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Running Fashion Group Magazine

Posted | Views: 681
Entrepreneur Of Desirable.....Groups & Displays Of Impressions"...... Music Artist at IMVU, Creator at IMVU  Admiration"&"Inspiration,
Classy'N'Stylish, Creative Gang, Creator, Displays Of, Expressions & Impressives", Mixin' Spinin, Desirable's Of IMVU Products, Fashion Designer/Owner at IMVU,
~Brad Devore & ScreamoFisto Bio Interest~
2 bands, 9 years of Resident Doctor & Baby Doctor,Creator Of Products For Imvu, Detroit Buck Club, Dodge Ram, Family, True Michigan Hunter, imvu Comedian.Auto,
Music Artist at IMVU, Creator at IMVU..........
~Brad Devore's Running Fashion Groups~
Admirations & Inspirations.....:                                   Another Look......:
Expressions & Impressions                                         FirstLookDeveloping
Classy 'N' Stylish                                                          Evoluer Magazine
DJ Junky's Mixin' Spinin'                                           xFallenAngelSFx
Brad Devore's Creative Gang                                     The Galleria Mall
Enchanted Beauty Magazine                                      Rain Rockin Radio
Second Look                                                                The Grim Files
The New Look!                          IMVU Code | Staff and Model Applications
The Coven                                                 Anthony's Exclusive Haberdashery
Running Fashion Magazine
Creator & Publisher By
Brad Devore & ScreamoFisto Of IMVU

Post title...

Posted | Views: 619

I've never had a surprise party,

There were no gifts left under the tree
Fancy favors were for other people
'cuz no one ever really loved me
No one was there to help me out
That time my vehicle stalled
And even when I was under-the-weather
No one ever called
My phone, it never rings
Nobody ever checks-up
No quick calls just to say,
'Hey, my friend, what's up?'
My text messages go nowhere
I send them to myself
To look like I am liked and loved
When I leave my lonely hell
If I disappeared for days on end
No one would ever miss me
Except for my loving dog
No one has ever kissed me
No fancy dates, no new hellos
My weekends are never filled
The emptiness that surrounds my days
Is topped by nights so still
And now the final days are here
I sit alone and wait to part
My life somehow got away
While I waited for it to start
There is no one to talk to
On all these endless, starry nights
I gaze up into the heavens
And imagine another life

By Tigress Luv
How to Really
This valentine's

Post title...

Posted | Views: 1,665

Ms. Quilty has been a vegan* since January, 2016. Vegan: a person who does not eat or use animal products.

Ms. Colbourne was a competitive gymnast for 5 years!

Mr. Foss plays guitar, bass and accordion….. but not all at once.

Created by: Dylan Pittman 
 Python Post
By: Samantha Frew 
Welcome back! 
   Vol. 1, Number 3

Mm. Blundon and The French Club make Yule logs.
Are we ever happy to see you again!
SPJH Pythons wear blue in support of Bell Let's Talk day on January 25th. 
          Quote of the Month

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are".



If you turn on your TVs in January, it’s very likely – as in, extremely likely – that if you 

find a news channel or talk show, they’ll be discussing topics with people titled 

“fitness professional” about everybody’s #1 New Year’s Resolution: getting healthy, or 

being healthier. Now, this is probably where I should say something like, “Follow your 

dreams!” or something like “You go, girl!” but unfortunately that’s not the case. If you’re 

looking for inspiration for your goals for the new year, I suppose that’s what I’m giving, 

but not quite in the same way as you might think. I find that in January, all these health 

kicks and exercise tutorials can make a person feel pretty bad. I mean, as somebody who 

likes to indulge in the odd (okay maybe not “the odd”) piece of cake, all of this kale stuff 

can make you think, “hey… maybe I should be working out every day at five in the morning 

and eating nothing but leafy things”. In January, after consuming copious amounts of 

turkey over Christmas, it’s pretty easy to get sucked up in the whirlwind of ‘being a better 

you’, whatever that’s supposed to mean. Well, I’d like to say that in this new year, you 

should be whatever you want to be. Stay the same if you want! Relish your cake. Exercise in 

the early hours of the morning if you want. In 2017, I would suggest that your goal be to 

live life to the fullest, and not to just replace your chips with quinoa. Take this time full of 

gym-going people to redefine what it is that you want out of these next months, and you 

know what? Whatever it is, I know it’s going to be great.
This Month's Feature 
Written by: Eva Haas 
Dates & Reminders  
February 10: Early Dismissal
Students will be dismissed at 12:20 as teachers have an afternoon PD session.

February 16- gr 9 junior achievement  

February 22 - Pink Shirt Day 

February 27 - fundraiser tickets due 

March 1 - Last day to submit work from term two

March 3 - Fundraiser Ticket Draw

A message to any grade 9 student: you will need your powerschool login and password to complete your grade 10 course selection forms  

Teacher Facts: 
Grade 7 boys volleyball team who their second banner of the year! The boys won the Memorial Sea Hawks Eastern Canadian Challenge. The team defeated St.Paul's in the semi final and Macdonald Drive Junior High in the championship. The team is now preparing their Provincial Championship in Clarenville during March. 

Grade 7 Girls volleyball (team white) participated in the Macdonald Drive Invitational. The girls had an awesome tournament and played some great volleyball! The team defeated Brother Rice in the semi final and came away with a hard earned silver medal in tier 2. Way to go girls! 

The grade 7/8 ski trip to White Hills was a huge success! We had 82 students who took part in a fun day of skiing and snowboarding. All students did a lesson in the morning and then spent the rest of the day riding different hills! Everyone had a great day!
Sports Section

Go Pythons, Go!
Mr.Christopher cracks another joke...
Something to Think About
by Eva Haas

     In grade eight, one of our units in Language Arts is centered around “Global Citizenship”, and my English teacher Ms. Ezekiel got me thinking about what it is to be a global citizen. That’s not quite what I’m coming to you to talk about, because that sounds too stuffy for what I’m trying to say. No, saying “global citizen” sounds a little bit big and important, but the message I want to come to you with is a little bit smaller. Recently, I’ve been getting involved in activism within my school and within the worldwide community through the wonderful Internet, and I’ve been hearing a lot of stories echoed in the school. A lot of people when they think about being a global citizen or being an activist think somewhere along the lines of, “That’s too much work”, or even, “I don’t care enough for that”. Well, I’m pretty sure that all of us on this beautiful yet problematic earth have something that we consider important enough to check out: maybe you’re really against name calling, maybe you’re passionately against racism in school or you think that it’s horrible discriminating against the entire Muslim culture because some people think they’re terrorists. So I’m here to give you a nice harsh wake-up call, because if you sit around on your bottom all day and think, as so many of us do, “Someone else will do something,” you’re going to be waiting your entire life to see a change. Do whatever you can to better the world in YOUR eyes, and see where it gets you! Be an activist and a global citizen and be passionate about whatever issues you want. As Mahatma Ghandi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Do you have any news you want to share? 

Would you like to join our team? Are you a parent with an idea?

We would love to hear from you! 
The Python Post is a student-run online newspaper written for students by students. 
We look forward to hearing from you! 

Please tweet us your ideas on twitter: @ThePythonPost

Or email us at:
Until next time!
by: Mr. Christopher 

New Work up on Mothchildren's Society6!

Posted | Views: 1,527
Welcome to the all-new Nephilim Collection on Mothchildren's Society6, which will be uploaded over the next few days. This collection is composed of black and white collage and digitally illustrated pieces that belong to an artbook/autobiography being put together by Isaac, slated to be published sometime in 2017 at the earliest. 
After some internal debate, Isaac has decided they wish to make the art in the book available to the public in the many mediums society6 offers as a precursor to the artbook itself. Please enjoy the collection!
A personal favorite lipstick brand, particularly for its unusual colors. The brand also offers lipgloss (including a holographic one), as well as face and brow products, but to me its lipsticks are its main bragging point. Their products are cruelty-free and non-toxic, and they always have new collabs with other artists, or new themed products coming out. They also produce the clear jelly lip balm with a flower inside it that gained immense popularity in Asia, for $14.00, the same price as all their lipsticks. I am personally saving up to buy a series of blues and purples for my odd color-loving lips. Check them out at
Mothshops: WINKY LUX
The business skeleton: Cards
Business cards are a necessity for a startup business, and I've had my heart set on Moo's square, rounded-corner, every-card-has-a-different-back business cards. Unfortunately, while Moo's services are amazing and top quality, their standard for the amount of cards I needed was around $80, well beyond my price range. Enter a vistaprint ad I happened to see on tv. Vistaprint provides near-constant discounts, allowing me to purchase 500 cards for about $9.99, which is much, much better, and allows me to update the look of my cards as Mothchildren's information changes. 
If you can afford Moo, I do sincerely recommend them over Vistaprint, but if you can't, Vistaprint is of substantial quality as well, and carries a range of merchandise from clothing to stationery that you can get with your own logo or other chosen image. For example, I have a calendar full of my own art, which I have saved on the site and may put up on Mothchildren's storenvy along with several patches and shirts, which should be coming within, hopefully, the next few months, as I acquire more materials and access to silkscreening equipment. 

Post title...

Posted | Views: 6,094
A thrive in black business 
Throughout the years the market for small black owned business has increased tremendously. Going from a seemingly overlooked 34.5% increase from 2007-2012 to a skyrocket as of late especially accentuating within the age groups of 25-30. Realizing that you can create and possess something to call your own and experience actual ownership has intrigued millions throughout the nation. Making up a huge part of the entrepreneurial community black owned businesses are manifesting all over from small to larger companies Blacks have been making a staple in the business world. This trend has most commonly been due to one's starvation for more wanting better for themselves a fair balance on the Libra scale between wage and labor. Millions spend hours of working what seems like slave like hours for minimal pay and go home unhappy every night knowing they have to relive that very reality again the next day, this is what births entrepreneurs. Minority owned businesses accounted for $1.1 trillion in receipts in 2014 this number has nearly doubled since then. Accounting for only 3.3% of employer receipts vs. 96.7% for their white counterparts but nevertheless these numbers are slowly changing and could change even more if we educate ourselves and no longer bow down to the fears of possible failure. It’s relatively easy to start a business, especially given the popularity of entrepreneurship as a viable and legitimate career objective among younger Americans, and young black Americans in particular. Change is always around the corner all it takes is one small step at a time to reach the finish line of something so much greater.
''Minority owned businesses accounted for $1.1 trillion in receipts in 2014 this number has nearly doubled since then''
Catch the wave: Sploosh life
The urban fashion community is one of the most lucrative as well as creative and polarized of them all. With prestigious brands flourishing behind the faces of multi millionaire entertainers, the popular demand these trends have created gracefully made way for small businesses to manifest and prosper as well in the fashion world. From online boutiques to T-shirt and clothing lines the urban fashion market is a revolving door of new pieces breaking its way into our homes. Ironically sweeping its way through North Florida as though it were the waves from a tropical storm the latest product to hit the streets is that of Sploosh Life. You may be asking yourself Sploosh Life? What on earth is that? Simple, it's one of the most requested and supported growing fashion brands in its hometown in 2016. Easily recognized by its uniquely formatted logo the choices of color schemes are endless. With a natural snowball effect, the support that the brand has had gravitated towards it has whirl winded into creating a movement to be followed by many.
Artist Watch
- Tokyo Jetz             - Lil Poppa
- Trap Beckham      - Prime Definition
- Prime definition     -  G3 Lil Chris    
-Brady B                   - Lil Jug
- Mob Squad Nard
There are quite a few young starving artists on the rise however there are some that have led us to wonder exactly what is next to come. One of the most dominantly dynamic female artists in the game now Tokyo Jetz is running circles around even most men. After riding the wave of his hit single ''Birthday Chick'' the Def Jam artist Trap Beckham has recently released his follow up ''Going Down''. Another artist to keep an eye for is Prime Definition who has created a wave worth following recently releasing his smash song ''Way better'' which in fact featured Tokyo Jetz. Lil Poppa a teenage sensation has had features from  YFN Lucci and worked with the likes of Bigga Rankin wrapping up a solid year. The G3 Media artist G3 Chris in 2016 released a plethora of amazing visuals only to leave us expecting more. Cinematic Music Group's own Mob Squad Nard was all over the television screen from BET and MTV and both Brady B as well as Lil Jug seem to be making a much awaited return to music. 
Hip Hop News 
- J.Cole's album 4 Your Eyez Only lands at the #1 spot on the chart selling 511,000 thousand units in the first week. If J. Cole's incredible first week sales didn't prove his star power, this certainly will, every song from 4 Your Eyez Only has cracked the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100. 

- Tupac will be introduced into the Rock and roll hall of fame 
- Fab skips annual Christmas day mixtape and announced to be releasing a project January 13th 
-Drake pushes back album release date assumed to be due to J. Cole and Meek's releases 
         A Golden Chance

Golden Chances Inc. established October 9, 2016 Filed with the state of Florida as a 501c(3) charitable non-profit organization is one of many scholarships created to take a load off of potential college students. Golden Chances Inc. serves with the sole purpose of providing resources and scholarships needed to excel while pursuing a degree and/or lessen the financial burden of higher education. Targeting full time students of accredited colleges or universities who were affected by the premature death of a biological parent(s). Founded by Michael S. Jenkins Jr a 4th-year Information Technology student at Florida A&M University. Driven by his passion for helping others and the loss of his own biological parents at the age young of 10. Jenkins has created an opportunity to help those whose faced the same traumatic experience by lending a helping hand that could change their lives forever. 
          Nine 23 accessories and more

Fashion is one outlet of expression in which women take in high regard. Each and every choice of attire carefully and strategically planned and coordinated layer by layer with her accessories as the finishing touch. Nine 23 caters to all of these needs in wide varieties ranging from sunglasses to bathing suits, chokers and more! To get yours shop now at
      True Definition          Inspection Services

Are you looking to purchase a home but want a sense of security and sureness with your decision? True Definition is just the company for you. Providing high quality and thorough inspections of your potential home to help assist in making your decision an easier one. Call Antwan Richardson the company's founder and CEO at (904) 413-TRUE  to set up your inspection.
   Poverty in America 

As the economy changes throughout the years as does the social and financial status of Americans. A fluctuation in the economy not only affects Americans directly it goes deeper and seeps its way into American families for generations to come in search to be ridden of by struggling citizens. In 2014 nearly 47 million people lived in poverty totaling the poverty rate to an astonishing 15%. This rate was 2.3 percentages higher than that of 2007 one year before the recession hit our nation. The United States Census Bureau shows that: In 2015 there were 43.1 million people in the United States Census Bureau and shows that in 2015 there were 43.1 million people in poverty, 3.9 million less than in 2014 Proctor had indicated. Small changes to an enormous issue can only and hopefully lead to corrections to the financial plagues that have been tormenting American homes for years.
    Spielberg films 

The skill of wielding a camera is a form of art in its own respectable right alone. It takes a creative and imaginative mind to see something simple and recreate it into something much more spectacular, a visionary to be simple. Inspired by however no relation to the cinematic guru and legendary Steven Spielberg there's a young bull who took on the legends name to carry on in his footsteps. JB Spielberg has slowly crept his way into the views of the limelight and has earned the respect of many. Learning and mastering the arts of film and photography Spielberg has molded himself into a 2 headed beast capable of damage at massive volumes.
 Teen motivation: Futures of                       tomorrow 

A detrimental part of every child's upbringing are the relationships they have, the support given and the examples set by role models in their lives both tangible and public figures. Children and teens alike are extremely easily influenced. Searching for acceptance and an identity typically results in them grasping onto what is the most appealing and what seems to be the correct route for them. Nevertheless this not always being the best life choice. Comprehending the value of positive figures in the lives of teenagers, CEO and founder of Teen Motivation Alexis Thompson recognized a traumatizing problem and took initiative. Thompson sought out a resolution and amazingly did so by creating one herself. Forming her organization Teen Motivation targeting the inner city youth specifically females allowing a safe haven for the girls to come in sharing their issues in a judgement free environment full of their peers experiencing the same issues. Teen Motivation is a group of teenage girls who meet regularly in a fun filled positive environment with self betterment as a common goal. The group discusses issues that each child may face and together create solutions on how to cope and fix them. Dealing with children who sometimes suffer from abandonment issues it's extremely vital that there is a commitment and form of consistency between adult to child to create the bond that they feel they may lack. Children need to be able to feel as though they can trust the adult figures in their life to be able to feel comfortable to open up and share delicate testimonies. That's what makes Thompson so amazing her and her staff have built a strong foundation of a bond with each and every girl extending out their heartfelt services both genuinely and with consistency. Partnering with several schools in the Orlando area with the Sanford location and being the most recent Thompson and her organization is continuing to expand throughout North Florida. Every child needs trusting adults in their life who's not only have a relationship with them but can give them positive direction and guidance that will help them with their everyday living. Our children are our future; they are the faces of our potential next Presidents, doctors lawyers and scientists. These children need our help and guidance to steer them away from troubling situations do that they can indeed fulfill their maximum potential and accomplish career goals. Doing just that Teen Motivation is an excellent outlet and highly recommended choice for all female youth to participate in and a family environment to a part of.
“Back to myself, yea I’m motherfuckin cocky” and that’s exactly what Young Jeezy did taking us back to the streets with the release of “Trap Or Die 3”. TD3 is definitely the talk of the streets as well as the industry right now. Jeezy created a new wave with this one. TD3 takes us back to “05” when he took over the streets with the original “Trap Or Die”. Jeezy kicked off the album and created high anticipation by releasing two hit singles “ Let em Know” and “All There”, featuring the late Bankroll Fresh. This album also includes features from Hip-Hop heavy hitters such as Lil Wayne, French Montana, Chris Brown, Yo Gotti and Plies. With productions from Jacksonville's own Dwayne “DRich” Richardson, Shawty Redd and more. “Trap Or Die 3” debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 which gave Jeezy his 3rd No 1. Album. "TD3" is in fact a reminder that Jeezy is definitely a business man with a street touch. With punchlines such as “Run a fortune 500 from a prepaid” and “I ain't ask them niggas to let me in the door I kicked that motherfucker open nigga, industry invasion” reassuring us that there are no handouts in the game you must take whatever it is that you want. “Trap Or Die 3” can surely be labeled as Jeezy’s comeback album! Many people thought that Jeezy’s lost it with his last album “Church In These Streets” but Young just believes that the album was before its time. People often try to place Jeezy in a box, but its okay to step out that box every now and then. TD3 is proof that Jeezy is in his bag and he hasn’t lost it. Jeezy’s music constantly reminds us of the hustler within him and never strays away from the street in him. Jeezy is indeed one of the few rap artist that hasn’t crossed over to that commercial sound and is definitely considered one of the realist rappers in the game.

Reviewed by She She Da Don
          Trappin aint Dead: TD3
Pretti Clean Cleaning service is a high quality cleaning and maintenance company that provides reliable and impeccable customer service. PCC can be booked for weekly, bi weekly,  monthly and even commercial clean up. Why do it yourself when you can hire a professional? Follow them on Instagram at @pretticleancleaning or call (904) 672-6802
      Born to be great: DJ Swagg 

Webster defines greatness as the quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent. Being in a league of your own because your accomplishments that you were that far aside from the rest. Greatness isn't something that's easily obtained, it's something that's manifested through countless hours and even years of dedication and commitment to one's craft. To be in such stature you will always ruffle some feathers and rub some people the wrong way, but at the end of the day you are still the topic of discussion so did you really lose? A proclamation to had been born to be great is a simple yet broad statement that the individual was brought to this earth to do things of immense magnitudes. DJ Swagg; a DJ and radio personality commonly known as the crowd pleaser for his talents and abilities to puppeteer any crowd he performs in front of into a rage of excitement lives by this quote. Daring, fearless and full of and boiling drive and ambition DJ Swagg prides himself on being the outcast doing what others do not have the courage to do. Embarking on a new journey to fulfill a vivid vision not many will comprehend but tons will speculate on a goal was set. Swagg took his talents from in front of the live crowds of screaming party goers to in front of a camera lense to bare it all literally. The risqué photos leaked is no doubt going to be controversial but created to be a statement. “I do things your favorite DJ can't do” and he did just that in an epic form. The goal was to create a project that would prove that the leader of men was just that courageous to step outside the box and be creative. Countless hours of physical training and dieting were detrimental towards completing this goal blood, sweat and tears. If you're going to be one who proclaims to be an originator and innovator you must set the bar and tone and undoubtedly this bar is beyond the reach of a man's pride.
  Patience and prayer: Tokyo Jetz 

The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Or simply put “Patience”. When pursuing major success patience is a detrimental character trait that one must develop over time. The road to any major accomplishment is not one easily to tread; the road will be full of many obstacles, setbacks and frustrations. The music industry so heavily male populated only accepts artist of the female gender once every blue moon. Maybe it's a lack of talent or maybe it's the lack of opportunity. For every one female rapper there's at least five to ten of her male counterparts, to stand out among the elite you must have the golden gift. A not so new face on the scene Tokyo Jetz what may seem somewhat effortlessly overcame and conquered any and all boundaries or obstacles thrown her way. Doing so over the years span has put herself in the position to be one of the greats. A rising star to the say the least the upcoming artist has began to take the south by storm in a dominant fashion. Tokyo Jetz, a newly household name had successfully been on the music scene for quite some time before her big break found its way to her front door. Beginning with her decision to resurface after a small break by releasing a video blog or vlog of her freestyle to Memphis rapper Yo Gotti smash single “Down in the DM”. The vlog was an instant sensation, spiralling it's way throughout the nation's news feed in the blink of an eye. Social media grew into an eruption of uproars and questions who was this girl and where did she come from? The Jacksonville Florida native created a demand so popular the people who soon became fanatics wanted more and obliging herself to deliver consistency did just that. Following up with the mega hit of a freestyle Jetz routinely released more and more freestyles to feed her fans. Creating an overwhelming mass of popular demand everything had began to fall into place. She began to travel all throughout Florida and the south to now where she is booked all over the states performing and selling out venues. Living out her dream faithfully brought many opportunities one being consigned by Atlanta legend TI himself. Tip saw that immense potential Jetz had inside her and led him to make her apart of his Hustle Gang family, a group of talented individuals all male making her the only female. Tokyo now has featured on records several major artist with Young Dro being the latest of her new single “Ima be with it”. Much is expected and anticipated from the new musical sensation in this case there is no limit to the possibilities of what can be accomplished.
Tampa Mystic It's all in the grind 

Successfully overcoming, and conquering any sexist and small minded thoughts that women could not be as successful if not better than men in such heavily male populated fields for years Tampa Mystic has silenced the murmuring. Truly a jack of all trades to say the least Mystic has a list of credentials and resume in short to say purely impeccable. The on air personality for Highly Unique radio, CEO OF Mystic Entertainment and Co CEO of the Grynd Report but the rap sheet doesn't end there. Tampa also has well known affiliations with Team Bigga Rankin and the Core DJ organization. Tampa has undoubtedly created a solid foundation in the music and urban entertainment industry. A major part of success on any level is understanding and practicing the art of consistency. Frequently and more than often producing quality work for the public to witness and this has been more than comprehended and grasped and past along over to her artists. Not only has she created and established a brand of her own she has put in the work to help do just that for the artists that's she manages in Atlanta independent talent Smooth ATL and Shawty Fresh. Respect isn't something that you ask for it's something that you allow your hard work and tenacious work ethic alone to demand and there is certainly no lack of respect in her neck of the woods. From live interviews to artist showcases Mystic goes over and beyond to create a platform for artists and entertainment industry personnel alike to have an opportunity to introduce themselves to the world. As the works learns to accept more and more female entrepreneurs Tampa Mystic is the ideal figure they should pay attention to and learn from.
        Koly P: Next in line  

Florida is home to some of the most talented individuals musically especially in its South Florida region. Throughout the years and there have been a plethora artists to break into the industry from the surrounding cities throughout South Florida going back as far as Uncle Luke and Trick Daddy dating to as of late with DJ Khaled, Rick Ross, Plies and Kodak Black to name a few. Recently the Pompano Beach sensation Koly P has began to ease his name into the conversation. In 2011 Koly started to embark on his newly found musical journey with his friend Dirty 1000s were in a group called The Kolyons. However the path didn't end there Koly continued to create his own music thus forming a buzz around himself that birthed a popular demand thus led to Louisiana rapper Boosie Bad Azz signing him. Facing numerous trials and tribulations after another he chose to take his musical craft more seriously and dial in where shortly after he delivered The Koly Bible and followed up with Koly Luther King. Koly is a street rapper that has a raw talent and delivery that effortlessly grabs your ear and attention. Its evident that the South Florida rapper is hungry and has an incredible drive only time will tell to see what is next as we wacth things unfold, but we expect more great music and new projects.
Trap Beckham: Road of redemption 

Treading the path in which one pursues the fruits of their long lived dreams can at times be a dark and frustrating route. The long demanding hours and countless nights staring to the ceiling wondering when will my time come? The setbacks and obstacles, the highs and lows yet nevertheless feeling like it's just not good enough. Knowing you're deserving of so much more what do you do now? You could give in to the frustration and move on, but then that would be giving up on your dreams and taking the easy way out. Or you could stick to what you've worked so tirelessly for day in and day out. All of the best accomplishments are appreciated tenfold when you know internally that you've put in so much work and made so many sacrifices to see it manifest. In the mid 2000’s Trap Beckham then formally Yung Trap made his way into the music scene with a unique sound of his own but it was not a simple task no not by a long shot. The battle for acceptance was a fight in Its own being a new starving artist in a pool of many how was one to stay afloat? Throughout the years Beckham not only remained tedious and tenacious in his pursuit for musical dominance he began to see the fruits of his labor actually pay off. In a little under a decade Beckham has produced hits that rallied throughout his hometown of Jacksonville Florida as well as surrounding cities yet still this just was not enough. Single after single mixtape after another the consistency was evident but that one big break had yet to come. Maneuvering his annual 7-14 mixtape a compilation of his best music entitled after his birthday as a tool to continue to give his fans something to listen to that one break finally began to creep its way in without even realizing it's presence. Birthday Chick the most recent single bounced around in rotation from club to club spinning on just about every DJ’s deck just might have been exactly what he'd been looking for. With a topic relatively simile yet applicable to everyone the hook had been lined and the bait was set. Just imagine all of the women who go out to the nightclubs to celebrate their birthday and hear a song catered to exactly them. Like a swarm of bees the single buzzed around until it stung the right set of ears. Def Jam records has been one of the most highly respected and prestigious of record labels in the hip hop music industry for decades. Being responsible for the careers of so many greats the executives saw potential in the Florida rapper and sought to create an allegiance between the two. Post signing with Def Jam Beckham has been on an incredible tear throughout the U.S performing all over the states on a promotional run pushing his single that has not only been a worldwide sensation but a hit to the masses. The road of redemption led Trap to the top of the mountain where he so long dreamed of. Now in a new found position of stature some would begin to ponder what is next?
Model Watch:Barbie Doll Zelie
Our model watch has returned with yet another diamond in the rough waiting to shine. The incredibly beautiful Dominican Queen Zelie is another young an upcoming model with immense next level potential. The Florida native vixen has soul capturing eyes, a slim hourglass figure as well as the heart and drive of the biggest giant. Possessing an in-comprehensive beauty many great things are expected in 2017 from her so stay on the look out!
In 2016 Tokyo Jetz released her much awaited Sophomore mixtape ''Fly Shxt Only'' to follow up her first project Bosses meet bosses
If you've given J. Cole's new album 4 your eyez only a listen you might have raised your eyebrows when you came across his new single ''De Ja Vu''. If you are blind to this record or have just been somewhere hidden under a rock the track has a strong resemblance to Bryson Tiller's exchange, you might even say they're the exact same.  The talented producers Vinylz and Boi-1Da had also ome out and accused Foreign Teck who happens to be the producer of Exchange of stealing the beat but Foreign Teck denied the accusation. Claiming it was in fact him who created it on his own and that he in fact created the sound. Both songs sample K.P. and Envyi’s 1998 track ‘Swing My Way’ but it’s the similarity in the way of sampling that raises the question from fans and listeners. 
Cold World?
Fun fact: Young Jeezy shot the visuals to his new record ''All there'' featuring the late Bank Roll Fresh in Bank Roll's neighborhood along with his family. Jeezy personally phoned the mayor of Atlanta to get the Atlanta PD off of his back when denied access to the Bank Roll Fresh memorial. The police were called off and the show went on.
Lack of worries: The Low Life 
When you hear low life you may commonly begin to think something more criminal or of the negative nature but not in this sense. The term ''Low Life'' actually when broken down stands for something much more of value. Created by Florida native and former West Virginia University standout wide receiver KJ Myers his definition of Low Life means ''Lack of worries'', living a worry free life full of faith and optimism. The movement abruptly swept across the nation in the most literal of sense with support from not only his huge following but his fellow NCAA athletes across America. The lack of worries belief promotes positive thinking and living, not allowing the pressures of life and negative situations get the best of us. We all should live The Low Life in our everyday living and focus on our dreams and accomplishing them. Myers's movement had grown to be one of a dominant nature and will only continue to grow over time.
Gucci ties the knot
The true definition of a rider is someone who is not only there when the sun shines everyday, but someone is there in your corner when the rain won't stop pouring. When ATL rapper Gucci Mane was sent to prison he left behind a girlfriend in Keyshia Dior who supported his every step of the way. From his admission into federal prison, throughout his stay and release Dior has been by his side which is deserving of the highest reward. Recently at an Atlanta Hawks basketball game after being caught on the kissing cam Big Guwop took the opportunity to take a knee and without a hesitation she said yes!
Trouble in paradise?

After weeks of accusations and speculation online from all media sources it is official Nicki Minaj has publicly announced that she is in fact single and her and Philly rapper Meek Mill are no longer together. This coincidentally happened days after Drake went on stage announcing that he was laying performing the smash hit and Meek Mill diss ''Back to Back'' to rest. ''Not even when she tells you that we're better off as friends'' guess Drake had foreseen what most of everyone would have not expected to happen.
pictured above are pieces from the Nine 23 collection. Both the seductive swimsuit and sleek and unique glasses are available for purchase.

MOTHY Issue 1

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Welcome to MOTHY
The official Mothchildren Zine!

Mothchildren is a lot of things. It is a Society6 account where you can get anything from comforters to full-color tee shirts; a budding silkscreen apparel brand based in Ithaca, NY; a seller of exclusive art prints using traditional printmaking techniques; and now, it also has a Zine!
Mothchildren is run fully and singularly by Isaac Pensky, a 20 year old Ithacan artist and writer. Isaac is currently taking some time off from their college life to focus on their artistic pursuits, including Mothchildren (Apparel), and literary works under the name A//I//B. If you would like to see examples of Isaac's work, please visit for a portfolio, and/or refer to the Finger Lakes Poetry Anthology, where they have one poem under the name Anna Pensky. 
Isaac is a 20 year old artist and writer from Ithaca, NY. They are currently in the process of adding an official Apparel brand to their existing Society6 page. While not working on Mothchildren, Isaac can be found in local coffee shops, The Ink Shop, Ithaca College, or Bard College. They are a lover of music, museums, and have a knack for collecting beautiful objects and curios, much like your average crow. 
You can help Mothchildren Apparel grow by purchasing existing products from, by making a donation to Isaac's Paypal, requesting a commissioned piece ($10/hr), or purchasing an existing print for its full retail price (available upon request.) 

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Naked Rage is a new collective of queers making their own space for queer voices. We stand together against transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, misogyny, ableism, cissexism, transmisogyny, ageism and prejudice based on ethnicity, nationality, class and language.

Our zines are here to allow fellow LGBTQIA+ people and others to either connect, learn and/or stand in solidarity with the experiences shed by our contributors. 

Our first issue has the topic: 'What queer means to you'
1. Nothing Space | Emily Curran
  This Was Going To Be About Linguistics, But You 
Know What, I'm Angry | Amy Triptyline 2.
3. What Being Queer Mean To Me | Shannon 
Revelations of Divine Love | Freya Neighbour 4.
5. What Queer Means To Me | Soyah Milkox
The Truth and the Core | Katie Snowflake 6.
7. What Does 'Queerness' Mean To Me | James 'Boris' Walshe
Finding My Queer | Michelle Waymire 8.
9. Running Out | Casey Tufnell
What Being Queer Means To Me | Lauren Paton 10.
11. On Heterosexual Privilege Amongst Queers | Aga Trzak
Nothing Space

I walk into a queer poetry night.
This is a safe space. 
There is a safe space policy.
There are gender neutral toilets.
But the bar. The bar goes right through to another bar. I can see the other side. It is not a safe space. I am not safe there. But I am not there. I am here. Here and there are blurred. There is an invisible space. A nothing space. A space of confusion: labelled safe, but not. 
My friend introduces me to someone. “Hi, I’m April”, they say. 
“Me too!” I say.
“Haha, all the April’s I meet are lesbians! Now there are three here tonight!”
“Haha” I say.

I feel myself shrink internally. My full, inner-self, previously filling out most of my insides, starts to come away from the inner lining – peeling back, receding, sucking itself back in fear. 
I am not a lesbian.
I say nothing.
“Imposter. Fraud. Faker.”
I hear it from this side of the bar, but I can see it leering at me from the other side too.
Invalidated by constant assumptions. Continuously ground down by external and internal expectations. 
What boxes do I need to tick to fit neatly into a category which I both begrudge and yearn for at the same time? 
I feel the shame of the nothing space.                                                                       Emily Curran

u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
This Was Going To Be About Linguistics, But You Know What, I'm Angry 
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
TW// mention of depression and anxiety, emotional manipulation and bad relationships

Being queer has been a journey for me. As cliché as it sounds, it has been very much like a
rollercoaster. I climbed up – the feeling of elation, of finally feeling ‘right’, like everything
had fallen into place – before tumbling down – the fear set in, the shame, the guilt of hiding
it from my family – and then suddenly I was twirling through loop after loop of emotions.
I realised that there was something a little bit different about the way I viewed girls when I
was around fourteen. I’d always admired girls, thought of them as beautiful, smart, lovely
people. I’d had ‘girl crushes’ and always dismissed them as something every girl had, no
matter what sexuality. But as I got older, I realised that there was something a bit more to
girls than just thinking they looked nice. I wanted to kiss girls, hug girls, be with girls the
same way my friends wanted to be with boys.

I struggled with this for a very long time. I was so fine with other queer people and couples –
I stood up for LGBTQIAP+ rights, learned as much as I could about sexualities and gender
identities I didn’t know much about, supported all my friends who were queer – but I just
couldn’t accept it when it came to myself. This negatively impacted my mental health and
by the time I was sixteen, I found myself in a very dark place, my mind full of depression and
anxiety. I couldn’t go a week at school without having at least two panic attacks, my
weekends were spent in bed most afternoons because I couldn’t muster the energy to get
out, and then my nights were crammed full of anxiety-ridden revision. Although these
mental health issues were caused by a huge range of different problems, being unable to
come to terms with my sexuality was one of them.

Whilst at school, I also entered my first term relationship with a male. This was a very
strange relationship – it started off nicely and I really thought he cared for me, but as the
months went on, things started to go downhill. It was fair to say I was emotionally
manipulated throughout this relationship due to my mental health, my way of coping with
negative situations and how my feelings were different to my partners. The relationship
ended after a couple of months and for almost a whole year after, I blamed myself for the
break-up. However, this was where my turning point came in. I began to see people in a
whole other light, particularly girls. It took me a very long time to accept this, as I often
dismissed it as a phase because he’d ‘put me off men’. My friends and I joked that he
‘turned me gay’, and in the strangest way, he somewhat did. Because at this point, a good
five months after the breakup, I realised that although I liked boys, I also liked girls and non-
binary people. I just liked people, no matter what their gender.

I came out to my best school friend in a coffee shop before a Fall Out Boy concert. This was
by far the scariest thing I’d ever done, although looking back, it really shouldn’t have been
as she was bisexual so why would she put me down for it when we had similar sexualities?
This was in 2015 and it took me a good year before I came out to anyone else. I trusted my
best friend because she knew about sexuality, she knew what to say and how to comfort me
whereas I felt clueless about my own. On the 11 th of October 2016 (National Coming Out
Day), I came out over Twitter and told a lot of my friends. This was the biggest step I’d
made, as I’d been so scared they would reject me or be nasty, but everyone really
supported me. I went on my first date with a girl, I started talking about my sexuality to
others a lot more openly and felt comfortable overall with myself. Unfortunately, it’s a little
unsafe to come out to my family at the minute, as I’m unsure how they would react, but one
day I’ll do it! Baby steps.

So, what does queer mean to me? If you’d asked me this a few months ago, I would have
said it meant shame to myself, but pride to others. For me, it meant hiding away in the dark,
pretending to like boys completely, diverting my eyes away from any girl I found attractive.
It meant I would support others but calling myself queer was strange and scary. It was
something I wasn’t ready to face, something that made me nervous.

But asking me now?

Queer means acceptance. Queer means loving yourself and loving those around you. Queer
means being open and honest about who you are. To me, queer means total love. It means
having a support network of friends who love and care for you. It means feeling positive
about attractions and feelings you have towards people you would never have considered in
the past. It means constantly learning. It means being fluid with who you love, not
restricting yourself for fear of judgement.

For me, queer means happiness.
What Being Queer Means To Me written by Shannon 
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
Revelations of Divine Love by Freya Neighbour
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
What queer means to me. Soyah Milkox

When this topic was first put to me I found it hard to pinpoint an exact answer. “Queerness” is broad, and going with the literal and historical meaning of a person whose sexuality or gender doesn’t conform to the socially accepted status quo simply lacks the nuance and subtlety of their identity that many self defined queer people experience. Being put as “what queer means to me” was a wise decision, and I hope to be able to answer that here, though I am not necessarily able to answer that for anybody reading this.

Before it ever gathered it’s LGBT+ connotations, the term queer meant “strange” and strange is certainly how I felt growing up in a very small, middle class and Tory voting village in South Cambridgeshire. Maybe it was my many odd childhood obsessions, aircraft( I dreamt of being either a pilot or a stewardess) guinea pigs (which I unashamedly still love to this day), unicorns, the middle ages; or maybe it was my violent mood swings and seeming oversensitivity, but somehow I never exactly hit it off with other children my age. I was still keen for a close friend however and there were places where I’d feel like I was almost there in that longed for place of my own little gaggle of cheery chums, such as in the church choir where I sang on sundays, or at Brownies, or the football club where I discovered I wasn’t England material and probably was where my deep seated dislike of
sports began. I’d feel the camaraderie coursing through me as we sang “Lord of the dance”, practiced whittling, or kicked a ball up and down a muddy field and almost feel like I had friends. But then it would stop, we’d go home, or back to school, back to me being left out and everyone else settling into their own little comfy groups. I never felt quite right with any of them. Gender roles were firmly established in my primary school and generally speaking the girls had been taught to be quiet, sensible and organised, had well Co-ordinated scented gel pens, lots of hairclips and hair bobbles, and little sticker books full of sparkly stickers, whilst the boys were able to get away with being louder, get away with making poo and fart jokes, and were most certainly nudged down the route of liking football, and deviation from these left you firmly branded as “gay” or “lesbian” if like me you happened to be afab. I remember, from the age of 8 onwards, developing what I now recognise as crushes, on some of my afab peers, and at the tender age of 10 professed love and a desire to marry, one of the very, very few friends I’d managed to make at that point, a seemingly kind and gentle girl in the year above me. I thought I could trust her but the next day I was approached by gawping masses of children asking me “are you a Lesbian???” and I knew I’d been deceived. It was true though, I liked afab people a lot and didn’t start noticing others for a couple of years yet, when I was in secondary school aged 12 and found myself thinking how pretty the boy who sat next to me in history was. Despite having a crush on a girl I never really felt part of their group. My mother was always keen to do “girly” things with me, such as home spa days, days out shopping in town, trips to national trust properties where we’d have a cream tea, sacred rituals of “womanliness” that my brother and father, and post divorce, my step father were excluded from. Objectively, these activities were fun, but every time my mum, or anyone else for that matter used phrases like “girls night in” or “girly outing” I felt weird inside, like it wasn’t really for me if it was a “ladies beauty day” rather than simply being a “beauty day”. Liking and enjoying so called “feminine” things doesn’t automatically make one female, as I should definitely know.

At this point, aged 12, that weird apex age between childhood and early teens, what I knew about gender, learnt off of my TERF mother, was that fanny=girl/woman and willy=boy/man. I had no idea a person could be trans, let alone non binary, so I just put my feelings down to me just not knowing how to “girl” properly if that makes sense? So, in a way that was going to become pretty habitual for me, I subconsciously pushed it back and tried to focus on other things instead. But, not thinking about gender just made me think about my sexuality instead, and this was something where I had far more self awareness. One of my great uncles is gay, and I had pretty much known that all my life. He and my family didn’t hide this, although it wasn’t talked about much openly, and so I was fully aware that it was possible for someone to not be a heterosexual essentially. However, the only possible sexualities I knew were “gay” and “straight”, and any others were unknown to me. I was fairly certain I was neither and this was a perplexing matter. Thankfully the answer came to me in the form of David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust, and for some reason, as I am unable to remember the rest of the conversation I asked my mum if he was gay or straight whilst listening to Hunky Dory. She replied that he was bi. I asked what that meant. She told me and I went away to think. A few days later, in the car after school, we had a conversation that went as follows:



“mummy, I think I’m bi”

My mum looked flustered

“you don’t know that.... you’re only can’t know that when you’re 13”

The statement, I now recognise, unbeknownst to my mother, was probably the thing that’s harmed me most out of all the things that have been said to me ever, and believe me I’ve been called a lot of things. She never intended it to wound. She genuinely believed that I couldn’t know I was bi at 14, but the effect this had on me subconsciously has profoundly shaped how I was in my teens and even into today. The resulting years of self doubt, lack of self confidence, combined with a very academically pushing family, high achieving secondary school and tendency to compartmentalise and suppress emotions did not lead to an emotionally stable adult me at the end. Of many things, I pretended I wasn’t bi, told everyone I was straight, for a long time, until aged 17 I had begun to accept my sexuality again after, bizarrely, going to church, the last place you’d think someone would come to terms with their non straight sexuality. I don’t want to sound like “one of those christians”(which is a warning that I’m probably about to sound like “one of those christians”), but going to church and focusing on my spirituality, gave me a sense of peace that led me go stop lying to myself about who I really was. If my peers and my family weren’t on my side, at least God was anyway. At this time I was beginning to learn about non binary genders, having by now learnt that binary trans people existed, albeit through my TERFy mother, so perhaps not from the best source. I was too scared to argue but I disagreed with her on many aspects of trans issues. The more I read about non-binary people though, the more I felt that it sounded a lot like me. I felt I couldn’t quite define what my gender was, if it was a gender at all, and settled on “agender” as the best way to describe it. So by this point I was by no means in a good place, I was still utterly miserable most of the time, still prone to outbursts of extreme emotions over the tiniest things, still self harming, but at least I was finally being honest with myself. In the end I told my mother I was bi, and although she accepted this time, I still feel like she doesn’t believe me and that she’s embarrassed by it (or bi it- pardon the pun). I won’t be telling her I’m non-binary for a while, not whilst she stays TERFy anyway, but I have some wonderful friends who I know I can depend on to listen to me rant and rave about my bloody family like a cartoon teenager.

So I guess, what ‘Queer’ means to me personally is acknowledging the truth, about knowing what I am and not attempting to battle it or hide it away in the dark dusty broom cupboard at the back of my head. And you are probably reading this and thinking “well, what kind of an answer is THAT?”
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
The Truth and The Core
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
What does ‘Queerness’ mean to Me? 
~ The story that got me here ~

By James ‘Boris’ Walshe 

This is me. 

I am a non-monogamous bisexual queer. My name is James, you will most likely know me as Boris. The story of that name is sadly not that interesting, and not the point of this essay. What I feel is more interesting is my transformation; or more accurately my awakening as a being of fabulousness, queerity and all around general tomfoolery. 
Now, I've never been normal, at one point I had a vendetta against the use of the word; and even now I still find it a poor social indicator for the status quo. 
But just how “not normal” I am didn't become truly apparent to me until I started to look inward; and instead of judging what I saw, I started to unlock some deeply buried and confused emotions.
What follows is a snapshot of what I went through before I realised that I was different, and that that was a great thing to be.

 I had a feeling that I wasn’t ever going to be a heterosexual, monogamous person. I was dating a woman who I had been in a relationship with for the best part of a year and a half; and things for me hadn’t been particularly happy or engaging. I distinctly remember a particular date; we went out to Camden on a warm Autumn day, ate street food, bought overpriced and poorly made things, and took the boat ride up the canal. I remember sitting next to her in the boat, listening to what she had to say; her thoughts about the water, the weather, what we were going to do next. I could barely hear her; I was locked in a miserable maelstrom of which I didn’t understand or couldn’t comprehend the source. I remember asking myself: 

“Why are you unhappy? You have a beautiful woman by your side, who loves and cares for you. You have everything to look forward to in your future. Is that not enough?” 

It wasn’t. 

Shortly after that, I ended the relationship. In a quite frankly unforgivable way. I hurt her so much, and I couldn’t give her a reason. I was flailing in unhappiness and didn’t know what the cause was. 
Because of my anguish, I made several rash decisions for the best part of a year; several sexual partners that I wasn’t able to cater for emotionally, when what I wanted was someone to listen, all I seemed to be able to communicate was “Come and fuck me”. 
It came to a point when I wasn’t able to take care of myself, and I had to move back home, which was a huge knock to my pride. I had struck out, I had gotten out of Surrey, I had done it. 

But I was kidding myself. I needed help. I got help. Not just from my family, but from an incredible group of people that I am lucky enough to call my friends. 

It was the lowest point, sure I was doing well in my job and I looked forward to a decent career. And I certainly wasn’t going to go hungry; I am very much aware of my privilege. But mentally I was lost; no idea what to do or who to love, or even just to be intimate. Which is something I needed. 

And it was at that point that I was introduced to a community of poly/burner/queer/sexy/amazing humans. 
They not only changed my life but more likely than not, saved me. 

A part of accepting my identity as a queer male flavoured person has been to unlearn a lot of the lessons that society and previous social interactions & relationships had taught me. 

“Don’t wear your bag like that it looks gay” - Quote from an ex girlfriend of mine.

Particularly when it comes to consent, expressing one’s true feelings about a person and most importantly of all...coming to terms with my attraction to men/male flavoured people. 

I can’t deny that I was curious for most of my life; thinking about what it would be like to kiss a man, any man, would I enjoy it? How could I live with myself? Especially since homophobia (more so at a casual level in everyday interactions I might add) is so inherently ingrained into our society; particularly where I grew up in rural Surrey, where there is essentially no LGBT+ presence in daily life, and me, a curious yet introverted teenager wasn’t going to go and seek it out. What if my parents found out? What if I became a social outcast? So, like any shy, internet dwelling young person, I supressed my desires until they started to manifest themselves in different ways; anger issues, anxiety, depression and a general sense that I wasn’t really happy with the status quo: 
I am male, and you are female. We should spend the rest of our lives together, have children and then decide that after twenty years I can’t stand to be around you because everything feels wrong and I can’t explain why, and then I will not only break your heart but cause hurt and confusion for years to come in all of our immediate family and beyond. 

Sound good? 
No. It didn’t. 

And obviously this is my opinion; there are humans that I love who hold opposing views, and I admire them for the fact that they do. But I suppose that's the most important thing that I've learnt about, and the most important thing that I could tell someone who is curious about their sexuality or relationship models: there are options. 

You don't have to be monogamous and heterosexual. If there was one thing that I could have told myself when I was younger. It probably would have been that. 

Sexuality and how I express that sexual aspect of my being is at the core of who I am. It isn’t everything that there is about me, or indeed anyone. I refuse to believe that people can be one-dimensional; I simply believe that people are good at hiding aspects of themselves, or choosing the right people to show that side of themselves to. I used to be good at it, but now I’m letting my guard down, I’m opening up. It’s scary to write about this, but it is all part of rebuilding myself, stronger, and more open. And more importantly, being more honest with myself about what my wants and desires are. 

There’s only so long you can lie to yourself.
So...the question? 
What does queerness mean to me? 
It’s the everything and nothing of who I am. 
It’s taught me that I don’t have to lie to myself, and that I don’t have to shape my own thoughts and actions to what other people deem to be acceptable. 

It’s that voice of truth that reminds me who I am when I feel lost or confused. 
But it’s also the way that I skip off the escalators of the Jubilee Line after work. 
It’s the way that I mouth along to the lyrics of Feel The Lightning when sitting on the crowded tube. 
But it’s also the moments when I kiss someone, and everything slows down into that beautiful moment of intimacy. 
It’s all of this and more, and it’s taken me a lot of anguish to get here, and I still have so much further to go in my journey into the queer-verse. 

The road ahead is long. 
But it’s a start. 

u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
Finding My Queer

I spent years hiding
Behind “a crush on Natalie Portman doesn’t count”
And “everyone goes through that phase”
And “I just like to kiss girls sometimes”

Until I started to find myself.

But even then it was
“But your fingernails aren’t even short”
And “you’ve never watched The L Word”
And “you mean it’s your first time with a woman?”

My self assessment shifted.

I was straight
Then heteroflexible
And bisexual
And pansexual
And queer?

Queer? Am I queer?

A houseguest once came to stay with us,
Made some comment, qualified with--
“Sorry, I just assumed you were queer?”

Queer. The word felt comfortable.
An identity I didn’t know I had.
One I’ve never been brave enough to speak out loud.

But am I queer enough to deserve the word?

I scour the internet. I read articles, definitions, blogs, zines, confessions.
Size myself up; catalogue my proclivities.
Heart beats faster as I wrap my brain around the word.
Here a queer, there a queer, everywhere a queer queer.
Queer is in the heart. Queer as folk. Scissor sisters for life.

Now, I nurture a small flame of queerness in my heart.

No longer does my Q stand for Quiet. Questioning. Querulous.
Constructed from a potent cocktail of
“I like what I like.”
And nose pierced, undercut, black hair dye, red lipstick fab.
And a secret desire to bind my chest and wear a real suit
(a proper coat with tails, so dapper)
And slick my hair back.
Then bounce back to femme fatale, smile and wink.

Is queerness bestowed, earned, or inherited?

Doesn’t matter--either way, I’ve found it.                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                         Michelle Waymare
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
You can find this song on the 'Fuck You Kyriarchy' EP here with the lyrics available there also.
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
What being queer means to me? 

This has always been a really hard term for me to identify as, especially as I was in denial about my own sexuality and faked it with the wrong person for an awfully long time which I feel reflects on me badly. But now, being in acceptance of who I am and who I love is an exhilarating feeling, I can actually display my true feelings for someone instead of awkwardly crushing on them from the side-lines. It really makes a difference from being shit scared of who I was and watching Rose and Rosie videos in my bedroom or the web series, Carmilla.  

Although I am fully aware of who I am and at total peace with that, I know my queerness does not define me as a person. Despite the new relationships I’ve developed or either lost due to coming out when I was 18 and a half, it is not me. Whom I chose to share a bed with at night does not define how I will live my life. For some people it’s a total deal breaker, identifying as queer can make or break that life due to the culture in their life. I’ve been really lucky considering. I have a supportive loving mama, her side don’t treat me any differently at all. My grandmother and her other son and her late husband would never treat me the same again if they knew. Sometimes it feels as though I’m living a double life with hiding my queerness to certain family members but openly gay to my friends and immediate family? 

It’s exhausting. Not being able to talk about a new girl in my life or being openly gay in public in my own hometown in case someone who knows the homophobic members of family sees and then tells. Being asked, “Have you got a lad yet?” every time my gran phones me tugs a little more at my chest each time she asks. I would love nothing more than to be able to tell her about someone new and exciting in my life but I am fully aware the fallout would never be worth it. I have a fear of not only being cut off financially but emotionally too, if I were to marry a girl one day and call someone my wife I know half of my life wouldn’t be there to witness this big step in my life and if you know me, you know I’m shit scared of commitment as it is from fear of being left. 

Despite the drawbacks my life has now come to face I am totally comfortable with being queer due to the positive people in my life. Thanks to someone I had the upmost pleasure of dating recently I felt comfortable enough within myself to come out to my friends before members of my family. Although that relationship has heartbreakingly ended I will forever be grateful for their impact in my life and I will always hold them close to me.

So, what does being queer mean to me? It means facing new consequences I didn’t have to worry about before and potentially losing people I once held so close to me. But, I now know they aren’t worthy of being in my life in the first place if they cannot accept a part of me which doesn’t define me? 
It also means finding new opportunities for love I never would have found before, new friends through coming out on Twitter who I now speak to daily and who have supported me during some of the hardest times of my life. I know if my family were to disown me I would have my second family to fall back on, sometimes I value them more than my relatives themselves. I feel there’s something important and beautiful through being connected through a community where you all have one aspect in common yet you find new similarities within each other. In short queer to me means being accepted and facing loss but knowing the new ties you find through this community can last a lifetime. 


u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
I want to give a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed and/or supported this zine and our first ever issue!! Thank you to everyone's patience whilst it was being put together and published.

and remember...

 We're here,  we're queer, we're fabulous, don't mess with us!!

love casey xxx
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.
On Heterosexual Privilege Amongst Queers

As a bisexual cis woman in a long-term relationship with a man, being queer meant to me that I refrain from using my heterosexual privilege. Being queer now means to me that I have to realise that heterosexual privilege is a myth. It is a toxic deep-seated trope that ostracises bisexual, pansexual, fluid and otherwise not lesbian nor gay queer people from the community of people with marginalised sexual orientations. Having internalised the assumption that bisexuality isn’t a continuous state of identity, but is rather split into phases of either being heterosexual or queer, I have also internalised the idea that as a bisexual person i have hetero-privilege.
I spent most of my romantically active life believing that my sexual orientation is determined by the partners I choose to be with. I saw my identity as precisely that: a choice. The first thing you come across learning the ABC of queerness is: It is not a choice. It is not a phase. We are born this way. Yet, when it comes to bisexuals, nobody, including lesbians and gays, has a problem throwing heterosexual hate speech of that kind at us. This is part of the reason why I, like so many other bisexual people, have internalised the idea that hetero-privilege is part of my identity: I have the privilege to choose a man so as to avoid the whole hassle of coming out and the possible discrimination or even abuse that could come with being in a relationship with people of other genders. Being with a man gives me the privilege of not having to explain my sexual orientation to my family and every new person I meet. It gives me the privilege to walk down the street without being harassed. It gives me the privilege to not have other men eroticise my relationship for their own fantasies. It gives me the privilege to have our relationship acknowledged and rewarded by the state and churches. It gives me the privilege to access and feel safe in hetero-dominant spaces, which encompasses most spaces in the world.

We all need to realise one thing though: All of that is not hetero-privilege. It is nothing more than an extension of male privilege. It is the privilege that trickles down to me, because my partner is male and masculine-enough, performing his masculinity correctly, to enjoy all of the above. It is the umbrella of male privilege that I stand under when I am with my male partner, which lets me be perceived as less queer, more normal(ised), basically hetero. So, being bisexual and having hetero-privilege is exactly as contradictory as being gay and enjoying hetero-privilege. Because of the male privilege my partner carries, he has to put in the effort to deconstruct his masculinity and refrain from using his privilege but I also put in extra work to dismantle the heterosexual patterns we are prone to fall into, simply based on how we are perceived and the rules we have learned about this kind of relationship constellation.

There is no multiple choice quiz that admits you to the LGBT+ club, there are no boxes you have to tick to prove that you are queer-enough, and there is no initiation process that you have to go through before becoming a part of the queer community. Yet it often feels like there are unwritten rules that exclude you simply because of who you happen to romantically associate with, the very conception queer activists are fighting against. So, as always it is patriarchy that divides and conquers us. It is patriarchy and the lack of a feminist understanding surrounding the complexity of bisexual identity, that sells male privilege to us as hetero-privilege enjoyed by a non-hetero-group. It is patriarchy that makes us believe, perpetuate and internalise such myths and that weakens our movement and community, which too often is one filled with resentment and division when it should be one flourishing with solidarity and empowerment.

Love and solidarity,
u. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you. what queer means to you.

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If you're friends with me and have somehow managed to dodge listening to a catb song then're one of the few. At this point between my constant gushing over how incredible they are or how i've seen them 6 times this year, each in a different city, it's pretty obvious how important they are not only in my world but in the modern indie rock world as well. Catb have truly taken this year by storm with the release of The Ride.    

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Welcome back!
  Vol. 1, Number 2
Python Post

  This Month's Feature_
  Sport's Features  
  Teacher Facts  
  The Funny Page  
  Teacher Wish List  
  And I Quote...  
  Mr. G's World  
No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky. 
~Bob Dylan

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night! 
~Clement Clarke Moore
Teacher Dream Team Dominate Dodgeball!!

This year the teachers Dream Team has once again beaten the grade 7, 8, and 9 teams. While each student team lost, they maintained their respective pride with admirable, valiant effort. The grade nines came very close to ousting the champs when one student clipped the teachers numbers down to four. This, combined with the efforts of both the grade 7s and 8s, made the Dream Team nervous, causing Mr. G to call for an expanded training regiment before next year's tournament. Besides a couple of scintillating catches on the part of the teachers, the grade 7s were the only team to catch a teacher-tossed dodge ball, so give them a good hoot! The whole student population hopes that next year one of its teams will overcome the incredible challenge posed by the teachers.
St. Peter's Grade 7 boys volleyball team takes Gold at the Regional tournament! Silver was taken by MacDonald Drive Junior High.
Candy Cane Cookies 


~1 cup butter 
~1 cup icing sugar 
~1 egg 
~½ tsp vanilla extract 
~½ tsp almond or peppermint extract (peppermint for more seasonal-ness) 
~¼ tsp salt 
~2 ½ cups flour 
~red food colouring 
~green food colouring 


~Cream butter and icing sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy. 
~Beat in egg, both extracts, and salt. 
~Add flour, beating at low speed until combined. 
~Divide dough in half. 
~Colour one half with red food colouring and the other with green. 
~Form dough into disks. 
~Wrap disks in plastic wrap and chill for at least 20 minutes. 
~Line baking sheets with parchment paper. 
~Divide each disk of dough into 6 pieces and roll pieces into 12’’ long logs. 
~Chill for 10 minutes. 
~Twist one log of each colour together and turn down one end to form a candy cane shape. 
~Arrange on prepared baking sheets and chill for 1 hour. 
~Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. 
~Bake for 20-24 minutes. 
~Remove from the oven before cookies start to turn colour. 
~Transfer sheets to wire racks to cool completely. 

Tip: You can make the cookies thinner by dividing the disks into more pieces, but roll logs of the same length.
**A SPJH Christmas!**
SPJH can get a little festive around the holidays... 
Ms. Gladney and her elves!
  Coats for Kids!
French Club Christmas gathering!
Ms. Barbeau and Mr. Staple leading our wonderful choir and band during the SPJH Christmas concert. 
Social Action Team and Ms. Clancy mid-Christmas dance.
Social Action Team and the band/choir raised $900 for our Christmas hampers during the cake auction. A big thanks to Ms. Clancy and her elves!
November vibes
We are so happy to see you again!
Mr. Baird all lit up!
Mm. Hubley's homeroom showing their Christmas spirit during the door decorating contest.  
Ms. Derible wishes to spend time making memories with family and friends.
Ms. Autexier is wishing for her students to speak more French in 2017.
Ms. O'Rourke is wishing for a good book to read.
Mr. Myers wishes for students to place books back on shelves in their proper place (and a happy 2017 for all)!
Ms. Torraville wishes you all to be confident always.  
Mr. Molloy hopes for a stellar 2017!
Mr. Burton wishes for a better sound system in the class, for pencil crayons, for tonnes of holiday fun and cheer for all!!!
Ms. Janes hopes that students will come to class prepared in 2017. 
Ms. Caines dreams of a snowy Christmas with lots of skiing!
Ms. Kennedy would like all SPJH students to have an enjoyable Christmas!
Mr. Langdon wishes for a Super Grover bobblehead.
Mr. Ryan wishes you a healthy and happy 2017. 
Mr. Thistle wishes that all our students have a safe holiday and return with renewed energy and initiative.
Ms. Blundon Mes voeux: un joyeux noël et une bonne année!
Ms. Lushman is wishing that the kitchen will work in 2017!
Ms. Pardy hopes that everyone will have a more positive attitude in 2017.
Ms. Hubley hopes to hear students speaking more French in 2017.
Ms. Galgay hopes that all staff, students and their families have a joyous Christmas and all the blessing in the New Year.
Ms. Noseworthy would like to make more art in 2017!
Ms. O’Keefe-Swain is wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday and that Santa brings calculators and pencils to all!!
Ms. Pearce wishes for our students to treat each other with kindness and respect, not just at Christmas but all throughout the year! #peace
Mr. Williams AKA Mr. G  wishes for some pencils for my students, some loose leaf for my students, a new chair, a new fancy fountain for the basement, and peace on Earth.
Ms. Walsh wishes for a new snow globe. 
Ms. Barbeau is hoping for a new coffeemaker, the Bruce Springsteen book and a chance to meet the Boss himself!
Mr. Tilley wishes that students be especially kind to each other in 2017. 
Ms. Rhyder hopes that all our wishes come true.

                       And from the rest of us at SPJH, we wish you a happy holiday!
     (It's true! Teachers have wishes too!)
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SPJH teachers raise money for Movember! 
Remembrance Day
Skills NL 
Field trip fun at the GEO centre 
Congratulations to Mallory Button, winner of the Lions Club Poster Contest
Pancake Breakfast! 
Teachers vs. Students Hockey Match!

And the students win!

Mr. Staple has completed every “Super Mario” game of all time!

Ms. Pardy is married to a magician!
Do you have any news you want to share? 
Would you like to join our team? 
Are you a parent with an idea? 
We would love to hear from you! 
The Python Post is a student-run online newspaper written for students by students. 
We look forward to hearing from you!

Please tweet us your ideas on twitter: 


                                             Until next time!

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Live a sustainable thanksgiving

Problem: many wastes are created;people do not recycle stuff
Americans throw away 25% more trash from gifts packing during the Thanksgiving to New Year's holiday period than any other time of year. The extra waste amounts to 25 million tons of garbage, or about 1 million extra tons per week! 
If every family reused just two feet of holiday ribbon, the 38,000 miles of ribbon saved could tie a bow around the entire planet. If every American family wrapped just 3 presents in re-used materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields. The 2.65 billion Christmas cards sold each year in the U.S. could fill a football field 10 stories high. If we each sent one card less, we’d save 50,000 cubic yards of paper. 

Sources: "Buildings & Grounds Maintenance." Frequently Asked Questions: Holiday Waste Prevention | Buildings & Grounds Maintenance. Standford, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.
Actions we can do to change this situation: 
Gift Ideas -
· pay extra attention to gifts that are labeled as recycable 

Entertaining - 
·Make everything easy for guests for recycle 
· Use plates, glasses and cutlery that can be washed and re-used.

Public Transit - 
· drive as less often as possible during thanksgiving. Use public transportation to go places. We can take bus, train and subway, etc. Public transit could prevent a large amount of gas emissions and save a lot of energy. 

Wrap It Up - 
· For gift wrapping, start with recycles. 
· Use old posters, comics, colorful shopping bags, even old maps. 
· When we recieve, be sure to save the ribbons and bows.

Issue 1 Vol. 1

Posted | Views: 603
Iintravenous magazine
In this issue
                                                            Food & Fear in the Allergy World

intravenous magazine                 Vol.1 Issue 1
Feature Story
Clearing My Minefield
Food & Fear in the Allergy World
By Abigail Morrow
     I am three years old, and waiting in the lobby of the hospital for a doctor’s appointment. The memory is hazy and dreamlike, with swirls of white at the edges, but I clearly remember sitting at one of those play tables for children, with the colored beads that run along wires and make that excellent whirring sound and then clink clink clink as they hit the bottom with a little boy I will call Jacob. Jacob is also here for an appointment, and his mother is sitting behind the play table, watching her son pushing Thomas the Tank along the wooden track that runs around the edge of the table, and slamming the caboose and steam engine against each other. My father is standing less than six feet away from me at the check-in desk, just outside the little square of chairs that section off the play table from the rest of the waiting area, his back turned. I slide the beads along the red wire, and then the blue. Jacob leaves the trains to help me push all the beads to one side of the table. His mother beckons him to her, and hands him a red packet of something.
"Like all good three-year-olds, I promptly put it in my mouth, and bite down."
     “Abigail!” I look up. The green pebble-candy is hard to chew, so I am smacking my jaw to get it stuck from my back teeth where it has lodged itself. It tastes sweet and sour at the same time. My father stares momentarily in horror, drops the clipboard he has been holding, and vaults over the waiting room chairs. The next thing I know, his cupped hand is being held to my mouth. 
     “Are you eating something? What did you eat? WHAT DID YOU EAT?” he demands.
      “Nothing!” I shout, still chewing. 
     “Spit it out. Right. Now. Spit it out.” 
     “DADDY, no!” I wail, biting down hard. My father’s hand is prying my jaw open, attempting to forcibly remove whatever I am trying to ingest. By this time, the situation has caught the attention of the desk staff, some nurses, and Jacob and his mother. He finally manages to scrape the remaining candy off my back molar, and holds the offending object to the light. 
     It’s a green Skittle. 
     My father angrily rubs his temple, the veins pulsing at the top. 
     “Abigail, where did you get this?” he asks, and I point to Jacob, who at this point has resumed playing with his trains. My father turns to Jacob’s mother, full papa-bear mode activated. 
     “Did you give this to her?” he demands, gesturing wildly with the half-chewed Skittle.
      “We just wanted to share with her and—”
      “You can’t give this out to just anybody! My daughter has food allergies. This could kill her.”
     “Be sure to share one with your friend,” she tells Jacob. Jacob’s chubby palm hands me something green and shaped like a pebble. Like all good three-year-olds, I promptly put it in my mouth, and bite down.
     The green Skittle story is not one that is fondly recalled in my family, especially for my father, who sees it as some kind of failure in the line of parental duty—one of those near-misses where something awful could have happened, but thankfully never came to fruition. My mother holds it as testament to the fact that danger, for the food-allergic child, is always lurking, even in the fat fingers of a three-year-old playing with trains. To Jacob’s innocent mother, I was a cute toddler with a sweet tooth, and the Skittle was simply a friendly gesture meant to teach sharing to her young son. To my father, who had spent the past two and a half years after the birth of his first child in emergency rooms, doctors’ clinics, and surgical waiting rooms, the Skittle was a potential hand-grenade.

     Fear is something I instilled in my parents early on, from the first time I developed hives and couldn’t keep food down, to age two-and-a-half where my poor eating habits had developed into an eating disorder that would eventually require a semi-permanent feeding tube. I was born with anaphylactic food allergies to a host of widely-eaten ingredients in the Western world, making my childhood a perilous minefield of making sure a cashew or walnut was not out there somewhere, trying to do me in. My situation is not unique, and children are being born at an alarmingly increased rate with allergies to eight major foods in the United States. I am the first wave in a great tide of children just like me, and the advances that are made to accommodate me will ultimately make the paths of those behind me much easier. Being such a pioneer should make me feel noble, but instead I am incredibly envious of the ease and flexibility with which those future children will live their lives. 
     My mother has a saying: food allergies only affect what you can eat. This is a sentiment echoed by almost every upbeat, overprotective allerparent I have ever encountered, and technically, she is correct: it is only my immune system preventing me from digesting milk protein correctly. Unfortunately, food is such a large part of the human experience and biological life that avoiding it is impossible—allergies are simply going to affect more than what is served at the dinner table. This has become increasingly apparent to me since moving out of my Saf-T-Zone home, where nary a peanut is allowed over the threshold. 
     My allergies, and whether I could be accommodated at the dining hall and subsequently be allowed to reside in the dorms, was a major deciding factor during my college search—while my peers were comparing financial aid packages and researching the best programs for their fields of study, I was tracking down the numbers of university nutritionists and dining hall staff in a desperate attempt to answer Can I eat here? with a definitive answer. 
     On a more daily basis, my allergies can limit me from going to restaurants during their lunch rush, when I know my requests for clean gloves and clean knives may result in a “technically” safe bagel with an accidental smear of cream cheese along the side, or any number of innocent and potentially fatal mistakes that can occur when servers are in the weeds. The dating scene, which can be rough at best, is further complicated by first-date hurried explanations of hey, I just met you, but should I go into anaphylactic shock at this dinner tonight please inject my thigh with this medication and then call 911.
     My allergies often make the decision of whether to go on school trips or participate in clubs where the amount of work that will go into making sure I can eat or bring along my own food adds hours to an already packed schedule. Uncertainty is the biggest obstacle: if I can’t guarantee that I will be able to get food for myself in a study abroad program, the risk of having a reaction in a foreign country with little command of the language is simply too high. The kicker is that, with the right answers, and a little more assistance, most of these obstacles could be easily overcome, and simply recognizing my allergies as a real, and often restrictive condition with some potentially catastrophic side effects would make a huge difference in what I can push myself to achieve. 
     In fact, my allergies may ultimately decide for me on whether to have children—the idea of creating some super-allergic offspring with someone who carries similar allergy-carrying genes to mine frightens me greatly, as I recognize how restricted those children may be when leading their lives.
     “The world might even have a cure for food allergies by the time you are ready to have kids,” my boyfriend gently reminds me, but I have lived too long with dairy-free frozen treats that actually contain trace amounts of milk to give the world much say in choosing how to handle my condition, much less those of any future children. 
     Fear and caution are not unique to the food allergy world, but they are enormously pervasive. Food allergy parents are often portrayed as bordering on paranoia, and this stereotype is not wrong. In a world where tempura paint, Play-Doh, or a stray dirty spoon could all mean a trip to the emergency room for little Sophia or Daniel, it is no wonder that many parents are forced to instill this same sense of over abiding cautiousness in their food allergic little ones. Yet this paints the world in very dark colors, and teaches fear and avoidance as synonyms. It is true that peanuts should be avoided in the diet, but they should never be feared, as they are not intentionally going out of their way to harm anyone. 
     The very vocabulary of both the medical diagnosis and the food allergy community reinforce this feeling of fearfulness. The word “safe” is unavoidable. I grew up with “safe” meals and “safe” cupcakes, “safe restaurants” and making sure I was “safe” carrying epinephrine autoinjector, inhaler, and antihistamine at all times—to the park, to dance class, to prom. An emphasis on safety promotes a lack of risk-taking, which is good if your kindergartner is unsure if there are tree nuts in those brownies, but has negative consequences for your teenager who has become tired by being made to carry a clunky EpiPen during gym class and may opt to simply leave it at home. 

     It’s a Thursday, and I am explaining to my mother about my newest project: combating the omnipresent fear of food for allergic individuals on campus. 
     “Just remember, dear, food allergies don’t define you,” she says (it is the party line for a camp I once attended for food allergy kids), a supposedly empowering phrase with as much grounding in reality as “You can be anything you want when you grow up.” 
     “No, wait, Mom—they do, actually, they do. Food allergies do define me, and that’s okay, because it’s a part of my identity. It’s who I am when I wake up in the morning and who I am when I go to sleep at night, and they might make my life more difficult, but…I suppose I just have to deal. And it is alright if they dictate some of my decisions, but they can’t dictate all of them.” I can hear my mother sighing on the other end of the phone—there are many opinions on how to handle a child with food allergies, and my mother has done her best to make sure I fit in the best I could when growing up at home. But for my parents, and many others, the fight for safety for their children and a pervasive feeling of fear will always accompany their view of food allergies. 
     The difference? It does not mean that it must accompany mine.
"Fear is something I instilled in my parents early on."

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Spanish Fly Pro

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One of the Best Ways to Boost Stamina
As men get older, they start to lose their stamina. Many of them have taken up desk jobs or started to live more sedentary lives. That’s when they notice their stamina doesn’t last as long. They particularly notice it when they play sports or when they engage in sexual intercourse. They no longer feel like they can go for hours and like their energy is boundless. Part of this comes from age, but it doesn’t have to affect you so severely. The primary reason why they had so much energy before was because their metabolism probably worked far better in their younger years. That goes in time, and leaves men with little energy to spare many days.
jumpstart that metabolic process again. Men have to give their muscles more energy to work with, and they can do that by exercising more. This tells the body to start using energy and burning calories and it gets the body used to being in an active state. If you can’t go very long working hard, playing hard or making love, then you have lost your stamina and your body probably just isn’t used to exerting itself for long periods of time. You can get your body back in that groove by getting better immunity function medicines like spanish fly pro which is also a libido booster for women and also for men which boosts your sex drive.Check out Spanish fly Love and how to use this working out regularly. You don’t have to exert yourself every day, but you will increase your lung capacity and your heart’s strength by exerting yourself on a regular basis, thus boosting your stamina.