of preventing this and even reversing it,” (Ugolik). Also, people who have had sensitivity to gluten or who just want to be healthier have noticed, “dramatic improvements almost immediately,” (Fawcett) after going off of gluten. This shows that removing gluten does have some benefits. It may be hard to do but if it can help current issues and prevent future ones, it is worth it. Dr. Oz, from the television show, even has an episode on gluten and the brain. It gives many more benefits to cutting out gluten and how to do it. This episode is called, “Gluten Your Body’s Worst Enemy” and can be found at Overall, removing gluten from a diet can be helpful.
     To conclude, gluten is something that should be monitored very carefully. It can be harmful to the brain and the rest of the body. Sometimes it even acts like a drug. Gluten can cause an addiction that goes unnoticed until it is removed. It has also been linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Both of these are neurological disease that can affect a person for the rest of their lives. Often times, they will not be detected until it is too late. Therefore, it is important to consider a gluten-free diet to prevent these diseases. Even though some of the research is limited, it is better be safe instead of sorry. It has been shown in some cases that removing gluten can increase overall health. So even if a gluten-free diet ends up not affecting the brain, it still would be a healthier lifestyle overall.
                                                           Works Cited 
Brogan, Kelly. Go Gluten Free, Fix Your Brain. 9 November 2013.
Fawcett, Elaine. The Storm Before The Calm: Why Some People Get Temporarily Worse on         A Gluten-Free or Casein-Free Diet. n.d. 3 December 2014. 
Fritter, Lisa. "Your Brain on Gluten." n.d. Allergic Living. November 2014.
Ugolik, Kaitlin. "Does Your Brain Really Do Better Off Gluten?" 25 February 2014. The 2x2 

Post title...

Posted 2014-11-21 10:19:04 | Views: 789
Easy Paella
“You don't need a paella pan to make this meal. Use a wide, shallow sauté pan with a lid. If you are taking this dish to a party, reheat it covered; add water as needed.” –Martha Stewart
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 3/4 pound medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
• 1 (12 ounces) chicken sausage, sliced in 1/2-inch rounds
• 1 medium onion, finely chopped
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 1/2 cups long-grain rice
• 1/4 teaspoon paprika
• 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
• 1 can (14.5 ounces) diced tomatoes
• 2 cans (14.5 ounces each) reduced-sodium chicken broth
• Coarse salt and ground pepper
• 1 cup frozen green peas, thawed
1. STEP 1
In a heavy 12-inch saute pan, heat 1 tablespoon oil over medium-high heat. Cook shrimp until just pink on both sides, 4 to 5 minutes (do not overcook). Transfer to a plate.
2. STEP 2
Add remaining tablespoon oil and sausage to pan; cook over medium-high heat until beginning to brown, about 2 minutes. Add onion, and cook, stirring frequently, until translucent, 3 to 4 minutes. Add garlic and rice; cook, stirring to coat, until rice is translucent, 1 to 2 minutes.
3. STEP 3
Stir in paprika, turmeric, tomatoes, and broth, scraping up browned bits from bottom of pan with a wooden spoon. Season with salt and pepper.
4. STEP 4
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer. Cover, and cook until rice is tender and has absorbed almost all liquid, 20 to 25 minutes. Stir in peas; cook 1 minute. Stir in cooked shrimp; serve immediately.

Appendix A

Feature 3

Posted 2014-11-21 10:16:06 | Views: 809
Death By Chocolate
     It was late October, the crimson autumn leaves were floating down across the cool cement as Sarah made her way home. Her husband, David, would be home any minute now and she was always there to greet him. They lived in a suburb of Richmond, Virginia. David was a successful lawyer at Einhorn Law Firm and Sarah was your average housewife. There was never a shortage of money, anything Sarah wanted she could buy. There was two things though that Sarah wanted more than anything, something that couldn’t be bought or sold, love and loyalty.
      For the past six months, David acted on edge whenever he got home from work. He talked less and had a ton of paperwork to do. Sarah never asked what all of the extra work load was about, she just made sure supper was ready whenever it was most convenient for him. Often the dinner she made for him went uneaten. She didn’t want to listen to the warning signs that were flashing in her mind. He was her husband, he made a vow to love her and only her. That meant forever and always right?
      The days dragged on. Sarah would make him breakfast, but David would be in too much of a rush to go to work. She’d remind him to give her a kiss goodbye and he would hesitantly lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek. What had happened to the days where he wanted to kiss? When she didn’t have to remind him? Deep down inside she knew what was going on. David was cheating on her.
      A couple weeks ago it was easier to deny her suspicions but now there were just too many signs; wanting to get to work so quickly, having to bring home most of his paperwork, and the detached way he was acting. One day she even noticed the scent of perfume on his shirt. He knew she wasn’t stupid. Sarah had an Ivy League degree but ever since she married David she was expected to just be the housewife. She had tried so hard the two years of their marriage to be the perfect wife, she couldn’t step out of place now. She couldn’t just accuse him, a lawyer nonetheless, of being unfaithful. Why would he think she wouldn’t notice all of the signs? How had she failed him? Was it really her fault?
 It was a Monday when it all fell apart. David had been away on a business trip all weekend and didn’t get home until 11pm. When he did finally get home, the overwhelming smell of liquor burned in Sarah’s nostrils. David never got drunk on a night before work. This would affect his entire career if he wasn’t sober by morning or if he had a hangover. Sarah couldn’t hold it in any longer.
 “How was your trip?” she asked.
 “My trip? Oh, yeah, it was good. Why do you ask?” David replied.
 “I was just wondering since it went later than normal and it looks like you had quite the celebration.”
 “Are you trying to say something?”
 “No, of course not. I was just hoping you had a good time. Business trips can be pretty mundane.”
 “Well, yes I did…until now. I haven’t even been home for 10 minutes and you have the audacity to interrogate me. I thought being my wife meant something to you.”
 “I wasn’t interrogating, I was just…”
      Before Sarah could finish her sentence, David’s blow landed on her left cheek. Instantly, her eyes started to water. He had never hit her before. She was so ashamed of the tears and the confirmation of what she had suspected. The pain cut her like a thousand knives. How could he do this to her? Sarah went to bed without another word.
      When David woke up in the morning, it was as if nothing had ever happened. Aside from the navy bruise on her cheek, Sarah acted normally. She made him breakfast and reminded him once more to kiss her goodbye. Her game of charades worked just long enough for him to walk out the door. Once he was gone, the tears came again. He had betrayed her in the most despicable way. She had to do something, she couldn’t just sit here and take it anymore. He had taken her life away from her these past few years.
      Sarah tried to numb the pain with alcohol and cigarettes but today they were not strong enough. She grabbed his clothes and threw them down the stairs. Next came the mirror. It shattered on the ground into a million sparkling pieces. No matter how loud she screamed, no matter how many things she broke, nothing helped ease the storm inside of her. Eventually Sarah was left on the floor shaking from sobs that no longer had any sound.
      Everyone has a little bit of crazy instilled in them. For Sarah, this crazy wasn’t unleashed until now. David’s favorite desert was Death by Chocolate Cake. Sarah would make it for him on special occasions and whenever he was stressed. Today, she would be making a very special one. Sarah put on her apron and set to her task. She made the cake as she normally would, but then slipped in a chemical that would be fatal if David took one bite. She thought about testing it more than once.
      She drove her car to Einhorn Law and handed the cake to the secretary, Melissa. Little did she know that Melissa was the one David had been having the affair with. David opened the wrapped box and to his delight saw his favorite desert, Death by Chocolate. Eager to give it a try he called Melissa in to accompany him. The two ate only a few bites when the chemicals started to kick in. By the time anyone realized what had happened, Sarah had already disappeared off into the horizon.

Feature 2

Posted 2014-10-27 10:11:38 | Views: 1,189
How to Make Your Kitchen Pop!
      Update your smartphone, car, clothes and furniture, but what about your kitchen? Never thought of it before? Well, now is the perfect time to organize, update or remodel! Before the holiday season kicks in people might want to get their kitchen together for all of that holiday cooking and baking. Many people feel their kitchen is too small and cluttered. I’ve been in that boat before and trust me, it’ll just keep sinking. When a kitchen seems too small, things become unorganized. The last thing a person wants when the in laws come over for supper is a kitchen that is messy and disorganized.
     Bringing a kitchen up to date does not have to be expensive. You can change the looks with some organization by simply moving items around. The nice thing about it is that it doesn’t cost any money! First, get rid of any garbage or odds and ends lying around. Nobody needs a house full of empty wrappers. Now, step back and take a look at the countertops. Is there anything sitting on them that hasn’t been used in weeks? If there is, try finding a different spot for it so it’s not taking up valuable counter space and making the kitchen look smaller. Next, go through utensils. If there is an item that you always have to run to get from the pantry or cupboard, try to place it closer to where it’s used. Pots, pans, and hot pads should be close to the stove. Dishes will do best by the sink or dish washer because it will be easier to put away. Basically, put the items wherever it will be easiest to access. Finding utensils and dishes should not make cooking stressful.
       After the kitchen is clean and organized, there are many ways looks can be changed. Unfortunately, this will cost some money. Plan a budget to try to avoid being “credit card happy”. Warning: The salesmen may try to sell the top of the line appliances. Sometimes it is necessary to update but plan ahead of time. A stainless steel, French door refrigerator may be tempting but is it necessary for a family of two in a kitchen that’s the dimensions of a small bathroom? Probably not.
      In fact, when it comes to stainless steel, don’t overdo it (The Biggest Kitchen Design Mistakes). A few accents of it here and there will suffice. Kitchen designer Matthew Quinn suggests to, “Be especially careful with those stainless-steel coffins — giant stainless refrigerators. They can quickly overpower a kitchen design if it's not balanced correctly." However, if your heart is set on a stainless French door fridge you can always cover it up with cupboards (The Biggest Kitchen Design Mistakes).
     Speaking of cupboards, white is back! The new trend of 2014 seems to be white cupboards (Top Ten Kitchen Trends). Everyone has their own preference when it comes to cupboards but white ones scream modern and hip. More importantly than color, make sure they are good quality cabinets (The Biggest Kitchen Design Mistakes). They are going to be opened and shut every day so it is crucial to have ones that will last. Have wooden cupboards? No need to replace anything, simply buy a couple gallons of paint and DIY. Maybe even add an accent cupboard, as seen in Lowe’s Easy Kitchen Updates. (See Appendix A) A new coat of paint can work wonders when renovating a kitchen. It will give it a fresh new look!
       Along with cupboards, change the hardware around the kitchen. Most likely there’s that drawer that the knob is coming unscrewed on. Here is the perfect place to incorporate that stainless, shiny look. Replace all handles with new ones. It’s an easy, inexpensive thing to do that can add character to cupboards and drawers.
       Also, update major appliances like faucets, sinks, countertops, stoves, fridges, and dishwashers. Maybe you’ve never had a dishwasher. Why not live in luxury? If money is not much of an issue, there should be nothing in the way. Farm sinks are definitely in this season (Top Ten Kitchen Trends).They are multi-purpose and stylish. If money is tight, try splurging on one item and saving on others, so that at least one item can be displayed and felt accomplished about. Work stations have become popular too. A work station is an area that made to get a specific job done. For example, a little office nook, an area to make pizza, or a coffee bar. The coffee bar idea is one of Tasty Bytes’ favorites from Beautiful Homes and Gardens. Having that coffee bar at home will save hundreds of dollars on morning espresso. Plus, you won’t have to worry about where the nearest Starbucks is.
       With all of that, the kitchen should look modern, sleek and up-to-date. Just a minute though, there is one element that is often forgotten… technology! We live in a fast-paced society where technology is always advancing. So why not add some to the kitchen? Instead of eating on the couch, in front of the T.V., in the living room, make the kitchen a place to entertain. Add a wall mount T.V. in a place that is easily seen from sitting and cooking areas (Top Ten Kitchen Trends). That way it can be enjoyed while cooking and dinner party guests will be impressed when they come over. Try to incorporate a computer. They can be super helpful to look up a recipe, update a Facebook status, or checking work emails (Top Ten Kitchen Trends). There are endless things that can be done, the sky’s the limit. However, this season’s hottest remodels are a modern style with a touch of the 21st century. Now it’s your turn, we guarantee it will definitely make your kitchen pop!
                                                      Works Cited
Lowe's. "Budget Friendly Kitchen Makeovers From Lowe's." Online video clip. Youtube. 
     Youtube, 21 Feb 2014.
The Biggest Kitchen Design Mistakes. n.d. 24 10 2014.
Top Ten Kitchen Trends. n.d. 24 10 2014.

Feature 1

Posted 2014-10-20 10:46:22 | Views: 870
Ole! Get your Spain On!
Meal of the Month
Have you ever watched your favorite cooking show and an exotic dish called paella (pah-eh-yah) appeared? If you didn’t know what it was, you probably thought it was just rice and shrimp. However, there is more to this dish than what meets the eye… or the mouth!
What is Paella?
Paella is a traditional Spanish dish. Its main ingredient is arroz, the Spanish word for rice. Along with rice, there are many different ingredients in it. Basically, it is a mixture of rice, meat, vegetables and spices. It was mainly fed to the laborers of the field and for meat they would throw in some rabbit chunks, chicken or duck. Most versions today include seafood, but the original 


version does not have any seafood except snails which were cheap back then (Corrigan).
Where did Paella come from?
This dish originated on the coast of Valencia, Spain. Valencia is located on the eastern edge of Spain, right on the Mediterranean Sea. Due to the fact that paella started out in a port city, many different cultures on the Mediterranean influenced the foods that go into it (Paella Company). It has a lot of variations because the different cultures used their own traditional foods while making it. It really all depends on the location of where the dish is made. For example, paella in the middle of Spain might have more vegetables or snails. Whereas on the coast, it could have more shellfish. There are also versions that have more of an Indian flavor. No matter where you live, it is a dish that is loved around the world and can be made unique to your taste.
More About Paella
One more history tidbit about paella is that it is named after the pan that it is traditionally prepared in. This pan is usually silver with small little indents in it, but don’t worry, Paella can be prepared in a home skillet or pan. Many Spanish families will make paella for special occasions and have a big bowl of it as the centerpiece for their fiesta. Sometimes families have competitions to see whose paella is the best (Corrigan). Other families eat it as a normal weekday meal.
How to Make Paella
Making paella is actually pretty simple. Back in the day, farmers would take their rice and mix whatever they had laying around the house with it (Paella Company). Even today you can do the same thing! First, you cook your rice. There are many different types of rice that you can choose. Then, you add whatever ingredients you wish to include. You can even use some of your leftovers from previous meals.
Once, you have all of your ingredients together, season it to your taste. Since there isn’t one specific recipe for paella, there really isn’t a way to mess it up if all of your ingredients are properly cooked.
We at Tasty Bytes found a recipe for paella that is easy and has minimal ingredients from Martha Stewart. Located in Appendix A, this recipe is perfect for beginners. However, even top chefs could use this recipe and add their own flair to it. There is not a “wrong way” to make paella.

  In this recipe, the chicken sausage could be replaced with chorizo sausage if you really want your dish to have an authentic Spanish taste! Don’t like shrimp? Try something else instead like clams or even chicken. Just because today’s chefs are using seafood in paella, it does not mean you that have to. In fact, the paella you like the best may not contain any seafood at all! It can be whatever you want it to be. Just remember, you might need to make paella a couple different times until you find the recipe that you and your family like the best. Luckily, paella is a flexible dish where anything can be added or taken out if there is a picky eater around. However, one of our mottos at Tasty Bytes is that “you will never know if you like it until you try it.” Don’t let anything hold you back. There’s no time to waste, go turn on some Spanish music, get your Spain on and make some paella!
                                                     Works Cited
Corrigan, D. (n.d.). Introduction to Paella: The History of Paella & Paella Today. Retrieved            October 15, 2014, from About Travel.
Everyday Food. (2003, December). Easy Paella Recipe. Retrieved October 15, 2014, from    
       Martha Stewart.
History and Orgins of Paella. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2014, from The Paella Company.

 “You don't need a paella pan to make this meal. Use a wide, shallow sauté pan with a lid. If you are taking this dish to a party, reheat it covered; add water as needed.”
–Martha Stewart

About the Author

Posted 2014-09-19 10:17:54 | Views: 993
 About the Author
Roxanna Kading grew up in her small hometown of Perham, MN with a population of only 2,000! Ever since Roxanna was a toddler, she pretended to make supper for her family with her toy    
kitchen set. This love for cooking grew over the years as she began to make cookies beside her mother and grandmother. 

 Now Roxanna can make anything her little heart desires. As a home chef she wishes to inspire women and men who love cooking all over the world. She loves making new friends everywhere she goes. After all, the way to a person’s heart is through delicious food!

Along with cooking, Roxanna enjoys traveling, hunting, fishing, skiing, listening to music and going to the movies. At only 16, she is going post-secondary at Alexandria Technical and Community College in Alexandria, MN for her Liberal Arts degree. She also works at Wendy’s, one of the best fast-food chains in the Midwest. 
About the Author
Note From Roxy!
"Thank you to all of my readers, I could not have accomplished as much as I have without your support. You are what keeps TastyBytes alive."

Cover Page

Posted 2014-09-17 10:44:01 | Views: 927
Tasty Bytes
Creative Writing Story
This Season's Hottest Kitchen Remodels
Find out What Gluten Does to Your Brain
Meal of the Month!
September 2014

Table of Contents

Posted 2014-09-15 11:53:07 | Views: 948
Table of Contents
Creative Writing Story Page 2
Check out this season's 
Hottest Remodels!
Page 3
What Gluten can do to your brain! Page 4
Facts that most Americans don't know! 
Meal of the Month!
Ole! Get Your Spain on!
Page 5