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Jõulud koolis 16.12.2014-19.12.2014

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Posted | Views: 272
Description : Disponible en téléchargement sur PC, Fez est un jeu de plates-formes où la réflexion est prônée. Le petit Gomez, vivant dans le monde de la deuxième dimension, est bien décidé à percer le secret des mondes en trois dimensions, seulement voilà ; Gomez ne peut se déplacer qu'en vue de profil. A vous de faire tourner l'écran et de diriger Gomez afin de lui faire rejoindre les mondes d'en haut.

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Posted | Views: 542
The Nuero News
What everybody looks foward to:
If the Nuero headset was real would you get one?
Brain jack is a must see movie based on the book Brain Jack by Brian Faulkner. people all around the world wanted the Nuero headset but at first it was to expensive but two kids got there hands on it the two boys started messing around with the headset. the two boys went to the cyber hack convention and there they were challenged to hack into the White House servers. He gets onto the servers but gets caught and then gets sent to a prison with kids his age and there he plans an escape. He goes back to the people who gave him the challenge and gets a job as a hacker. But what they don't know is Ursula the computer that is getting stronger and stronger as more and more people get the Nuero headset and it is taking over but can Sam and his team stop the computer with a virus to find out come watch BRAIN JACK now in theaters.
The Hunger games Josh Hutcherson as sam
The Givers Taylor swift as Ursula. 
Wizards of waverly place's Selena Gomez as Vienna.
Deaths caused by Neuro Headset!!
Recently a man bought Neuro Headset for his son the day after his birthday. His mom called him down for dinner and she noticed he wasn't answering. She found him dead on his floor. Police come and investigate. There was no sign of any invaders or suicide being done. The doctors have tried to find a reason why he died.
Will they ever find out what happened? 
Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories.

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Dystopian Headlines

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Dystopian Headlines
                                                Written by Josh Benitez
Headlines of D

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Posted | Views: 1,237
Art is a wonderful way to communicate.

You can share feelings, believing, thinking, philosophies. You can communicate vision.

Some ventriloquists have a vision of the future or a vision of what they think is right, what they feel is wrong.

We call them Social engaged ventriloquist.

Those guys are ready to fight for some values (justice, tolerance) no matter what are the consequences on their lives. Those are the new romantic artist!

Here’s a story of one of those artist from South Africa who refuse to get his mouth shut.

What been engaged is all about.

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Posted | Views: 1,270

Many have said that 2 legends together will not always make a great piece of work. That’s true except if we are talking about ventriloquism.

Here are two of the most known fellows in this wonderful artistic world.

Edgar Bergen and his ventriloquist dummy, Charlie McCarthy. They have created some of the most astonishing ventriloquist routine in history. The greatest thing is that many of those routine have been recorded for posterity on film. We are talking here about movie, TV shows. Many of those treasures are still available today. One of them is the Thanksgiving special TV shows telecast buy CBS in November 23rd in 1950.

This special is a piece of the talent that Edgar Bergen was able to deploy in that great era.

It is easy with that video to see the technique, the method that the great master use. That is why this show is not only a great classic but a master piece for all ventriloquists.

Have fun watching and learning.
Two legends together equal a classic.

Kings were wrong in firing Malone

Posted | Views: 1,017
There are a lot of different things that surprise me. Whether it's a scary movie, a deer running out in the middle of the road, or some no-name athlete going off for the game of his life. Often times, there are things that come around that are so unexpected, that they should really be expected. For example, when I woke up on Monday morning to the news that the Sacramento Kings have fired head coach Mike Malone, it's safe to say I was caught a little bit off guard. Despite my shock and confusion, I remembered that when it comes to the Kings, outlandish decisions like this should've been expected. 
There are many factors that make this a terrible decision by Kings management, starting with the timing of Malone's termination. The Kings currently have an 11-13 record while playing without their franchise cornerstone in Demarcus Cousins for the last nine games. Before Cousins was sidelined with a viral infection, the Kings were off to a stellar 9-6 start to the season. For the Kings to fire Malone due to a poor record without their star player is absolutely cowardess. It's as if the front office wanted Malone to fail, and waited for the prey to weaken when Cousins was out before striking at the jugular.
It's no secret that the very new and unique Kings owner, Vivek Ranadive, and GM Pete D'Allesandro weren't the biggest Malone fans in the world. In fact, D'Allesandro was hired after Malone, therefore the coach "wasn't D'Allesandro's guy" to begin with, which ultimately gave Malone a disadvantage. Most GMs want the opportunity to hand-pick their head coach so they don't have to take the blame when a guy they didn't doesn't work out. 
I've read reports that Malone and the Kings management weren't on the same page when it came to the system and structure of the team. I completely blame the whacky Ranadive for that one. If you haven't heard yet, Ranadive is the Kings owner who is adamently suggesting that his team play a four-man zone on defense, while leaving the fifth player on the other end of the court to "cherry pick" the opponent and score easy baskets off of the fast break. Honestly the plan seems so crazy that it could maybe work, but it's still a whacky game plan that most likely won't translate to the NBA level. Also, lets not forget that Ranadive was the owner who had a "man crush" on rookie Nik Stauskas and was very influential in the Kings decision to draft the guard out of Michigan. Don't believe me? Just watch this hilarious Grantland video to the left that shows his undying desire to draft the Canadian sharp shooter.   
To summarize this madness, it's unfair to pin the blame on Malone when the organization as a whole is the one to blame. The Kings have seemingly been in rebuilding mode since the last time Chris Webber, Mike Bibby and Peja Stojakovic were rocking the royal purple. Also, I don't think pairing up a volume shooter like Rudy Gay with a dominating personality such as Cousins was the most genius idea in the world. Regardless if the Kings were to fire Malone or not, they weren't going to make the playoffs in the loaded Western Conference. I believe Cousins is going to be one of the NBA's elite sooner than later, so let's all hope that the front office in Sacramento doesn't screw that one up too. 
Kings were wrong in firing Malone

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Posted | Views: 704
   The Brain Times
Important InfoBraintion

Carolyn Hax:Girl Problems 
Dear Carolyn: I'm having "girl problems". I've never had feelings for her until my birthday, when she kissed me on the cheek. I've brought it up, but she claimed it was a "birthday kiss". After that happened I've felt deep feelings for her. How do I ask her out without it being weird.
               -Annomys (Sam)

Dear "Annomys" :There's a 60% chance she feels the same way about you. If you really wanna be with her just be yourself. Show her how you really feel about her. Once you get the nerve to ask her out, go for it! Just be confident. And if she says no, don't get mad or upset. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
               -Carolyn Hax
Nureo-Headset over takes the world
Brain Jack is a must-see movie based on the same-titled book, Brain Jack by Brian Falkner. Do you ever want something so bad, but you don't have money to get it? Sam did. He wanted a Neuro-Headset, and hacked into the store and got two for him and his friend Fargus. What he didn't know is that he was being watched. He gets into trouble, but ends up working for a hacking security. The world ends up getting controlled by Ursula, (who works inside of the Nureo-Headset), and its up to Sam to fix the problem.
"Life is like a book. There are good chapters, and bad chapters. But when you get to a bad part, you dont stop reading the book!
If you do....
then you never know what happenes next!  -Brian Falkner
Chloe Mortez
If I Stay/Carrie
Jamie Blackley
If I Stay
Theo James 
Nureo-Headset Walks Through Walls
Its been found that if you wear a head-set for a couple of days, people have been able to walk through walls. No one knows  how or what actually caused it. This one young lady was walking into the coffee shop one morning right before work. That morning it was very crowded and everyone was pushing a shoving. "One person pushed me from the side, and i was knocked into a wall. As i saw my self going towards the wall faster without the ability to stop, i closed my eyes just waiting for the pain to occur." The young lady appeared to go through the wall. Most of the people saw, and couldn't stop staring. There are many different people saying they have, or seen others go through a wall. All the vitctims have something in common, they all had Nureo-Headsets on.   

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Posted | Views: 541
Bad Times

Dear Mishone

I am wondering if you could help me with something? i am trying to see if you could help me find a cure for me, i had gotten sick by a toxic gass so my lungs are in bad condishin. the doctors told me you could help me. if you could please write back.

                                              (veianna) Person

Dear Person

i am willing to help you out. i have invented a cure that will work out. the cure i made is called neuro neutrilizer, in the cure has little nano bots that will go through your body and remove the chemicals. i will get there as soon as possible.


A heroic boy hacks in to telecamerica and gets arrested and goes to jail. he then breaks out and is now on a great journey to find a cure for a sickness that has spread around the world.

Chris Hemsworth



Luke Evans

fast and furious 6


World Hacker Attacks

Posted | Views: 604
Are you safe from hackers ?

Dear Chasity: I have a problem you need to solve asap, the acl has recognized its us and we need you to block it out and erase the memory. Come right away! You're the only one who knows how to fix it. Figure out what to do and come right after! If we do not erase the memory they will figure out Everything we have ever hacked. There is a timer on it that will go off and send plains over to capture us. We have 2hours and 56 minutes to figure it out. Come on and hurry! 
Sincerely, yours WORRIED, Sam. 

Dear Sam: I can do it from my computer here , first I need you to shutoff and unplug all computers in the room. I will hack into the system and break the code to turn off the alarm system and erase the memory. But first.. I need you to leave one computer on , attach the nuero headset to it and put it on. Read me everything you see and hear and this will give me a chance to see if we can break the code. That will be our only Solution to break open the system. Its our only hope.
Sincerely, Chasity.
Do you love watching action movies? Are you the technology kind of person? This movie will be you're all time favorite. 
This movie changed my prescriptive of the Internet. You must see how easy you're system can get hacked into. By the click of a button , hackers will have access to everything you own. This movie is the perfect action / hacker movie you will ever see . watch sam and dodge discover a whole new crazy world of nuero headsets that control minds, crazy game addicts, hackers strong enough to hack Washington d.c. our presidents software on computers, wiped out , gone. and the crazy thing is.. this is easy for hackers. What are you waiting on your couch watching lame soap operas for ? Go see this movie today! 
World hacker attacks
nuero headset controls minds!
 by: Chasity mccoy 12.14.14
this is our December issue
Hot new movie! MUST SEE!!
world hacks attack!

Josh hutcherson from the hunger games as sam
Trevor Jackson from let is shine as Dodge.
KAt graham from vampire diaries as vienna
Feature article Section-
Sam who appears to be an average teenager, who is actually one of the best hackers in the world, pulled off one of the biggest hacks the world has seen with side effects. Sam hacked into Telecomerica. attempted to get himself and friends a neuro headset , but in the process he caused most of the U.S. to lose power.. luckily only for a few days. Sam goes for his next attempt in hacking and gets caught by the Cyber Defense Division of Homeland Security. Sam was sent to a containment facility, and had to be a prisoner for the rest of his life. He made a daring attempt to of Recton Hall to escape and succeeded but got picked up once again by the Cyber defense division of Homeland Security and  Sam reached CDD headquarters, and everything he thought he knew, got turned. Sam was given a lifetime opportunity if he could survive the probation.
On Sams next battle it starts in cyberspace, and Sam is part of the front line of defense, and it’s up to Sam to stop the internet taking over the world. Sending his friends Dodge who works for CDD and is there for the adventure , and Fargus who is sams bestfriend , that used to hack computers with sam, on many crazy missions with him and even meeting more people on the way.
ian harding from pretty little liars as fargus.

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Posted | Views: 563
i am xoooo xtrexxed
lifeiz xoo hard here
i am xtuck becoz i do not know what to do
i want thiz life to xtop!!
i want to be happy 
i am tired to be hurt evert time
abrantez dozent xeem to care anymore!
i am juxt xooo waxted

i wixh to forget him  but THE HEART WANTZ WHAT IT WANTZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be durable plus easily light-weight some sort of cigar

Posted | Views: 652
Stogie Lighters  These kinds of main stogie accessories are frequently lighting. Though some cigar enthusiasts elect to help light their own cigar using a match, there are a number of other varieties of lighters. You could choose a brand new frequent Bic lighter weight, presents a standard orange flame. The key disadvantage using this lighter, is that it may need more time for doing this to light plus stay a lot less uniform. Also you'll discover wind evidence lighters. This devise could be durable plus easily light-weight some sort of cigar into the wind. Your glowing blue fire butane lighter weight weight is actually another special, which is actually highly well-known among numerous cigar lovers nonetheless have numerous advantages as compared to the previously listed. The violet flare is considerably hotter plus permits a brand new quicker mild. Apart from the majority of pocket lighters, also you can buy a greater table lighter weight.  Stogie Ashtray  As well as naturally although smoking any kind of cigar; you should have a brand new cigar ashtray in order to preserve sanity conditions. An ashtray is meant to property cigar ashes within the hygienic approach. They're also easily accessible in diverse shapes and forms and generally is a great surprise for just about any smoker. Keep in your thoughts that a brand new qualitative stogie has a qualitative ashtray.  3 rd. L. Reynolds will most likely enlarge the actual recent upturn in Pall Local mall buy cigarettes revenue through diversifying their particular assortment within just menthol flavors. The organization possesses revealed Pall Local mall Black plus Pall Local mall White to improve Pall Shopping center Natural, their particular initial menthol layout.  Reynolds mechanic Rich Cruz stated so it black version “allows any kind of saturated tobacco blend”, even though the whitened “has any kind of mild tobacco concoction. ” The popular varieties may be launched progressively, with country wide selling forecast on 04. Mr. Smith stated where Reynolds will most likely add the actual menthol styles in order to increase the actual sales with your given class and satisfy smoker’s prerequisites. “We contemplate which Pall Mall is the better product at likely instant, as a brand new slack economy is constantly on the affect cig customer trading, ” Mr. Johnson said.

Brain Jack Newspaper Project

Posted | Views: 1,742
Headset Headlines
Lets see what made the headlines today!
A seventeen year old boy named Sam decided to have Americas International Internet System, just to receive the newest technology, the Nuero-Headsets. After getting the headsets for his best friend and himself, the world took off into a raging blur. All of a sudden, Sam meets Vienna, and Dodge, together they fight against the world strongest and meanest military like system known to man. After loosing many people and his own life, Sam pulls through. See the story unfold in Brain . Starring, Zac Efron, Jennifer Lawrence, and Theo James. In Theaters Now!
Movie Review: 
Dear Carolyn: 
I have an nuero headsets... please help me. I don't know  what to do anymore.
-Headset High

Dear Headset High:
Oh my... that is a serious problem... please admit yourself o the nearest addiction rehab center and have your mother throw away any devices you have and do not touch another headset for the rest of your life. my best wishes go to you. 
-Carolyn Hax.

Advice column: Carolyn Hax
Jennifer Larence from Hunger Games as Vienna
Zac Efron from The Neighbors as Sam
Theo James from Divergent as Dodge
Starring Characters:
Liam Hemsworth from The Hunger Games 
Sam running from authorities 

Nuero-Headsets actually good for health??
Feature Article:
Sources reveal that this 87 year old man, Mr.Jones feels healthier and younger than he has in years!! He says "As soon as i put this snazzy device mechanism on my noggin i began to feel my cater-ax slowly slip away and the arthritis vaporized from my joints! I feel like one of those young halogens again!!"  

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Neruo unleashed

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Neruo Unleashed .

                                                                 Rachel  Skarsten                Jamie Campbell Bower               Colin O'Donoghue

                                                                        As Vienna                              As Sam                                    As  Dodge

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Posted | Views: 652
Neuro Daily 
Just doing it for you.
Neuro Headset Creator: Trapped

Dear Neuro Headset Creators:

Being trapped in a computer is very uncomfortable. I know its impossible to get me out without killing the whole system, but I'm just asking for advice to be calm and nice to all the kids. They are all over-loading me on their stupidness and I been holding the angerness inside me. I am done with it and being trapped inside a computer screen isnt helping. Any help?

- Computer Woman (Ursula)

Dear Computer Woman:

You just need to calm down and relieve your stress. Just keep doing what you are supposed to do. Ignore the annoying kids. We can't get you out, but we can make you smaller so you can fit into the screen well. Hope this helped a little.

- Neuro Headset Creators
Do you think you will let the technology get in your head?
Brain Jacked is must-see techno-movie based on the same titled book, Brain Jacked, by Brian Falkner. Sam Wilson has always had the love for computers and hacking them. He decided to hack the computers largest telecommunication system. On his journy of hacking, you will be meeting other hackers such as, Dodge and Vienna.

"Technology presumes there is just one right way to do things and there never is."
- Robert M. Pirsig
Logan Lerman from
'The Lightning Thief'
as Sam
Nina Dobrev from
'The Vampire Diaries"
as Vienna
Brenton Thwaites
from 'The Giver' as
Buy One Now!
This handy-dandy Neauro Headset is now on sale! They can be found at your local telecommunication store. They are for any computer nerd looking for an easier way to be on their computer. 20% off it's original price if you bring your computer to the store!

original price- $2,000

sale price- $1,600
Sam Wilson Gone To Jail?!
Everyone seems to think they know the real Sam Wilson, but do they really? Most don't know about his secret hobby hacking computers. He decided to hack into the U.S.'s largest telecommunication system and steal a neuro headset for himself. He ended up knocking down the whole system. Later after that, the police found him and took him to jail. He then tried to get himself out of jail and he successful. The police are still trying to find Sam.

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Back Cove Times

All up in your news

Carolyn Hax: Confused Friend

Dear Carolyn Hax:

I need some advice on my best friends behavior. Shes been acting really strange lately. Shes always going out past curfew to party and listening to strange music. I really don't know what to do. Should i just stop talking to her or chnage and be like her? I just really dont want to lose my bestfriend...  

                  -Confused Friend

Confused Friend:

Well people change. I don't think you should follow in her lead. You sound like a good person and maybe your frienship with her wasnt meant to be. If i was in this situation I would talk to her about her strange behavior and work things out. Hope you can figure this out, goodluck.

                   -Carolyn Hax

Delerium the movie!!! 

Delerium named after the amazing book "Delerium" is a must see movie. In Portland love is a disease and Lenas mom has died from it. Lena is terrified of gettong infected and can't wait to get cured.Then when she runs into Alex everything chnages. Is love really as bad as she thought?

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.

Josh Hutcherson from the Hunger Games as Alex.
Ashley Benson from Pretty Little Liars as Hana.
Selena Gomez from Another Cinderella Story as Lena.

Are the invalids really here!?

A lot of people wonder if "invalids" and the "wilds" are real. Well we recently discovered a way that invalids could be getting in through the electrical fence. It would obviously cost too much to have the fence running all day so we believe in small spots at certain times the fence isn't on. We have no particular evidence but we will stay on top of this story. We also are trying to find someone brave enough to touch the fence, any volunteers please come to the courthouse thank you.


Daily Advertisment!!




Hurry before its gone and protect you and your home from invalids with one simple spray.

(results may vary)



The city of Portland is looking for more guards along the border. This is not an easy job and it must e taken seriously. If you are interested please see the city council.

That's it for this week, grab next weeks Back Cove Times for all your news.

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