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  -Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Austin,Tx 2014 
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz 
-I parked the car 
and Just started walking to The STAGE or you can call it 
(6TH st.)

(Train Tracks off 3rd and Lamar Austin,Tx)
SXSW 2014

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Posted | Views: 968
As a kid, you probably saw at least one Disney film or least part of one, right? It’s hard for parents to get their children to sit down for dinner, let alone for a whole movie. A lot of children don’t realize that a lot of Disney characters don’t have mothers, and if they did, the main characters usually loose them shortly into the movie. Some have no parents at all. Some people believe it’s because the movies are about learning how to grow up and being there is so little time to squish it all into a 90 minute video, they simply take the parents out of the equation because it forces the characters to step up. Though this may be true, others believe it’s because Walt Disney’s mother died and his father had to be taken to the hospital due to their furnace leaking. Sources think Disney felt responsible because he bought the house for his parents and had his own crew working on the furnace (The Huffington Post).
 About Walt Disney
On December 5, 1901, Walter Elias "Walt" Disney was born in Hermosa, Illinois. Along with his brother, Roy, Disney co-founded Walt Disney Productions. This became one of the best-known motion-picture production companies in the world. Disney was a creative animator and came up with the cartoon character Mickey Mouse. During his lifetime, Disney won 22 Academy Awards, and was the founder of the famous theme parks Disneyland and Walt Disney World (Networks Television, n.d.).
Disney’s Early Life
Walt Disney’s father, Elias Disney, was an Irish-Canadian, while his mother, Flora Call Disney, was German-American. Disney had four other siblings; four boys, including Disney, and one girl. During most of their childhood they lived in Marceline, Missouri. This is where Disney began drawing, painting and selling pictures to neighbors and family friends. His family moved to Kansas City In 1911, where Disney developed his interests in trains, taking after his uncle, Mike Martin, who was a train engineer. Disney would later work a summer job with the railroad, selling snacks and newspapers to travelers (Networks Television, n.d.).
Disney took drawing and photography classes and was a contributing cartoonist for the school paper at McKinley High School in Chicago. He also took courses at the Chicago Art Institute during the night. When Disney was only 16 years old, he dropped out of school to join the army. He was soon rejected for being underage, so he joined the Red Cross and was sent to France for a year to drive an ambulance (.Networks Television, n.d.).
The Early Cartoons
Disney moved back to Kansas City to pursue a career as a newspaper artist from France in 1919. His brother Roy got him a job at the Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio, where he met cartoonist known as Ub Iwerks. After that, Disney worked at the Kansas City Film Ad Company, where he made commercials based on cutout animation and soon began experimenting with a camera, doing hand-drawn cel animation, and decided to open his own animation business. From the ad company, he recruited Fred Harman as his first employee. The two made a deal with the local Kansas City theater to screen their cartoons, Laugh-O-Grams, which became hugely popular. However, by 1923, the studio became burdened with debt, and Disney had to declare bankruptcy (Networks Television, n.d.).
Later, Disney and his brother put their money and moved to California with Iwerks. There they began the Disney Brothers' Studio. The three’s very first deal was with New York distributor Margaret Winkler, to distribute their cartoons, Alice. They also invented a character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. During that time, Disney hired an ink-and-paint artist named Lillian Bounds. After a brief courtship, the couple married. A few years down the road, Disney discovered that Margret and her husband, Charles Mintz,, stole the rights to Oswald and all of Disney’s animators, except for Iwerks. Because of this, the Disney brothers, their wives and Iwerks produced a character Walt had been developing; the now famous, Mickey Mouse (Networks Television, n.d.).
Within a few years of making plans for a new theme park and Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow in Florida, Disney was diagnosed with lung cancer. At the age of 65, Disney died on December 15, 1966. After he died, Roy finished the plans of the Florida theme park, which opened under the name Walt Disney World in 1971 (Networks Television, n.d.).
The thing that Belle, Arial, Princess Jasmine and a handful of other Disney Characters all have in common is that they don’t have mothers. Is this about Disney’s own mother’s death? Is it to cause the characters to grow up faster? We, at Eccentric Magazine, challenge our readers to decide for yourself the next time you sit down to watch a classic Disney movie.
Work Cited
Marcus, Stephanie. "Here's Why Disney Characters Rarely Have Mothers." The Huffington Post., 15 Sept. 2014. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.
 <>. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.

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Posted | Views: 836
Deer tend to move at dawn and dusk. (Ross). Deer, mostly bucks, move at dawn and dusk whether it is 20 degrees out or 80 degrees out. Weather does not affect when they move during the day. If a hunter is going to head out to the stand, than dawn and dusk would be the times to make sure he or she should be in their stands. Deer can and will be shot during the day, but the best chance to catch a buck walking on a path by a stand would be when the sun just rises and when it is almost hidden behind the earth. Breeding season is a major affect to this cycle though making deer move all day when they are in rut. This is because a buck is trying to find a female and will be on the prowl for long periods of time. The reason for them moving at dawn and dusk more is because deer tend to feed more in the morning and in the afternoon. Studies by the QDMA, or Quality Deer Management Association, have shown that the deer they track have shown this sign to move early and late the most. 
The second thing deer have a habit of doing is to form a “home”. This is a couple mile area where a deer spends about 90% of its time. This is a great thing to know because watching for deer throughout the year can help to figure out if any deer have made a home in the area. According to the article, “Behavioral Patterns of Whitetail Deer”, deer do of course take an almost vacation type trip at times too. It is impossible to predict when a deer will take this vacation, or how far it will travel on this vacation. A deer’s vacation can be anywhere from a month or two to a couple weeks. The only tricky part about a deer’s home is that a doe or buck would unlikely lay down in the same spot two consecutive nights in a row. This is to throw off any predators from just waiting for the deer to come back, so the predator doesn’t have an easy meal for the next couple of days. A deer will find several areas that are great for dosing off for a bit in this home area, but will never fall asleep for long periods of time. This keeps them alert most of the time. Deer usually feel comfortable in their home area, so if some deer tend to be seen in the same area all year it is most likely the deer made a home and feels more comfortable in this area rather than any other. 
Inside The Minds of Deer

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Posted | Views: 824
Inside The Minds of Deer
Deer have predictable minds. How they react to situations is worth planning for if deer hunting is a passion. Deer have schedules and tend to stick to them if they are not disturbed. When they are disturbed, they still tend to do the same things out of habits and teachings from their parents. Getting to know some ways of finding a deer, or even knowing how they will react when being shot at, can help a lot during this year’s shotgun season. Bucks have a tendency of falling on certain habits during specific situations.
Pressured bucks have an ability to change their habits on the spot. A pressure for them could be being shot at, or losing woodland areas to live in. The use of technology can show that deer have different habits at various times of the year. They might eat out in an open field during the summer, but when winter comes around, they might stay in the woods 24/7. Every buck has different traits, giving that deer a different lifestyle pattern. Another pressure could be how many hunters are on the land. Many hunters in one woods or area will affect how deer will go through those woods. Paths that deer walk on defer between primarily when it is cold out or even when it is warm out based on the deer’s habits. A path also could be a night path, meaning they only use it when it is dark outside. Predicting what a deer is going to do is close to the same to what the deer population, as a whole, would do under the same situations.

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Posted | Views: 806
Everybody has a story
Everyone has a journey
We all have battles to fight, and the storm rages on
The devil never seems to let up  
But my mistakes won’t define me
God wrote my story and he knows the journey
I will fight this battle on my knees, and praise him in the storm
Don’t give up, don’t lose faith and remember who saves
We all are a little broken
We all need a little help
Don’t hide away waiting for the storm to cease
Face it like you’re not scared
Because we don’t have to face it alone
God wrote my story and he knows the journey
I will fight this battle on my knees, and praise him in the storm
Don’t give up, don’t lose faith and remember who saves
The clouds will part and the sun will shine through
Beauty is all around, just look up and see the light
God wrote my story and he knows the journey
I will fight this battle on my knees, and praise him in the storm
Don’t give up, don’t lose faith and remember who saves
 Inspired by true feelings and events of my own personal life. This song is about trying to find a way through this crazy thing called life. Sometimes it feels like there is no way out, but somehow, some way, we have to figure out how to pick ourselves up and move on. After all life keeps happening and time does not stop. It’s best if we can figure out to keep being strong through the tough times that come at us, and become better as a person so the next time life throws something in our face we are that much stronger.

God's Story 

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Posted | Views: 807
 Sometimes in life, we go through phases where we just are not sure what we are supposed to be doing. We wander aimlessly looking for answers, sometimes in all the wrong places. Mistakes eat away at our fragile beings to our breaking points. It is there we find who we really are and what we are made of. Brokenness has a way of putting us back together in a whole new way if we let it.

Broken down without a way out
Wandering through a place I don’t know
 Scared and bruised
Wounded but my heart is still beating, beating.
I am fragile, but I’m going to get up off this floor
This is not where I belong
Fight through this mess and pray to God he hears me
Cause this is bigger than me, much bigger than me
My strength will not be enough
I have done what I have done and
 it is what it is
I can’t change the past, mistakes were made
But that doesn’t mean that’s who I am, this is not who I am
I am fragile, but I’m going to get up off this floor
This is not where I belong
Fight through this mess and pray to God he hears me
Cause this is bigger than me, much bigger than me
My strength will not be enough
It’s ok to not be ok
These scars can turn into beauty
Just let them turn into beauty
I am fragile, but I’m going to get up off this floor
This is not where I belong
Fight through this mess and pray to God he hears me
Cause this is bigger than me, much bigger than me
My strength will not be enough


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Posted | Views: 862
The Reality of Living on the Road    
Everyone believes that living your life on the road and playing music for a living is all great and perfect. Well, it is not. In fact, it is a very harsh, tough life; you spend hours driving, barely being able to pay for food, sometimes not even eating because you lack money, most of the time forced to have a job back home just to pay bills. When you are not living in a van then you’re living in a tiny, old apartment; or in some guy’s basement; or, if you are lucky, in your parent’s home.
Don’t get me wrong, it is a very enjoyable life experience and a great way to live. You feel so alive, play shows for excited crowds, and get to meet some really fascinating people. It’s just that you miss out on so many things the average person takes for granted, like living in one place, having a nice house, being able to shower every day, eating homemade food; the list goes on and on.
 I can remember sitting in the back of a van after playing a show in a tiny Minnesotan town that was less than five miles south of the Canadian border. We had played a great show the night before, and played with some really cool bands. Nothing broke during the show, which was a surprise to all of us, usually we at least broke a string, or a chord, or our drummer would crack one of his symbols. After sweating through the show in a small, church that lacked even the slightest air conditioning, we went to the town’s little grocery store and bought some chicken which we devoured while sitting on a sidewalk under the faint light of a dim street lamp. We slept on the floor of a church that night, woke up in the morning, used the bathroom sink and a few paper towels for a shower, then packed up the van and drove to the next show. This time going to a festival with lots of other bands. They had been planning on having three stages that day, two of which were outside, but then it rained all day so we had to fit all the bands inside and play on one stage, every band quickly tearing down and helping the next set up. It was a huge delay in the festival and made it a much later night than anyone had planned on.
You see, bands and shows may seem like they always go as planned to the audience, but in reality they have many things that go wrong. Ask anyone that’s been in a band or is in a band, and they will tell you of all their shows that went wrong; all the crazy places they had to sleep in, or all the nights they have gone sleepless; and all the ridiculous things they have had to do simply to bring music to the public’s ears. By no means is being a traveling musician an easy life, but for most of us it is a life we enjoy and a life worth living.
I remember most of the crazy things my band and I did. One time we even had one of our ninety pound bass amps fall on our bassist, but he picked up the amp and kept playing the show with the sound guy desperately trying to stop his leg from bleeding. Our bassist went to the emergency room shortly after we finished the show and got multiple stitches, we took the saying “the show must go on” very seriously. It did not matter how little we had slept the night before, or how little we had eaten that day, or if we were hurt; the show had to go on. We were known for our fun and energetic shows, and even though most of us were legally adults we were looked at as the crazy kids who were doing it for the joy of it and to spread a positive message about our Christian beliefs.
I do realize that not all musicians have to go through this much work and struggle with so much, actually most big bands have it pretty easy, they get to sleep on a tour bus, have people that help them carry all their gear to shows, and for the most part live a fairly easy life. However, they do also lack most of the stuff that most common folks have, it is not an easy life for them or their families either. The ones I am talking about when I say they have it really tough are the ones that are not a large name in the music world, the ones who are there to play music but for some reason or another they never “make it” in the world of music, which are not very accurate words: I have seen bands that are thought of as nothing great, but yet they have such great music and such inspiring potential. What it all boils down to in this world is not if the music is well written or not, it is simply whether the public likes the music the band writes.
Is this right or is it wrong? I think it is neither because in reality, the public are the ones keeping bands on the road and playing music. We the people are the ones that make dreams come true. We have the power whether to say a band succeeds or fails simply by whether we choose to support them or not. Sure, it is a little harsh that non-musicians choose how successful a musician will be in life, but that’s just how it is.
The fact that non-musicians are the ones that choose the genres of music that thrive and the ones that die out is not unfair by any means. The whole point of musicians going on the road is to bring music to the public, we cannot choose which bands and genres they will like and which ones the will not. That is for them to decide because they are the ones we are bring the music to; they are the judges of our music. In essence, to be successful in the world of music is sadly not usually based on the quality of the music, but rather simply on whether or not the public will like it.
As you can see, being on the road is much harder than most think, and not only do you have hard living conditions and you have to write music that will interest the public, you also have to give people an example to look up to. I realize that a lot of people do not think that is a big part of it, even some musicians in bands do not realize how much of an impact they have on other peoples’ lives simply because they stand on a stage and play music. The words they say on stage and off stage some people will follow blindly simply because they think the musician is perfect. A lot of people don’t realize that people in bands are just people with nothing special about them other than that the public liked their band and made them famous.
I believe you now see why I say being in a band and bringing music to the public is not as most see it and it does not have all the glory most think it does. Not only do you have to deal with injury, lack of sleep, not having a place to call home, never having homemade food, and constantly traveling; but also you have to write and play music that the public wants to hear and you have to be able to take the stress of having people constantly looking up to you as if you are perfect. You see, life as a traveling musician is not a smooth and easy path; but it is not by any means a pointless, hopeless endeavor for one passionate about music.

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Posted | Views: 795
The Many Styles of Guitar 

Types of electric guitars

As we stated previously, there are many types of electric guitars. First off, there is the famous guitar that almost everyone can picture in their mind; a classic rock guitar. When most think of a classic rock guitar they think of Jimmy Hendricks standing on stage shredding on an upside down Gibson Les Paul. Even though the Les Paul is one of the more famous rock guitars, it is not the only kind of rock guitar. The main factor that separates a classic rock guitar from all others is not actually the look, it is the pickups on the guitar. These kinds of guitars have a pickup called a dual-coil or humbucker. The humbucker is a certain kind of pickup that has two coils, one with a south magnetic force and one with a north magnetic force. The fact that they have two coils make them cancel out a lot of the feedback, or hum; they buck the hum, hence the name humbucker.
The reason that most rock guitars have humbuckers is because that way a heavy distortion pedal can be used and have it will still sound like a guitar. Even though there are certain styles of guitars that are titled “rock guitars” and others titled “metal guitars” the truth of the matter is that they can, for the most part, be intermixed. They both are equipped with humbuckers, the only real difference is that metal guitars can actually be longer in scale so they can be drop tuned.  
Drop tuning is another whole element of guitar; it is where one or all the strings are tuned down to give it a lower sound. This is a technique used usually in heavier styles of music, such as metal, heavy metal, hardcore, metalcore, thrash metal, death metal, and other such styles of music.
Another style of guitar is a jazz guitar. There is not just one style of jazz guitar; some jazz musicians would play on an acoustic, or on various styles of electric guitars. The main style used would be a kind of guitar called a hollow body guitar; this guitar will either have humbuckers, or single coil pickups. Usually they have single coils, which is a pickup that contains a single, magnetic coil that picks up the vibrations of the strings. The reason these guitars have single coil pickups is due to the fact that in this style of music they rarely, if ever, use any form of distortion.
Another form of electric guitar is the light rock guitar. This guitar usually has a solid body and single coil pickups. This kind of guitar works also for more of a country style sound. It sounds great with lighter distortion and is very rarely used with heavy distortion. It usually has a very clean and clear tone. There are many forms of electric guitars, but generally they all fall under one of these four main categories: rock, metal, jazz, and light rock or country.
There are three main categories of acoustic guitars: normal acoustics, twelve strings, and classical acoustics. Acoustics are characterized by a hollow body and generally have a circler hole in the center of them. They are much wider than electrics due to the fact that they rely on the shape of the body and the hollowness of the body to produce their sound.
A twelve string acoustic guitar is just like a normal acoustic except for the fact that it has twelve strings instead of six. The way to play these guitars is actually just like a six string guitar would be played. Because the strings on a twelve string guitar consist of the same notes as a six string, it is just that the top three strings have a string right below them that is an octave higher and the bottom three have a second string with the same note under them. The only difference is that if one note was played on a six string, the same note would be played twice on a twelve string.
The third form of an acoustic guitar is the classical guitar. This guitar is very different than all other guitars. It does have the same body as a normal acoustic guitar, but the big difference is that its strings are made of nylon. The bottom three are made solely of nylon and the top three are made of nylon wrapped in either silver plated wire or copper wire. These strings give it a very soft and gently sound.
There are not just two kinds of guitars; there are many. Every guitar can be used to play any style of music, but each guitar has a different sound and has a certain genre of music it works best with. Despite what many think, there is a big difference in guitars even though they are all the same instrument.

Most may not realize it, but there are many different kinds of guitars for many different styles of music. There are certain guitars for everything from jazz to metal to classical music. You could, for the most part, play any style of music on any kind of guitar. You could use a metal style guitar to play a jazz song, but it is not going to sound like it is supposed to. Many just place guitars in three different categories: electric guitars, acoustic guitars, and bass guitars. These categories are true to a point, acoustic and electric are the two main divisions in guitar. Bass guitars are not technically even guitars any more than a mandolin is a banjo. Must musicians would say, “Wait a minute, bass guitars and normal guitars have the same set up, the bass simply only has four strings versus six strings. So they are the same, the bass just has less strings.” This is a fair enough assessment, but the truth of the matter is that all instruments have the same notes, they are all just played differently. That is what separates a guitar and a bass; they are played differently.
One may say, “Well, if a bass and a guitar aren’t the same, then is an acoustic and an electric guitar different?” Yes, they are different, but they are still the same instrument. Usually they are played differently, but a talented guitar player can play a lead guitar solo (which is usually an electric guitar characteristic) on an acoustic guitar even though an acoustic is technically a rhythm instrument. They are both guitars and can both be played the same way, hence they are the same instrument.
Now there are many differences that separate an acoustic and an electric guitar. First off, the acoustic relies on the wood and the body shape and its size for its tone and sound, whereas an electric guitar relies on the pickups and its tone can be adjusted easily by the turn of a knob. Of course, there is such a thing as an acoustic electric guitar. That kind of guitar can be either played as an acoustic guitar and then works the same as an acoustic guitar, or it can be plugged into an amp. Most acoustic electrics have tone and volumes controls on them, but not all do. How do you adjust the tone and volume if the guitar lacks these controls? Well, the answer to that is actually rather simple: you either adjust it on the amp or you use a pedal.

Humbuckers are usually used in heavy styles of music.
Single Coils are usually used in light styles of guitar.
Acoustic guitars rely on their hollow body and body shape to make their sound.

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Posted | Views: 1,215
      It has been a dominant season for the Upsala/Swanville Area Patriots. Besides a week one, one point win in week one against Ottertail Central, they have not a game they did not win by less than thirty-three points in the regular season. USA opened Section 6A playoffs with an easy, sixty to thirteen win over West Central Area. In the Section 6A semifinals, they defeated New York Mills by a score of thirty-four to six. Following the victory over New York Mills, USA needed to defeat rival Royalton in the Section 6A Championship game to advance to state. On September 26th, the Patriots defeated the Royals easily by a score of thirty-five to zero. This time around it was a nail bitter. USA defeated Royalton by a score of twenty to fourteen to advance to the Class A State Football Tournament. The Section 6A Championship Game may not have been their most dominating performance, but a win is a win. USA will enter the Class A State Tournament will an 11-0 record, and will face Braham in Brainerd in the state quarterfinals (Upsala/Swanville Area Football). Braham won the Section 7A Championship by defeating East Central by a score of thirty-six to nothing on October 30th (Braham Football).

Upsala/Swanville Area Patriots 


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Posted | Views: 1,226
State Bound Area Football Teams
Underwood Rockets
     The Underwood Rockets once again have advanced to the Class 9-Man State Football Tournament. Underwood defeated Verndale in the Section 4 Championship game at the Fargodome by a score of thirty to twelve. On offense, the Rockets were unstoppable. They had 417 yards of offense with 406 of them coming on the ground. Cole Kugler was the leading rusher for Underwood with 101 yards. Dylan Kalenze also had ninety-eight yards on twelve carries, and Justin Masloski also had sixty-one yards on twelve touches (Rockets Claim Section 4 9-Man Championship).
     “We are going to state.” Going to the state football tournament is a dream for every high school football player that suits-up on Friday night. Getting to the state tournament takes a lot of work. It takes many hours on the practice field and in the weight room to have that dream season. Many area schools have advanced to the state tournament. Hopefully for them, the season will end with a state championship.
     The Section 4 Class 9-Man Championship game was a rematch of an earlier game this season on September 5th. On that night, it was Verndale going home victorious by a score of fourteen to thirteen in overtime. Noah Thompson was the leading rusher for the Rockets, rushing twenty-two times for 131 yards. Dylan Kalenze also rushed the ball for 100 yards (Pirates Avenge Playoff Loss with Overtime Win in Underwood). It is amazing what the difference a few weeks makes in the difference in the outcome of the same matchup.

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Posted | Views: 840
 Start by mixing softened butter, sugar, brown sugar and vanilla into a light creamy mixture.

Tip: Have patience and wait for the butter to soften at room temperature, if melted using a microwave the consistency of the cookie will not be as soft and fluffy. Also, do not be stingy with the vanilla. If you want to add a double dose, go right ahead. Chances are you are using vanilla extract that isn’t as strong as pure vanilla.
Then mix in your chocolate chips and nuts.

Tip: To prevent the smashing and breaking of chocolate chips when using an automatic mixer, manually stir them in. Before shaping the cookies, check the consistency of the batter. If it seems too loose, adding some more flour can thicken the dough, which will help them bake bigger and fluffier.
Put rounded teaspoon balls on an ungreased cookie sheet and cook at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown. 

Tip: Use a lighter colored baking sheet rather than a dark one. They tend to bake cookies at a better rate and stop them from getting some of the typical baking problems such as flat, wrinkly, and dark. Also, once the cookies are out of the oven, let them cool for a couple of minutes to ensure they hold together. Be sure to stick a slice of bread in your cookie container. The bread will absorb the air and keep the cookies tasting fresh and feeling as soft as they were the day they came out of the oven ("HERSHEY'S Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe").
Then beat in both eggs.

 In a separate container, mix flour, baking soda, and salt. Add this mixture slowly into the rest of the dough until it is completely even and there are no clumps of flour. 

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Posted | Views: 706
Four Hershey Treats
Hershey’s has come out with a delicious wide variety of chocolates over the years. This holiday season we decided to honor their legendary chocolates with a few ideas on how to use and improve some of Hershey’s works of art. Whether you have a couple of cute kids begging to make cookies for Santa, or you’re just in need of a sweet treat to melt away all your holiday stress, baking holiday treats is bound to leave you a little more joyful and well just a tad sweeter.
One cookie classic is the Hershey chocolate chip cookie. Each sweet bite melts in your mouth leaving you with a constant crave for more.
1) Chocolate Chip Cookies
 1 cup of softened butter
 ¾ cup sugar
 ¾ cup brown sugar
 1 teaspoon vanilla
 2 eggs
 2 ¼ all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
 ½ teaspoon salt
 2 cups Hershey’s chocolate chips
 1 cup of nuts (optional)

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Posted | Views: 602
Karl Thorfinnson

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Posted | Views: 704
You can keep your favorite hunting places up to date all you want, with the best possible food plots, and deer stand locations, but, if in the moment of truth you are unable to place the arrow where it needs to be, everything you have worked on will have been in vain. Accuracy is one of the most important things when it comes to bow hunting. This article lists seven tips for achieving the best possible accuracy.
Archery Accuracy and Shooting Tips
Confidence - Confidence in your shooting ability is key to being accurate. If you are not comfortable in a forty yard shot, chances are you will not hit your target. You will gain confidence with time and repetition. Be sure to practice at varying distances, as this will help build confidence at all distances.
Anchor Point - Anchor point is something that a shooter must have to be consistently accurate. When you draw back your bow, and rest your hand slightly against a certain point on your face this is called an anchor point. Pressing too hard on your face, or not touching your face at all will cause you to be inaccurate, therefore, lightly touch your hand to your face. You also have to be sure to touch the same point on your face. Replicate this action every time in the same manner before you release an arrow. After time you will subconsciously do this.
Stance – Standing comfortably with your legs apart is the traditional stance, but being able to adapt to different positions depending on the circumstance is also important. Jace Bauserman recommends “practicing by putting your feet close together, kneeling down and letting your butt rest on your heels. This creates a very solid platform, and one that I use regularly whether I’m firing an arrow at hide or foam. You’ll notice when you first start shooting from this position it’s pretty easy. But the longer you stay kneeling, the more you'll begin to shake. Keep practicing until you can shoot a softball-size 5-arrow group even with tired legs.” (Bauserman)
Grip – Carefully paying attention to your grip is also very important. How are you holding on to your bow? If your grip is to tight the arrow may not fly straight, also the strings could fall off your bow. Often shooters mess this one up. It’s best if your grip is loose, and open.
Release and follow through - A good release, as well as your follow through, is key for consistency. Try to have release smooth and crisp, no knee jerk reactions. “Eyeing the shaft all the way to the target through the sight-pin bracket during practice sessions promotes better follow-through and keeps you from dropping your bow arm.” (Brantley, 2) If the shooter lets the bow fall immediately after releasing the arrow, his/her contact point may be consistently low.
Breathing - Shooters want to continue to breathe normally throughout the shot. “Holding your breath reduces oxygen flow to the brain, causing you to shake and loose mental focus. Also, your visual acuity starts to decrease after holding your breath for only 8 seconds.” (Bauserman) So, even though you may not even realize you are doing it, breath holding is a bad idea. Also deep breaths are not the best idea, just try to breathe normally.
The Paper Test - If you are having problems with your bow shooting accurately beyond 20 yards, and you can physically see your arrow flying sideways a paper test is probably needed. You could do it yourself, but it would be best to go to an archery dealer and use their system.
A paper test is basically a piece of paper that shooters will fire through, standing about three feet away. After the arrow tears through the paper, shooters want their mark to look like a bullet hole. Most of the time they will end up with a tear horizontally or vertically about 2 to 3 inches long. When this occurs it usually means the knocking points may not be lined up with the rest correctly.
There could be a variety of different problems but the most common problem is the one I mentioned above. When this happens the knocking points will have to be moved up or down until your arrow creates a perfect bullet hole. If the shooter is still unable to achieve a perfect mark, adjusting the rest left or right might be needed, depending on the situation. After this, if the arrow still is not flying straight it could possibly be something to do with the cams, or string. We would hope this would not be the case. After the paper test the shooter should be able to shoot accurately at all distances.

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  -Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Before you talk 
Dallas,Tx  2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Unchained Music Group

Nothing's Changed In San Antonio

Posted | Views: 903
So it's safe to say that the Spurs are still the Spurs, you guys. San Antonio sure did let us know that when they took down the Clippers and Warriors in consecutive nights to improve to 4-3 on the season. Greg Popovich's squad never seems to go away, and the veterans know how to turn on the "go switch" when their team needs them to. Just when people started to count out the Los Spurs (is it hispanic heritage month yet?), they proved us wrong again. I'm warning everyone now that they should prepare for the worst thing ever in this day and age, which is to watch the least flashiest team in the league go on another long playoff run. 
- says every NBA fan who likes watching good players, as opposed to good teams. 
I really can't blame any fan for feeling that way, because there's times I feel the same way. Too often, I catch myself getting frustrated when I see the Spurs are playing in prime-time on national TV. I fall victim of wishfully wanting to watch Steph Curry as opposed to Tony Parker, and I'd sure as heck rather see a Blake Griffin dunk than a Tim Duncan bank shot. Basketball fans prefer flashy and famous over fundamentals and free throws. It's the world we live in. It's just like when a guy chooses to drive a diesel truck that has "sweet top lights" as opposed to a fuel friendly Honda (yes, I drive a Honda). Or when a girl decides to wear a fancy shoes or heels that kill her feet, instead of choosing a comfier alternative.  
But in all reality, "team" basketball is the Spurs' way, regardless if NBA fans like it or not. It's what they've been doing for years, and it's the main reason for thier championship success since they drafted Duncan in the 1999 draft. He was the number one pick, but he joined a TEAM filled with players such as David Robinson and then the rest is history. Before this season, many people predicted either the Clippers or the Warriors to win the Western Conference, and rightfully so because they're solid teams with elite talent. But leaving the Spurs out of that equation is sort of like doing another equation where you add two numbers together and the result is a letter from the alphabet, it just doesn't make sense. Not only did the Spurs beat both of those teams I just mentioned, but they did it on back to back nights. Pop is a coach who's known to rest his players, and last season no player on the Spurs averaged more than 30 minutes a game. Pop rarely plays his veteran guys on both nights of back to backs, but supposedly Duncan and Manu Ginobli wanted to give it a go both nights, and it worked out in San Antonio's favor. Along with great ball movement on offense, San Antonio has played stellar defense only giving up 95.6 ppg this season, which ranks sixth in the league. 
The Spurs trailed the entire game against the Clippers until they ultimately prevailed in the fourth frame for a victory. Then in last night against the Warriors, Tony Parker shredded the the Golden State defense for 28 points and seven assists while Kawhi Leonard added 19 points. To top it off, "Old Man Duncan" aka "The Big Fundamental" aka "Tim", who played 70 minutes in the back to back set, put together a double-double in the win against the Warriors. Parker said after the game, "We had a little bit of a slow start, but we're back in business."

 Well if that's the case, and the Spurs are truly "back in business" like Parker said.... The rest of the NBA should not only be worried, but they should run for their basketball lives.  
Nothing's Changed In San Antonio

Music Tales Malaysia @ HOME

Posted | Views: 1,902
Music Tales Malaysia @ HOME
00599 - Musical Piano Towel
Available 2 colours: 24X74cm
Weight: 120g
RM 15.00
00598 - Music Instrmument Towel (Small size)
Available 3 colours: 34X74cm
Weight: 120g

RM 15.00
00597 - Music Instrmument Towel (Big size)
Availeble 2 Clours: 70X140cm
Weight: 350g

RM 39.90
00552- Meow Meow Piano Carpet
Size: 80cmx50cm
Weight: 620g
Stock: 3
RM 89.00
5767600-Cello Photo Frame
Available in Magenta and Orange colour Size: 15cm x 31cm
Weight: 280g
RM 10.00
00481-Musical Towel
Available in 3 Colors. 73cmX33cm
Weight: 500g

RM 22.00
00478-Soldier Miniature
Sell in set (4 in 1) Size: 11.5cm (Height)
Weight: 220g
Stock: 1

RM 150.00
00455-Music Angel
Sell in set (4 in 1)
Weight: 450g
Stock: 1

RM 150.00
00445-00446-Piano Saving (Bear)
Available in 2 Colors Size: W13.5cmXL15cmXH9cm
Weight: 230g

RM 15.00
00372-Piano Telephone
Available in 3 Colors
Weight: 520g

RM 180.00
00274-Music Umbrella
Available in Yellow and Pink
Weight: 230g
RM 39.90
00154-Piano Hook
Size: 60cmX1.9cmX16cm
Weight: 1.3kg
Stock: 12

RM 140.00
00153-Piano Keys Carpet
Weight: 800g
Stock: 6

RM 140.00
00152-Piano Shape Carpet
Weight: 600g
Stock: 2

RM 140.00
00144-Music Table Lamp
Height: 17cmX15cm
Weight: 210g
Stock: 1

RM 58.00
00056-Coin Bank
Available in 3 Colors
Weight: 190g
RM 25.90

Music Tales Malaysia @ BAG

Posted | Views: 1,724
  Music Tales Malaysia @ BAG  
00589-Guitar Backpack
Weight: 400g

RM 89.00
00539-Treble Music Coin Pouch
11cmX9cm PVC Material
Weight: 25g
Stock: 9

RM 12.00
00541-Kids Musical Bag
Size: 21cmx15cmx34cm
Weight: 130g

RM 29.00
00536- Cello Sling Bag
Size: 26cmx19cm
Weight: 650g

RM 89.00
00452-Casette Bag
Available in 2 Colors Size:40cmX36cm
Weight: 75g

RM 39.90
00439-I Love Music Bag
Available in 2 Designs Size: 35cmX47cm Inner Pocket with Zip
Weight: 250g

RM 29.90
00440-I Love Music Bag
Available in 2 Designs Size: 35cmX47cm Inner Pocket with Zip
Weight: 250g

RM 29.90
00437-Treble Keys Bag
Available in 2 Designs Size: 38cmx34cmx11cm
Weight: 290g

RM 29.90
00438-Treble Keys Bag
Available in 2 Designs Size: 38cmx34cmx11cm
Weight: 290g

RM 29.90
00436-Mickey Music Bag
Size: 36cmX10cmX39cm Inner Pocket with Zip
Weight: 222g
Stock: 1

RM 39.90
00396-Scoring Bag
Available in 4 Colors
Weight: 310g
RM 39.90
00395-Stardust Melody Bag
Size: 40.5cmx31cmx9cm
Weight: 340g
Stock: 3

RM 39.90
00394-Black Keys Bag
Size: 40.5cmX31cmX9cm Inner Pocket
Weight: 340g
Stock: 1

RM 39.90
00391-Big Treble Bag
Size: 36.6cmx10cmx39cm
Weight: 222g
Stock: 2

RM 29.90
00386-Piano Staff
Available in 4 Colors Size: 37cmx39cm Inner Pocket with Zip
Weight: 240g

RM 26.00
00204-Music Bag
Stock: 2

RM 29.90
00179-Piano Backpack
Available in 8 Colors Size: 37cmX44cm
Weight: 700g
RM 69.90
00171-Fashion Bag
With Zip Size:37.5cmX36.5cm
Weight: 230g
Stock: 2

RM 27.90
00110-Popa Jakka Bag
Available in 2 Colors Size: 42cmX34cm
Weight: 250g

RM 22.00
00108-Stylish Bag
Size: 36cmX40cm
Weight: 200g
Stock: 5

RM 27.90
00107-Ababy Bag
Available in 2 Colors Size: 38cmx38cm
Weight: 180g
RM 19.90
00105-Fantastic Bag
Available in 4 Colors Size: 40cmX37cm
Weight: 150g

RM 19.90
00104-Fashion Music Bag
Available in 4 Colors Size: 40cmX39cm
Weight: 200g

RM 19.90
00103-Radio Bag
Available in 2 Colors Size: 31cmX13cm
Weight: 260g

RM 60.00
00102-E.Guitar Bag Small
Available in 2 Colors 20cmX50cm
Weight: 170g

RM 60.00
00101-Cello Shopping Bag
Available in 3 Colors L21cm,H46cm,W7cm,Strip125CM(Adjustable) Hand Strip 53cm.
Weight: 800g

RM 350.00
00100-Electric Guitar Bag
Weight: 880g

RM 350.00
00078-Piano Keys Bag
Come with small coin pouch Size: 36.5cmX39cm
Weight: 160g
Stock: 8

RM 29.90
00075-Music Staff Bag
Size: 40.5x31cmx9cm
Weight: 340g
Stock: 3

RM 39.90
00020-Piano Music Bag (Small)
Size: 25cmX31cm
Weight: 150g
Stock: 1

RM 25.90
00018-Music Canvas Bag
Sell per unit Available in Black and White
Weight: 220g
RM 19.90

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Country Music

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