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Inside The Minds of Deer
Deer have predictable minds. How they react to situations is worth planning for if deer hunting is a passion. Deer have schedules and tend to stick to them if they are not disturbed. When they are disturbed, they still tend to do the same things out of habits and teachings from their parents. Getting to know some ways of finding a deer, or even knowing how they will react when being shot at, can help a lot during this year’s shotgun season. Bucks have a tendency of falling on certain habits during specific situations.
Pressured bucks have an ability to change their habits on the spot. A pressure for them could be being shot at, or losing woodland areas to live in. The use of technology can show that deer have different habits at various times of the year. They might eat out in an open field during the summer, but when winter comes around, they might stay in the woods 24/7. Every buck has different traits, giving that deer a different lifestyle pattern. Another pressure could be how many hunters are on the land. Many hunters in one woods or area will affect how deer will go through those woods. Paths that deer walk on defer between primarily when it is cold out or even when it is warm out based on the deer’s habits. A path also could be a night path, meaning they only use it when it is dark outside. Predicting what a deer is going to do is close to the same to what the deer population, as a whole, would do under the same situations.