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Rainmaker Masterminds June 2015

Posted | Views: 1,914
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Rainmaker Masterminds Monthly Magazine. Every edition will offer introductions, talking points, opportunities for discussions, and subject matter expertise. You'll also see links leading you and your group to polls, online forums, and news of future events.
Thank you again for your participation as a founding member of Rainmaker Masterminds.

Sherman Mohr, Community Director
June Mastermind Content 
Social Business from 
David Taylor, Kent, UK
How integrated is your corporate communications strategy?

Communications is a word which has long divided professionals. What exactly does it mean in a corporate context and how wide an area does it cover? To complicate matters further, in the new digital and social age, communications has seen its role enhanced even further.
Personally speaking, I believe that corporate communications is all about reaching internal and external audiences using a variety of content and channels to achieve specific business goals.

Therefore marketing, sales, PR, internal communications and even areas such as HR and IT should come underneath the comms umbrella. The problem is that in very few companies is there a wholly integrated communications strategy which joins these disparate strands together.

In the diagram above, I have highlighted the key communications areas in an organisation. The majority of companies will still base most of their communications around a website. This channel should be responsive, socially-enabled and regularly updated with interesting, relevant and engaging content.

However, of almost equal importance is the need for a strong intranet or internal communications channel such as Yammer, Chattr or even WhatsApp or Facebook Messanger.

What most businesses don't realise is that these channels should be treated more like websites. The only difference is that Instead of an audience of customers or suppliers, the audience is internal. In fact in some very large companies, this audience can number in the hundreds of thousands.

All the other key channels - marketing, sales, PR and social media - should all integrate not only with each other and the website but also with the intranet or internal communications tools. Why? Because the better informed your workforce, the more able they are to become brand ambassadors or even informal salesmen.

Most companies will have a variant of the diagram above. The challenge is joining up all the disparate parts to create a business without silos, where individual departments know what is going on in the company and where staff are empowered to become low level marketers for the brand.

The answer lies with having (1) a properly though-out, integrated communications strategy, (2) enlightened social media guidelines which equip staff to become brand ambassadors and (3) a culture of openness.

In larger organisations, it may also be necessary to bring in a head of communications who sits at Management or Board level and who's job it is to co-ordinate all external and internal comms activity, in line with business goals and an integrated communications strategy.
So how integrated is your communications? Do your staff know what is happening within the company? Is there a silo mentality or are your teams willing to share knowledge, experience and contacts? Do you think your employees could be inspired to be brand ambassadors? Do you have a decent, mobile, internal communications channel?
Do you remember what your profile is? Or most importantly, the profile of your colleagues and our clients? For a free disc profile, you may wish to click here and see how close you've remained to your Rainmaker Academy Days.
Book Review! 
Becoming Steve Jobs by Brent Schlender (Author), Rick Tetzeli (Author).

Why Read It? It's a first hand account of Steve Jobs' transition from kid to king. His classic screw ups and his maturation into one of the most skilled negotiators, CEO's, deligators, and visionaries of our time and perhaps history. 

It's a quick read that keep me interested. I've witnessed my personal transition to Apple consumer and to read of the incredible second act that Steve Jobs pulled off to keep Apple alive is a testament to his tenacity and talent. It's a study in business and life. I highly recommend it. 
Next Month's Study and 
      Recommended Reading
Accountants and Trust Trends


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Roller Banner Stands

Posted | Views: 979
Portable banner stand is one kind of exhibition stand which is supplied by the PlusDisplay. Roller Banner Stands make various kinds of stands suiting the needs of the individuals. They make specific banner stands catering to the individual needs of the individuals.Pop up stands and exhibition display stands are also made by the Plusdisplay.


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 JUNE 19TH - 26TH, 2015


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Find Your True Love- Page 3

Posted | Views: 1,744
Step #5: Compatibility Filter
    Are you compatible?? This is so important! Do his/her temperament, attitude, and values coincide with yours? Can your needs and habit systems match his harmoniously? Can your role in the relationship perfectly compliment his? Since partners’ roles must be complementary and reciprocal in any companionate relationship, this filter is vital.

Step #6: Trial Filter
    How you choose to employ this filter is up to you; cohabitation or engagement are most common. Though cohabitation does not statistically improve your chances of marital success, giving the relationship one, last “trial run” before marriage comes highly prescribed by Murstein.
Step #7: Marriage 
    If your prospective life partner has successfully passed through all of these filters, there is only one step left: marriage! Enjoy the rest of your life with your partner! You’ve gone through all of these filters looking for “the one,” and now you have found him or her.

Find Your True Love- Page 2

Posted | Views: 1,644
Step #1:Field of Eligible Partners
    This one is common sense. Who is eligible? This depends on your sexual preferences, and on prospective partners’ marital (and dating) status. So, look for men (or women) who are single!

Step #2: Propinquity Filter
    All you need to do here is consider physical proximity. For example, people who live in the same city, state/province, etc. as you. With the magical world wide web this filter becomes much more forgiving. Your prospective partners can live almost anywhere, and still be accessible to you. However, traditionally, someone who lives/works/spends a lot of time near where you do should easily pass through this filter.

Step #3: Attraction Filter
    First, take a few minutes to consider what you find attractive. Consider both physical attraction, and personality traits that attract you. Are you attracted to tall, dark, and handsome? Blonde and muscular? Blue eyes and a nice smile? Are you attracted to smart, funny, relaxed, ambitious, prestigious, or honest? Note which characteristics are most important to you, and allow prospective partners with these characteristics to pass through to the next round.
Step #4: Homogamy Filter
    We all want someone similar to us! Our partner should be similar to us in at least a few key areas, the most important of which social scientists have determined to be: age, race, education, socio-economic class, religion. Some of these may be less applicable due to personal choice, social paradigm shifts, and societal reformation (for example, interracial marriage is more common than ever), so consider the areas of similarity most important to you.

Find Your True Love- Page 1

Posted | Views: 1,820
Find Your True Love
Follow our treasure map- Prince Charming is closer 
than you think.
   Alright ladies, no more speed dating, online profiles, and loud, dirty clubs. We've got you covered. 
   You’re looking for Prince Charming in all the wrong places. But don’t despair.
   We’ve taken a page from Psychologist 
Bernard Murstein’s book. His “Filter 
Theory” suggests that people sift prospective partners through a series of 7 filters before choosing to marry one of them.
   By becoming aware of this process, and CONSCIOUSLY following its course, you can 
guarantee that the 
partner you choose will 
be perfect for you!  Here 
are seven steps, named in 
accordance with Murstein’s 
filters, to follow in order to 
find your true love. 
A diagram of Murstein's 
Filter Theory is pictured


Posted | Views: 1,742
Find Your True Love- Page 3
Couples Counselling (WITH PROMO CODE!): Page 5
20 Questions to Increase Intimacy- Page 6
Reader Photo Contest- Page 8
Ask Dr. Alice: Relationship Advice Column- Page 9
Readers' Voice Column- Page 11
Arranged Marriage: Pros and Cons- Page 13
Who's Got the Power? It's All About Influence- Page 15
Spotlight: "Mine Vs. Yours" Conflicts- Page 17
Spotlight Solution: Communication is Key- Page 18
Doctor's Orders: Vulnerability is NOT SO BAD- Page 19
The Dating "Script": Where Do You Fit In?- Page 24
54 Date Ideas For Lovers on a Budget- Page 27
Saving Time: Juggling Careers, Kids, and Love- Page 33
Changing Roles: How to Support Each Other- 36
Movie Night: 5 Movies to Watch as a Couple- Page 38

Editor's Letter

Posted | Views: 1,221
Summer of Love!
    Have you ever wished your love life could get just a little bit better?
    Whether you're in a relationship, or looking to be in one, there's always room for improvement. 
    This month, we're putting the science, the tips, and the information in your hands.  We have everything you need to rock your love life this summer.
    This month's focus is intimacy. Check out "Find Your True Love on page 3 if you're looking for the man of your dreams. We've provided you with the treasure map.
    Once you find Prince Charming, or if you already have him, check out this month's focus articles on intimacy. You wouldn't believe how important it is.
    For an introduction to intimacy, and why it's so important, plus a super simple way to increase it, turn to page 6 and read "20 Questions to Increase Intimacy."
    Also flip to page 27 for "54 Date Ideas For Lovers on a Budget."
    Last one: remember to hit page 5 for a free couples counselling session.
    As always, write me with questions, comments, opinions, and concerns at:
      Lilliana MacDonnell
      Editor in Chief
      SCI-LUV Magazine
      PO Box 2005 STN A
      Toronto, ON
      B8F 2V5
Yours in life and love,

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