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#1 PrimoNumero

Posted | Views: 726
L'Artista del mese: 
"Reality" di Eran Fowler
Eran è una digital painter, un'artista del digitale attualmente impegnata nel settore dell'animazione. All'interno dello studio d'animazione per cui lavora, la Titmouse Productions Inc., si occupa della creazione del cartone animato "Breadwinners", in onda in Italia sul canale Sky di Nickelodeon.
Per Contattarla:
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
"Quella bolla di solitudine su Londra, volò via"
Frammenti di una prosa olografica
La rece della raccolta di racconti "La notte che bruciammo Chrome" di William Gibson. 

Page 8

Posted | Views: 965
             Story Land
 The Invisible Girl
       Written by Stephanie            Illustrated by Shaun 
One dark and stormy night, there was a girl walking through the forest. She was very frightened of the forest. The first time she went there she couldn’t see her arms and she was beginning to think she would eventually lose her whole body.
But her evil mother forced her to go and get firewood for the stove. She begged and begged her mother not to go but she didn’t listen. She said 
"If we don’t have wood then we couldn’t survive".
"But mother", she begged. 
"Not another word!" her mother said in a stern voice.
So the next day she went and lost another part of her body but this time it was worse. Instead of losing an arm or leg, she lost an eye and was almost blinded.
The other times she went it started getting worse and worse, and by the end of the week all that was left of her was two legs and an eye.
When she was in the forest the next day she was gone. Never to be seen again! 

                     THE END!  
       The Moving Hat
    Written by: Live and BB
One day there was a mouse, the mouse fell into a hat and got trapped in it.

It was moving all over the place bumping into things, tables, chairs and other stuff.

Until he bumped into a cat! The cat slowly lifted the hat and, chased the mouse all over the place then finally, the mouse found his little crack in the wall, and ran into the crack. 

And then he stayed in the crack until the cat fell asleep.

                    The End          

Make your place neat and clean by professionals

Posted | Views: 2,752
Make your place neat and clean by professionals
In this modern time professional cleaning service providers are getting quite popular all around the world. To make your place neat and tidy you must avail the professional and cost effective service of cleaning.

It has been seen and analysed that cleaning industry is getting quiet popular these days and the competition is also increasing on wide pace. If we count then there are countless companies all over the world of this industry.
Why cleaning service? 
Cleaning service is getting quite popular in this modern time. These professional cleaning service provider works in both commercial and residential areas. These companies give you wide ranges of benefits. There are various different types of cleaning service which are served by these companies at cost effective price. Have a look on few types of cleaning services: 

Glass cleaning 
This type of cleaning service is done in both commercial and residential areas where the cleaners clean all glasses of the place and shine them like a star. 

Kitchen cleaning

This type of cleaning service is usually done for home and restraints. They will clean entire kitchen are along with kitchen appliances such as oven, microwave, refrigerator and other. 

Carpet cleaning 

These professional companies clean carpet with great tact and improve its durability. These are few types of cleaning services provided by these companies. Apart from these there are many more types of cleaning service done by these companies such as Office cleaning and restraint cleaning. Hire them now! Visit website for more.

Rubbish Removal

Posted | Views: 4,590
Now You Do Not Need To Worry About Rubbish Removal
Rubbish is the waste produce in a house or an office. it is very important to clean the house and office to maintain hygiene. It is important to take precaution from getting diseased. But cleaning the house and office alone are capable of removing the germs and virus. Rubbish removal is very important to clean surrounding areas also. 

Rubbish can be categorized into two parts 
1. Dry rubbish 
2. Wet rubbish
Treatment with both kinds of rubbish is different. Now a day’s many organization are into recycling business. It is a major way of earning for many companies. Also, the government supports such organizations as they help in cleaning the environment and thus help in saving the non-renewable resources. 

Rubbish removal 
The organisation which works on recycling of the waste and rubbish removal will come to your house personally and pick the waste. They carry the waste in the van owned by the company or taken on rent. You just need to do one thing. You need to separate the rubbish into two parts – wet and dry. 

You just need to call them or mail them, they will send someone to pick your rubbish. In this way, your house’s or office’s rubbish removal is done and they also gained some raw ingredient for their manufacturing. Mostly newspaper, normal paper, bottles etc things whose degradation is slow and causes pollution in the environment are the things which are recycled. Visit our website for more.

Page 7

Posted | Views: 1,186
                  Interview World
Miss. Coveyduck’s own words: I have been a principal for four years, and this is my fourth year at W.O.Mitchell school. I was born in St. John’s Newfoundland that is 5,000  kilometers away from Calgary going east. Well, I think the principal chose me. I was asked to consider I used to be the assistant principal at Dalhousie School, and so it was something that happened to me and I kinda felt blessed that it did. I have two favorite activities my first favorite activity is to scuba dive because in the ocean you see cool things and you feel really weird and you're drifting in the water and you make a really weird sound like this hhhhhhhhuhhhhhu. And the second thing thing that I really like to do is traveling, because I like to see new places and meet new people. Well, I really like skiing. And if scuba diving counts as a sport then I like scuba diving or swimming. And, especially this, spending time with students at this school.
Interview with Mrs. Coveyduck, our Principal
Interviewed by: Live and BB
    Music Interview with Ms. Gardner 
              (the music teacher)  
Hello every body this is an article about music.  
This is about Miss.Gardner the school music teacher and we interviewed her about things like: 
What are Grade 3 usually doing? Her answer is practicing for the performances. 
What are grade ¾ usually doing in music? Her answer is also practicing for the performance that they did.
What are grade 1 and 2 doing in music? Her answer is learning music and reading and writing music. 
What kind of things go wrong? Sometimes people don't understand things, also they are shy.  
What kind of things are perfect in music classes? Her answer is WOW, that's a big word, perfect, and I wouldn't say perfect, I would say things that go really well in music like fun. A lot of people like music, so that's it. 
What made you want to be a music teacher? Her answer is I've always wanted to be a music teacher, because you know my brother taught me music, so yeah.
Thanks Miss Gardner. Her answer is: My pleasure!!!!!  
Very cool Miss Gardner taught actions for a song called Cantamos Juntos for grade 3 in a music festival called Que Pasa, can't wait to see it, and at the end of April the grade 3, 4, 5 and 6 did a performance called Child of the World, with a bunch of super cool songs like, well, Child of the World, Check it out, It's a Small World (handbells), It's Up to Me, Honesty, Cantamos Juntos, I'm a Lion and I'll Care.
In May the grade 3 Spanish classes are going to the Jubilee to do a performance with the song Cantamos Juntos.
They will be kind of be having a field trip except they will be having dinner there and they'll be doing the performance in front of like 800 people, pretty nerve racking!!

             Thanks for reading!
Come back for my next article that will be about teachers.
                Miss. Gardener
By: Taylor

Page 1

Posted | Views: 1,098
      W.O. Mitchell News
Hi everyone, 

We are in Sr. Gomez's class, and this is our first school news. We wanted to do this because then we could tell you what is going on in the school.

We have two dares for everybody:

1) No electronics for a week
2) No candy for 10 days 

Page 6

Posted | Views: 1,220
A tornado is a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground with whirling winds that can reach 300 mph! And a tornado happened in Edmonton on July 31, 1987. It’s true! The tornado was not the worst but it still was bad. The hailstones were as big as tennis balls and bigger. The winds reached up to 259 mph. The damage cost $332.27 million. This tornado was in Edmonton capital region and central Alberta. But remember how Edmonton is now in pretty good condition and the Edmonton Oilers are in the Stanley Cup playoffs (NHL).  
          Article Fun
By: Johnny English
       Jumanji Review

We are watching a film and it is called JUMANJI but we haven’t finished the film.
I think it is a wonderful film because they had a lot of imagination. I am excited to watch the end of the film.The film is about a board game and the board game is magical!!!
Good things can happen and bad things can happen, sudden things can happen. Then after new people came to the house and played the board game and weird things happened like,
a lion came into the house and tried to eat them, I also like it because it makes me want to watch more. I am hoping it is a good ending.

By: Margaret
Don’t litter because it is a bad thing to do to animals, people and everything. We want to make our cities clean and the water because you cannot see if go into the water, and you can maybe get a ticket for littering. We have to respect our city for everybody, and if you litter just because you can’t find a garbage can, don’t ever do it, because it is a bad thing. We have to respect our family and have a clean world, and to make streets, sidewalks, water,electricity nice and clean, and we are really lucky to have a nice world like this, so we should protect it from getting littered. So we should never ever litter. It can cause lots of trouble just because of garbage. We have to always keep everything clean.
By: Margaret
Edmonton Tornado
          Don't Litter
              Best Movies
Movies are very exciting and lots of the time for entertainment. So the best movies are pretty cool so the first one is E.T. a movie about a kid named Elliott. Elliott found an alien that he named E.T., The Karate Kid is a movie about a boy who moves away from home and gets bullied by these kids and he wants to learn karate so he finds Mr. Miyagi and Mr. Miyagi teaches him karate and he wins the championship, the next movie is Spirited Away, Spirited Away is a movie about a girl named Chihiro. Chihiro gets lost and goes to a spirit world then she finds her parents and lives happily ever after.  
By: Johnny English
Gardening in a way that is good for the soil
Here are the steps:
*Get Gardening Soil
*Find a sunny gardening space
(let mom &/or dad approve)
*Find an egg carton
*Buy seeds
*Fill each egg space with soil
*Plant the seeds in a way that the smaller seeds are higher and the bigger seeds are lower
*Dig a hole in the garden space   
*Plant the whole egg carton except the lid
* Weed it water it and make sure it gets lots of sunshine
* Watch your Mini garden grow into this! Haha! 

This is the best school ever because:
1- Because we have a big gym
2- Lots of books in our library
3-Best teachers especially our teacher 
4- Concerts
5- Fundraising for homeless 
6- Nice students
7- Fun projects 
8- Special events
9- Big library
10- Bilingual school
These are the reasons why this is the best school ever!!!!!!!!    
By: Stephanie and Sarah
Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. In Europe, they call soccer, football. When a player does something cruel in soccer, they get a card. Either a “red card” or a yellow card. A red card gives a player a disqualification from the game. A yellow card means that the player can still play soccer (or football), but that is their last chance. Two yellow cards on a player equals a red card. In soccer, if you touch the soccer ball with your hand, it is called a handball. The opposing team, on a handball, get to kick the ball from where the player touched the ball. Thanks for reading my article!

The Most Popular Sport in the World
By: John Park
         Top 10 Best books
Books are very interesting but the best ones are good too. 
The first best book is Diary of a Wimpy Kid Double Down. 
Number two is Percy Jackson the Lightning Thief.
 Number three is the BFG.
 Number four is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
 Number five is The Twits.
 Number six is  Matilda.
 Number seven is James and the Giant Peach.
 Number eight is The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
 Number nine is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Number ten is Charlotte's Web. 

Star wars is one of the best movie series. That’s why they made Star Wars Day (better known as May the 4th). On may the 4th people dress in Star Wars outfits! It’s lots of fun! There are lot’s of characters to dress up as too. So on may the 4th dress people up as STAR WARS!
                 By: Johnny English
 May the 4th Be With You!
By: Johnny English
        Top 20 Best Toys
1) Stikbot
2) Stikbot Pets
3) Fidget Cube/Spinner
4) Pokemon Cards
5) Spinning Top
6) Tum Tums
7) Lego
8) Model cars
9) Num Noms
10) Furbys 
11) Hatchimals
12) Pie Face
13) Rubik's Cube 
14) Speak Out
15) Marbels
16) Shopkins
17) Orbes 
18) Minons
19) PJ Masks 
20) Slime

Page 5

Posted | Views: 1,337
Comic Corner
Funny Jokes
Q) Why was cookie sad?
A) Because his mom was a wafer so long

Q) What did the duck say when he bought lipstick?
A) Put it on my bill!
Q) Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
A) Because he was feeling crumbly. 
Q) What did the duck say to the comedian?
A) You quack me up!
Q) What did the excited gardener do when spring finally came?
A) She wet her plants.
Q) What do ghosts ride at amusement parks?
A) A roller ghoster.
Q) Where would you find flying rabbits?
A) In the hare force.
Q) What happens when frogs park illegally? 
A) They get toad.
Q) Whats brown and sticky?
A) A stick. 
Q) What's an astronauts favorite board game?
A) Moon-opoly.
Q) I have six eyes, two mouths, and three ears, what am I?
A) Ugly.
Q) Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants?
A) In case they get a hole-in-one.
Q) What do you call a man that never toots in public?
A) A private tutor.
My sister bet me a hundred dollars I couldn't build a car out of spaghetti. You should have seen the look on her face as I drove pasta!
Q) How many South Americans does it take to change a lightbulb?
A) A Brazilian.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Q) What kind of bagel can fly?
A) A plain bagel.

Q) Where do animals go when their tails fall off?
A) The retail store.

Q) Why can’t your hear a Pterodactyl going to the bathroom?
A) Because the “P” is silent.

Q) What do you call a cow with no legs? 
A) Ground beef.
Q) How does a train eat?
A) It goes chew, chew.
Q) What's the best thing about Switzerland? 
A) I don't know, but the flag is a big plus.

Page 4

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                     Back to

-Why did they take out story corner?

Answer- "The administration had other plans for that area". -Mrs. Harker (the librarian).

Page 3

Posted | Views: 1,112

There was Circus School here at W.O. Mitchell School with Carisa Hendrix. We really enjoyed experiencing all the cool circus tricks we were learning about such as optical illusions using balls and hula-hoops. Also, we got to choose circus props we want to practice with on the last day.  

Importance of good designing in websites

Posted | Views: 2,429
Importance of good designing in websites
In this digital era, the importance of the online marketing is increasing day by day. The business companies are using the websites to grow the business. The websites are effective way to make good online business. Most of the business companies are using their own websites. The eCommerce websites are good way for online business these days. Every website owner wants to make maximum business with these websites. The websites should be designed in a beautiful way to increase the number of web users.

The good Website Design is helpful to get more web traffic on the websites. You can also make your website successful by making good responsive design. The design helps to make website successful in following ways.
· Attract more users: If you are choosing the good web designing/Website Designers, you will be able to attract more web traffic to your website. It will help to make the website successful. 

· Increase online business: every owner wants to increase the business by using websites. You can also make the good Website Design to boost the online business. 

· Make it responsive: The websites having responsive designing can be used in various devices like computer, smart phone and tablet in better way. The web designing is also a part of SEO. If you are choosing the better Website Design, your website will get higher ranking in the search engine. The users will find it easily by searching in the search engine. It will help to increase the natural web traffic on the website and to make good online business.

Beautify your bathroom with bathroom remodeling tips

Posted | Views: 5,206
Inspiration can come from anywhere and everywhere. Ideas of bathroom remodeling can be taken from magazines. You have a host of websites at your disposal which provide you with ideas which you can use while remodeling your bathroom. 

How to get a lavish bathroom? 
If a lavish bathroom is what you wish for, then there are so many ways to add utmost luxury to your bathroom. You can start with a luxurious whirlpool bathtub or Jacuzzi. You may also opt for a glass-enclosed walk-in shower, large vanity mirrors, etc. All these features certainly make a bathroom look lavish and classy.
Change the mirror frame:
Give your old mirror a makeover by investing in a beautiful mirror frame. It saves you from the trouble of buying a new mirror for your bathroom. 

Make fit-in storage units: 
If there is a space between two wall shelves, transfer it into a storage unit. It will not only change the look of the bathroom but will provide handy for keeping miscellaneous everyday items. Having these vertical storage units will save up the floor space.
The area of the bathroom does not matter:
Even if you have a smaller bathroom, you can still make it look outstanding if you plan the design of your bathroom properly. Incorporating carefully crafted bathroom remodeling ideas can make even a small bathroom look sophisticated and glamorous. Have a planning session and boost up the design of your bathroom with these innovational bathroom remodeling ideas.

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Posted | Views: 1,167


Refugees during World War One

Posted | Views: 855
during World War One...
"What about the depiction of refugees –were they regarded simply as unfortunate "victims of war"?-peter gatrell
Belgian refugees 
Between 1914 and 1915, more than 1 million Belgian refugees left their homes for the search of a safer terrain. The majority of them dispersed in Britain, France, and the Netherlands to seek refuge.  During this time, orphanages, churches, dining halls, and boarding houses were used to accommodate any refugee that was affected by the German invasion.  To other countries, the situation was disastrous, and as a result, Belgium needed immediate assistance and aid. part of this strategy was to incorporate their pain through  posters and photographs. Some can proclaim that the "...outset wartime photographs and paintings depicted them as desperate people in need of emergency assistance, but also stoic victims of German aggression" (Gatrell 17). This perspective was achieved by incorporating children and women in advertisements and photographs. Here is a picture of a Belgian orphanage that accommodated  displaced Belgian children, and here is an advertisement that encourages people to support the aid of Belgian refugees. 
 "At the outset wartime photographs and paintings depicted them as desperate people in need of emergency assistance, but also stoic victims of German aggression."-Peter Gatrell
Armenian Refugees
"In 1915, Ottoman officials and military commanders turned on entire Armenian communities and forced men, women and children to trek across the desert in the most arduous conditions. Up to 250,000 Armenians evaded the deportations by crossing the Russian border in August 1915, although one in five died en route." -Peter Gatrell
In comparison with the depiction of Belgian refugees, the Armenian refugees received concern from other countries such as Great Britain, and the United States of America. In 1916,  Near East Relief (NER) donated supplies to the atrocity. the organisation on the other hand received backlash because of their "...luxurious vehicles at NER's disposal referring to their use as 'joy riding', and the preponderance of staff who never left Constantinople" (Gatrell 16).This criticism reflects the difference between the way in which these refugees were aided. Through this difference, we can see that the Armenian refugees were portrayed in horrid conditions, and many survivors who fled to the Russian Empire needed to urgently  find "[f]ood, accommodation, sanitary needs, and fresh clothing" (gatrell 15). Here are pictures of Armenian refugees seeking refuge. 
GALiCIAn  and bukovinian refugees 
"In September of 1914, Gmünd was designated as the site of a refugee camp for Ruthenian (Ukrainian) evacuees from the eastern Austrian crownlands, and a barracks camp (Barackenlager) was hastily constructed south of the town."
"In September of 1914, Gmünd was designated as the site of a refugee camp for Ruthenian (Ukrainian) evacuees from the eastern Austrian crownlands, and a barracks camp (Barackenlager) was hastily constructed south of the town." -Andy taylor
In the small town Gmund, Austria, 30,000  refugees occupied the Gmund camp as a result of Austria-Hungary's and Russia's fight for the ownership of Galicia, and Bukovina. The fight for ownership resulted in the displacement of galician, and bukovinian citizens. These refugees are the less talked about, and the confusion that the refugees felt can be reciprocated through these five photographs. The first two depict Galician refugees making their way towards camp gmund.  In the other photographs, there are pictures of what the gmund camp looked like. 
 Here, we can see that the aid for these refugees were given, however Austria set the reminder of their authority and culture.  also, we can see how Austria's helping hand could be seen as a way for them to re-claim territory. 

1.)"Foreign Refugees In Britain, 1914-1918." Imperial War Museums. Imperial War Museums, n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.
2. Gatrell, Peter. "Europe on the Move: Refugees and World War One." The British Library. The British Library, 09 Dec. 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2017. 
3.) Gatrell, Peter. "Refugees." New Articles RSS. Encyclopedia 1914-1918, 8 Oct. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.
4.) Hassall, John, and Crowther Goodman. "3,000,000 Belgians Are Destitute in Belgium. They Must Not Starve. Support the Local Fund." WDL RSS. The National Committee for Relief in Belgium, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.
5.)McBey, James. "Armenian Refugees Making Fly-nets." Imperial War Museums. Imperial War Museums, n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.
6. McBey, James. "A Refugee Camp : Armenian Refugees at Port Said." Imperial War Museums. Imerial War Museums, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.
7.Orpen, William. "The Refugee (A)." Imperial War Museums. Imperial War Museums, n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.
8.Photographers, Press Agency. "War Refugees in Britain 1914-1918." Imperial War Museums. Press Agency Photographer, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.
9. Taylor, Andy, Ingert Kuzych, Roman Dubyniak, and Peter Cybaniak. "The World War I Gmund Refugee Camp and Its Postal Facilities." The World War I Gmund Refugee CAMP. Austrian Philatelic Society, 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.
10. Varges, Ariel. "Photograph." Imperial War Museums. Imperial War Museums, n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.
11. Varges, Ariel. "The Dunsterforce 1917 - 1919." Imperial War Museums. Imperial War Museums, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.
Here is a drawing of Armenian refugees arriving at Port Said in 1917.
Armenian refugee children are waiting on top of their cart in Baku in 1918.
Armenian refugees fleeing. The date is not known.
This is an orphanage for Belgian refugee children in England. The date is unknown.
This is a British advertisement was designed by John Hassall in 1915.
Galician refugees finding a safe place to stay.
galician refugees sitting on the side of an unknown road. 
This is a classroom in the Gmund refugee camp in 1916.
This is a picture of adults learning how to read in 1915.
A singing group at Camp Gmund.
In conclusion, the depictions of refugees reflects the very chaos that occurred in World War One. Different nationalities experienced events in different ways, however what all of these refugees shared in common was the loss of banal nationalism. Their sense of pride for their country was ripped in half by the war, and as a result many displaced refugees experienced tramatic hardships.

Selecting The Right Brake Pads For Your Vehicle

Posted | Views: 4,861
Meta description: As you know, brakes play an important role in ensuring a safe ride on your car. Have you checked whether the brake pads in your vehicle are in good condition? It is true that brake pads are the least visible parts of your car when compared to the huge size of the vehicle. But, if you ignore checking their correct condition, you are doing the same at your individual risk. This is a part that ensures the best safety even for the most experienced drivers. In fact, when you evaluate the condition of your vehicle, the brake pads will tell about the condition of the car and these pads can tell you the level of safety you can expect when riding the car. Upon inspection, if you find that the brake pads are worn out, you should immediately replace the same to ensure your safety suggests Driver Mods with their best knowledge in car parts. Here are some guidelines that will helpful for you in selecting the right brake pads for your car:
Choose a genuine dealer: When you plan to shop for the brake pads from a car part dealer, it is highly important that you should choose a dealer, who deals only with standard products like Driver Mods. They generally take a car part from a manufacturer for selling to their customers only after a complete evaluation.
Know the model of your vehicle: To choose the right brake pads, it is highly important that you should know the make and model number of your vehicle suggests Driver Mods.

Purchase best quality after market car parts at affordable prices

Posted | Views: 5,820
Sometimes, you come up with a doubt whether you want to buy after market car parts from online sources. These are the factors which will help you in making your choice when you come up with this question: 
Buy products at a click of mouse: 
When you are buying the after market car parts from online sources, you don’t have to go out and tire yourself while making the purchase. You can buy the product from the comfort of your house. Just choose your product and the product will be delivered to you. You will get all these at a mouse’s click.
Products are offered at a reasonable price:
 You don’t have to worry about spending a fortune when you are buying after market car parts from the online sources. The prices charged for these products are reasonable and well within your budget.
The products go through quality check before reaching you: 
If you are worried whether the product you ordered will have the desired quality which you want, do away with all your worries. The manufacturers ensure that each and every product goes through rigorous quality check and only the approved products are delivered to you.
Genuine products are offered to you: 
Along with quality, it is also ensured that genuine products are provided to you so that you stay risk-free during your drive. If you are still skeptical about making your purchase, go to the sites, glance through the products and avail the benefits of buying after market car parts from online sources.