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Koh Samui

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How to Find the Best Villa for Your Vacation
Not all villas are the same, and with hundreds to choose from, we have lots of options for travelers to Koh Samui. No matterwhat kind of villa you are looking for, there are at least a few optionsthat will fit the description you have in mind. 

But how do you determine what the best villa is for you? You probably want to start with the price, if you are on any kind of budget. Most people do their travelling with at least some sort of budget in mind. So, figure out a price in your head that you are comfortable with paying and then narrow down your selection of villas based on that. Also make sure you know how large you want the villa to be. 

That’s often goingto depend on how big your group is. If you are just travelling with a few people, then a standard-sized villa shouldbe fine. However, if you have alarger group, such as your extended family, then you may want a larger villa with several bedrooms or even multiple villas. If you pick multiple villas, then you probably want to make sure they are close to one another.
Not all koh samui real estate villas come with the same functionality. If you want yours to have all the modern conveniences you can’t live without, then just ask the rental agent and specifically request what you have to have. The agent will work with you to find the perfect villa for your needs.

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Jackets for Owls 
December 2016 Edition 

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Check Out Some of the 
2016 Pumpkin Patch Submissions 

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"This year the 5th grade team went to the Environmental Center for the Mud Walk. It was so much fun! When we first got there we were all anxious about getting in the freezing cold mud. My favorite part about the wet day was collecting as many fish and tadpoles as we could. Oh and lunch! We were divided into groups of two and received a net. We had to take turns trying to catch either tadpoles or tiny fish out of the water. I was able to catch at least two tadpoles and a few bugs." Sadie B.

"When we got off the bus we were able to go into the mud first. Then we went fishing for small fish, tadpoles and bugs. My favorite part was when I fell in the mud like a million times! Most were face first so, you can imagine how I looked when we took a class picture. After the picture we took a quick rinse in a river by the woods. It was refreshing!" Elias V.
Check out the Enivornmental Studies Center's Website at

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Posted | Views: 1,638
Python Post     
By: Samantha Frew 

Moonlight pierces the shrouded sky, 
He searches for his maiden, to answer her cry. 
With a delicate glow, the moon carefully seeks, 
His young mistress to wipe the tears from her cheeks. 
She walks slowly, alone, in swirling white sand 
Reaching gently to grasp a warm pale hand. 
She floats into his arms, so peaceful, yet strong, 
With a comfort in knowing she must truly belong. 
The moon carried her way past the clouds, so far, 
And the moon was at last with his lover, the star.
Poet's Corner
Quote(s) of the Month
"We are the Kraken of our own sinking ships".
-Switched at Birth
We Scare Hunger 

In October, the Social Action Team put off We Scare Hunger, an initiative of the Me to We organization that our school works with. 
Maybe you spotted the snazzy masks put up all over the walls. You also could have seen the cans that showed how much food each grade collected, in which the grade eights totally dominated. All of these things were designed to catch the attention of us distracted young people so that we would bring in oodles and oodles of food. We did, too - Ms. Clancy’s room was bursting with Kraft Dinner and Fudgeos for weeks. This was all for a good cause, which makes parting with your Aunt Jemima and cake mix worthwhile: people who wouldn’t normally be well-fed are benefiting from our school’s efforts. 
Although you see food drives all over the place, it’s important to do your part, however small it may seem. Our school did it's part; pretty spectacularly I might add. That’s pretty cool, no matter how you slice it! 
A sincere thank you to all those who brought in food! Remember, the food that might still be gathering dust in the back of your pantry has gone to people who really need it.
-Eva Haas
Miss Smith: We would like to thank Mark’s for sponsoring both our grade 8 and 9 junior high girls volleyball team so they could enter the NLVA after school league.

Tutoring for tuition is starting up and will be on Thursdays from 2:45-3:45 in room 106. This program is free to students and is a great way to get extra help in your school subjects. See or contact Ms. Andrews for details.

French tutorial takes place every Thursday at 2:15 for one hour in room 317. 
Come, let us help you!
The Funny Page
Teacher Messages
This Month's Feature
Members of the Social Action Team with the spoils of our food drive (no pun intended).

Social Action meet in the library during lunch every day 4; new members are always welcome!
Mr. Christopher - Was accepted into firefighting school before he completed his Physical Education degree.

Mr. Burton - Is a musician and a published poet.

Ms. Autexier - Taught her cat how to do tricks like “sit,” “paw,” “jump”.
Teacher Facts
Sports Feature
All Python Softball Championship
For the second year in a row St.Peter's Junior High hosted the Pythons Fall Softball Classic, a junior high softball tournament. Our school started this tournament last year with 6 teams and it grew this year to include 11 teams from in and outside the St.John's Metro Region. In the first semi final, Pythons Navy defeated Villanova, in the second semi final Pythons Royal defeated Mobile, setting up an all St.Peter's Junior High Final! In the end, St.Peter's Royal defeated St.Peter's Navy in a great championship. When the game was over both teams celebrated the win! It was a sign of great sportsmanship and that's what this tournament is all about, having fun! Daniel Harris was the tournament MVP. Not only did Daniel demonstrate great skill all weekend at the shortstop position he also showed great sportsmanship and was a great leader to our younger players. Daniel displayed what being a Python is all about!
A Message from Our Lovely Administrators  
Ms. Cecilia Kennedy 
Mr. Shane Welcher 
Assistant Principal
Mr. Trent Langdon
"The thing that got me through that moment, and any other time that I've felt stuck, is to remind myself that it's about the work. Because if you're worrying about yourself — if you're thinking: 'Am I succeeding? Am I in the right position? Am I being appreciated?' — then you're going to end up feeling frustrated and stuck. But if you can keep it about the work, you'll always have a path. There's always something to be done".
-Barack Obama 
Author: Michael Grant
Reviewed by: Dylan Pittman  

Gone, by Michael Grant, is an intriguing, well-developed story. It left me desperate for more. An amazing climax, with tense moments and sad events. But, all in all, an action-packed, exciting story that will leave you breathless. I mean, who wouldn’t like a bit of sci-fi dystopia? Let me set the scene; another normal day in Perdido Beach. Oh, wait - anyone above fifteen is gone, vanished into thin air. Sam Temple doesn’t know what has happened, but he knows they have to keep things running until the adults come back. Along with his friends, Astrid, Edilio, and Quinn, Sam puts Perdido Beach back in the right direction, along the way trying to find Astrid’s brother. But, as they were gone, the Coates kids (from a school for the unruly) come into town and take charge. Sam has his doubts about the new kids, and he doesn’t want them to stay. To make things more complicated, war is breaking out and a barrier traps everyone inside the town. Animals are evolving rapidly. Oh, and by the way, watch out for your birthday. You might be gone then...
A Book Review for You!
The SPJH Gaming Club held their Midnight Madness in the school gym on September 30th and November 10th.

Stay tuned for the overnight fundraiser after Christmas!

Gaming Club welcomes all new members to the library every day 6 during lunch!
Mr. G in his natural habitat, learning how to save lives at our first aid PD session. 
Joyeux l'halloween! 
SPJH Social Action team and French Club join together to bake crepes for the bake sale. The money we raised was sent to those affected by Hurricane Matthew. 
Thank you/Merci for your support!
Soft Pumpkin cookies

~2 ½ cups flour
~1 tsp baking soda
~1 tsp baking powder
~1 tsp cinnamon
~½ tsp nutmeg
~¼ tsp ginger
~1/8 tsp allspice
~½ tsp salt
~1 ½ cups brown sugar
~½ cup butter
~1 cup pumpkin puree
~1 egg
~1 tsp vanilla extract
~2 Tbsp applesauce

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice and salt in a large bowl. Beat sugar and butter in another bowl. Beat in pumpkin, egg, vanilla, and applesauce until smooth. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Drop spoonfuls of batter onto a baking sheet and bake for 15-18 minutes. To make it even tastier, serve the cookies with cream cheese icing!
Baking on the Brain?
Until next time!
Do you have any news you want to share? 
Would you like to join our team?
Are you a parent with an idea?

We would love to hear from you!

The Python Post is a student-run online newspaper written for students by students.

We look forward to hearing from you! 
  Vol. 1, Number 1

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Posted | Views: 1,503
Oct. - Nov. 2016 Edition
Welcome to the Houghman Herald. Forest City's Digital Newspaper made by students to keep you in the know. Keep reading so you see what's going on!
Halloween Safety Tips from our very own Master Officer Shapiro:
• Always stay with parent or young adult. 
• Never go to a house that doesn’t have a light on. 
• Bring a flashlight when you go trick or treating. 
• Have your parents check your candy to make sure none are opened or harmful.
Make sure you follow these tips and have a safe and Happy Halloween! The Headliner Group: Natalie, Saysia, Hannah, Giselle, and Luke

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Posted | Views: 1,233
October - November
October 25 Pumpkin Patch 
October 27 Pumpkin Drop 5th grade only/Soda Fundraiser for 5th/Lake Brantley Parade for all students 
October 31 Halloween 
November 6 Daylight savings time ends 
November 10 Mom’s Breakfast 
November 15 Hootie store for Grades K - 1 
November 17 Report cards go home 
November 18 Hootie Store for Grades 2 - 5 
November 21-25 Fall Break


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Posted | Views: 1,273
Did you know that The Yankee Candle Fundraiser raised approximately $5,000 for our school? Now that's what I call a successful fundraiser!
ATTENTION FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS: The annual pumpkin drop is Oct. 27th. Ask your teacher for more information!
You will be receiving more information about Jump Rope for Heart. Until then check out this website:

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Posted | Views: 1,153
Take a Leap With Us Into Fall
Jokes and Riddles
•Knock knock. Who’s there? BOO! Boo who? No need to cry about it...

•What do you call a fish with no eye? 

•What did the weatherman give the old lady? 

•What do you call a hollow hot dog? 

•I have been made in the past, I am being made now, and will be made in the future. What am I?
2. A Fsh

3.Hurricane (Her-A-Cane)
4.A Hallow-Weiner
Created by: Miranda, Jacob, Selena and Leandro

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