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It's just me!

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Hey y'all! This is my first post! Just wanted to create a blog to inspire everyone out there!

Stem cells

Posted | Views: 446
What are stem cells  

Stem cells can be anything they want to be. By  anything I mean any type of cell  they want . That is  so amazing . Mostly stem cells help with healing and  embryos. Some down  sides  it's very unnateral
Stem Cells
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Stem Cells

Posted | Views: 431
Stem cells are one misunderstood theory that's going on in the world right now. I think the should be more reaserched. Stem cells are a type of cell that has no specific function, and can become any type of cell. Stem cells can help repair of tissue. But most people aren't for this. Why? Well  there are two types of stem cells, adult stem cells, and embryonic stem cells. Most believe that there is only embryonic stem cells. They are only found through an embro. So to get these stem cells you have to kill the embro, but the adult stem cells can be found in every human body , so nothing is being damaged. The embronic stem cell can become any type of cell while adult seem cells have only a few exceptions. The stem cells help with curing desieses, repairing body parts and helps with paralysis. Stem cells can be used for a good cause but with so many people not knowing about adult stem cells is slowing down the research. Stem cells can help save lives why not give it a chance.
Embryonic stem cell.
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p.s josh gumber helped with this

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Posted | Views: 377
Stem Cell Research
     A stem cell is a cell that does not have a specific function. It can make all types of cells and reproduce regularly. So it can make more liver cells if some of your liver cells die.
What is a Stem Cell ?
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Where do Stem Cells Come From?
     There are two types of stem cells. One type is called embryonic which comes from an embryo. The second is an adult stem cell which comes from mainly  bone marrow and muscles.
Stem Cell Therapies 
Issues in Stem Cell research
Thanks For Watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted | Views: 353
Craig CO 
Sunday, May 20
New Research On Stem Cells
Article by
Anthony Wade

What Are stem cells? Stem cells are in your body and they are what make it live. This is for a couple of reasons. First, it can develop into almost any other cell in the body allowing them to fill the spot of injured or dead cells.Where Do they come from? this is quite simple, they can get created in the embryo in the first three to five days, these are called embryonic stem cells, or they can come from the bone marrow, these are called Adult stem Cells. In Recent research it has been found that it can cure diseases and be used for medicine. This is because recent sceintests have found out how to grow these cells out side the human body and apply the cells to the injury [Parkinsons, blindness, and even people that are paralyzed]. The sceintests would do this procedure by taking a stem cell, regrowing it until you have MILLIONS, and then take a shot insert it where your injury is and hope for the best. But, a problem with this is that when using an embriotic, lets just say children are dying. This information was given to the news team by your local hospital, Saint Juans hospital of burritoes and Tacos. My personal opinion is that adult stem cells are heros, as for embriotic... YOU'RE KILLING CHILDREN.

6 Vitamins and Minerals

Posted | Views: 1,497
6 Vitamins And Minerals You Need To Start Eating Now
Food, vitamins, and minerals are extremely important to the body’s function because they give the body instructions. We couldn’t think, breathe, digest food, or walk without them! Many people, women especially, are not getting enough of the “good stuff” our body needs, and figuring out what your body needs all by yourself is somewhat tricky. Deciding which should foods we can eat directly from food sources, and which are okay to buy from a bottle is difficult. What you eat affects your mood, whether that is positively or negatively. How, when, and where food is consumed also affects your body.
This antioxidant does many things including, improving the immune system, boosting vision, decreasing the risk of heart disease, and might slow down skin aging, however; remember, Michael Holick, author of The Vitamin D Solution, says it can be toxic in large doses. The recommended daily dosage is 2,300 international units (IU). Vitamin A is better when you take it straight from a beta-carotene source, found in carrots, cantaloupe, and other foods, instead of in pill form (Gersdorff, 1).
Vitamin A
B Vitamins 
All eight B vitamins maintain metabolism, muscle tone, and a sharp mind, says Mary Ellen Camire. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is especially important for young women because it maintains red blood cell health, and guards against cancer and birth defects. The recommended daily dosage is 400 micrograms (mcg), 600 mcg if pregnant. People don’t necessarily need to take supplements for it because foods like breakfast cereals, other whole grains, asparagus, and beans contain it (Gersdorff, 1).
This antioxidant helps fight sickness and boosts the immune system. Other benefits include heart disease and prenatal problem prevention, and prevention of eye illnesses. Vitamin C also fends off wrinkles, and helps wounds heal faster. 
Vitamin C
The recommended daily dosage is 75 milligrams (mg). If you eat citrus fruits and colorful veggies, supplements are unnecessary, although one can never have too much Vitamin C because it is water-soluble, meaning excess will exit in the bathroom.
Vitamin D
This vitamin is practically a wonder “drug.” Doctors believe it can reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to fifty percent, and may offer protection from ovarian cancer and diabetes. This amazing vitamin also aids in calcium absorption and plays a central role in muscle function. The recommended dosage is 1,000 to 2,000 IU. A supplement is recommended because the small amounts you may eat aren’t nearly enough.
Two words: strong bones. Camire says, “Women start losing bone density in their early twenties. Calcium is your single best defense, and you should start taking it now.” This mineral builds strong teeth, and provides nourishment for the nervous system. The recommended daily dosage is 1,000 mg. Supplements are necessary because yogurt, milk, and cheese, do not pack nearly enough calcium.
Without adequate amounts of this mineral in blood, you become anemic. Anemia means to be lacking red blood cells in the blood stream, and to have a weakened immune system. We encourage women who have particularly heavy periods to take supplements. The daily recommended dosage is 18 mg. It is highly recommended because most people don’t eat enough red meat or foods that contain iron. First, talk to a doctor about taking this supplement because too much may be harmful.

Gpen Tent...Page 21

Posted | Views: 1,181
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz 
Off 6th st & Red River 
SXSW 2014
G pen Tent Showcase
To Be active In this Culture
 You must be Apart Of Creating Art 
When others Just see a Picture.

Because the Internet...Page 20

Posted | Views: 1,107
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz
Art by Unknown Artist Off Red River st. Austin.Tx  SXSW 2014
Because The Internet ...

Can make or break an artist 
Now days

Relationship Advice

Posted | Views: 1,088
Paige was so excited after she graduated high school, one step closer to becoming an adult. Next fall she would be off at college having the time of her life. She couldn’t wait to meet new people and explore new places. Concordia was where she would be attending, majoring in physical therapy.
It was the first of August, move in day had finally com. Paige and her boyfriend Garrett were headed upstate from her hometown, looking at the three hour drive they had ahead of them. The trip dragged on as Paige constantly watched in her rear view mirror at Garrett following in the truck behind. Garrett was two years younger than Paige, so he would have to head back home after helping Paige move in. When they had finally arrived at her new apartments she could barely contain herself any longer. Before she knew it she was holding the keys to her very own place! A place that she could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, because it was hers. Garrett and Paige went up to the top floor, five apartments to the left, and there it was. Inside boxes started to pile in the empty home as Garrett brought in boxes, Paige unpacked them bit by bit. Finally once all the furniture was placed, the hollow rooms began to look like a living space and Paige and Garrett were thrilled. Garrett made dinner for the two of them and they spent the rest of the evening putting all of Paige’s belongings in their proper places. This was the only night alone they would ever have. The next morning Paige woke up and took a shower, but when she got out she found Garrett distressed. “I can’t do this to you, you need to experience college and have fun,” he said to her. He left her.
All alone in this new strange place that used to be full of promise and excitement, now looked like lonely, lifeless prison that she would remain in for the longest of time. Days went by slowly, in agony she laid in her bed with no desire to ever leave, crying during the night and sleeping few hours in the day whenever her body got exhausted enough to make her stop sobbing. A whole week had passed by and it was time to face the world. Her mother had come to visit along with Paige’s little sister. Her mother had understood what she was going though and tried to help in any way she could to get Paige back onto her feet again. Eventually Paige threw her hands to her sides and let the weight roll off of her shoulders. It was time for this to stop. No more moping around and staying down in the dumps, it was misery.
School would start in just two weeks, and Paige would be so grateful to see some familiar faces. The weekend before school started is when all the rest of the college students had started to migrate towards the area. When the students had arrived, so did the parties. Paige went to enjoy herself and wanted to have as much fun as possible. Is what should have been going on in her mind, instead forgetting him was the number one priority on her list. She had no problem fitting in with the crowd and drinking as much as she could before things started getting fuzzy in her mind. Even the alcohol couldn't keep her memories at bay and she continued to make bad decisions with her new care free attitude. She drunkenly got into bad situations with guys that in softer terms did not like her for her personality. None of that mattered to her of course, Paige just desperately wanted attention and to be loved. Lust is not love.
Even though she was unaware of the fact that she was getting better it was true. She continued to party, but with intentions on having fun instead of getting wasted. She met new people and started having a good time with her old high school friends that were going to Concordia as well. One weekend she was thrown off again and trying to drown her sorrows in alcohol and ended up puking her guts out. Her best friend and another guy rushed to help her and eventually got her to sleep on the couch. The next morning was one of the worst hangovers, so Paige, Blake, and Zach she later learned, headed into town to get Subway. There was a spark between Zach and her. She liked the way he showed her kindness at one of her worst moments.
After a few weeks a new relationship had sprouted. One of the fastest paced relationships she had ever been in, after just two weeks she was going to see his family with him. After two more weeks passed they were staying the night at each other’s places and shopping for groceries together. Paige felt like a whole new person, but happy all the same. Zach was a great guy, he was funny, sweet, and easygoing. They enjoyed spending their time together even if it meant doing their homework in the same room. She felt like her own person again and she had control over her feelings once more.
This of course had to be the time when Garrett came back into the picture. Just as Paige was getting better he decided to let her know how he felt. He claimed he missed her and begged for her to come back to him on a weekly basis. Even though she was content in a relationship with Zach, her feelings for Garrett had not yet submerged and stung just as bad when she started thinking of him again as they did when he left.
Paige was possibly worse now than she was before. With all of these options shoved in front of her face she had no idea witch one was best or cause the least amount to hurt. As if all of this wasn't enough to deal with, there was Austin. A man whom she shared several classes with, took interest in Paige and was sure to let her know. He was quiet yet quite hysterical at times. Austin was honest with Paige, and sometimes they would stay awake for hours just talking. She could say anything to him and he would just listen to her and offer the best response he could give. Even though Austin had strong feelings for Paige, he never let that get in the way of their friendship. He just wanted her to be happy.
Paige’s relationship started to degrade due to all the stress she carried around not knowing what correct answer was. She was short tempered at times and found herself lying awake at night hoping her thought could sort their way through all of it. Paige was absolutely baffled. She had no clue what to do and had mixed feelings for every one of the guys that wanted to be part of her life. Paige never wanted to hurt anyone. She spent her whole life pleasing others and maintaining harmony with others around her, and this made her happy. What she didn't realize was that in order to make everyone happy she was always putting her own feelings last and it was making her melancholy. She needed to figure out for herself what it was that she wanted, and whether or not that answer was the right choice. She needed to be happy again and she knew just what to do…
It was time for Paige to be on her own again. She needed this time for herself and she needed full autonomy to do whatever pleased her. She learned she couldn't carry around her loved ones forever, and it was not her duty to make decisions based upon the people around her. She had a duty to her heart and she had promised herself that day that she would never forget that duty so long as she lived.

Relationship Turmoil
A short story of heartbreak and happiness.

All alone in this new strange place...
forgetting him was the number one priority
She had a duty to her heart
pg. 3

Underage Drinking

Posted | Views: 963
 One of the many things that college is infamous for is parties. Students no longer live under the rule of their parents and are excited to be making their own choices. Many people use alcohol as a social lubricant, and in some ways it is. People tend to feel more relaxed and open up to others when they are intoxicated. Parties are also an effective way of meeting new people in college. Before going out and drinking, it would be wise to know a little information on the topic.
 A small survey about underage drinking was created by the author and given to a variety of students on campus. The survey unveiled that most students drank on average three times a week. Most surveyors also reported going to parties almost every weekend. The majority of students that took this survey did just so happen to be under twenty-one, the legal drinking age in the US. A shocking 70% of college student admitted to driving under the influence. Last but not least, two thirds of the students surveyed said they believed underage drinking was acceptable. When asked why they did not think underage drinking was a problem some said, “as long as the person knows how to handle their alcohol” or, “only if the person drinking doesn’t become an alcoholic.” These statements were red flagged, how can anyone know for a fact if a person can handle their alcohol, and when have they gone too far?
 Young people drink less often than adults over twenty-one, but when they do drink, they drink more than adults (NIH). When college students drink on the weekends they typically do not have a drink or two and call it good. For some reason, some people think it is a good idea to drink until they are falling all over the place and vomiting their innards out. When drinking gets to that point it is the body’s way of saying its time to stop, and it is rejecting any additional alcohol that cannot be processed through the liver. Those who only have a drink or two and stop are being slightly more responsible and most likely will not get in trouble, according to some. Little do minors know, if a party is busted and they are caught drinking, the amount consumed will not really matter. The obvious truth is they are underage and it is not legal for them to be drinking in the first place. Binge drinking can be a huge problem for minors. Alcohol poisoning can be caused from drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. This can sometimes lead to death or immediate medical attention.
 One of the easiest ways to get caught drinking underage is getting busted at a party. Multiple minors can be given in a very short amount of time if college students are all drinking together and the police arrive. Minor-in-possession and underage drinking laws enforce punishment in forms of; revocation of driver’s license usually for at least 30 days), payment of fines, enrollment in alcohol education programs, and community service (Bergman). Always be cautious of what is posted online. Pictures of partying can affect education, future job employment, and many other personal matters. There are multiple risks to partying during college, for some people the risks are worth the fun, if they can even recall what happened that night. If intoxicated, remembering what exactly happened can be difficult and sometimes embarrassing. It is essential to always be aware and able to make wise decisions to avoid some major dilemmas that are usually associated with drinking such as rape, drug abuse, and drunk driving resulting in DUI's.
 Driving while intoxicated. Getting into a car to drive after drinking is never a good idea. Getting into a car with someone who was drinking and now driving is never a good idea. If drinking is being undergone, it is best to plan ahead by having a sober driver or a place to stay if going home is not an option. When you drink and drive, your life is not the only one at risk, it is a threat to everyone. In 2010, over 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. That's one percent of the 112 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year (CDC).
 None of this information is meant to scare people from ever drinking again. For some, this article will be forgotten by the end of the week when it is time to go out and have some fun. Underage drinking is unavoidable, the best thing to do is be smart about it. Drinking can effect college students in good ways as well as bad. As long as people are knowledgeable about their decisions while drinking alcohol, disasters can be avoided. Be safe and be smart!

Underage Drinking
Works Cited
Bergman, Paul. Underage Drinking and Minor-in-Possession Laws. n/d n/m 2014. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.
CDC. Drinking and Driving: A Threat to Everyone. 4 Oct. 2011. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

pg. 2
Underage Drinking
College Parties...

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Posted | Views: 818
How do you get your hair to look like this? What products do you buy? Every girls question when seeing a magazine with fashion topics in it! First off we will talk about the type of shampoo and conditioner that we recommend for people who are looking for something that will really help your hair and is cheap. Like $6.00 cheap! L’OREAL is the number one recommended shampoo and conditioner! “With a reparative combo of ceramides and amino acids, this cleanser "glosses up dry, overstyled hair," says New York City hair pro Paul Cucinello. "Over time, it does real damage control” ( And it don't stop there.
                                                                                                                                                         Fashion Diva

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Posted | Views: 825
                                                                    CRAZILY DYED
                                                                                                                                                                      Fashion Diva
The last hair style we will be talking about is the crazily dyed one. Not the cheapest but, pick any color you think that would look good in your hair, you’ll probably be feeling just wild and gorgeous! This could go one of two ways. A free spirit, nonconformist with eclectic taste or someone potentially crazy who wants attention. The free spirit doesn’t care what you think and just happens to like a certain wacky color; the attention-craver wants to be the free spirit but really is not and just wants everyone looking at her ( This hair style could get anyone’s attention and quick!

Why Am I Here?

Posted | Views: 1,453
      “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
      Although it often takes a while to find our given purpose, there are so many things worthy of our pursuit on this earth. Follow your heart and pray for His awesome guidance whenever you are unsure of where to go and what to do in life. The Bible says we are here to give God glory and to accomplish His will here on earth (Ephesians 5:11). We make God so incredibly happy when we do what He has planned for us! He loves us so much that He sent His one and only son to die on the cross for us (John 3: 16). How crazy is that! 
Did You Know?
      Jesus Christ literally holds us together. Our body has trillions of cells, which are connected and held together by this miraculous little thing called laminin. Laminin is a cross shaped protein that binds cells together. It never ceases to astound us how God created us is a way that He literally, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically holds us together.
Final Thoughts
I hope you now realize we all have worth and value. God created us and loves us no matter what. We are amazing creatures with many sides to us, but He appreciates them all. We are who we are, growing and expanding with each and every experience. We have no need to search for who we are, for what is the point in searching for what you already obtain?
Structure of laminin ->

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Posted | Views: 495
لكل مجال أخطار و مساوء . فالإعلام الرياضي يعاني من التعصب و العنصرية و المجال الفني يعاني من الخلافات و الإعلام العام يرفع من شئن العنصرية و يفرق بين القبائل و الشعوب . فمثلاً : تويتر و غيرة من وسائل الإعلام الحديثة الآن هي من أقوى أسباب سيادة هذه العنصرية . ديننا الاسلامي هو أكثر الأديان منعاً من العنصرية . فكان الخلفاء يقولون لبلال بن رباح "يا سيدنا ". ولكننا نقول مالا نفعل . أصبحنا نتبارز بالألقاب و  الأسماء لا بالأفعال مثل غيرنا من الشعوب  .    غاليه الفتوح    

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Posted | Views: 283

Is Beyonce A Feminist?: Why the Questioning of Beyonce's Brand of Feminism is Important

Posted | Views: 1,727
"I have chosen to no longer be apologetic for my femaleness and my femininity. And I want to be respected in all of my femaleness because I deserve to be."

-Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
"We should all be feminists"
 TEDxEuston  2013
Is Beyonce A Feminist?: Why the Questioning of Beyonce's Brand of Feminism is Important

In 2013 Beyonce released her self-titled album to critical acclaim - and on the track "****Flawlwss" she states her political views on feminism, including a snippet of Chimamanda Adichi's speech "We Should all Be Feminists" to make her claim. 

Beyonce's music in the past has usually contained some form of feminist rhetoric or woman empowerment in her lyrics, from the songs "Independent Woman" and "Survivor" during her time in Destiny's Child, to "Single Ladies" and "Irreplaceable" as a solo artist. It is interesting that the people questioning her feminism are often women who claim to be feminists as well. 

Although many women argue that the reason Beyonce is subjugated to questioning is because of her status as a sex symbol in the music industry, her feminist beliefs are founded in the ideas that women can own their sexuality and embrace it in any way that is pleasing to them. This form of feminism is known as "Sex-positive". 

The questioning of Beyonce's status as a feminist, is a reflection of how black feminists are often left out of conversations concerning women's issues because their values may not always match those of the mainstream. Black women are often hyper-sexualized in the media and Beyonce's role as a sex-positive entertainer may seem to be a contradiction to the views of mainstream feminism, but may represent the way black women can reclaim and own their sexuality.

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Posted | Views: 1,044
 Works Cited 
Goldberg, MD, J. (2014, August 8). ADHD in Children Health Center.           Retrieved October 19, 2014, from
Grohol, J., & Martin, B. (2013, January 30). How is ADHD diagnosed?           Retrieved October 18, 2014, from Psych Central.
Hallowell, E. M., & Ratey, J. J. (2005). Embrace Change to Meet Your           Goals. In E. M. Hallowell , & J. J. Ratey, Delivered from Distraction: Getting the most out of life with ADHD (p. 380). New               York City: Ballantine Books. Retrieved October 19, 2014
Hwang, K., & Paturel, A. (2014, June). Alternative Approaches to                 ADD/ADHD Treatment. Retrieved October 16, 2014, from                 Everyday Health.
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2013, March 15). Mayo Foundation for Medical               Education and Research. Retrieved October 19, 2014, from Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.
           Segal, J., & Smith, M. (2014, October). Diagnosing Attention              Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adults.                        Retrieved October 20, 2014, from

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Posted | Views: 727
• Essential fatty acids. These fats, which include omega-3 oils, are necessary for the brain to function properly. Researchers are still investigating whether these may improve ADHD symptoms.
• Neurofeedback training. Also called electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback, this treatment involves regular sessions in which you focus on certain tasks while using a machine that shows brain wave patterns. Theoretically, you can learn to keep brain wave patterns active in the front of the brain — improving symptoms of ADHD. While this treatment looks very promising, more research is needed to see whether it works (Hwang & Paturel, 2014).
Tips for Living with ADHD
• Use folders for complete and incomplete school assignments.
• Use a daily planner to record and remember dates.
• Developing a plan for completing work.
• If you are living with a person with ADHD, you can play an important,                   supportive role in their ADHD management.
• Educate yourself about ADHD.
• Work together to establish a daily routine for chores and other household                responsibilities.
• Focus on important issues and downplay those that are less critical (Grohol &         Martin, 2013).
ADHD Treatment Overview
Treatment plans may include special education programs, psychological intervention, and drug treatment. Long-term treatment with a combination of medications and behavioral therapy is much better than just medication treatment, or no specific treatments in managing hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention, and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Those kids treated with both ADHD drugs and therapy also have better social skills (Goldberg, MD, 2014). Learn as much as you can about the options and talk them over with your child's health care provider so you can make the best plan for your child.

November 21, 2014

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                                                                    Twentynine Palms High
Volume 1, Number 6                                                November 21, 2014                               
You Either Make It or You Don’t
Story by: Courtney Stanford

There are two words that every athlete trying out for a sport dread, and those two words are “you’re cut.” Some coaches are nice enough to say “sorry you didn't make it,” but both of these sayings have one thing in common: you did not make the team. However, coaches don’t say this for no reason. Every athlete in school gets a fair chance to prove their skills during tryout week. It all depends on the player and how they present themselves through their effort and attitude.
 The girls’ and boys’ basketball and soccer teams are in the gym and on the field everyday after school, working their hardest to try and make the squad. There are only a limited number of spots on the team that can be filled, which makes getting on the team more difficult. There is a lot of irony in this situation because the main point of playing sports (besides having fun) is the chance to play against other teams; but in reality you are competing against your fellow classmates and friends in attempt to make the squad, or, if you are really good, get a starting position. All of the winter sports teams are trying their hardest to impress their coaches and push themselves into being the best they can be.
 The boys’ basketball practices mainly consist of running because they have to get in shape for the upcoming season. The girls’ basketball team starts out with some laps around the gym, which then escalates to drills that have a lot more running. The main purpose of these drills is to get the girls in shape, especially for those who did not play a fall sport. Next they do shooting drills and practice their offense, and end off the practice with some scrimmaging.
The girls’ and boys’ soccer teams have been working hard in the weight room in previous weeks in order to get strong for their season, along with some major conditioning that includes a lot of running. They have mainly been practicing the fundamentals such as passing, footwork, and defensive and offensive plays. The girls’ team had to pass the Cooper’s test, a mile and a half run in under 13 minutes to make it on the Varsity team.
 Tryout week is mainly about conditioning and preparing for the real season. It helps the coaches see those who are physically and mentally ready to play, and those who are not. Tryouts provide coaches with the opportunity to see how dedicated and coachable a player is to a sport, and whether or not they display the desire to succeed within a team. If they do, then there is no need to fear those dreadful two words.
Expanding the Wildcat Family
Story by: Rachael Lemon  

Three teachers in sixty days. That was the time duration in which Mrs. Beasley’s former class suffered until Mrs. Quirante provided the relief that the students desperately needed. At the beginning of November, Mrs. Margaret Quirante, who goes by Mrs.Q, stepped in as the permanent English teacher in room 32.
 During her high school career, Mrs. Q took a year to be an exchange student in Japan, where she fell in love with the Japanese culture. Continuing into college, she moved back to Japan to work in the news entertainment industry, which later took her to New York and Chicago.
That’s when Mrs. Q had a epiphany. Overwhelmed with passion, Mrs. Q became teary-eyed reflecting over the reasons why she became a teacher. Due to working in news entertainment, Mrs. Q was constantly covering stories that were negative. She needed a change, so she became a teacher to bring positivity to the world. “Taking upon a high school English class was a challenge that I was glad to take on” states Mrs. Q.
Having started off the year jumping between substitute teachers, Jasmine Rodriguez expresses that she could not be any happier to have Mrs.Q as a teacher. “Her style of teaching is not much different, and she was able to pick up the work we were doing and continue on where the others left off.”
Mrs. Q is exactly what the English department needed to bring equilibrium to the campus.
Gobbling Up Some Food
Story by: Ashton Henry

The Interact Club is making an effort to give food to 500 less fortunate families in the community. These families are given the food needed to have a plentiful Thanksgiving meal. They are lucky enough, with the help of the Interact Club, to have their dinners in their own homes rather than eating at a soup kitchen or going to the community meal at Breaking Bread. The food for the families include: a turkey, cranberries, rolls, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, vegetables, and a pumpkin pie.
The Interact Club has been managing the food drive since 1998. The club started out giving only 50 turkeys and 50 bags of food. Since then, the Interact Club has grown to 500 turkeys and 500 bags of food for the families.
When having the responsibility of giving 500 meals to families, something has to go wrong. Mrs. Cosgriff says “it’s a matter of what complication it will be this year.” One year, the turkey truck was an hour late. All of the families were already lined up and waiting to get their turkey. Cosgriff says “That was one of the biggest complications, but there is always a complication of making sure we have enough food for everyone.”
 However, the Interact Club cannot fulfill this goal of 500 bags of food without the help of fellow Wildcats. Students are asked to bring in to their second period class canned and boxed food for the food drive. While some students do it out of the goodness of their hearts, others bring in the food to get some extra credit from their teachers. The Interact Club also gives a prize to the class who donates the most food.
 Former student Scott Clinkscales decided he would spread the joy of giving by helping his brother Mark’s 2nd period English class donate canned food. Clinkscales was generous enough to donate over 150 cans of food to the class, putting them in first place for the Interact Club prize.
Whether you’re pitching in to see the gratefulness of these families, or trying to win the Interact prize, it’s all for a good cause and the Wildcats are willing to help every year.