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Posted | Views: 915
Feminism as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary is as follows:

Feminism (noun)     : the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities : organized activity in support of women's rights and interests

Well, wait… that isn’t so scary. This whole time we have been being told that feminism is aggressive, angry even, something to be feared. When in reality all it is, is an ideal that men and women should be equal. That doesn’t seem so bad, it actually sounds rather nice. But, wait… we ARE even right? Men and women have equal opportunities; they make the same amount of money for the same job; and they aren’t held to different standards than men… right? Wrong. The fact is that women in general make about 17 percent less than men FOR THE SAME JOB. There is also a prevailing concept of what is called “The Glass Ceiling” which has been explained as "the unseen, yet unbreachable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements." See also the attached chart explaining average wage differences between men and women. So as we can see in this chart it clearly shows a pretty wide pay gap between similarly qualified men and women. If there is a clearly quantifiable difference in pay, then it would be understandable to make the assertion that there are similar gaps in areas less quantifiable than annual income. So here we are, we have defined what feminism is and also that it does in fact exist based on a societal need to make men and women equal. It is a tangible issue in our modern culture that has existed as long as recorded history. 

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Posted | Views: 987
   What exactly is a “feminist”?  My conservative uncle tells me that it is a group of women with flat top haircuts who hate men for one reason or another and think they should rule the world.  Some of my friends think that it is all the crunchy men and women looking to free women from the constant oppression of society. The tabloids tell me that Taylor Swift, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Lena Dunham are feminists, but they don’t exactly explain why. Well, these all seem a little like generalizations with no real information to back up their prejudice. However, as it so happens they may all be right though this is nowhere near the whole story. Where did it all start?  Was it Joan of Arc riding nude through the streets of France? Did it start with burning bras in the 1960s? Was it started by the Guerrilla Girls in the 1980s? Why is there such a negative connotation with the idea of Feminism? Is this due to institutionalized sexism ingrained in society? Through this publication we are going to be looking at the foundation of feminism and how it has grown over the years. We are going to look at some of the big players credited with bringing feminist ideals to the mainstream. We are also going to look at some contemporary individuals who are redefining the idea of a successful woman. These women are as successful as they are inspirational. They blur the lines of traditional gender roles in business and society and make no excuses.


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Toutefois, lorsque vous choisissez la tenue de votre fille de fleur il ya quelques choses que vous devriez garder à l'esprit.  STYLE ET COULEUR  Le style et la couleur de la robe devraient être similaires à ceux portés par les demoiselles d'honneur ou la mariée elle-même. Inclure tous les éléments clés et les accessoires, mais prendre ceux qui sont trop révélateur ou sexy. La longueur de la robe peut varier. Cependant, gardez à l'esprit que les jeunes enfants peuvent avoir des difficultés à marcher de longues habillements. Voilà pourquoi il peut être préférable de prendre une robe au genou long pour eux. Si vous avez des filles de fleurs qui sont adolescents, vous pouvez les obtenir une robe plus.  CONFORT  Les jeunes enfants peuvent être difficiles à contrôler. Si elles se sentent ennuie ou si ils ne l'aiment leurs vêtements, ils vont le montrer. Donc, si vous voulez avoir plus de visages souriants sur vos photos de mariage, trouver une robe et des chaussures qui sont confortables. Ne pas torturer les enfants avec des robes lourdes ou des chaussures serrées. Trouver une robe qui est faite de matériau souple. De cette façon, votre fille de fleur sera pas marcher sur l'allée gratter.  SAISON  Au moment de choisir votre robe de fille de fleur, robe de cortege pour petite fille, vous devriez également considérer la saison dans laquelle le mariage aura lieu. Saisons froides exigent des vêtements chauds. Trouver une matière vestimentaire et tissu qui permettra à la fois magnifiques et le garder au chaud des enfants est difficile, mais il est impossible. Si vous envisagez de se marier à l'automne ou l'hiver, la robe de votre fille de fleur est conseillé d'être en velours ou de velours. Ceux qui auront un ressort ou un mariage d'été devrait trouver une robe qui est léger et un lâche.  Plus sur les tissus  Les petits enfants sont très énergique et actif. Gardez à l'esprit qu'ils vont jouer à des jeux, courir et sauter tout au long de votre journée de mariage. Voilà pourquoi la robe de votre fille fleur doit être faite de tissus qui ne se froissent pas. En outre, il devrait être facile à nettoyer, car les enfants peuvent être salissant.  Suivez ces conseils lorsque vous choisissez une robe pour vos fille fleur / filles. Rappelez-vous juste de garder les choses simples et confortables. 

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Posted | Views: 884
Feminism: For Everyone!
An introduction to equality.

Greg Marche

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Milada Horakova (1901 - 1950) 
Milada's grave is in Vysherad cemetary. Like Libuše and Šarka she fought against (TWO!) patro-fascist states and was persecuted for the brave resistance work she did.  
She was sentenced to the death by the Germans for her resistance work from the 1939 occupation, but was sent to Terezin instead of being killed. After she was released from Terezin she was urged to leave as friends feared for her safety, but she remained politically active in Prague. 
On 27 September 1949 she was arrested by the secret police. She was accused of being the leader of a plot to overthrow the Communist regime. The Czechoslovak secret police infamous for their brutal interrogation methods tried to force her to confess to treason and conspiracy, using both physical and psychological torture.
She was executed by the state in 1950. Her grave is a monument to her brave life and to all those who fought against occupation.  

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Posted | Views: 778
Dead women of Vysherad and the woman as the tragic, grief stricken mourner 

Here, the grieving woman is the emotional hyperbole without any historical context. While men are depicted on their graves, 
heroic | stoic | immovable
 women are trapped forever in lament. Is this the curse of loving? the curse of femininity? Is this pure strength or pain? 

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Posted | Views: 811
Social Realism and the Depiction of Women 

The statues in Prague depict women in the modes of Renaissance, Rococo,Baroque, Gothic, Greek and more! One prominent and fascinating way of looking at women depicted in Prague is the way Communist Era changed the depiction of women from decorative and symbolic objects to full-bodied, strong, feminine workers. 
When and how and why are women are women depicted in such a way? Is it limiting? Is it expansive // Empowering?? Is it freeing? 
This depiction celebrated women as workers and mothers which many women who have lived under Communism still react against. However, this working woman, this "productive" woman has become part of the daily fierce Womanly landscape that Libuše and šarka established in the Praha Vicinity. However, however however, these women do not reside on top of hills in enclosed in formal, royal fortresses -- these women line the streets and adorn doorways. the depiction of  These "everyday" women act as subtle resistance peices where women equal men, where women can react violently against men, where women can work as much and as hard as men, where women can maintain or shirk the beauty//confines of femininity.  

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Les filles en ligne et robe de bébé et l'usure

Posted | Views: 1,033
Les filles se habillent Des millions de modèles pour la robe des filles sont disponibles. Si l'on commandé pour une robe des filles il ya une livraison gratuite pour toute commande de la robe des filles et est également un jeu d'habillage pour la communauté qui, l'amour de la mode et le style. Mode joue un l'un des principaux rôles dans la vie des filles. Beaucoup de modèles de conception sont disponibles sur le marché ainsi que dans la ligne. Robes de fille de fleur sont en nombre de modèles pour les filles comme des robes robes de fille de mode de fleurs de mariée, robe blanche de fleurs de soie et beaucoup .  Robe baby Trouver des vêtements de bébé pour les garçons et pour les filles à ligne ou il ya des vêtements de bébé à la mode sont disponibles à la boutique de bébé. Vêtements ou baby baby robe est maintenant dans styles avant-gardistes et dans les derniers modèles. Vous pouvez rechercher les meilleurs magasins de vêtements de bébé à la ligne ou bien vous pouvez faire du shopping à ligne pour vos bébés avec bébé robe que vous pouvez également obtenir les accessoires des enfants comme casquettes de bébé et des chaussures qui correspond à la robe et beaucoup . Les filles portent Apportez l'usure robe de qualité pour vos enfants. Il ya beaucoup de filles portent des robes comme chudidars, jeans, vêtements filles de nuit, robes Patiala, T-shirts, les filles tops,robe enfant mariage, leggings correspondant à l'tops, des jupes et des filles uniforme scolaire, robes d'usure de danse et plus encore. On peut trouver les derniers modèles de conception sur les filles portent des robes, y compris avec les accessoires de filles à ligne. Par rapport à commercialiser les robes sont disponibles à faible coût en ligne .  Chandails Sweatshirts sont le type de chandails que l'habitude de porter dans la saison d'hiver la plupart du temps. Ces sweat-shirts sont faits de tissu et sont habituellement faites de coton et de polyester ou autre relativement à elle. Ces sweat-shirts sont en différents modèles pour les filles et pour les garçons. Il a également conçu comme un T-shirt pour les filles comme pour les garçons de porter tout simplement et il est a aussi vue ourson design .  Les garçons se habillent Faire du shopping en ligne pour les enfants portent des robes et vêtements garçons de vêtements, chaussures à ligne. Vous pouvez commander les garçons se habillent de ne importe où et il a livraison de l'envoi gratuit. Derniers modèles sont conçus pour les garçons se habillent avec des dessins faits à la main et beaucoup. On peut rechercher les dernières créations et les meilleures boutiques de créateurs de les habiller garçons dans l'Internet .  Doll robe Poupées jouent un rôle majeur dans la vie des enfants; ils portent les jouets ou des poupées avec eux au moment dormir aussi. Les enfants peuvent profiter avec la robe en changeant avec la robe de poupée et de parler avec eux, etc. 

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by R.g magellan

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Posted | Views: 882

Mark Garza:
You can check out her life's work, funeral sounds, at

Anna Serafini:
You can buy her book, Let the Righ One In, at
You can listen read her poetry at

Dianna Sanchez:
You can message her and check out her out at

Claudia Morales Gomez:
You can check out her photography at

Maeve Holler:
You can check out her prose and poetry at

Dakota Fahney:
You can listen to Unraveler at

Jordaan Mason:
You can listen to their music at

Benjamin Davis:
Ben doesn't have a portafolio. You can find him on Facebook and say hello or you can check out some of the pictures he takes for the band Pope at

Gabrielle Steib:
Gabby has all of her photos on Facebook. Hit her up and say hi!
You can check out some of her art at

R.G Magellan:
Ruy did this zine even though they had never done one before. They loved it! You can check out their music at,, and

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Posted | Views: 964
"Body Fluid" - Dianna Sanchez

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Posted | Views: 907
Then began the wait. A long-standing examination of their ridiculously low patience. Gladly, their phone was still boasting a 25% full battery, so maybe it's not all bad.
But, damnit, the text messages; why would they even want to look at whatever others had to say is beyond understanding, but they had to read them. They can't just play fool and pretend the lie is still on. Might as well. 

“Are you okay?” - one read
“I love you so much” - read the other one
“You gave me your ID last night can I drop it off?” - third one said 

It was fairly mundane, but they were still in shock. Because to come out as oneself like that or to assume the identity they always dreamed of comes with some initial weight. Their girlfriend hadn't even said anything yet. That isn't the worry, but it's there.   But at least, to come to terms within their very own emotions. To feel detached from the humble lust that constitutes one nature for too long and finally scream “NO”. To finally be free and let their nature run its course. Everything and nothing about it was just beautiful. Excruciatingly beautiful.  

“Here's your sandwich”  
"Thank you"
"Just go pay at the counter"
"Thank you"

Walking back they saw whatever their reflection had in mind. Countless possibilities for the future. The joy of realizing there's nothing wrong with who they are, just with what they do. And, of course, to handle the perseverance to walk back to their home and think: “Hangovers are fucking shitty."

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Posted | Views: 1,043
$4.75 Fried Catfish Po-boy
by R.G Magellan
They had been drinking too much the night before. Too fucking much. They had sent whatever was on their mind to a chain reaction of peers, coworkers, family members, best friends, girlfriends, acquaintances, and miscellaneous companions. This was the only thing they could be possibly eager to experience. It's hard to come back from something like that. It's alright. But to assume nothing and everything is changing would be such a headache. Right now, they just wanted to eat the po-boy.
They walked the hellish 3 blocks from their house to the grocery store. In a 81 degree weather with 90% humidity this seemed less than a 3pm stroll and more like a test of endurance. And so they got to the counter and heard:
“What can I get you”? 
“Fried catfish sandwich and some fries, please” - they said.
“15m. You want a drink?”
 “I'll get myself something from the fridge”

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Posted | Views: 932
Drawing by Dianna Sanchez

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Posted | Views: 965
(-cont)because you're mentally ill. And for people of color in my situation, it's even worse. The way those systems of discrimination intersect is just heartbreaking.
What's next for Unraveler? What's the plan for the future?
I have a busy summer coming up. I'm recording a full-band Unraveler album in early June and then in mid-June I'll be on tour playing second guitar in Adult Mom. Immediately afterward, in early July, I'm doing an Unraveler tour with my friend Jon The Archivist. Then right when I get back I'm going out with my friend David F Bello, who I'm releasing a split 7" with in mid-July. Then I'm taking August off in terms of Unraveler, and then in September I'll release an album and I'm hoping to tour for 3 months with my friends in Gottem.
What's your favorite food?
My favourite food is spaghetti.

Thank you, Dakota!