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Posted | Views: 917
  What Modesty is Not
Modesty is not insecurity. On the contrary, you have to be very secure to be a modest person in this immodest culture. •    Modesty is not bashfulness. The modest person freely chooses to keep certain things private. •    Modesty is not shame. Being ashamed of one’s physical characteristic is a psychological problem and has nothing to do with modesty. •    Modesty is not symptomatic of sexual hang-ups. To be modest is not to oppose sexual expression but the vice of lasciviousness (Vaughan and Vaughan 8)
What Modesty Is
Modesty is having the propriety to cover your physical self and your actions. Modesty is an attitude of the heart. If your heart is lustful or self-focused, the way you behave and dress will display that. Modesty is often associated with women but it includes men as well. We will, however, be focusing on women mostly. In 1 Timothy 2:9-10 it says, “I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” This is not saying, “Put a sack on your head and slave at everyone’s feet.” It is saying, “Wear clothing and an air that would please God.” Is a low shirt that shows a lot of chest or a skirt that shows your thighs pleasing you God? Well, why are we wearing it? If we’re wearing it to get attention, we will. Is that the kind of attention we want? Do we want every man that we pass to look at our skin? What about the guys who really try to guard what they see? Do we want to make them to stumble or be too uncomfortable to look at us? That is why God says to clothe ourselves with good deeds. If we focus on what is pleasing to God we will start wanting to cover ourselves decently.

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Posted | Views: 991
“Modesty. What is that?” The question being asked by our youth in this modern age. Is modesty an old fashioned idea of the past? Should we be trying to set this “out dated” ideal aside? People hear the word modesty and they balk, but do they fully understand what it means? Many people think it means you are shy or unsure of yourself. This is not what modesty is. That describes insecurity not modesty. Those of us who don’t openly oppose modesty, stick our heads in the sand and say, “it’s not that important and nobody cares about it anyway.” When faced with so much opposition and conflicting ideas it is easier to set the subject aside and figure it out “later”. Also known as “never”. Modesty is important, however. So important that we need to take our heads out of the sand and figure it out now. 

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Hunting is Beneficial

Posted | Views: 1,147
Hunting is Beneficial
     Hunting is a great source of revenue for each state and for different businesses. Hunting also has relaxation and environmental benefits. Hunting is not cheap, especially deer hunting. For deer hunting, no matter what deer season, hunters need a weapon, camo or blaze orange, a license, land, a place to stay, a deer stand, and some hunters use decals, or deer calls to help lure the deer in. There are certain requirements for clothing and choice of weapon depending on which deer season- archery, firearm, and muzzleloader- hunters choose to hunt.
     Deer hunting is a great way to relax, and spend time with family and friends. It allows a person to enjoy peaceful time outdoors, and not have to worry about stressful daily chores. “It [hunting] offers relaxation and affords quality time with family and friends. Whether in a deer or duck blind, farm field or ridgeline, hunting provides a peaceful, fun setting where people re-connect with each other and with nature” (Economic Source of Hunting in America). Sitting in a deer stand allows a hunter to watch the wildlife, and enjoy nature.
     In 2011, Minnesota generated approximately $725 million from hunting (Ashe). Hunting is a great source of revenue for Minnesota and businesses throughout the state. “They [hunters] not only purchase hunting gear, trucks and boats; they also fill their gas tanks and coolers. They stay at motels and resorts. They buy hunting clothes ... On average, each hunter spends $1,896 per year on hunting, which is 5.5% of the typical wage earner’s annual income” (Economic Source of Hunting in America). The deer hunting seasons in Minnesota are bow, rifle/shotgun, and muzzleloader. Deer hunters that hunt more than one deer season have to purchase a license for every season. There are consequences for not having a license corresponding to the season a person is hunting. During archery season, hunters usually wear camo to blend in with their surroundings, so deer are not as likely to see them. During shotgun/rifle and muzzleloader seasons, hunters have to wear blaze orange because it is a law in Minnesota. If a hunter chooses to archery hunt, and then hunt another season, they are likely to buy both camo and blaze orange clothing (Economic Source of Hunting in America).

     Hunting is also good for small towns because hunting takes place in rural areas where there is woods or big grassy planes. Small towns do not usually have too many tourists throughout the year, so hunting helps to bring business to these small towns. Hunters are likely to stop in a small town and buy something, like groceries, clothing, or a hunting license. Stores in small towns stock up on food, beverages, and clothing during the hunting season to prepare for the flood of hunters (Economic Importance of Hunting in America).
     A source of food for deer is vegetation in the woods. When deer populations are high or above normal, they eat the vegetation down to the roots, so it is not able to grow back. “At high population densities deer can greatly alter the appearance and ecology of forest vegetation” (Rawinski). In one case, a fence was constructed, so deer could not get in to eat the vegetation. There was way more vegetation in the fence than the area surrounding the fence. This shows that deer are one cause of vegetation being destroyed. Deer hunting allows the deer population to decrease, and not have one area overpopulated by deer.

     Unfortunately, deer do not eat invasive vegetation. This allows to the invasive vegetation to flourish, while native vegetation diminishes. “Tree species especially palatable to deer, such as economically valuable oaks, are not regenerating while other species resistant to deer browse, like beech, flourish” (Schulser). The problem can be solved by putting up fences, so deer cannot get in and eat the vegetation. Also, keep the deer population low, so that deer do not destroy too much vegetation.
Not only do deer ruin vegetation in the woods, but they also affect the bird population and other species who rely on vegetation for survival. Some wildlife may eat vegetation like deer, or use vegetation for shelter. “Beyond the impact on specific trees or other plants, deer can significantly influence wildlife habitat by altering the forest’s composition and structure. For example, in a forest where the understory has been largely eaten by deer, habitat for birds requiring a thick understory will decline” (Schulser). Keeping the deer population low will help to prevent the vegetation from being destroyed even more than it already is which will help increase the bird population.

     If someone needs a way to relax, try deer hunting! Every year a hunter has to buy a hunting license, food, and anything else they want for hunting that year, which helps the Minnesota economy and businesses throughout the state. Deer hunting helps the environment by keeping the number of deer consuming vegetation low, which will help prevent the vegetation from being destroyed more than it already is. Thick vegetation helps increase the bird population. The next time you or someone you know goes deer hunting, remember, they’re helping to keep the deer population contained, which will help prevent environmental problems from occurring. Deer hunting will also help keep the economy flowing.

Works Cited
Ashe, Dan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-     
     Associated Recreation . December 2013. 24 November 2014.
International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Economic Importance of Hunting in America.      
     2002. 24 November 2014.
Rawinski, Thomas. Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. Impacts of White Tailed Deer 
     Overabundance in Forest Ecosystems: An Overview. June 2008. 24 November 2014.
Schulser, Tania. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology. Ecological Impacts of High Deer 
     Densities. 15 August 2004. 24 November 2014.

This graph shows how much the average hunter spends per year on hunting equipment.
These pictures show the low amount of vegetation in the woods. This picture on the left has very little vegetation. The picture on the right shows little to no vegetation.
This picture shows the vegetation on the inside of the fence, and on the outside there's very little vegetation.

Doritos Boldstage...Page 27

Posted | Views: 1,144
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"

Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz
Doritos Bold Stage Off 5th & Red River 
SXSW 2014 
I told Myself the more I work Now 
The More I can Work Later.

Fader Fort...Page 26

Posted | Views: 1,220
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"

Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz
Converse Fader Fort Austin,Tx 
SXSW 2014
I Have Seen People work their whole Lives Just to Accomplish Another persons Dreams.

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Posted | Views: 843
One of the biggest bucks in the world has made a man go from hero to criminal in a matter of days. Chris Niskanen of the Twin Cities Pioneer Press tells the story of this massive buck. Local farmers in Cannon Falls spotted a massive eight-point buck roaming around their lands. Reinke, the poacher of the eight-point buck, has already taken two deer that year and was going out for an illegal third one. A farmer granted Reinke permission to hunt on his 395 acres of family owned land. The man who owned the farm had no clue he shot two other deer before and said, “If he broke the law, he deserves to be punished.” The story talks about how the man became the local legend at first. Everyone in Cannon Falls was proud of him and happy because of Reinke defeating cancer and surviving a motorcycle accident the summer before this incident. People gathered around him to take pictures until several reporting’s of poaching had been called in on him. Three different TIPS, or Turn In Poachers, made two DNR officers get suspicious and question Reinke on his hunting that year. Reinke eventually buckled and told the officers he had shot two deer already and this one would be his third. Since he failed to tag the two before this deer, the DNR fined Reinke for illegally taking those two deer and for poaching this third one. The fines grew all the way up to about $19,000, a year in jail, and his license taken away for three years. This story is why poaching should end, because this buck is the biggest eight-point buck ever shot. The sad part is that it isn’t on anyone’s wall, but instead on the wall of shame along with the other deer poached (Niskanen). This touches a lot of hunter in a bad way because this deer could have been another hunter’s big buck that deserved it.
Preaching Poaching Problems

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Posted | Views: 821
Preaching Poaching Problems
The biggest crime done to animals is poaching. Shooting animals illegally is like an officer shooting someone randomly with no reason or right to take the shot. It is a very serious crime that can lead to many problems such as damaged property and extinction of a species. The worst part about it is that poaching is one of the easiest things to stop. Just by turning in anyone seen poaching can bring down many of the poaching rates, because most poachers do not go completely unnoticed when they shoot an animal.
Many hunters don’t come upon poaching very often because they travel far distances to the place they hunt. This describes many people who hunt but live in a town or city. The mass majority of the people who will see someone poaching are people who live in the country. This is obvious because this is where most of the wildlife is. Farmers for sure will see most poaching incidents because drag marks and dead animals can be seen a lot easier when they are plowing a field from a higher view. Poaching is the illegal taking or possession of game animals and fish, non-game, and protected, threatened, or endangered fish and wildlife species (Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife). To sum that up even better, taking an animal or fish without a license is poaching. It may not seem like it is a huge problem at first. Taking a depth into the damages of poaching can show anyone how much of a problem it really is in Minnesota today. 

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Posted | Views: 763
A Brief History In EDM

  The genre the common citizen refers to as techno in actuality is a sprawling network of sub-genres and musical influence. The more educated listener refers to “techno” as EDM, or Electronic Dance Music. EDM can be heard in many forms of music today; in recent years it has grown in popularity unseen to years prior. As electronic music continues to grow, many will find just how possible it is to forget the broadening genre’s origins. To combat this informational ignorance, a trip through time is required. 
As unbelievable as it may seem, electronic music’s origins can be traced back to the disco scene in the 1970’s. This early parent, although not your conventional dance music, shows its impact on the genre today. Although the overall sound of the music has changed, the motive behind it still shines through today. Making good music that many people can enjoy and dance too. EDM’s first song, under today’s standards, was released in 1977. It’s called “I Feel Love” and it is a collaboration between producer Giorgio Moroder and vocalist Donna Summer. Albeit a primitive example of the more technical, and refined synths the populace is used to in the current day, one with a ear for musical similarities can definitely pick out the synonymous rhythms, genre influences, and even beats per minute that are alike. 
After the first trials of including computers and electronics in music was arguably a hit, the genre took off. In the early 1980’s a subgenre would emerge that would define what is considered EDM from those early beginning years and beyond. Acid House began amongst an underground scene in the united kingdom. The pounding bass, the simply repetitive nature, and the overall attitude of those in the know of Acid-House would spread the phenomenon across the Atlantic Ocean over to the youth of the United States.Taking a firm grasp of both the United Kingdom as well as the states. That firm grasp has yet to let go, as EDM’s culture is continually spread to this day. A large jump in popularity took place near the end of the 1980’s and on into the early 1990’s.
Rave may be held in an abandoned warehouse, factory, or even way out in the middle of farm country. These events were shrouded in mystery with flyers being handed out by ravers to fellow ravers, law enforcement was largely kept out of the loop. This posed a problem as many of these gatherings would be illegally hosted by the dilapidated buildings, posing a public safety risk. If inside one of these events, most would be amazed, the sheer technical prowess exhibited by EDM in the 1990’s was to the youth what rock and roll was to the youth of the 50’s. A new type of music that adults despised, yet did not truly understand. The parents of fans in the 1990’s had good reason to fear this new genre, and the mentality that came in tandem. As the music brought people closer at events known today as raves, a notorious substance was gaining control amongst those present. This substance is known today as ecstasy, or it’s chemical name MDMA (methylene-dioxymethamphetamine). Scientifically known as an empathogen, a label belonging to drugs which produce empathetic responses in users, ecstasy would become intertwined with the genre causing widespread fear and hysteria. MDMA raises core body temperature by a few degrees for its duration; a relatively benign side effect on its own, but when paired with hundreds of other user’s all dancing in a stuffy warehouse, temperature’s can rise to deadly limits. In many cases young teens, ignorant to the dangers, would take ecstasy resulting in numerous tragedies. 

Would Kentucky beat the Sixers?

Posted | Views: 914
Is it really that crazy to think? I mean c'mon let's have some fun here, because if we actually got to see the Philadelphia 76ers take on the Kentucky Wildcats I would be way too happy of a person. It'll never happen, but Eric Bledsoe went ahead and said what we all were thinking.. The Suns guard said that he believed that the number one ranked college team, Kentucky, would beat the winless and ever so tanking Sixers. The statement itself is incredibly bold because not only is he calling out a group of professional athletes, but he's calling out his peers. The funny thing about it is that there's a chance he could be right. 
The statement by Bledsoe sparked a lot of  conversation about the subject. Talking heads from every end of the US debated whether Bledsoe was right, or if he fell victim to the ever so decieving "eye-test". Bledsoe is apart of BIG BLUE NATION, so he may be a little biased. Personally, I think it would be a stretch, but Bledsoe isn't too far off with his assessment of the matchup. 
Think about it, the Sixers have nine players on their roster that are undrafted and have had to work their way into a roster spot. Most of them should quite honestly be in the D-League or playing over seas. These guys play for Philly and are in the NBA and you probably didn't even know it: Robert Covington, Drew Gordon, JaKarr Sampson, Henry Sims, Hollis Thompson, Jerami Grant. Are you serious?? Who are these guys... Yes the roster does have a little bit of talent in Michael Carter-Williams and Nerlens Noel, but this team has made it no secret that it's tanking. Literally they're actually accomplishing their goal which is to be really bad in order to get another top pick in the 2015 draft. 
For Kentucky, they have six players alone that are projected to go in that 2015 draft according to Draft Express, and five of those six are projected to go in the first round.  Freshman Karl-Anthony Towns, junior Willie Cauely-Stein and sophomore Dakari Johnson are all slotted in the top-20 picks. Then on top of that throw in Aaron and Andrew Harrison and Alex Poythress who will definitely get drafted. The roster is even more stacked than that with Tyler Ulis, Devin Booker, Trey Lyles and Marcus Lee not expected to leave for the draft by 2015. 
So now that the rosters of the two teams are laid out in front of you, which one do you think would win? Vegas let the world know that they don't think it would be much of a game. Jeff Sherman from Westgate Las Vegas Super Book tweeted yesterday that the Sixers would be 17 point favorites against the Wildcats. It's hard to go against the folks in Vegas, because they're normally pretty close with their lines and estimates. Many people believe there's a major difference between professional and college players and I normally tend to agree. This instance is a little harder for me to side with the professionals though because I don't know how many of those guys would really be on any other NBA roster besides the Sixers. If they're trying to tank, wouldn't they purposely have guys on the team that aren't supposed to be good?? Quite honestly it's hard for me not to choose Kentucky because they have some kids on the team who really intrigue me, but I'll give the slight edge to Philly because if the two teams actually had to play, I doubt they would let themselves lose to a college team. 

Positive Perspective: If the Sixers continue to be bad enough, they may get lucky enough to draft one of these Kentucky players. 
Would Kentucky beat the Sixers?

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Optical Polishing Pads

Our strongest and most dense felt, Holds more polish, Lasts longer, Creates smoothest surface , Ideal for AR coatings, 3.25" 7 leaf, 250/roll Backside features Adhere™ — the industry’s best pressure sensitive adhesive that offers the strongest grip especially in a wet envirornment, yet still removes easily when the job is finished.

A1 Communications

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A1 Communications is a reputed company in Australia providing various services including Voice over IP, Voice mail, auto attendant, unified messaging systems etc for businesses.  A1 Communications also offer business phone installation for popular brands including Panasonic, Toshiba, NEC, Aria, Hybrex etc.  Visit our website to get more information on our services.

Care Free Black Girl

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Care Free Black Girl:
Stills from the film Coming to America (1988)
Article from, 
written by 
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The Concept of the "Care Free Black Girl" embodies the idea of being free to be whomever a woman is, despite the stereotypes that she may be forced into by others. Often times black women are depicted in the media (on television, in films, etc.) as struggling, dependent single mothers, welfare queens, hyper sexualized beings, or as being angry, overly masculine and aggressive, with very little wiggle room in between. 

These stereotypes do not include the ones that black women face solely as women or solely as being black people. That being said, with so many boxes to be placed into, the ability to express one's self freely without needing to worry about how others will view you or stereotype you is the essence of the care free black girl. She is not worried about how others will view her, she is  focused on her needs wants and desires and how to express herself creatively and individually based on how she self-identifies.

A large part of the black feminism movement is redefining beauty so black women feel comfortable to be who they are. This is evident in the "natural hair movement" which puts an emphasis on black women wearing their hair naturally, rather than relaxing and straightening their hair to achieve a particular look. 
Solange Knowles at the New Orleans Jazz festival, 2014
(photos orginally taken by Saintrecords) 

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When people hire Couta Cleaning they are not just hiring a cleaning service but rather a service that provides a great experience in every way conceivable. Each time you look at your freshly cleaned carpet or rug it will remind you of the effort Couta Cleaning has put into honing our method and delivering the best cleaning experience to everyone. 

Music Tales Malaysia @ EARING

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Music Tales Malaysia @ Earing
00233-Cello Earring
Available in 4 Colors
Weight: 10g

RM 19.90
00260-Vintage Quaver Earring
Size of Quaver: 2.5cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 27

RM 15.00
00261-Vintage Treble Quaver Earring
Sell in pair
Weight: 5g
Stock: 16

RM 15.00
00271-Quaver Earring
Sell in pair. Pendant: 1.3cmX2cm
Weight: 5g

RM 10.00
00273-4 in 1 Earring-BLACK
Available in 5 Colors
Weight: 5g

RM 10.00
00273-4 in 1 Earring-BLUE
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Weight: 5g

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00273-4 in 1 Earring-YELLOW
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Weight: 5g

RM 10.00
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Weight: 5g
RM 10.00
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Weight: 5g

RM 10.00
00275-3 IN 1 Music Earing
Sell 3 in 1
Weight: 5g
Stock: 23

RM 6.90
00279-Vintage Musical Earring (Quaver)
Sell in pair with hook
Weight: 5g
Stock: 4

RM 12.00
00279-Vintage Musical Earring (Electrical Guitar)
Sell in pair with hook
Weight: 5g
Stock: 8

RM 12.00
00279-Vintage Musical Earring (Gramaphone)
Sell in pair with hook
Weight: 5g
Stock: 8

RM 12.00
00279-Vintage Musical Earring (Treble Clef)
Sell in pair with hook
Weight: 5g
Stock: 15

RM 12.00
00279-Vintage Musical Earring (Horn)
Sell in pair with hook
Weight: 5g
Stock: 4

RM 12.00
00292-Vintage E. Gtr Necklace
Pendant: 1.9cmX6cm Necklace:38cm
Weight: 13g
Stock: 11

RM 15.90
00293-Vintage Radio Necklace
Pendant:4.6cmX2cm Necklace: 38cm
Weight: 15g
Stock: 15

RM 15.90
00294-Vintage Sax Treble Necklace
Pendant: 1.5cmX3,3cm Necklace: 38cm
Weight: 10g
Stock: 7

RM 15.90
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Headphone
Sell in pair Pendant: 1.8cmX2cm
Weight: 8g
Stock: 5

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Camera
Sell in pair Pendant: 1.5cmX1cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 7

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Guitar
Sell in pair Pendant: 1cmX2.5cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 9

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Horn
Sell in pair Pendant: 1.5cmX2cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 8

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Microphone
Sell in pair Pendant: 0.7cmX3cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 3

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Piano
Sell in pair Pendant: 1.5cmX1.8cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 17

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Saxophone
Sell in pair Pendant: 1cmX2.2cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 8

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Saxphone 2
Sell in pair Pendant: 1cmX2cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 7

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Semiquaver
Sell in pair
Weight: 10g
Stock: 17

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Tape
Sell in pair Pendant: 1.3cmX2cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 7

RM 15.00
00297-Big Musical Instruments Earring - Trombone
Sell in pair Size: 3.5cm x 1.3cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 7
RM 15.00
00299-Stainless Steel Earring -Treble Clef
Sell per unit. Available in 2 Design
Weight: 5g

RM 10.00
00300-Stainless Steel Earring -Quaver
Sell per unit. Available in 2 Design
Weight: 5g

RM 10.00
00380-Treble Earring
Weight: 4g
Stock: 13

RM 10.00
00381-Electric Guitar Earring
Pendant: 3.4cmX1.3cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 2

RM 10.00
00383-Treble Dot Earring
4 in 1
Stock: 8

RM 8.00
00398-T.Violin Earring
Available in 2 Colors Sell in pair Size: 1cmX1.4cm
Weight: 5g

RM 4.00
00408-Vintage BB - Cello Earring
Sell in pair Cello Size: 1.2cmX3.6cm
Weight: 8g
Stock: 5

RM 15.00
00408-Vintage BBE - Electric Guitar
Sell in pair Guitar: 1.4cmX4cm
Weight: 5g
Stock: 8

RM 15.00
00408-Vintage BBE - Semiquaver
Sell in pair Quaver: 1.8cmX2.5cm
Weight: 8g
Stock: 6

RM 15.00
00479-Acoustic Guitar Earring
Available in 4 Colors Size: 1.4cm x 0.8cm
Weight: 10g

RM 10.00

Chemistry In Our World

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Would you still buy clothes if you knew the process of how they were made? Many of the clothes in American stores are made in Bangladesh, which has a history of workplace disasters. An estimated 200 children, some 11 years old or even younger, and some moms of the children are sewing clothing for Hanes, Wal-Mart, J.C. Penney, and Puma at the Harvest Rich factory in Bangladesh ( The workers work overtime, some over-nights, and have to sleep there. They may be beaten and they overall work in a bad working environment.
                                                        The Horror of Third World Labor
                                                                                                                                                      Fashion Diva

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Now we know the types of hairstyles that will get people’s attention, look adorable on you and what each hairstyle means to people. To make the hairstyle better, we also know the right products to use to make yourself look great. Fashion Diva magazine has all the information you need!
                                                                                                                                                             Fashion Diva